Wine and Spanks Brunch - Cover

Wine and Spanks Brunch

by LiteroCat

Copyright© 2024 by LiteroCat

Erotica Sex Story: "Clumsy" hostess spills wine on guests and strips them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Spanking   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   .

After meeting Pat and Pete at a school mixer, my wife found Pat was also a daring soul who was bored being a simple housewife and mother. They got closer as they met daily for coffee or wine and shared secrets they wouldn’t tell us, their husbands. When I asked what they were up too, they shut up and giggled with guilty eyes. Going clothes shopping meant they returned with ever more daring outfits.

A short month after their meeting, Sue invited them for brunch and a swim at our home. She chose a knee-length, flirty, yellow dress with a daring slit nearly to her hip. Her shapely toned thigh kept peeking out as she moved and the hem swung freely. The top was ribbed so it wrapped around her small tits and teasingly enhanced them. Perfect, tall, and thick nipples made my pulse race as they stood up so I expected Pete had the same reaction. I wore light weight tan shorts and a Polo top.

Pat wore a snug, pale blue, mini skirt with a tight, white, low cut, silk top. Her big tits didn’t need help standing out and her nude bra helped soften her curves while darkening and advertising her thick nipples. Visible as they were, I found it hard to control my rising manhood and not to stare. Pete was in shorts similar to mine. Every time Sue’ leg popped out or her nipple shifted, I saw his shorts lift. I had to wonder if these were typical, boring parents;

The wives quickly filled and drained large wine glasses with Shiraz. This fine wine from Iran is called “bold and full-bodied, with aromatic notes of smoke, black fruit and pepper spice,” much like Pat.

Sue said, “We better watch how much drink we since it is higher proof than most red wine. Refill?” She smirked as she mangled her words and filled our glasses.

“Stan, what do you think the girls talk about without us? What secrets can’t they share? I bet they talk about sex.” I was surprised to hear Pete bring that up since this was our first gathering. Even more surprising was his beautiful wife’s lack of response. Already feeling the wine, Pat winked at me, and Sue snorted. Pat walked across the room with her sexy thighs rippling and her shapely ass wiggling for us. I sighed as I dreamed of slapping and biting that ass. My shorts tented. Sue hid her smile.

“Is that it, Sue? You two are sharing bedroom secrets?” His eyes locked on Sue’s nipples. She drained her glass and refilled it. As she turned toward her seat, she stumbled and spilled her wine across Pete’s shirt and shorts. He jumped up and they both dabbed the spill.

Sue put her glass down, “I’m so sorry, Pete. The wine is going to stain your shirt. Take it off and I’ll soak it wash it then for you.” He handed her his shirt. “Oh, your shorts are soaked too.” In a blur, she undid and dropped his shorts. As she helped him out of them, his cock pushed hard against his boxers. “Oh no. Your boxers stained are too. I better take those and...” She yanked off his boxers letting his huge cock slap her face. “ ... soak those too.”

My jaw dropped as I froze watching Sue totally strip our new friends. Pat hustled across the room shouting, “What are you doing to my husband? You naughty girl!” With Sue still bent over, Pat slapped Sue’s ass hard. “You just wanted to confirm his cock size. You deserve a good spanking for stripping Pete.” In her hurry to punish Sue, she tipped her wine into her top. It and her bra turned purple. When she pulled her top and bra away from her wet chest, she also exposed her big tits to me and Sue.

“Oh Pat. Your clothes are getting stained.” With Pat already bent over, Sue easily grabbed Pat’s blouse hem and pulled it over her head. Pat stood up aghast. Her shear bra offered her big tits to hungry eyes with the wet parts becoming transparent. Speechless, she bent and stared at her stained bra. Sue hugged her, reached around, and released the bra. It slid off as Sue backed away and left Pat with puckered nipples, dancing tits, and topless next to her naked husband.

She turned to her husband sputtering. Sue smiled at her handy work. “Oh Pat, the wine dripped onto you skirt too.” Before she could escape, Sue unhooked and dropped the blue mini skirt and Pat stepped out of it automatically. Now wearing just panties, my cock and I couldn’t help staring at her shapely legs. I knew exactly where I wanted to put them. Pete’s cock surged.

I got up and helped — helped Pat remove her stained panties. As I helped her step out of them, I rubbed my nose deep into her naked ass. She froze as I inhaled her sexy pheromones and gently bit her left cheek. Her thighs rippled as she shifted her legs apart and I slid a hand up her leg. When I reached her pussy, I cupped it and watched Pete watch me spread his wife’s pussy to check how wet she was. That would answer if we went too far too fast or this was what they wanted. Two fingers easily slid into her soaked pussy. Pete surged without a word as I fingered Pat. My cock grew to the edge of my shorts and lifted them since I was commando.

Sue put the stained clothes into a wet bucket to soak. When she came back and saw me fingering Pat, she smiled and winked at me. Looking like the aliens in the Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Pat extended her arm, opened her mouth wide, and pointed at Sue. “Wine. Your dress. When you hugged me, you got wine on your dress.” Sue froze and stared, confused as she didn’t see any stain. Yet, Pat stepped off my imbedded fingers and tore the one button holder on Sue’s backless dress. As she pulled it down, exposing her small braless tits to everyone, Pete unhooked the bottom and pulled it to the floor leaving my wife in just her panties.

I moved back to the sofa with Pat’s fragrant panties and watched them examine Sue’s tits and panties supposedly for wine stains. Pat slapped her ass hard again and Pete ran his cock up her leg before turning her and also slapping her ass. Her prominent camel toe formed from her engorged labia and clit. My cock throbbed again as I knew I would shortly be sharing her beautiful pussy with new friends. I began to understand, “If you’re going to spank her, it really must be skin on skin.”

Pat looked at me, letting me see her swollen and bald labia clearly, “She deserves a good spanking from both of us. Do you mind?” Smiling, I adjusted my cock as they watched and shook my head. Pete took down her panties and cupped, then fingered, her lusty slurping pussy. That made us even, so far. She closed her eyes, moaned, and spread her legs for him to go deeper into her soaked pussy. Instead of letting her climax, he pulled her over his knee with her ass facing Pat. After letting her nipples graze his huge cock, she slid her pussy on his left leg and grabbed his cock to stroke it as he spanked her.

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