Animal Urge - Cover

Animal Urge


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Lonely, a sexually-frustrated wife decides to play with a male dog, but she gets caught by a neighbor and he gives her what she is longing for instead of the dog. That leads to more of the same, but what about her husband?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Coercion   Rough   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Hey, hey Wolf, slow down boy," Diane commanded as she tugged at the plaited leather leash that the huge animal had almost wrenched out of her hand. The enormous animal had apparently caught some interesting scent in his nostrils and wanted to follow it but the flush-faced young blonde fought to guide him back onto the trail. It was a magnificent day, unexpectedly warm and sunny, and the forest ground was springy under her feet. The usual gray haze of the morning had dissolved and now, just after mid-day, the sun was blazing down brilliantly, cooled only by a light breeze from the south that ruffled and swept away the last traces of clouds. She was aware of the late hour, troubled by the thought that this was grooming day for the dogs and she had to be home in time to brush and comb each one of them carefully while there was still enough light.

It was the day after her indecision about confessing to Bill and she had awakened that morning feeling slightly better. In the clear light of the dawn, she had resolved that her conclusion last night, not to tell Bill anything about what had happened, was a good idea and now she should make every effort to forget the nightmarish experience. It would do her no good at all to dwell on the horrible memories of the cruel rape and besides, she had made up her mind to avoid any further contact with that common man, Jack Green, again. Surely he realized that she could get him into serious trouble legally if she ever wanted to go to the police with the story of how he had sexually assaulted her... in her own home. No matter what kind of woman the caretaker had thought she was after finding her in that compromising position with Wolf, he had no real right to force her to make love with him, to mock and taunt her through it all as though she were some kind of sluttish idiot.

Yet... yet, if she was so certain of her position, why had she backed out last evening when she started to telephone Bill via the kennel owners? It returned to her with full force that her rendition of the last three days' events would sound to anyone, especially to a husband who was extremely conscious of his masculinity, like a girlish fairy-tale or simply a deliberate lie. She heaved a deep sigh and continued on along the trail as she thought back on the seemingly normal events of that morning.

She had risen from her lonely bed, slipped into blue-jeans and a soft black knit shirt, and then made herself a hearty breakfast. The day before, she had been too upset to even think of eating and this morning she had gulped down a massive breakfast of toast, eggs, and coffee to counteract her overall feeling of weakness and to help her think more rationally.

It was as though she were suspended in some kind of delicate balance between right and wrong, frustration and happiness. Though she still felt unspeakably disgusted about her own spontaneous lusting reaction to Jack Green's obscene usage of her helpless body yesterday morning, she had begun to consider again the idea that much of what had happened was really partly Bill's fault. Then, there was the unavoidable fact that he often did leave her alone out here in the woods, heedless of her loneliness, while he went off for days on his frequent business trips... and more important, as far as her guilt was concerned, she recalled how he had not bothered to take the time and trouble to really satisfy her when they had made love before he had gone away Sunday afternoon. If he had been only a little more loving and thoughtful, she had decided as she sipped at the steaming black coffee earlier that morning, she undoubtedly would not have been so vulnerable to the strange sexual occurrences that had filled her days alone since he had departed. Not that she was trying to avoid her true share of the blame, she rationalized, but it was comforting to know that she was not evil through and through, a woman who would spread her legs for any man who made an offer to satisfy her. After what had happened yesterday with the grey- haired caretaker and the strange incident with the dog outside, she had been almost out of her mind as she had sat at the kitchen table, with a look of worried distress on her face about the actual nature of her personality. Now, though, she was slowly beginning to understand the terrible sexual strain she had been subjected to ever since Bill had left the house. She found that she could at least live with herself now. It was a good thing, too, because she was certain that she might have been capable of trying to run away, or even an attempt at suicide, if she had gone on feeling the way she had been feeling last night.

Panting from the exertion of keeping Wolf's monstrous black and tan bulk from pulling her off the trail and into the forest, Diane decided to sit down on the thick trunk of a fallen tree. It was the first time that she had taken any of the dogs for a walk this way in the woods behind their house, and as she rested her curvaceous young body on the hard, damp log, she mulled over the practicality of exerting herself so much. But yes, she felt that she owed Wolf at least this little treat after she had found the feed sack lying outside his kennel this morning, when she had walked out of the house to start her chores with the dogs and had realized that the poor brute, like herself, had spent the whole day yesterday without a bite of food. She had felt a pang of pity when she had seen the starving animal straining against the wire fence of his run, his fierce golden eyes fixed on the open bag of dog meal. She had felt guilty about her negligence of the dogs and had rushed through her feeding and watering of them so that she could have enough time to exercise Wolf and herself while it was still light enough to see.

The two of them had been strolling through the forest for almost twenty minutes now, farther than Diane remembered ever having walked here before.

She knew they probably should turn back soon, but she hated the idea of returning to the house and the kennels. Here among the towering trees, she felt free of sadness and the disappointment that had been marring her married life with Bill. She could almost imagine what it might be like to be a little woodland creature whose existence was uncomplicated by guilt and emotional responsibilities.

As she sat there lost in thought, her eyes full of the poetic scene around her, she noticed Wolf sitting patiently at her feet, his massive head resting lightly on her knee.

She lifted her hand to good-naturedly scratch his head and wondered how this gentle creature could be the same dog whose slithering tongue had invaded her most secret flesh, lapping hungrily at her tight young vagina until she was out of her mind with ecstasy.

Even the memory of the strange happening sent a little flash of excitement through her soft belly and she wondered whatever could have possessed the dog to make him do such a thing. At the time, she had been numb with fear, too terrified to think of anything but that the huge dog had actually wanted to rape her. Yet, after yesterday morning with Jack Green, she knew more what a real rape was. In retrospect, the gentle ministrations of the animal's long pink tongue seemed less horrifying. Undoubtedly, the dumb brute had had no idea of what he was doing, had been attracted only by the light enticing scent of her female parts. Certainly he could not have known what effect his thick wet tongue would have on her sex-starved body, she decided calmly.

Impulsively, she slipped down off the flat-topped log to sit on the leaf-covered earth beside the great furry animal, encircling his warm body with one arm. Obviously delighted with the amount of affection he was receiving that morning, Wolf whined happily and covered her face with moist licking kisses. Diane smiled and ducked her head away, hugging him as she did so, and thinking ruefully that he was perhaps the best friend she had at the moment. He did not make fun of her, as her own husband often did, and she admitted to herself with a downcast melancholic little grin that this animal had unwittingly given her a truly pleasant sexual experience. At least Wolf had not talked about their money problems when he was licking her vagina yesterday morning. Little by little, it occurred to her that she was thinking erotically again, that she was exciting herself by just thinking about what had happened in the dog's kennel yesterday. The very idea shattered her mellow mood and, in irritation, she quickly tied Wolf's leash around a nearby sapling and rose to try to walk off the unwanted excitement. But, aroused as she was, even the brushing of her clothes against her body seemed to feed the passion that had crept up on her as she contemplated yesterday morning.

It was crazy, she knew, but even now she was tempted to let the exciting animal lick her again. Who would see her out here in the forest? Did one more time really make that much difference now? she wondered longingly.

Before she had even taken two steps away from the fallen tree, the lovely flaxen-haired girl stopped and looked back, almost longingly. Wolf was still sitting where she had left him, his liquid eyes trustingly reflecting her own gaze. Perhaps she could just play with herself a little bit, she thought wickedly. There was nothing wrong with that and she did need release so badly just now. Almost as soon as the thought had entered her mind, Diane found herself starting to slip out of her blue-jeans and shirt, shivering a little as her creamy flesh was exposed to the light, cool breeze that moved gently through the trees. She discarded one garment after another on the shade-mottled path, then moved back to settle herself on the ground again beside the log, delighting in the light pricking sensation of the fallen oak leaves against the smooth naked cheeks of her buttocks.

The young blonde wife leaned back against the rough surface of the fallen tree trunk, closing her wide blue eyes as her hands lifted to her full jutting breasts. Her nipples were already diamond-hard and she felt as though she would be able to reach orgasm in a matter of minutes. Wolf whined softly for attention and she absentmindedly reached out to pet him as her other hand drifted down over her tiny waist to the blonde curling triangle of her pubic hair below. Her full curving hips lifted in willing acceptance of the tiny electric chills of sensation that danced lightly over her satin-like skin when one finger of her left hand brushed down over her nakedly exposed cuntal slit.

"Well, little lady, you just don't ever get enough, do you?"

Even though the sound of his voice was immediately familiar, Jack Green's words made Diane's eyes jerk open in horror. God, he was not more than a few feet away from her on the narrow tree- lined path. He was holding two dead rabbits in his right hand and a wide, lewd grin creased his face.

"What... what are you doing here?" was all she could manage to say as she drew her naked legs tightly up against her body in a futile attempt to hide herself from his piercing eyes.

"Just catching my dinner, honey," he said, waving the dead animals at her, "and I've been thinking about your hot young pussy, too. I didn't want to rush you again right away, but if I'd known you wanted to get it plowed good and proper again so soon, I would've been over here a lot sooner."

"I don't want it--I only want you to go away," she said coldly, regaining a little of her composure, not bothering even to excuse her embarrassing situation to the older man. After what he had done to her yesterday, she did not care what he thought of her now. She wanted only that she should never see him again.

"Now don't be like that," he chuckled, dropping the rabbits and walking toward her. "You don't have to use that damned dog while I'm still in good shape, honey." His eyes flickered appreciatively over her huddled body causing the young girl's mind to suddenly rebel against his attitude of possessive familiarity.

"Mr. Green," she said, glaring at him icily, "I am not your 'honey.' I did what... what I did yesterday because you forced me to do it. Now, if you don't leave me alone this minute, I'm going to call the police when I get home and tell them about what has happened."

"You gonna tell them how much you liked it, honey?" he said, smiling, his watery greenish eyes staring straight back into hers.

"Liked it!" Diane spat back at him. She wanted more than anything in the world to somehow hurt this vile, small man because of the indescribable humiliation he had heaped upon her defenseless body. "I don't know how anyone could like being even close to you, let alone... let alone letting you touch her. Look at you, you filthy old man. You're stupid and you smell and you make me sick. You're revolting and disgusting!"

Almost before the words were out of her mouth, Diane was sorry. In her sudden uncontrollable desire to revenge her own weak surrender, she had forgotten how capable this man was of cruelty. She almost reached out her hand to apologize and say that she did not really mean those things but his hard cool stare cut her short.

"You do that, little lady. You go to the police, but you better do it fast, because I'm heading home myself right now. And I'm going to tell all my friends exactly how I found you yesterday morning and again today naked on the ground with that dog. I'll probably get to see quite a few of my friends before the police catch up with me, and your hubby's going to be mighty surprised when the neighborhood gossip catches up with him one of these days."

"Oh, my God, you can't! You wouldn't dare!" she gasped. Her blue, horror-stricken eyes followed him as he turned to walk back down the path away from her, off into the woods. She leapt to her feet and started running after him, her full naked breasts jiggling heavily with each jarring step she took. "Please, wait! I didn't mean it! I won't call the police or anything! Just don't tell anyone what you've seen and done! Please!"

He stopped walking away and turned around to face her, running his eyes greedily over her naked flesh. "Well, I might just keep my mouth shut," he offered, "if you convinced me just a little bit."

"Oh, God, I'll do anything, anything! Bill would never be able to forgive me!"

Jack Green's lust-filled eyes quickly locked on the soft enticing sight of her firm erect breasts, the memory of their smooth hard-nippled fullness causing his big hands to twitch hungrily. Suddenly he reached down and caught hold of her wrist, jerking her body close against his. Diane could hear Wolf snarling behind her, straining at his leash, but she had tied him tightly to the slim young tree and she knew that there was no hope of his coming to rescue her.

"You're a sexy little bitch," Jack hissed down into her face. "I knew you and I would have to get together again sometime soon. My prick's already aching to get into that sweet little cunt of yours." He pulled her to him roughly and smothered her soft wet lips with his fleshy open mouth. She struggled against him instinctively, but it was useless. His callused hands clutched brutally at her bulging tender breasts, the delectable white globes that were still sensitively sore from yesterday's bruising treatment. Her frightened struggles seemed only to incite him further and he ground his rough dirty palms into the palpitating fleshy mounds, panting heavily. "Okay, tell me what you want!" he demanded.

"I--I want you to fuck me again like you did yesterday on my living room couch," she said dully, barely able to believe that she was in the same situation all over again. "Just do it to me quick and get it over with."

Diane felt him stiffen and then suddenly he pushed her away from him with such force that she fell down to the soft coating of leaves at his feet.

"You stuck-up little bitch!" he spat out viciously. "I probably gave you the best fuck of your life yesterday and now you tell me that! All right, then, I'm going to teach you a thing or two about respect, and you'd better do exactly what I tell you to do or your hubby's going to be the laughing-stock of Oak Trees!"

Diane did not answer... she was unable to speak... she was too frightened and too ashamed. She could not put aside the thought of Bill's ever finding out what she had been doing. There was no question in her mind but that this horrible man intended to do everything he had threatened to do and she knew that her marriage to Bill would never survive something like that. Somehow, she would have to make herself do whatever he commanded so that Bill would never know about the horrible adultery she had committed right in their own home.

"What... what is it you want me to do?" she heard herself question in a meek, quavering voice.

A wicked salacious leer curled the grey-haired man's lips. His red tongue shot out of his mouth and began to lick at the dry corners of his lips as he stared down at the delightfully ripe contours of her naked body cowering on the ground before him. "First, get up on your knees in front of me," he snarled, taking a step closer toward her still-prostrate body.

Diane crouched before him, chilled with terror, unable to cry out or even to think as the realization of what he was going to make her do filled her fogged brain. She had never done such a thing, even with Bill, her own husband, and now the very idea of such a depraved act like taking a man's prick into her mouth filled her with nausea. And yet, she would do anything in the world she could to keep Bill from finding out about her betrayal. She had no choice but to submit. Slowly and reluctantly, she rose to her knees and stared dumbly out in front of her. "Well, damn it, take out my cock! Why do you think you're down there?" He entangled his hand in her long, golden hair and twisted it cruelly, pulling her head down and forward, grinding his crotch against her face at the same time so that she could feel the hardness of his already-erect penis beneath the rough material of his pants.

She closed her eyes in bitter submission, determined to somehow live through this... this trial... without any further struggles. Reaching upward, she fumbled awkwardly with the zipper on his trousers to take out the giant throbbing cock underneath.

"Hurry it up, honey," he barked cruelly down at her, impatient with her slowness in unzipping his fly. "I'm gonna cum in my pants before you ever get it out!"

A moment later the zipper came free and the huge fleshy instrument burst out into the air through the opening in the material. Jack grabbed her hand and wrapped it around the thick fleshy cudgel, slowly skinning it back so that the giant red fleshy head popped out from the thick foreskin a scant few inches from her face and her bulging eyes.

"Come on, you know what to do with it, honey," the caretaker taunted hoarsely. "Rub it around on your lips and then lick it clean from top to bottom. It's still got some of your dried cum on it from yesterday. I just couldn't bear to wash it off!"

The nauseating thought almost caused Diane to gag. She was certain she could still detect her soft feminine vaginal odors on him.

Oh, God, she could never suck that horrible thing... it was more than she could bear... but then she thought of Bill and what this man would tell the neighbors and submissively closed her eyes.

Her long pink tongue darted out tentatively and she licked down the full length of the rigid thick flesh. She was sickened by the thought of her mouth being used this way, as a receptacle of lust for this horrible man and the lewd sperm he was going to pump down into her unwilling throat. She had no doubt that he would expect her to swallow his gushing semen and she knew she would probably choke and be sick for a long time afterwards.

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