Boyfriend's Dad - Cover

Boyfriend's Dad


Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - 15-year Tamera had been drugged and liquered up when she lost her virginity to her boyfriend. But she did not know that her boyfriend's dad had taken pictures of them while they were doing it. Her boyfriend's dad used the pictures to blackmail her widowed mom into sex acts under the pretext that she could earn the pictures back. Both Tamera and her mom both wind up working together and with her boyfriend and dad for the pictures.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

The late afternoon traffic was thick along Main Street, as a long string of out-of-towners slowly pushed their way through in opposing streams of weary cars. Mariposa wasn't large as suburban towns went, but it was on the old "main" road between the shore and booming, metropolitan Morrison; the road was not the designated tourist route. A scenic and pleasant meander in contrast to the ferocious thru-way nearby. Most of the drivers were broiling in a stew of irritable wives and irascible children, sand pails and gritty feet, runny noses and sticky fingers, and would have given almost anything to have been on the thru-way and home that much sooner.

At one intersection, where Main met County Road, there was a large, low-framed drive-in restaurant of cedar, stone and glass. Outside was a circular parking area, with a porch extending at one point for car service. There was also a patio, with small tables and chairs and umbrellas. Tamera and Eddie, together with Nancy and Jason, were at one of these patio tables, after having spent the better part of an hour waiting for an empty space. The restaurant, Luigi's, was packed like a sardine can.

As it was, the service was still bad, but understandably so, and none of them harassed the overworked waitress even good-naturedly. They laughed and kidded, ordering hamburgers and french fries and shakes, generally having a good time.

"How about some pie?" Jason asked after the hamburgers were finished. "They've got some great lemon meringue here."

"I'd love to, but I can't." Nancy said wistfully. She patted her waistline to show the reason why. Nancy Cannon was shorted than Tamera, of Southern European heritage which showed in large flashing eyes of black crystal, ink-dark hair, and voluptuous rich-swelling breasts like melons and curving hips with softly swaying buttocks. She was wearing toreador pants accentuating her lush young figure and tight enough to be a second skin; Tamera had been a little unnerved when she'd seen Nancy get out of the car at the restaurant, for the pants were so crotch-tight that the contours of her thin young pussy-lips and mound were creased in a vertical line, obvious to all.

"Aw, go ahead, Nancy," Jason urged.

"I'll share it with you," Tamera offered.

"Yeah, this is all baby fat," Eddie said, grinning, and reached over to squeeze Nancy's shoulder. "A couple of years it'll go away and you'll miss the pie you never ate."

"I should live so long," Nancy said ruefully. "You seen my mother?" A rhetorical question; they all had, and Mrs. Cannon was built along the lines of a beach ball.

"Naw, I'm not fooling you, Nancy. Here, this was me a few years ago." Eddie took out his battered leather bill fold and opened it to a picture of a boy, the picture half obscured behind a foggy plastic window. "That was me, I swear."

The handsome, muscular boy who sat next to Tamera had not been as bad as Nancy's mother, but close. He had triple chins and was standing self- consciously holding up his pants, which were obviously let out in the seams to accommodate all of his fat.

"Hey, you were cute, Eddie," Nancy giggled, taking the photo from Tamera. "Lover boy, all right."

"Yeah, well it all sort of dropped away when I started growing."

"And how much more growing do you think Nancy needs?" Jason asked with a smirk. "She grows any more, and Sophia Loren will be replaced for God's sake. I mean, look at her jugs, man."

"Jason!" Nancy said in mock shock, and then she giggled again.

"You've got a point there," Eddie said. "Or two."

"So what did you two cats have in mind for us tonight?" Tamera asked, wanting to steer the subject away from lewdness.

"How about a motel?" Jason answered, snickering.

"That's subtle," Tamera said. "No thanks."

"A motel," Nancy said, and giggled, nudging her boyfriend in the ribs. "You've got your nerve.

Tamera wondered for a moment just how much nerve Jason had--or needed. He was loose-limbed and relaxed in his manner, like a good- natured sloth, with a heftier chest expansion than Eddie, but without the overall coordination. He was simply pleasant and average, with an ordinary face whose only feature was small eyes set too close together that had a habit of nervously shifting around as if he were looking for somebody. Not exactly a boy you'd throw yourself at, she thought, but she was sure, from what Nancy had taught her, and from what Nancy had said in sly hints, that Nancy was "experienced" in sex. And that her teacher had been Jason--that in the cruder terms of her high-school chums, Jason was "balling" Nancy every chance he could get--and Tamera had her doubts that Nancy ever did anything to stop him much. Not that she'd ever asked Nancy; that would have been in bad taste!

"Well," Eddie said, "we can't stay here all night. Besides, I could use a drink. What about you, Tamera?"

"I--" the teenager hesitated.

"What's the matter?" Eddie asked, frowning. "You do drink, don't you?"

"Well... sure. Sure I do." She was bluffing, and hoped that the others wouldn't catch it. She was afraid that she might be letting herself in for more than she could handle, saying she did more than she really did, for anything over an occasional glass of wine gave her the woozies. But she didn't want to do anything which might make Eddie think less of her, not now, not when this was her chance to snare a big prize like him. He was really "In," and she couldn't afford to be childish about it...

"Good," Jason said. "I could go for a couple of beers myself on a warm night like this."

"But... where shall we go?" Nancy asked, not worried about the drinking at all. "I mean, we can't just go anywhere, you know."

"How about a movie?" Eddie suggested. "The drive-in."

"Naw," Jason said. "Who wants to see Monster from Atomic Atoll?" He waved his hand disparagingly. "Strictly for the kids."

"Well, who says we'll be watching?" Eddie said with a grin.

"I don't want to go anyway," Tamera said. "Horror movies scare me."

"Awww," Jason said in a mock pout. "Awww, is little Tammy-wammy all frightened of a little old monster? Awww--"

"Cut it out," Eddie said sharply. "Listen to me. How'd you all like to see some real movies? I mean some hot ones!"

"Hot ones?" Nancy asked, puzzled.

"Sure, sexy ones!"

"Not around here, you won't. Last one that showed a bathing suit was closed up by the police, remember?" Jason snickered. "Only ones I can think of are the ones your--" He stopped, and a wolfish smile spread across his features. "Say, speaking of that, where's your dad tonight, Eddie?"

"What I've been trying to tell you. The Old Man's at some business meeting up in the City, see, and Mom's gone to see her sister, and won't be back until tomorrow. We've got the whole house to ourselves."

"Yeah..." Jason breathed excitedly. "Yeah, that sounds great."

"What are you two talking about?" Nancy demanded.

"Look," Eddie said to both girls. "My dad's got some films he bought in Europe. They're... a little spicy, see. I mean, you know what they're doing in Denmark these days. So anyway, he got a new reel of film the other day, and I haven't seen it, but I imagine if it's like the others, it should be a kick. You game?"

"Couldn't be worse than those magazines you were showing me Wednesday night, Jason," Nancy giggled. "Sure, and free booze besides. I'm for it."

"What about you, Tamera?"

Tamera paused, not sure what she should do, irritated at her childish fears and still burning from the razzing Jason had given her about horror films.

"When your dad gets a Disney flick, we'll invite her," Jason said, laughing. "That's her speed, Eddie."

"Listen, I may be younger than you," Tamera said hotly to him, "but I'm not that much younger." She could almost bite her tongue off as the words poured out of her. She wanted to show them she was old enough, but yet--she'd heard about these kinds of films, about the nudity and things, but certainly they couldn't show everything! Or... could they? A tingle of wicked excitement ran through her in spite of her reluctance. It would be sort of fun, and it wouldn't show anything she didn't already know about--not first-hand of course--or that she hadn't pictured while alone in her bed and playing with herself. Not want to? Suddenly she wanted to very much!

"Eddie, let's see your dad's film. What the heck, a little piece of celluloid can't hurt anything?"

"That's the spirit, baby," Eddie said. "C'mon, let's go!"

Eddie grinned at Tamera constantly as the four of them drove to his house in his car. His cock swelled in his pants as he thought of what might--what could very easily--happen that evening if he played it smart. Yeah, lewd and obscene treats were in store for this innocent little virgin sitting next to him, and once she reached the stage of being too hot to resist, he was going to turn her every way but inside out! And she was a virgin, he could sense that just as a hound can smell possum. She leaned affectionately against his broad shoulder as he drove, and nuzzled him, and never knew the lascivious thoughts going on behind his mask of gentlemanly manners.

He'd have to take it slow, he knew. Slow and easy so he wouldn't scare her. First time's the big time, he realized, having melted many a cherry in his day. The heavy car sped through the twilight toward the rendezvous with young Tamera West's destiny, but the foursome inside acted as if this was just another normal night, an evening to laugh and joke and cut up...

The house was spacious, built in a Spanish style in one of the newer, more costly tract developments. It sported white stucco, "exposed beams," and iron railings, with a wide, well-landscaped lawn around it and a rock garden to one side. It was dark, as Eddie had prophesied. Inside, down in the rumpus room, the four teenagers collected on two spacious leather couches which faced a large fireplace, which was at the moment full of cold ash. The room was rustic in decor, with hanging lanterns, rough walls and posters of Spanish bullfights and scenery. In one corner was a tufted leather-front bar, to which Eddie made a bee-line.

"All right, folks," be said heartily, "name your poison."

"You got beer?" Jason asked.

"Come to think about it, I believe we've got everything except beer. Tell you what, I'll mix up a little something I call a 'Tarantula.' I call it that because it leaves a furry taste in your mouth the morning after it bites you."

"What's in it?" Tamera asked nervously.

"Ohhhh... a little rum, and a little brandy and a little of this and that," he said, collecting bottles and glasses. "You'll like it, really. It doesn't taste like booze at all."

"I'll set up the projector," Jason said, and went to a large closet toward the stairs. The closet was actually a connecting corridor, with another door at the back which opened out into a private den that was strictly for Eddie's father. Jason rolled out a large projector on a dolly, plugged it in, and then went back into the closet for the can of film and the screen.

"Is this the one?" he called out. "Says 'Dog Instruction' the label."

"That's the baby," Eddie said. He was passing out drinks to the girls. Tamera tasted her drink, and to her surprise, found it very refreshing! It was smooth, and reminded her of lemon soda more than anything else. She took another drink before she realized what she was doing, and then another...

Eddie sat down on the couch next to Tamera and put one arm around her so that she was close to him, and he let his hand drop down so that it brushed against her breast casually--almost accidentally. "Hey, baby," he crooned, "I really dig you, you know?" He felt Tamera jump slightly as she heard him, and he squeezed her tighter, pressing his dangling hand once more against her palpitating breast.

Tamera shivered in his embrace, and the alcohol seemed to diffuse through her system. She pressed her thighs tightly together to control a peculiar tickle which was worming its way through the soft sensitive flesh down between her thighs.

Eddie pressed his attack, feeling the tiny, bud-like nipple of her breast harden under the thinness of her brassiere. Tamera knew she was going to have to stop him soon before things got out of control; she squirmed, moving his fingers away without him noticing it, and her short skirt hiked up over her hips, exposing her thighs and the white crotch- band of her panties. She blushed furiously and tried to pull her skirt down again.

Eddie laughed. "Leave it alone, baby, you've got nice legs. Don't hide what's there, because you got nothing there I don't know about!"

That brought a shriek of laughter from Nancy and more livid redness from Tamera. The young girl felt hot, but not wanting to let Eddie and the others think she was square, she didn't move her skirt, but quickly took an extra heavy swallow of her drink. Eddie leaned across, brushing against her body tauntingly, and refilled her glass from the pitcher on the coffee table in front of them.

"Film's threaded and ready to roll, C.B.," Jason said, sitting down beside Nancy on the other couch and picking up his glass. "Camera, action!" And he took a thirsty swallow of the waiting drink.

"In a momento," Eddie said. He slid his hand from around Tamera and stood up, walking over to the bar again and reaching underneath, to a shelf along one side. "Before we begin the festival, let's make it a little better for all of us."

He brought up a tin that English cigarettes are often packed in, and brought it around to the others. "Here, each take one," he offered, opening the tin. Inside were hand-rolled cigarettes of a peculiar brownish texture. Tamera had a sinking suspicion what the odd cigarettes were.


"Light up," Eddie went on to say, and pushed the tin in front of Tamera. "Go on, baby, take one," he urged.

Tamera's mind was wrought with indecision. She'd heard too many stories and lectures from adults, but she was just as afraid of looking like she was a kid. She glanced at Nancy for support and guidance, and was shocked to see that her girlfriend was already lighting one up, eyes shut, completely oblivious to Tamera's plight.

"What's the matter," Eddie growled, "aren't you game?"

"I... I never smoked one before," Tamera blurted. She instantly wished she hadn't admitted that, for now she really sounded uncool. She wished she hadn't drunk all that concoction he'd made, for she wasn't thinking clearly and felt awfully warm, and there was a weight pressing down on her forehead and eyes.

"A little grass never hurt nobody," Jason scoffed.

"Yeah, don't worry about a thing," Nancy said, exhaling.

Don't worry... She'd said the same thing to her mother only hours earlier, and here she was! Worried!

"Aw, I knew she was a baby all along," Jason sneered. "Take her home, Eddie, so we can watch the film in enjoyment." Tamera blanched under the direct punch of his contempt, and rebellious resentment welled up inside her, forcing her to take a cigarette and place it reluctantly between her lips. A child, was she! A baby!

"Let me light it for you," Eddie said solicitously. "Once you're high, you'll feel things you never felt before." He lit the cigarette, and trembling slightly, Tamera drew in her first drag. She coughed.

"Oh, for God's sake," Jason said disgustedly.

"Let her alone," Nancy said. "She'll learn. Remember how I was the first time? Tamera, hold the smoke down in your lungs. Try again, and take it slow."

The second inhalation was easier, and the naive young girl held the sour-sweet smoke down until she thought she'd burst. She exhaled, looked around with a smile of triumph, only to see that the other three were obliviously smoking their own joints. She followed suit, and by the end of her cigarette, she began to float.

"How you feeling now, baby?" Eddie asked as he switched off the lights and flicked on the projector.

"Like I'm on the moon!" Tamera had never felt better in all her life; she was happy and carefree, without a worry in the world. She felt warm and close to everyone here, and she turned her blissful eyes to the screen.

The screen, which Jason set up in front of the fireplace, showed nothing but dancing white images as the first few feet of film rolled through the projector, percipient to the actual movie.

A woman and a bedroom came into focus. The woman was a statuesque brunette, wearing a clinging black gown accentuating her body underneath. She slipped the gown slowly upwards, exposing slim, well-rounded legs, full thighs, and a pair of silken stockings which contrasted with her creamy smooth skin. Then the dress was over her head, and in nothing but her stockings, bra and panties, the woman took the dress and carefully laid it over a chair. Then she bent forward and slowly, tantalizingly, unhooked her bra--Tamera heard a sharp intake of breath from the other couch at this point--and the full beauty of the woman's firm, proud breasts burst free. They stood high and beautifully formed, their quivering nipples stood out on the luscious half-spheres. Almost naked now, she turned and bent over seductively and with her back to them, she drew the panties down over her curved hips and buttocks, brushing them sensuously against her smooth thighs and calves and then discarding them at her feet.

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