The Boat Charter - Cover

The Boat Charter

by jack tar

Copyright© 2024 by jack tar

Erotica Sex Story: Things go wrong when friends cancel and replacements are not what they expected.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Wimp Husband   MaleDom   Humiliation   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Size   .

This happened a year ago. We, together with another couple, chartered a sailboat/yacht in the Caribbean. Shortly before the charter was due to start the other couple had to bow out due to injuries suffered in an car accident. I talked to the charter operator to see if cancellation was possible or if there was any way our friends could get a refund.

I was told that cancellation was not possible at this late date and the only way they could get a refund was if someone else took their place. I told him that on such short notice, we could find no one to take their place. He said we could take the charter by ourselves and our friends would get no refund, or he would see if he could find a replacement. He said before agreeing to anyone taking the place of our friends, we would meet them and then decide. I told him to go ahead and see if anyone could be found.

When we arrived on the island, the day before our charter was to start; he told us that he had found two men who wanted to go on our charter. He said that these two men had gone on a charter with a couple awhile back and all was fine.

We met George and Lester. They were much older than us, late 50s or early 60s. George was a big chubby fellow. Lester was a smaller guy. They were both unattractive. George took the initiative and said, “Sorry to hear about your friends but we are willing to help out. We are not sailors and will not be of much help but you will be a hero with your friends who sound like they could use the money what with their injuries and being out of work.” Interesting that he put it in terms of their doing a favour for us while at the same time letting me know that they would be nothing more than passengers.

I thought he was quite nervy. I considered my preference which was to tell them that I would be sailing alone with my wife but thanks for your offer. However, I knew George was right -- our friends really needed the refund and they would be grateful that I took on these two landlubbers. Also, they seemed ok and, in my mind, posed no threat to try something with my wife as they were not at all attractive. So now I was going to be stuck with the majority of the work and they would be more like mere passengers or guests on a cruise ship than sailing partners. Nonetheless, for the sake of our friends, who would be out a lot of money and were not working, I bit the bullet and agreed to take them on although I would have preferred to sail with just my wife at that time.

The first day’s sail went fine with no problems. We anchored in a secluded cove and I got the grill set up on a rail in the stern of the boat. Cathie went below to shower. When she came back up to the cockpit, I was surprised. She was wearing just a towel and carrying her wet bathing suit, which she went to hang off the rail in the bow. As she started to descend back into the cockpit, her towel snagged on something and came off her body and into the water. Cathie turned immediately and knelt on seat cushion and tried to reach the towel. This presented her big, beautiful ass and her pussy to George and Lester. I went for the boat hook to get the towel and Cathie stood, facing our guests. She immediately put one arm over her very large breasts and on hand over her pussy. Still a lot was showing. As I said, she has very large breasts and her arm could cover only so much. I was having a bit of a time trying to secure the towel but heard George talking to my wife.

“No need to cover up, love. We have seen plenty of naked women, although none as lovely as you. We have been to naturist beaches all over Europe, saunas in Germany, bath houses in Japan,. In the rest of the world it is not considered shameful to be in a natural state with others. We would be happy if you all wanted to go natural during this trip.”

He then approached my wife and took her hands and brought them to her side. “There, that’s better. It seems unfair that nature gave you an overabundance of beauty. You look beautiful and are beautifully formed.” Cathie giggled a bit over that. I was stunned that she had not gone below immediately. She was generally modest. Somehow this stranger (he seemed like a salesman) had put her at ease at being naked in front of two strangers. I suppose I should have said or done something, but to my astonishment, I felt myself getting aroused. Cathie sat down for a moment. Her modesty took over quickly and she soon got up and went below, blushing furiously.

As I thought about it, I suppose it made some sense. Cathie was indeed beautifully formed -- a voluptuous woman with large breasts, child baring hips, a shapely butt. However her coming of age was in the time of Kate moss, a skinny, board flat model. Some girls and women were indoctrinated into believing this was the ideal form for a woman. My wife certainly was not like that. She was not stunning either, but still good looking. But she lacked self-esteem and self confidence in her appearance. In fact, when I met her, she would dress to conceal her figure and continued to do so; thinking men would not appreciate her womanly form. My compliments on her body and appearance were shrugged off because I was her husband “and she thought I had to say that.”

Now, two seemingly worldly and experienced, older men were sincerely appreciating her physical beauty. She knew these men did not have to say anything unlike her husband who was obligated to compliment her. It had the effect of turning her head as they would say. It was such a change and she loved the ego boost it gave her.

A short time later, she came topside dressed in a blouse and loose shorts. It was apparent that she did not have a bra on. I guess we were free from normal constraints and she wanted to explore or maybe impress these men again and get more compliments. Perhaps the fact that she was a pleaser played into it. From our first meeting, it was apparent that Cathie was a pleaser, she avoided confrontation and she enjoyed the approval that resulted from her pleasing others.

I went about preparing dinner for them as they sat and the men drank beer and Cathie wine. Soon I was serving them as they remained seated with Cathie between the two men. I was like the third wheel, actually like a servant. George then solidified this concept. After serving them, I served myself and was about to sit down opposite them when George said, “While you’re up, get me another beer. Actually, get us each another drink.” This was not put in the form of a request. To my shame, I complied, thereby solidifying my status as nothing more than the server who would obey the commands of these men. It somehow seemed right. I never knew that I had latent submissive tendencies.

George continued to compliment Cathie and I did nothing but take it in, feeling a bit excited by it, and that caused a conflict within me. I should be asserting myself and protecting my wife, but failed to act again. I wondered what was wrong with me while at the same time finding all this somewhat titillating and arousing. Finally, we were calling it a night but George wanted “just a kiss good night.” Cathie went to him to peck him on the cheek but he turned her head and kissed her on the mouth while pulling her close. Again, I did nothing as it was turning me on -- what was wrong with me? It was more than just a friendly kiss. Finally, Cathie broke away. George then said, “Don’t ignore Lester. Give him a good night kiss too.” This time it was not necessary to manipulate her head. Cathie just went in for a mouth-to-mouth kiss. Again it was held for more than necessary for a friendly kiss.

Cathie and I had a hot session in our bunk that night in our berth Cathie was so wet I slide all the way in without friction and had to pump her hard to get a feeling and work up to ejaculation which pleased Cathie as I lasted ages longer...

The next day we set out for a secluded cove on an uninhabited island where we would have lunch and a swim. We weighed anchor and manoeuvred to open water. All the while our two passengers sat back and watched. Once sailing smoothly on open water, they went up to the bow to sun themselves. Cathie joined them as I had things under control.

I could only hear bits of their conversation. I heard the word, “lotion,” and heard Cathie say, “OK, that’s enough” but it was said with a bit of a giggle. What was going on? I could not see them and was left to wonder.

Finally, we arrived at our destination. I called to Cathie to be my lookout in the bow as there was a coral reef protecting the cove and to let me know when she saw the break in the reef that would allow us to enter without problems. I saw that as she got up, she was tying her bikini top. Had she been topless with these men?

In any event, we made it safely through the reef and as I was turning the bow toward the open water to anchor, the engine cut out. Fortunately, we were barely moving and I called to Cathie to drop the bow anchor, which she did. The incoming tide pushed us a little to the shore which helped the anchor secure purchase on the sandy bottom. I opened the hatch in the cockpit leading to the engine and could not immediately divine what the problem was. I knew it would take time to resolve the issue and told our guests (or leches) and my wife that they should go ashore and enjoy it and I would swim in when I was finished.

They took off in the rowboat and I jumped down into the engine space. Not long after, I heard splashing of water and shrieks of laughter and protest. I looked up and I could see my wife and the two men frolicking in the water. It was mildly arousing. I thought this was getting out of hand, this arousal whenever I saw my wife interact with these men, these strangers.

I went back to working on the engine, which took quite a bit of time. I stood up straight to take some strain off my back and looked towards the shore. I could see below the rail on which the grill rested. What I saw surprised Me., not the empty wine bottle but I saw my wife on a blanket, on her back, supported by her elbows, and she was topless. She shared the blanket with George. Then George leaned over to her and kissed her. While kissing her his right hand came up and caressed her left breast. This brought no reaction from my wife. The kiss lasted for a while. Then, suddenly, Cathie broke the kiss and sat up straight and directed her eyes towards the boat. She appeared to have a worried look on her face as though fearful that I would see the scene. However, I was well hidden from view and she did not see me.

Although she could not see me, she got up from the blanket and walked to the water. George followed. He put his hands on her shoulder and turned her turned towards him. He said something to her and wagged his finger in her face as if scolding her. He then pulled her toward him with his hand on her ass and kissed her again. This time, my wife did not break the kiss but passively accepted it nor did she do anything to make him remove his hand from her ass. Soon, Lester appeared. Apparently, he had taken walk down the beach. When he approached them, George said something to Cathie, and she bent over and kissed Lester, who took the opportunity to hold her breasts in his hands.

What had gotten into my wife? Was it being in this beautiful place with warm weather, removed from the conventional constraints of our life back home that had freed her libido? Was that it? Or was this just a manifestation of a latent sexuality which had been kept in check by our very conventional marriage? Was it that she had a latent submissive streak and George was bringing it out? She was not exactly a prude, but she never would have displayed her breasts nor allowed other men to feel her up before this trip.

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