Boyfriend's Dad - Cover

Boyfriend's Dad


Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - 15-year Tamera had been drugged and liquered up when she lost her virginity to her boyfriend. But she did not know that her boyfriend's dad had taken pictures of them while they were doing it. Her boyfriend's dad used the pictures to blackmail her widowed mom into sex acts under the pretext that she could earn the pictures back. Both Tamera and her mom both wind up working together and with her boyfriend and dad for the pictures.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Mortimore McDonald drove his Cadillac through Mariposa, pausing to consider stopping for dinner at Luigi's, and then decided not to. He'd be home soon, he figured, and could chew on some of the cold chicken Agnes had left in the refrigerator. Cold chicken--what an apt description for his wife, Mort thought with a smirk; Agnes had shriveled up into a puckered resemblance to a plucked chicken, her skin and temperament as crusty and brittle as the drumstick waiting for him a few miles away. But at least she could cook, he sighed, and she was a born housekeeper and society woman, which were assets he needed to get ahead in business, and he tolerated her also because of their son, Eddie, and because he couldn't afford a breath of scandal which a separation or divorce would bring...

Not that Agnes would ever divorce him, he groaned, stopping for a red light. No, the only way she would part from her secure little feathered nest would be if she caught him with another woman--which had been mighty close a couple of times.

Mort McDonald was sharply dressed in the latest style, a natty robin's-egg blue suit with an Edwardian cut to it, and a darker blue shirt set off by a wide, gold striped tie. He didn't look as if he'd spent the better part of the day and evening haggling with the other executives of Tempo Tooling and Die Company, trying to bend some of them around to his way of thinking. As Vice-President in Charge of Sales, he couldn't let the company manufacture the new gimmick that developing had come up with, seeing no market for a battery-run egg-beater. He'd fully expected to stay there all night, as the others had as well, but the squabble had been unexpectedly broken by Throckington, the owner and president, who tried the gadget and sliced his thumb. The project was shelved immediately.

Mort McDonald was not one to let such a golden opportunity pass. Not with the beady-eyed hawk of a wife always suspicious of where he was going and why. With time on his hands, he'd combed his salt-and-pepper hair and waxed his pencil-thin mustache and with the instincts of a predatory lion, went on the prowl. But oddly, the women he'd been fucking in the past didn't interest him any more--the fun was in the chase, and he'd downed them so many times before that they'd become stale game--and his latest conquest, Dolores, couldn't see him because she was meeting some dammed plane which left McDonald no choice but to slum round a bit, and after buying too many drinks and listening to too many sad stories from bartenders about lousy business, he'd decided to go home and call his opportunity a bust.

That's the luck, he said to himself. When you're looking for it, none of it is ever around. At least Agnes was at her sister's again--that sister caught every disease known to mankind, and every one of them was supposedly her terminal one. He sighed, turning up the street leading to his house. Married by necessity, a bachelor by nature, he spent his leisure hours in the pursuit of new flesh, new sensations, new adventures with women, and at that moment he'd taken on just about anything willing to take down her panties, so long as she hadn't taken them down for him before.

He was surprised to see his son Eddie's car in the driveway, even more surprised to notice that while it was there, no lights were on in the house. He parked along the curb and got out, scratching his hair in puzzlement. He knew that his son was a chip off the old block and that no telling what Eddie might be up to--but no lights? He was about to unlock the front door and go in, when he reflected what he might be doing if he was a teenager again and his parents were away... A smile of amusement crossed his lips, a look of imperturbable amusement, much like a cat after swallowing a canary and being caught with the feathers sticking out of its mouth.

McDonald walked around the side of the house to the garage entrance, unlocked it, and went in. It was pitch dark, but he knew his way from experience, and soon he was at the other side of the garage, the private door which was part closet, part entranceway to the rumpus room. He glanced around after flipping the light on, saw the projector was not there, and then he heard the whirring of its motor from the other side of the rumpus room door. He'd been right: his son was having at it with some local chick, probably fucking her toes off right at the moment.

McDonald crept to the door, listened intently for a moment more, and then slyly moved a piece of wood away from a special peephole he'd bored into the door, a large, almost face-sized hole which was covered on the other side by a mirror--a two-way glass mirror which had cost a small fortune but had been well worth it. He could see in, and nobody could see him, and he pressed his face to the glass eagerly, anticipating what he'd see...

Great Jesus! It was better than he'd hoped! He couldn't see the film, the door being on the same wall as the fireplace and thereby hiding the screen from him--but he already knew about the woman and the dog, and wasn't interested in viewing them again. The light from the projector glowed around the four young kids on the two couches... and McDonald's eyes bulged at the lewd and perverted scene before him. Jesus, there was Eddie, grabbing handfuls of tit and cunt, a lovely young girl no more than fifteen squirming hotly in his clutches... and there, on the other couch it looked like Eddie's friend Jason... yes, it was, Jason sucking that other girl's cunt like it was food for a hungry baby! McDonald felt a slight twinge of jealously as he watched their passion-wrecked bodies, and groaned with desire to be there with them himself. His own cock burgeoned onto hardness and blood-lust as the four kids struggled, and beads of sweat broke out on the father's face as he watched his son and the others being driven mad by their desires...

He had to do something, or he'd cream in his pants right then and there. Quickly, he dashed back into his study, opened a cupboard door and took out an expensive German camera which he loaded with special fast- action night film that he'd used in the past for shots when the light was bad. He put on a zoom lens so he could catch all the action and ran back to the two-way mirror. He held the camera up, sighting through the viewfinder.

"Yes," he said to himself. "That's a good picture‹" SNAP went the shutter. "Now, come on, son... start fucking the crap out of her. All of you start fucking. Hot damn! To be taking photographs of four young high school kids fucking while they watch a fuck movie! Doesn't that take the prize!" And then he laughed, but not loudly or harshly, for he wanted nothing to spoil the pictures he was getting...

Tamera felt as if she wasn't real. She wasn't certain any longer if the two writhing bodies on the other, the bodies on the screen, and Eddie's body were figments of her imagination or not, for they seemed to swim so hazily around in her brain. Time and distance lost their reality, and her own flesh swayed in tune to the soft pulsating squeezings of Eddie's hands. "No, No..." she murmured incoherently. "I want to go home, Eddie. Please, I've had enough now."

But Eddie continued to stroke and caress her breasts and thighs, teeth bared over straining lips in lewd mockery of her increasing helplessness. Tamera spasmed, gurgling deep in her throat as she felt him slowly rolling her panties down over the whiteness of her thighs... ever so slowly, inch by inch, and she moaned out her humiliation as they fell to her knees, down her legs... and finally off onto the floor. "This is it, baby," Eddie whispered hotly into her ear. "This is what it's all about. Right here, the four of us, fucking side by side."

The lewd words strangely, and against her will, excited Tamera. She groaned in drugged surrender as he moved his hands back to her softly pulsating cunt, spreading her unresisting young thighs open to his greedily working fingers. Her muscles felt like rubber and she almost tumbled over, but the boy held her in an imprisoning grip and caressed her desire-heated flesh and blood-swollen vagina, then parted her thin blonde pubic hair to open her tender young cunt-lips further for his coming invasion. Her eyes couldn't leave the screen except to look briefly at what Nancy and Jason were doing... then she'd groan and look back at the screen, transfixed by the overt obscenities taking place on the film.

The woman, still kneeling on all fours, was being mounted from behind by the huge beast. His hairy paws covered her ivory skin as he hugged her waist in a lurid pose of bestiality, and the scarlet tube of its penis slid from its furry sheath and danced in the soft crevice of the woman's quiveringly up-raised buttocks as the eagerly panting dog jerked and trembled in its attempt to find the human vagina and bury its thickly tapered shaft into it. The woman tensed, evading the alien intrusion, but the dog mindlessly thrust time and time again until it bared its fangs and growled in frustration, saliva dripping from its mouth onto the quivering satin back. Tamera held her breath as she watched the woman desperately reach one slim arm back and grasp the slippery animal cock, guiding it out of pure terror to the pink, wet opening between her legs where her open vaginal mouth flexed invitingly. And then the German Shepherd heaved its massive loins forward and buried its scarlet penis into her cunt with a quick wet rush, sinking it to the hilt so that its hairy sperm-filled balls swung lewdly below her matted pubic hair. A moan of relief seemed to come from the woman's lips as she began to move rhythmically backwards to meet the thrust of the panting dog, and she abandoned herself to the delicious animal fucking she was receiving. Her face contorted in rapture from the pumping, battering tempo of the dog cock in her cunt, and her large, taut breasts danced tightly beneath her writhing torso in time to the skewering long hard rod of glistening flesh buried fully into her belly.

Tamera's breath was coming in tight gasps and the burning sensation bubbling in her own little pussy grew maddeningly intense with each movement she watched and with each fingering Eddie was ravishing her with. Unconsciously, marijuana and alcohol having sapped what little sanity she had left, she spread her legs wider and leaned back on the couch so that Eddie could have full access to her cunt. Eddie was mesmerized by the breathtaking loveliness of her young blonde virginity so obscenely displayed, the sleek nubile body of golden curls and soft contours, the thin, pink slit running down from the whiteness of her belly to the full length of her crotch below. He'd fucked a lot of girls, but never anything so pure, so innocent, so proud. The helpless, uncontrollable mewlings escaping from those barely touched lips goaded his cock to rock hardness, and he could feel blood pounding in its shaft and tiny droplets of seminal fluid oozing from its sensitive head.

Tamera, transfixed by the woman and dog, heard a wild, wailing moan from beside her and glanced again toward Nancy and Jason. She gasped as she saw Nancy with her legs bent clear back to her breasts, her whole vaginal area open to the warm night air, her pubic hair and pink flesh wetly matted from Jason's tonguing... and the way Nancy flung her arms out, pleading for more, more... more. For the first time in her life Tamera saw a male penis in full erection, live and throbbing with need only a few feet away from her. It stood out from his curly pubic hair, and she shuddered as it paused momentarily above her girl-friend's widespread vagina. He leaned forward, balancing on his elbows, and Nancy reached between their naked bodies to guide his penis between her eagerly quivering thighs. As he slid it into her cunt, Nancy moaned just as the woman on the screen had when the dog began to fuck her. She locked her bare feet around his buttocks and the two of them started a slow, rhythmic rocking motion, his thick, lust-hardened shaft sliding out several inches and then thrusting forward again into Nancy's burning hole. Tamera was spellbound by the lewd sight! This was her friend! She had known that Nancy wasn't a virgin--or at least had surmised it up till now--but nothing like this open candidness had ever occurred to her. Wild-eyed, she watched the tempo build, and the picture of the locked bodies drumming the couch cushions caused her to groan and rock on her own buttocks, spreading them open to the ever-increasing demands of Eddie's hands. Her cunt opened and closed tormentedly around his fingers as they sawed into her virgin pussy, the cords of her neck standing out as she pulled with all of her strength to somehow control the enveloping flames of lust.

"Ohhhh, Ahhhh!" the wildly aroused teenager moaned, and she rolled against Eddie, and he moved around, forcing her to sprawl like a helplessly gasping doe at bay on the leather cushions. She was unable to stop the crazed course of his attentions, not knowing what she should do or say, and not even knowing at this point if she wanted them stopped! She couldn't believe what was happening to her, what had broken through every one of the searing commandments her mother and her own morality had engraved upon her! Who was she to have made those silly vows about chastity only hours previously--and then to be twisting and undulating her naked body like a little slut beneath a boy she hardly knew, almost begging him to fuck her. She had to get hold of herself. She had to--and then Eddie unzipped his pants and let her anguished eyes see his virile young penis and the last remnants of Tamera's promises shattered into tiny unrecognizable pieces.

It was all Eddie could do to keep from shoving his desire-bloated cock into her right then, impaling her the way he might a more experienced girl like Nancy, but the desire to be able to fuck this sweet young innocent anytime he wanted in the future made him slow his teasing slightly, to work her into a state where she would always want cock, more cock, all the time... He rolled on top of her, his rigid penis brushing against the dampness of her pubic hair, and planting his hands on either side of her shoulders, he could look down between their bodies and see her upturned little cuntal split completely exposed to his throbbing shaft, and its narrow hair-fringed little mouth throbbing in lewd invitation. Her smooth inner thighs were held wide apart by the pressure of his thighs pressing tightly outward against her helplessly splayed legs.

Tamera could see the boy hovering over her through her passion and drug-filled eyes, and felt the hugeness of his fleshy hardness lying the full length of her excitedly quivering pussy-lips, the jerking head of his cock pulsing, insinuating itself in her in a maddening tease that caused her to twist her hips up toward it automatically, her starving young pussy searching desperately for fulfillment.

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