Fungi - Cover


by Bisamrattan

CC BY 4.0 Deed Attribution 4.0 International

Horror Story: A porn horror story, more a teaser than the whole thing. Two girls are attacked by a weird plant in the forest...

Caution: This Horror Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Horror   Science Fiction   Group Sex   Public Sex   Slow   .

“Now stand against the light ... Yes, like this ... Raise your hands and stretch so that your breasts stick out ... Perfect! Stand still...”

Anna moved around, looking into the camera’s viewfinder, and took a dozen shots from different angles.

“Perfect, just perfect. Come here, let’s add some jewelry...”

She called Cindy closer and took several necklaces from her shoulder bag.

They went to this forest to do a nude photo shoot. Anna and Cindy had worked for the same news site for some time, Anna as a journalist and Cindy as an editor, until they discovered that their hobbies were a perfect match, as Cindy was an erotic model and Anna a photographer, often doing nude art photo shoots.

So this was their Sunday session again. This time they went to the nearby woods, leaving Cindy’s clothes in the car and heading for a nice natural setting.

“Now let’s go to this fallen tree and try to climb it...” Anna suggested. “Stand on it and act like you want to climb higher...”

“But there’s nothing up there!” Cindy objected.

“I know, I’ll take a picture of your legs...”

She walked around, taking pictures and admiring her friend’s body. Anna preferred women, Cindy was more into men, but these photo shoots always turned them on so much that they often ended in passionate sex on the spot.

They went deeper into the woods, Anna sometimes leading, sometimes following, her memory card slowly filling up. They both already had plans where to publish the photos.

Anna always worked barefoot, which allowed her to move by touch without distracting from the model and the camera. So when her left foot got stuck, she did not even look at it immediately, but regained her balance and took a few more shots before her right foot also hit a hole. She waved her hands to keep her balance and finally looked down. What a nuisance! The ground was covered with old branches and shrubbery, but it didn’t look that bad, what the hell...

Both of her feet were buried in the soft soil, their ankles entangled in what looked like thin, black, glistening tendrils. Anna tried to pull them out, but ended up getting stuck even deeper. And ... the vines somehow crawled higher, wrapping around her shins up to her knees? ... Eek!

“What’s wrong?” Cindy noticed Anna struggling and came closer.

“I’m stuck in some shit...”

“Do you need help?”


Anna tried to free herself again, but ended up losing her balance entirely. She waved her hands desperately and sat down rather hard. Even then, her reflexes remained under control, so she managed not to drop her precious camera and put it on the ground. The camera kept clicking in continuous shooting mode, but Anna was too busy to turn it off.

Cindy ran to her, but stumbled. Anna had the perfect view. It was like a silent explosion on the ground below Cindy, and strange tendrils quickly wrapped around her ankles as well. Cindy squealed and ended up on the ground on her four, in front of Anna.

“Oh my God!” Cindy screamed, trying to free herself. Her efforts seemed to have no effect as more thin tentacles crawled up her calves, pulling her further into the ground. Anna watched in fascination as Cindy tried to free herself from the grip of the mysterious plant life, almost missing the moment when her own calves were wrapped around as well.

“What’s this shit?”

The girls tried to tear off the vines, but they were strong and would not give up. Instead, they grabbed the girls’ wrists too, effectively tying them down.

They screamed.


But no one came to help. This part of the forest was desolate at that time, that’s why they chose it for the nude shooting ... Now the girls were completely trapped, one sitting on her butt and the other lying on her side in the grass and dirt, their feet and lower legs buried in those weird, slimy tendrils that kept climbing higher and higher ... Anna was the first to feel one of those things crawling between her thighs.

“Shiiit! Get away, you!” She yelled, but the strange plant took no notice. It crawled under Anna’s panties.

Anna closed her eyes. It could not be real, it was all like a trash tentacle hentai...

“N-no ... Nooo!” Cindy screamed at her side. She had no panties on, so it was even easier for the tendrils. “Heeelp!”

Anna opened her eyes and saw Cindy writhing on the ground, trying to free herself. There was nothing she could do. Some of the tendrils climbed even higher, reaching for the girls’ bellies.

And then they penetrated both their asses and pussies, firmly, precisely, and all the way down.


The girls screamed in disgust, wriggled, felt those strange things tickling their insides, going deeper ... And suddenly both of them, Cindy first, Anna right after her, gasped and tensed, let out long moans, their eyes rolled up so that almost only whites remained.

“Ng ... Ng ... Haaahh ... Mmm...” Cindy moaned through clenched teeth, her body shaking from the most violent orgasm she had ever experienced in her life. Anna followed suit. It felt ... incredible...

These strange plants knew exactly how to penetrate the girls, to reach their weakest points at once, to touch them everywhere. They excreted a fluid that both irritated and stimulated the tender insides, making the sharp pleasure almost unbearable. The girls gasped for air, unable even to scream.

Then they felt something like soft explosions inside, an almost audible “pufff!”

And it all ended.

The vines lost their glittering blackness and fell, crumbling to dust before they even reached the ground.

Anna and Cindy lay on the ground, shaking and sobbing. Then they reached for each other, trying to find comfort in a tight embrace.

“What was that ... Oh my God...” Anna whispered.

“I don’t know ... What’s it done to us?...” Cindy sobbed.

They lay there for a few minutes, calming down and stroking each other. Then their strokes turned into more demanding caresses, then they kissed, and kissed again, and the next thing Anna remembered was both of them hastily pulling off her clothes, almost tearing them off. And then Cindy bent down and buried her head between Anna’s spread legs, licking her pussy frantically. Anna arched her back and dug her fingers into Cindy’s hair, pressing her head even harder against hers and crying with pleasure. She had never gotten so much just from her clit being kissed!

They sat facing each other, close together, spread their legs and began to finger each other fiercely, squeezing each other’s tits with free hands, pinching and biting nipples, reaching for a passionate kiss ... From time to time one or the other shuddered and moaned in orgasmic jerks, but they did not stop, they had no will to stop.

Their lust intensified with each passing minute, turning into animal madness. Cindy stood up and Anna obediently bent over to bury her face in her crotch, then Cindy came behind her, spread her cheeks and licked her pussy and asshole hungrily...

They did not know how long it lasted. They slowly came to their senses, all dirty and with dry pine needles stuck all over their bodies, bruised here and there, all their holes swollen and pleasantly ashen, their hands all cramped.

“Ouch...” Cindy stood up, shaking. “What hit us...”

“Something really really fucked us up...” Anna said. She also stood up, groaning.

They looked at each other and blushed.

“I love you, but it was never this intense.”

“Never in my life either.”

Anna picked up her shoulder bag and began to toss her scattered clothes into it. She didn’t have the energy to get dressed right now.

She picked up her camera and checked it. Apparently it had been taking pictures every few seconds until the memory card ran out, then it turned off. Anna scrolled through the last few dozen shots. Wow. The camera has landed in the best possible position, with a clear view of her and Cindy getting wild ... Okay, she’ll check the shots later. She carefully placed the camera in the bag.

“Let’s go to our car...”

They walked through the forest, two young naked women, swaying slightly. The world around them felt too bright, too colorful, too intense, waving in their field of vision, occasionally throwing rainbows here and there.

“I feel like I’ve been drugged,” Cindy muttered.

“Have you been before?”

“Nothing worth mentioning. And never like this. But I imagine being drugged should feel similar.”

Anna chuckled.

“Given our orgasmic frenzy, such a drug would be a real hit on the market. But I have never heard of anything like it.”

They reached their car. Anna managed to find the keys in her bag, she wasn’t sure if they would survive the adventure, but they did. She threw her bag on the back seat, next to Cindy’s clothes, took the pack of cigarettes and they smoked, still naked, leaning on the hood of the car.

“My stomach is rumbling and gurgling like never before...” Anna noticed.

“Mine too. And it bulges out visibly...” Cindy stubbed out the cigarette, threw it away and lit another. “That fucking shit left some shit inside! ... Fuuuck! Maybe we should go to the hospital...” She was about to have a hysterical breakdown.

Anna lit another one, inhaled and exhaled thoughtfully.

“That’s probably the best idea. Let’s calm down a bit and I’ll drive us there.”


Another car stopped nearby. Four boys got out.

“Hey girls, are you okay?”

“Nice bodies!”

“Do you need any help?”

Anna grinned wryly.

“No problem boys! We were just ... having some fun!”

“And ... Would you like to join us?” Cindy asked suddenly.

Anna looked at her in surprise, but she really felt the next wave of that primal arousal rising in her...

The boys were only confused for a moment, and then they did not waste any more of their time. Anna and Cindy only had a few moments to giggle and kiss before they found themselves with their breasts on the hood of their car, their legs spread wide as the boys entered them from behind.

The boys weren’t that sophisticated lovers, they just did two rounds on the girls’ pussies and asses, but Anna and Cindy were completely consumed by the same mind-blowing pleasure, only able to scream and shake in ecstasy.

The boys patted the girls on the back when they were done.

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