After School Park Trip - Cover

After School Park Trip

by JX1234567

Copyright© 2024 by JX1234567

Incest Sex Story: Jayke and Ben decide to take their little sisters to the park after school, After hearing there's a quick way to make £20

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teen Siren   Heterosexual   School   Incest   Brother   Sister   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Squirting   Voyeurism   Public Sex   .

It’s Friday morning I was over at Ben’s my best friends house, my little sister Heidi and Ben’s sister Hannah go to the same school, mum called me to say can I look after Heidi after school as she’s going out for dinner with a friend, Ben usually takes Hannah to park after school so he said we could join with them if we wanted,

Ben: dude did you hear what happened at the park with Kevin’s and little sister the other day? Some older kids got Kevin’s little sister to take her knickers off in the park and got her to go on everything! Everyone could see her pussy! They gave him £20 at the end, all he had to was “take a break” from watching her and let the older kids watch her, push her on the swings, watch her to down the slide stuff like that, I spoke to Kevin earlier and there gonna be there!

Jake: No way, you think Heidi would be up for it? Shes wearing a skirt today I think she’s wearing purple knickers? What about Hannah?

Ben: she’s got her blue dress on, I think she had pink ones but I’m not to sure, mum found a pair of her knickers in my room the other day so she keeps them in her room now! I hid her gym shorts and leggings earlier so her knickers won’t be covered Mum was looking everywhere!!! Hahahaha

We pick up the girls around half 3 and walk to the park it’s quit windy and the girls are moaning it’s cold, the wind keeps blowing up the girls skirt and dress but not enough to see what there wearing underneath,

Ben whispers in my ear, let me get a look at her knickers quick

Jake: not right here mate! you fucking mental!? How we supposed to do that!

Ben: just tell them their shoes untied, an please mate, come on mate well be quick, I can’t wait any longer

Jake: Heidi stop a sec, can you sit down a minute please, we need to tie your shoes quick,

Heidi sit down on the pavement we both look around quick to make sure,

Ben grabs Heidis legs and moves them apart a bit so he can see, his eyes look like there about to pop out his head, he pushes heidis let up and out her knee to her shoulder to get a better view, he’s taking forever while Hannah’s distracted I pull the back of the dress up to get a look he’s ones she’s wearing black ones but they look like there’s a pattern of white splotches in them, Ben starts to giggle a bit, he finishes “tying her shoelaces” and we continue our journey to the park,

Ben: did you see the stains yeah? I wanked in them this morning! Haha mum told her they might of not dried properly

I start laughing

We get to the park and see our classmate Max and his little Katie he doesn’t look to happy.

Max: No point even me fucking coming here, she kept hiding her knickers on everything she went on! and started crying when they asked her to take them off! hopefully you lot get better luck! Come on Katie let’s go home!

We go in the park and sit on the bench while the girls on the swings, were the only ones in there apart from the boys, one of the boys walks over and sits down next to us,

Boy: you lot wanna makes 20 quid each?

Me and Ben both said yes!

Boy: listen all you gotta do is introduce us to the girls as one of your mates and let us have a little fun, seeing as there 2 of them one of my mates get to join in, all you gotta do is take a break for a bit, nothing major but maybe touch them a little bit, and maybe get them to do some hand stands cartwheels ... With their knickers off ... All you gotta do is watch and act like you don’t know nothing seems fair?

Me and Ben both agreed, the boy said we’re gonna start pushing them on the swings first from the front, to get a feel of their knickers and see if they say anything,

Jayke: girls were gonna stop for a bit yeah cuz were tired, this is my friend Archie (boy 1) and Devon (boy 2) they said there gonna push you on the swings for a bit ok.

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