Donkey Named Peter - Cover

Donkey Named Peter


Chapter 2: And Doggie Makes Three

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: And Doggie Makes Three - 'Interview' on human sexuality with animals from the participant's point of view.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Rape   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Swinging   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Food   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Caution  

The phenomenon of couples, almost always men and their wives, almost always in their late twenties on up to the fifties, training dogs (usually big dogs) for sexual purposes, is both fascinating and disturbing.

Such activity is minimal, and secret, and it exists almost exclusively in the "swinger" area of middle-income, bored, mate- swapping, jaded, thrill-seeking people in large cities and their suburbs.

In Beauty/Beast, Vol. 1, Roger Blake supports this view: "From my own research among swingers and wife-swappers who have sex-parties today, some of which are almost on a par with the fabled Roman Orgy, bestial acts are the latest in fad. During the ten or more years that swinging and mate-swapping have become so widespread and popular (almost paralleling the 'sexual revolution'), I have noticed that they always seem to be looking for something different. It seems, at times, that many of them are obsessed by what they feel is 'the attractiveness of evil.'"

A historical note might be added here, for perspective. Allen Edwards and R.E.L. Masters, in their The Cradle of Erotica mention: "Historically, bestiality has commonly been put to more therapeutic uses in the West, especially as a remedy for venereal diseases (to which end it is also employed by Muslims). Europeans have further attempted by bestiality to cure cases of satyriasis and nymphomania. And aging males, brooding regretfully over their declining virile powers, have also sought to find in intercourse with various beasts an improvement of their potency--a search sometimes crowned with temporary success, since any novel erotic act may in some cases, and for a time, revive flagging appetites and capacities."

Within the "swingers" there is an inner, exclusive group of "super-swingers". Those who, for complex emotional reasons, will try anything and are attracted to the idea of sexual relations with an animal, the dog being the most handy and easily trainable.

As the following interview shows, the "doggie training" couples are not easily discouraged and count it as a mark of pride and accomplishment to have a disciplined, well-trained dog.

It takes months to properly instruct a dog in his sexual duties, and persistence and dedication is required of its owners.

In The Animal Lovers it is stated: "The Rosenfeld survey reveals that the majority of female bestialists prefer dogs, both for sexual intercourse and for cunnilingus. A California woman told me: 'Properly trained, a dog can french a woman much better than a man. For one thing, his tongue is larger, and a dog seems to enjoy the actual taste of the secretions... often he (her poodle)--will french me for as long as an hour!'"

The interview below came about as the result of misdirection; I was interviewing a couple about their wife-swapping activities and attitudes, when the husband let slip something about their dog--a beautiful, full-grown German shepherd--who was lying at his wife's feet, watching me alertly.

The wife colored slightly and said, "If you're going to tell him about that, I'll leave."

She was calm but uncomfortable. I was not a close friend, actually almost a stranger, and not someone with whom she herself could immediately talk so honestly and openly.

I knew the husband fairly well, though. He grinned and winked. His wife left and he went into the other room to talk to her for a minute, then returned.

It was okay to tell me about it but not in their apartment. She didn't want to be "in hiding" in the bedroom while he gave all kinds of intimate details to me.

But it was alright to go over to my place for the questions and answers. As he described her attitude later, in the car, she was willing for him to tell me everything about her and Khan and himself, but she couldn't bear to be present. I wasn't "one of us" and while I could be trusted (she knew me by reputation mostly), she still didn't have the sangfroid required to sit with me and talk about it herself, into a tape recorder. An understandable attitude.

The interview:

"Khan is one of the family now. In a way we center our whole lives around him. We never had any children."

"We got him as a puppy. We bought all the books on how to take care of him and how to train him. When you live in a city you have to have a well-trained dog."

"We taught him to sit, heel, come, and stay. Then to beg, roll over a few standard tricks. Once we got him to know he was important and we loved him and he would be rewarded if he did well--it was easier and easier. Khan is a highly intelligent animal."

"You know we've been in the swinger scene for four years. It's changed a lot... people accept it more now, and join in easier."

"We enjoy it, but after you've been with about a hundred different couples and single girls, the variety of human types-- physical and personality-wise, well, it repeats--you begin to see patterns and duplications. And after a while... most of the people you meet and go to bed with are all the same. You get bored."

"Our starting in with Khan, sexually, began as a joke. Marsha was lying in bed, naked, beside me, and we were just playing around a little. It was after midnight and the TV was on at the foot of the bed. A talk show was on. Some doctor was saying sex is good."

"Marsha is impulsive; she said, 'Pricks are good, ' and she rolled over to me and started sucking me off. I was soft at the start, but she is an expert at it. Inside twenty seconds or so, I had a helluva hard on. She was using her 'swoop' style--long, slow sucking, where she takes practically all of a penis into her mouth and throat, and pulls back slow and easy, then swoops down and takes it all again."

"I worked a finger into her and started finger-fucking her slow and easy. She stopped sucking to say, 'bowling ball, ' which is a code, sort of, to mean the way you grip a howling ball, which means sexually... Well, she turned around so her back was to me and she was leaning over my belly, with her rump in easy reach of my right hand."

"She likes 'bowling ball'; it's a variation that gets her really worked up. When Marsha is really lathered she is like a sex maniac. I knew she was interested in a good, long sex-time.

"I started fondling her cheeks and running a finger down into the crack... down into her crotch to her vulva.

"She wriggled her hips and sucked me better and better. I got my first two fingers into her, then ran the ball of my thumb over her anus... and then pushed my thumb into her--then I had two fingers in her vagina and my thumb in her rectum--like gripping a bowling ball."

"She gave a little bubbly moan and wriggled her rump against my hand. I kept my fingers and thumb moving in her. She was swooping faster and faster, taking all of my penis with an open mouth, then clamping tight on it for a long, slow withdrawal."

"I was getting to the point of no return. She knew it, too. She kept right on. She started moaning all the time, low and very expressive... which meant she was getting worked up to a high pitch. She is very sexually involved with the oral thing--she can get very aroused from sucking. She says the feel of a hard prick in her mouth and the business of mouthing it and tonguing it and feeling it get harder and harder and longer and longer and finally gush off... it makes her so horny she has to have a lot done to her for a long time to satisfy her built-up yen."

"I knew when she reached that enthusiastic sucking and low moaning stage I had a long night ahead of me going down on her and using some of the devices on her."

"The 'devices'? Mostly the vibrator and the dildoe with the ticklers and the pommel. It's a strap-on model, with a hollow inside I can wear it when I'm too limp, or so another girl can use it for variety. Believe it or not, most of the women are intrigued by a strap-on dildoe. They always get around to trying it on and using it. They all secretly want to be men, I think. To see what it's like to fuck a woman. They pose in front of a mirror wearing the thing and giggle and laugh... some girls get hysterical from laughing. Some get very disturbed, too, because wearing it has a strong attraction--they respond to the secret bull-dyke element in themselves and it scares them. Give a woman a dildoe like that and watch her reaction; it's very instructive in human nature."

"I let myself go and gushed into Marsha's mouth, just as she wanted me to. It was fantastic. When she knows you're about to go off she clamps tight around your penis on both the up stroke and down stroke, and works her tongue like a snake."

"I was empty for the night--we'd done it the night before, and I'd gone off three times then--so there wasn't much left."

"She sucked me dry and rolled onto her back. She said, 'Get me a soda, honey, please.' She always likes to drink a soft drink after sucking somebody off."

"I went into the kitchen, naked, to get a can of cola, which was all we had in the fridge at the time, and stopped to pet Khan. His sleeping box is in a corner of the dining room."

"He followed me into the bedroom. I didn't hear him on the carpet. He was beside the bed before I realized anything."

"The point is--there was Marsha with one leg hanging down off the bed, using the vibrator cup on her clitoris, and she was lying there with her eyes closed, that soft smile on her lips I know so well, and her hips jumping and squirming..."

"I said, 'Look who followed me in here.' She looked and said, 'I need a good active male about now.' She put the vibrator aside and reached for the cola. She laughed and patted Khan's head. 'You want to fuck your mommy, darling?'"

"He loves Marsha. He started licking her leg. He smelled her vulva--I could see his nose twitching and flaring."

"She let her thighs fall open further. She petted him. She sipped from the cola and smiled at me and winked. We watched to see what he would do.

"Khan sniffled at her crotch, looked at her, looked at me, for a word of disapproval or approval, for some guidance."

"Marsha smiled and said, 'Good boy, Khan. Do your thing, boy.' And to me she said, 'Do you think... ?'"

"Khan sniffed at her again, then, experimentally, licked her there, just once. He looked to her again, then at me."

"Marsha had a funny look. She said, 'Do we dare?'"

"I was curious... and I wondered how far she would go. I said, 'Go ahead. See what he'll do.'"

"She giggled, 'What if he bites?'"

"He's too well-trained. He wouldn't hurt you."

"She took a deep breath and turned off the vibrator. Its humming bothered Khan. The sound probably set up ultrasonics or something in his ears. She sat up and shifted a little more on the bed, so that he could reach her crotch more easily. She patted his head and scratched his ears. 'Do it again, Khan. Lick your mommy.' She gently pulled him closer."

"He rolled his eyes and looked at me. I sat on the floor beside him and patted his side. I ruffled his coat. 'Good boy. Do it.'"

"It was as if he understood me. We were both smiling and happy with him. He laid his chin on Marsha's thigh and looked up at her, so sorrowfully, but with that keen intelligence that you see in German shepherds."

"She kept petting him and then shifted her crotch closer and closer to his muzzle. 'Don't you want another taste, Khan?' She was saying it lightly; it was a joke, nothing serious."

"He licked her there again and was petted and crooned at. His tongue curled out and he licked her persistently for about ten seconds."

"I could see his tongue slide over her vulva and the tip even slithered inside, into the really wet surfaces of the labia, and probably over her clitoris."

"I saw her face when that happened, too. Her eyes opened wide and she gasped once. Her stomach tensed. She met my eyes for a second. She looked puzzled and ashamed and delighted all at once. Her left cheek twitched. Khan was still licking at her... in her... and her inner thighs started to jump, too. I remember the exact intonation of her voice. She said wonderingly, 'Oh, God, Harry!'"

"The way she said it made me almost feel the sensations she must have been feeling. I started to get another hard on. I petted Khan as he kept up his tonguing her crotch. 'Good boy, ' I said."

"Then I noticed that he was getting an erection, too. His penis was beginning to slide out of its sheath."

"I told Marsha. She was delighted. 'Really?' She craned her head to see. 'This is fantastic. I've got a new lover.' And then she flushed. Id never seen her turn red like that. It spread all over her face and neck and chest, down into her breasts, in a speckled, mottled way.

"I asked, 'Do you want to try to get him to fuck you?'

"Oh... what an idea..." She was flustered. "I don't know... do you think that's a good idea?"

"'We could try. It's something new. Lots of swingers are training their dogs for this."

"I guess so. Oh, Harry--his tongue is incredible!"

"She actually writhed. When she did that I knew she was in orgasm. She reached for my hand and gripped it. She was panting, eyes squeezed shut."

"Khan just kept on licking at her crotch. There must be something about her secretions or her smell or both that makes him eager to lick her like that. Maybe he's only responding to the smell of a female's lust, as if she were a bitch in heat."

"Marsha had three orgasms in a row. I could see her belly sucking in and out and her thighs trembling. Then she gasped, 'I can't stand any more. Too strong!'"

"I patted Khan and pulled him away. He whined and looked at me reproachfully."

"Marsha slipped off the bed to her knees beside him and hugged him. 'Oh, Khan; you are a good dog. You're going to lick your mommy a lot from now on. But your tongue is too much to take for very long.'"

"She told me later it was like padded silk which had a one- day growth of whiskers."

"I took him back to his bed and gave him a few pieces of dog candy as reward, then told him to 'stay.'"

"When I returned to the bedroom, Marsha was drinking her cola again. She laughed and flushed again and said, 'I feel depraved as hell.' She sort of evaded my eyes, too."

"But two nights later we called Khan into our bedroom again, and while he licked her off, she sucked me off. That was fantastic. I was lying beside her head and was fucking her mouth as she faced my hips, while Khan lapped away at her open thighs."

"When she was coming she put a hand on my rump and urged me to fuck her mouth deeper--all the way. She can take me that way because I'm not all that big, and she has the trick of not gagging somehow. I've seen her go down on guys with up to seven inches-- big, fat seven inches--and she could do like that folk song says, 'Just open her throat and swallow a goat'"

"So I rammed all the way in till she was mouthing my balls every plunge. A couple seconds of feeling her throat and the root of her tongue tightening around my glans was enough. I went off like a geyser."

"Getting Khan to fuck her was a long process. He was willing, but we had to find the right position and everything. It took months. It was a game for all of us."

"Slowly, though, he got the idea. We had him doing it facing her, standing between her thighs. She was lying half on, half off the edge of the bed. Khan learned to keep his forepaws on each side of her chest and to stay within her arms."

"Khan doesn't have a big penis. He's eighty-four pounds and twenty-three inches high at the shoulder--not as huge an animal as a Great Dane, but I think smarter and more human, although you'll never get a Great Dane lover to admit that."

"A Great Dane is a helluva beast for a woman to take. We made contact with some other 'dog fanciers' in the swinging set, and one couple had a Dane they'd trained in the fucking arts. That woman wouldn't make it any more with her husband... or any other man. It was her Dane or nothing. That animal was superbly trained. I'll admit that--he could get up on her and steam that pipe of his into her till you'd think she would drop dead, or he'd get tired. But that monster could keep it up for ten minutes at a time. They put something on his penis to make it insensitive so he'd last longer... some kind of fluid."

"That dog drilled that woman like he was driving rivets... and she was quivering and moaning and jerking under him almost as soon as he started. When he finally got off her she was as limp as a rag. You should have seen the dreamy look in her eyes, though."

"Most dogs in these situations--you know, when they're trained for sex, too--most dogs are one--family dogs, in that they won't fuck or lick another woman or man."

"Khan is that way. He won't do anything to another woman. It must be that he's loyal to Marsha or is focused on her or only likes the taste of her particular secretions. He's a one-woman dog, for sure."

"During the months that we were training him to fuck properly, Marsha was at first awfully embarrassed. She still is around people we aren't swinging with. She can't really open up and be natural about herself and Khan except with me and other 'doggie training' devotees we've found."

"She couldn't look at me at first when Khan mounted her. She blushed all over, but that passed. Soon she was making jokes, and hugging him and encouraging him unselfconsciously."

"I suppose she relaxed because I was as interested in it as she. My psychology--I'm not sure why I like to see Khan fuck Marsha. I love her and I think it's partly wanting her to have all the enjoyment and pleasure she can. Partly it's doing the unconventional. Partly it's... I suppose there's an element of masochism and self-hate and hate for Marsha--to see her being fucked and licked by a dog. Not much, though. I've always been an individualist and never did accept the puritan ethic and the 'Public Morality.'"

"It's hard to tell what really motivates Marsha. She likes thrills. She likes to live full blast, but with discretion. She'll try almost anything, but not exhibitionistically. Showing Off, with an audience, is not her can of beans."

"On the other hand, we've been to get-togethers where the hostess and host put on shows for the guests. These were swinger parties, you understand, but even so--"

"Before I get back to our experiences with Khan, let me tell you about a couple out in the Valley. They have a huge mastiff named Caesar--funny how the big dogs automatically seem to be named with 'big' names I like Caesar, King, Khan, Rex, Prince, Duke, and so on. Well, they really are noble-appearing animals."

"This mastiff is the biggest damn dog in the world. Like a small pony, you'd swear. He measured thirty-eight inches at the shoulder and they told us he weighed as much as his owner--which is one hundred eighty-four pounds. THAT is one helluva dog. Especially when you consider that the man's wife is only five- two."

"This actually happened. You can ask Marsha if it didn't. In fact, we're supposed to go to their place again this weekend. We probably will, too, just to see that brute go to work on them both."

"Yes, indeed. Caesar fucks them both. The guy likes to take it in the rear like he was a bitch--down on all fours. Right in the middle of their sunken living room. And they don't mind if you bring along your camera and take some pictures."

"Hey, I've got some I can show you, if you'd like, of them. I don't know if Marsha will agree to let me show you the ones we have of her and Khan."

"They have a big round hassock they use. The woman--her name is Doreen--lays on it on her back. It's just the, right height for her and Caesar."

"The first time Marsha and I went to their place there were two other couples besides ourselves. No one brought their dog-- dogs have trouble accepting other dogs in scenes like that: they get into jealousy and territoriality and all kinds of confusion. Three or four big male dogs in an apartment like ours, for instance--it'd never work. One dog to a party is the rule."

"Caesar is a beautifully behaved animal. And beautiful to see, too: he's a golden brown, with a massive chest and heavy legs. He radiates power with every line, every move."

"After drinks and some talk, the conversation at swinger parties always gets around to sex and usually the unusual variety."

"Marsha and I were inhibited in talking about ourselves and Khan, but the other couples were very open... the talk was down- to-earth: tips on how to train a dog to lick a woman properly. To mount her, to keep him calm, to slow him down and make him last."

"Then there were some straight swinger pairings. That's almost automatic. I was approached by the hostess and asked if I would like to play with her in the bedroom.

"She--Doreen--is small, as I've said, and slim--most men would call her downright skinny. Her hipbones are prominent, and she has thin legs, so there is a wide gap between her thighs at the crotch. Her breasts aren't much--almost nonexistent; little fried-egg things with small pinched nipples. One thing unusual about her: she has a big, wide, thick muff of blonde pubic hair."

"We went into her bedroom and started kissing. She said she didn't like intercourse with men who wouldn't 'plug' her in the rear."

"I told her I'd done it a few times and it was okay."

"That was a go signal. She became very erotic and said she needed a good 'fuck in the ass' to warm her up for Caesar."

"She squirmed all over me and started mouthing my penis once I had my pants off. She had stripped right away--she had had on a pair of gold hotpants and a blue bulky knit pullover sweater. All she had to do was pull off the sweater and push down the hotpants and she was naked."

"She smelled nice--great perfume--and so I started licking her in imitation of a dog--right between her wide-spaced thighs-- right on the hairy lips of her vulva. It wasn't much fun--I prefer a woman who shaves her pubes or who has very little natural hair, like Marsha."

"But Doreen could use her mouth with great skill. She didn't like to take much more than the head of my penis, but she could do it all exquisitely with her tongue and lips and inner cheeks and palate."

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