Boyfriend's Dad - Cover

Boyfriend's Dad


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - 15-year Tamera had been drugged and liquered up when she lost her virginity to her boyfriend. But she did not know that her boyfriend's dad had taken pictures of them while they were doing it. Her boyfriend's dad used the pictures to blackmail her widowed mom into sex acts under the pretext that she could earn the pictures back. Both Tamera and her mom both wind up working together and with her boyfriend and dad for the pictures.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

The next morning arrived all too soon for Tamera.

Her mother leaving the house woke her with a start. As the front door slammed, and the sound reverberated through her skull in a half- jointed way, and it was with difficulty that she remembered that her mother had an early appointment with the doctor; she couldn't recall what was the matter this time, for the ailments seemed to blend into one another to form one long plea for attention.

Tamera lay still for a time, listening to the strangely silent house, and the softness of her drowsiness was slow to dissipate, like a fog on a cold, wet morning. She moved at last, only to feel excruciating pain. "Ohhh," she groaned aloud. "What... what's wrong with me?" Her head was like a block of molten lead, and her muscles were tied into spasming knots of twitching torment, but then the pain would begin to lessen as she once more lay quiet. She had a hard time collecting her distorted thoughts, putting into order what had happened to her to cause this horrid condition...

The drinking, the marijuana... the capitulation of her aroused body to the mouth and hands and penis of Eddie McDonald... the obscene motion picture of the woman and the dog... Eddie and Jason naked, Nancy naked, herself naked... the plunging cock of Eddie's insatiable loins grinding deep around into her feverish, wide-splayed vagina... a vagina that up until that moment had been completely virginal.

The total impact of what had happened to her hit hard, and the traces of her sluggishness vanished. She shot upright, ignoring the spasming pain of her hangover, impervious to anything save the realization of her previous night's activities. "My God. No." Questions began to run through her head, spearing through the soft cotton that her mind seemed to be swaddled in, and she stumbled from the bed and lurched against the dresser, staring with stricken eyes into the mirror. "Oh, no," she moaned again thickly. "It must have been a dream..."

Yet heavy lines marred the teenager's fresh, youthful face, and her eyes were sunk deeply in their black-rimmed sockets as though she'd aged to her mother's years overnight. She looked down at her naked body, nude and pink with sleep, and saw the masses of burnished marks and rose- colored bruises around her taut breasts and inner thighs. Her rich, full red-nippled breasts were nearly raw, and light exploration of her pubic area with tentative fingerings proved to be exceedingly painful, and though she tried to feel between her blonde pubic curls and to the swollen inflamed lips of her well-fucked cunt, she couldn't. She had to grip the edge of the dresser from the sharp ache which lanced from her pussy up through her belly.

"Oh God, oh God," she mewled abjectly, and then forcing back tears of mortification, she backed to the bed and fell upon its warm covers. It had happened. She'd been drugged and then fucked to within an inch of her life... not once, but many times over the balance of the evening, and when her eyes hadn't been shut with the ecstasy of the moment, she'd been staring greedily at her girl-friend being fucked by the other boy, Jason.

Oh God, Nancy! Her own girlfriend! She had known exactly what would take place, and that Tamera was a virgin... she'd done it on purpose! Oh, how she hated Nancy! She'd never speak to her again as long as she lived! She was ruined by her! And then, as the first heat of her insensible rage passed, another moan came to the girl's lips as she realized that she herself had been drawn into the ravishment by her lewd arousal at the movie of that voluptuous woman being fucked by the dog. She'd been repulsed at first, but then had watched with fascination, her own unleashed passion permitting Eddie to take possession of her helplessly aroused body. She was no better than Nancy or the boys, only newer at the games, for hadn't her own flesh bucked and twisted in its lustful search for fulfillment beneath her attacker? And hadn't she demanded insatiably that Eddie McDonald fuck her again and again, even after the movie was over and the lights had been turned on? Yes, she had... she'd lain on the couch as naked and unashamed as Nancy, Eddie's cum still wetting her flesh and hair, and she'd cried out for him to come and fuck her...

Tamera squeezed her eyes shut as the erotic recollections flooded through her... she felt so alone now, so helpless and alone. She couldn't go to her mother, for such a confession would kill her for sure, and she'd be branded the little whore that she rightfully was, and her mother would turn away in disgust, never love her again. Even though she was alone and without hope, she was thankful that this one morning her mother wasn't there to see her as she looked, battered and torn and miserable.

Her dream of being married in white, of a soft double bed in which her one true husband would tenderly teach her about sex was gone like the belief in Santa Claus. Eddie's white male sperm is still lying deep in my stomach, she thought, looking down at herself once again, trying to feel the overwhelming sordidness and dirty anguish she believed should be part of her loss of virginity and dignity. But the more her mind dwelled on last night, the more she kept thinking about Eddie teasing into her tender young pussy with his lust-hard penis, her breasts swollen and hurting from his trembling hands, and the way she'd willingly allowed him to do it to her over and over, the more she had to admit now that she wasn't entirely sick of soul. There were the agonies of having to come to terms with herself in relation to her long-standing morals, but for all of the warnings and dire prophesies she'd been weaned on since birth, she had to concede in all honesty that she was still the same basic person she was before. Not at ease with herself, the way Nancy would be this morning-- but then Nancy was more experienced in letting guys fuck her--the way she'd allowed Jason to take her panties down and fuck her right off the bat last night had left an indelible imprint on Tamera's mind.

The fact that she wasn't as grief-stricken as she assumed she should be, upset the young girl almost as much as what had happened. How could she lie here now and admit she'd liked it? But she had! She'd liked it plenty, and she must be some kind of pervert or juvenile delinquent for having not true shame or guilt, but only an emptiness in her belly which was crying out for more. Her body had not only betrayed her, but was forcing her to want still more, and she sobbed helplessly with guilt.

In an hour or so Eddie would be by to pick her up--that she was certain had been agreed upon last night--and she would have to make herself presentable. She rose again and padded naked to the bathroom like a robot, averting her puffed eyes from the soiled clothing she'd dumped in a pile when she'd undressed for bed. He'd be here, and then they'd go somewhere; she had a sickening feeling that neither he nor her body would allow her to say no to him. She couldn't refuse him when he came to the door of her house, or when his virile young cock was once more pressed hotly to the mouth of her cunt... and that was all there was to it.

Tamera sat in the front seat of Eddie's Ford while Eddie drove, the radio blaring out a new hit being broadcast by the local rock station. He bobbed his head in tune to it, and Tamera watched him with excited interest. All of her doubts had vanished when she'd climbed in beside him earlier, seeing his grin, and her pulse had quickened on the spot. She wasn't sorry that he'd fucked her--not sorry at all now, and she wanted his penis to fuck her again. And Eddie had been so nice, talking about all sorts of things as they drove through the town. Yeah, she was part of it now, really in the groove, and no longer a little baby. God, this was really living!

"Hey, baby," he said. "Instead of my place, how about us going over to Jason's? He's got this pool, see, and we can keep cool swimming and stuff. What do you say?"

"Gee, it sounds great, only..." She licked her lips.

"Only what?"

"Only I didn't bring a bathing suit. I mean, if you'd told me, I could have grabbed my bikini before I left my house, but I didn't, and I'm not planning to go in skinny-dipping today."

Eddie laughed good-naturedly. "Nobody expects you to, baby. But I didn't bring one, either. I plan to wear my underpants. What the hell, they're larger than my swimming trunks, and just as private." He shrugged. "Jason's parents won't be home, so it'll be just us--and after last night, it's sort of hard to be modest about what we look like, right?"

Tamera blushed crimson, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. No she had to admit, even though it caused her embarrassment to do so. She wasn't used to this kind of living yet, not all of it. But she remembered telling her mother yesterday that her bra and panties covered her more than her bikini did--and if Eddie was going in in his underpants, then she supposed she could and it certainly was a hot day! She felt a silly tingling in her thighs at the risqueness of swimming in her underthings, and a little anticipatory shiver went up her spine at the thought of being so naughty in front of the boys. And if Nancy was in her bra and panties, it would be all right, she figured...

The home of Jason's parents was near the crest of a sloping, eucalyptus-bordered drive. It was constructed of heavy wood, with lots of glass and a flag-stone facade, with a yard of bottlebrush and joshua trees. The heady scent of Burmese honeysuckle which grew abundantly over the arbored porch filled the warm, balmy air as Eddie stopped in the driveway. No sooner had he stopped the engine than Jason walked around the rear of the house on a crushed shell path, and he was wearing a pair of tight yellow trunks, his large, hefty body glistening with a recent application of sun-tan oil.

Looking at Jason, Tamera felt a small, reflexive shudder as she thought of him naked and aroused, as he had been last night, and the way he'd fucked her girl-friend on the couch beside them. She watched him as he approached the car, the strong muscles rippling along his thighs and chest, the hard, bas-relief outline of his cock straining the thin material of the trunks. She averted her eyes, embarrassed slightly.

"Hey, good of you two to come," Jason said, smiling. "Come on around to the pool."

"Where's Nancy?" Tamera asked as she walked beside Eddie.

"She wasn't sure she could make it, today," Jason said. "Something about helping her mother around the house." He grinned at Tamera. "Just us three for awhile. Think you're girl enough for two boys?"

"Only for one," she said quickly, hugging Eddie's arm. "I'm saving all my loving for Eddie." But Jason's casual words had chilled her slightly, and she wished that Nancy had been here, or that she would soon be along.

Around the path, there was a large patio fronting a green-tiled, square-shaped swimming pool with clear, still water. Three tall trees shaded it and the patio, and the back yard was enclosed with tall fencing, blocking any neighbor's view of the yard. The patio contained several chairs and chaise lounges, and two white tables with barber-striped beach umbrellas over them.

"Now, why don't you two change, or at least get down to whatever you're planning to swim in," Jason said, "and I'll stir up some beer." He indicated an archway leading into the interior of the house proper. "Tamera, if you feel prudish, there's the guest room in there. What about you, Eddie?"

"Here's as good as anywhere," Eddie said, and he unbuckled his pants, sliding them down casually over his legs and feet. Tamera went into the house, finding the guest room and the bath, feeling that prudish or no, she just couldn't strip down out there in front of them, and last night be damned. She undressed, folding her clothes carefully, and looked down at her ready-made two-piece bathing suit. It fit her snugly, accentuating the firm, generous hills and valleys of her tanned young body, and she felt painfully vulnerable--as if somehow this was more wanton than being naked and fucking while it had been dark last night. But she decided that it wouldn't be right to constantly worry about being partially undressed and taking a deep breath, she returned to the patio.

Jason looked at her with critical appreciation, at her smooth, taut stomach and fine high breasts that were barely concealed in the narrow strip of her brassiere cups, and at the bottom section, her white, thin panties outlining her tight, slightly protruding pubic mound, revealing her full, rich thighs and tucking under her buttocks, leaving the brown curve of her hips almost totally nude. He emitted a long, low, wolf whistle. "Well aren't you something, baby!"

She blushed under his frank examination. "Th-thank you, Jason," she replied in a flattering tone. "So's Nancy in a suit like this, you know."

"I know," he leered suggestively. "But I've already tried her on for size."

"Yeah," Eddie said. "Can I pick them, or can I pick them?"

"You certainly can pick 'em, man!" Jason agreed ardently, the undeniable tone of his interest painfully apparent to Tamera. "Here's a beer for you, baby," he said, handing her a frosty bottle. "And one for you, Eddie." He laughed and sat down in one of the webbed chairs. "Drink hearty, for there's plenty more where that came from. Your refrigerator was out of beer, Eddie, but mine isn't!"

Tamera tasted hers responsively. The beer was tart and refreshing, and she found that it really hit the spot, with the sun beating down as it was. They grouped around the table in their chairs and talked, Tamera still ill at ease, the boys mainly discussing cars and other girls between themselves. Eddie winked at Tamera a few times, and Jason got up to get another round of beer. The beer began to take its toll--Tamera hadn't even had breakfast--and she experienced a general loosening of her body, the tenseness leaving her and relaxation setting in. Some of her mental caution disappeared, and slowly she found herself entering in more with the talking and joking. She finished her third bottle, and Jason quickly handed her another.

She giggled, looking at Eddie as she thanked Jason, and she saw that her boy-friend's face was slightly flushed, and she figured that he, too, was beginning to feel the effects of the beer. But she didn't care, for she was now enjoying herself, feeling giddy and light-hearted, almost carefree. Tamera was no longer sorry about coming, not in the slightest, and Jason wasn't half as bad as she'd thought he'd been acting toward her, and Eddie was still handsome, urbane, and she liked him more and more.

Jason wiped a hand across his perspiring forehead. "Whew! It's getting hotter, or is it just me?"

Eddie grinned. "A little of both. Why don't we go for a swim?"

"Good idea--" Jason stood, stretching, waited for Tamera and Eddie-- and then the three of them ran squealing and laughing to the pool and tumbled in, creating one large splash. They dove and swam, splashing water at one another and ducking heads, howling and giggling, and generally carrying on like water-rats. The day passed quickly, a combination of drinking, swimming, and sunning on the tile rim, and whatever thought Tamera might have had about the prudence of being in water-soaked, almost transparent panties and bra was forgotten. She even liked being so daring, and consciously strutted, pushing her breasts forward, knowing that her nipples could be seen through the material, and that her vaginal lips were contoured provocatively. Eddie's shorts kept slipping, and a couple of times, she'd caught glimpses of his pubic hair, and his penis and testicles were exposed blatantly in the material, making her tingle with sexual excitement and desire...

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