Megan Dairies: Frist Time Blacked - Cover

Megan Dairies: Frist Time Blacked

by aussiemegan24

Copyright© 2024 by aussiemegan24

True Story Sex Story: my first sexual encounter with a black man

Caution: This True Story Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   True Story   Workplace   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Tit-Fucking   .

t was another blazing hot summer day in Perth, a light sheen of sweat forming on my forehead as I raced about taking customer orders and bringing out food to hungry patrons. It was always like this during the lunchtime rush, office workers packed our small Spanish cafe in the heart of the city, eager to eat and get back to their jobs. It could be stressful at times but I grew to love the work, most people were very friendly and polite but I do experience jerks and wankers from time to time( most being lawyers or stockbrokers). If it wasn’t complaining about this or that it was luwed comments about my appearance, typical guy stuff, but I learned pretty quickly to just ignore it, always keeping a smile on my face even if I wanted to spill a hot coffee all over their expensive trousers.

The crowd started to thin out around 1:30 pm finally giving me time to take a quick bathroom break and fix myself up a bit, wiping away the sweat from an intense 2 hours. When I stepped back out I noticed a group of men in uniform had taken seats at one of our outdoor tables. I quickly retied my apron and headed out to greet them with a couple of menus in hand. As I got closer I discovered they were all US Navy sailors which made me cringe a little( that’s the last thing I needed, a group of sexed-up sailors on shore leave), I did my best to not look annoyed, flashing a polite, welcoming smile as I greeted them and explained the specials on offer ( geez, they are all staring at my tits) I noticed while finishing up my explanation.

“that all sounds pretty good Me ... gan”, the one on the left said as he pretended to be reading my name tag and not blatantly staring up at my cleavage which was discreetly on display in my black somewhat, low-cut T-shirt.

The others chuckled and nodded their heads in agreement clearly doing the same thing, I rolled my eyes and placed the Menus on their table, giving them the standard “I’ll be back in 5 minutes to take their order line”, before walking off. I wasn’t even three steps in when I heard one of them making a remark about my arse, I resisted the urge to turn my head around and make it known that I heard what was said, I instead continued to saunter off leaving them to shamelessly keep staring at my jean covered behind to their heart’s content.

“It looks like you have some fans”, my co-worker Michelle joked with an amused grin on her face.

“well, you are more than welcome to take them of my hands if you want?”, I retorted, sticking out my tongue at her playfully.

“I wouldn’t mind, a couple of them are pretty hot, especially that black guy on the right”, she pointed out.

I turned my attention to him for a moment, my eyes discreetly checking him out, I had always found black men attractive but had never had the opportunity to be with one before, of course, I was curious ( how could I not be with all the tales and stereotypes about black men floating around these days on the internet) I don’t know how long I was staring for but Michelle’s voice snapped me out of my mini trance.

“Have you ever been with a black guy before? you know what they say right?”, she softly whispered leaning in closer to me so we wouldn’t be heard.

“No I haven’t, and yes I think everyone knows the rumors about black guys”, I replied before we both giggled like school girls

“If I didn’t have a boyfriend I would totally try and find out first hand if it was true”, Michelle teased, giving me a mischievous wink before she walked off to serve a couple who walked in.

I pondered her naughty suggested for a little while as I made a latte, the thought of being with a black guy was defiantly having an effect on me, I was feeling a bit flushed and that familiar tingle was forming between my thighs. My mind started to think back to those times I had watched interracial porn, the sight of a huge, black cock hammering away into a glistening, white girls pussy, the striking comparison between skin tones was highly erotic, they made it seem so taboo and wrong even though I know it’s 2013 and we all should stop thinking about a black man and a white woman in that way, but it was still hot and I found myself jilling off on more than one occasion to such videos, (god I need to stop thinking about this), I chuckled to myself on the inside as I made my way back outside to serve the group of men.

“so have you gentlemen decided on what you will have?”, I asked looking each of them in the eye briefly one by one.

“well what I really want isn’t on this menu but I’ll try the albon ... di ... gas, is that how you say it, Megan?”, the tall, black stranger asked in a smooth, deep tone before suggestively licking his lips which made me blush a little.

“oh yes Albondigas, its a famous Spanish dish, you will love it I promise”, I replied finding his attempt at pronouncing the name of the dish quite cute.

The others ordered and I returned back inside to hand in the ticket and serve more customers before returning with their food 20 minutes later.

It was surprisingly busy for a Tuesday afternoon, I didn’t have much time to dwell on the handsome, black man until his group asked for their bill, they thanked me for a wonderful meal and even generously tipped me with a 20 dollar note which I was not very use to ( tipping isn’t really a thing in Australia), I thanked them kindly before getting back to work.

I left work at around 3 pm, heading into the shopping district to pick up a few things and browse, generally just wasting time until my bus was due to arrive. I spotted a cute looking bracelet behind a window display and crouched down to have a closer look ( $900, no way I could afford it right now), I sighed.

“I thought that booty looked familiar”, a man spoke from just behind me

I quickly stood up and twirled around seeing the familiar face of the handsome, black, stranger in front of me again, his deep, brown eyes were staring into mine with such intensity it made my heart flutter. I gave him a weak smile and mouthed out a mousey “hello”. I was almost quivering, such was his presence, he was at least a foot and a half taller than my 5’6 and I could tell he had a muscular, athletic build even in his lose navy uniform.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, bet it’s not every day you turn around to see a black man standing next to you huh?”, he asked with an amused grin.

I giggled nervously and tried to regain my composure, brushing my hair away from my face before I gave him a smile,” I can’t say that isn’t true, but you being black has nothing to do with it, I would feel the same if it was any guy that snuck up behind me”, I retorted, crossing my arms under my ample breasts trying to look annoyed at his assumption.

“of course, anyway I’m sorry, I just wanted to say hi again and thank you once more for being really sweet, I know my boys were being a bit crude with the staring and such, but we have been at sea for a long time, you can’t blame them when such a beautiful lady is standing right there”, he explained in an almost gentlemanly manner which kind of surprised me ( not that I think all black men would talk like rappers).

“it’s ok, I’m used to it, I guess it was pretty harmless, but I appreciate the apology”, I replied feeling a lot more at ease after the initial surprise,” so where are the rest of them now? Not getting into trouble I hope?”

He smiled and looked around the square while scratching the side of his cheek,” I have no clue, we were talking to a group of girls just over there but I guess they bounced somewhere”.

“oh right, I see, trying to make the most of your shore leave huh?”, I teased tilting my hip to one side and giving him a knowing smirk.

He chuckled, the answer to my question written all over his grinning face,” well like I said, we have been at sea for a long time”.

“hey I understand, you don’t need to explain anything to me, Aussie girls are pretty fun, I’m sure you guys will have no trouble finding what you need”, I sarcastically replied, giving him a cheeky wink and making a motion to turn and leave.

“Hey wait, don’t go”, he quickly said while reaching out to place a hand on my right shoulder,” I would much rather find out how fun you are, to be honest”.

I turned my head to glare at his dark, strong hand on my shoulder, my body tensed up and a jolt of excitement filled my chest, my eyes diverted back to his, seeing the look of lust and hunger he had for me, I don’t know why I was about to give him what he wanted, maybe it was just the curiosity getting the best of me because he was black. I had found plenty of guys this attractive and had never decided to give it up so easily before, (I didn’t even know his name for god sake), I snickered to my self on the inside.

“Alright, do you have someplace we can go?”, I said as casual as can be.

I watched as his eyes lit up like he had won the lottery before he started to study me more closely, maybe trying to see if I was just playing with him or not,” are you really serious? your just teasing me right?”, he nervously chuckled out, that confidence he had just a moment ago fading away.

“I’m not teasing you, I’m pretty stressed out after work, we can help each other out, and I’ve always been curious about being with a black guy”, I confessed before wondering where the hell my sudden courage to say what I just said came from.

“dam girl, alright, its a deal, I can get us a hotel room if your down?”, he suggested, still with a bewildered look on his face as if he wasn’t quite believing what was happening just yet.

“Sounds good to me, there’s a reasonably priced one close by, let’s go”, I said, still keeping my tone as casual as can be, like I did this sort of thing every day,” oh do you have protection?”. I asked looking back over my shoulder as I started to lead the way.

“yeah I got it covered”, he spoke out like he had a frog in his throat.

I giggled still looking back at him from over my shoulder,” good”, was my simple reply before I looked back ahead and grinned from ear to ear, feeling a sense of feminine power wash over me ( I can’t believe I’m doing this, I’m so bad, haha).

The walk was barely five minutes as we entered the hotel lobby, I told him I would wait by the elevators while he got the room. I watched with anticipation as he talked to the man behind the reception before walking over to me with a key card in hand. We waited patiently until the elevator doors opened and stepped inside without saying a word to one another. I was quite amused that his demeanor had changed so drastically from when he was with his friends and even from just before I agreed to hook up with him, I wondered why.

“you OK, you’re being very quiet?”, I curiously pried turning my head to look over at him.

“yeah I’m cool, I just didn’t think you would say yes, my boys told me I should just be straight forward, I’m not really that experienced with girls you see, I’ve only had one girlfriend In high school before I joined the navy”, he confided

“oh wow, you seemed like such a ladies man before”, I teased while grabbing a hold of his large hand trying to ease his nerves,” your not a virgin or anything are you?”.

“Nah, but I’ve only slept with one girl, is that ok?”, he asked with little to no confidence.

“don’t worry ... Ummm, I guess I should ask for your name”, I giggled out

“oh yeah, I’m Sean”, he chuckled joining me in finding the situation a little funny

“Well, Sean, don’t worry just relax and enjoy it, if it makes you feel better, I don’t do this very often, hooking up with a stranger I mean”.

“Guess it’s my lucky day, you’re really fucking hot Megan”, he complimented.

I gave him an appreciative smile and tightened my grip on his hand, noticing it getting a tad sweaty,” I think I’m the lucky one, a lot of girls would love to be in my place right now, you’re a really hot guy”, I said back trying to boost his confidence ( it wasn’t like I was lying he was a real stud).

He snickered and looked down to meet my gaze, his eyes roaming across the tops of my breasts before he looked back up and grinned, “I’m not really use to hearing that, I was a bit of a geek in high school, I only really started to work out when I joined the navy”.

“well it shows, you’re a real beefcake”, I giggled out before turning slightly to have a feel of his impressive bicep with my free hand.

I could see he was starting to feel a lot more relaxed and confident smiling down as I moved my hand across to his manly, hard chest, Sean let out a low growl as it roamed lower to his equally rock hard abs. I bit my bottom lip letting out a purr of my own before the elevator doors opened, postponing my impromptu exploration of this hunky stranger for now.

“We better get into that room before I blow you right here”, I teased, giving him a devious smile.

Sean swallowed hard in reaction to my playful comment and nodded his head in agreement, we walked down the hallway towards our room hand in hand. He fumbled a bit with the key card which caused me to giggle before he got it open and stepped inside. The room was small but had a decently sized queen bed ( the only thing we needed really). I told him to get comfy and brushed by to use the bathroom, swaying my hips seductively with each step as he watched my every move like a deer in headlights. I smiled and closed the door, dropping my handbag and pulling out my phone to text my mother I wouldn’t be home until later. I sprayed some deodorant and reapplied more cherry lipstick to make my plump lips pop then adjusted my wavy, blonde before I walked back out to find Sean laying down on the bed in just a small pair of dark, blue boxer shorts.

I smiled mischievously and took in the sight of his toned, dark body, his defined abs and broad chest looked oh so yummy, those strong, muscular arms at his side, I couldn’t wait to have them touching my soft, light skin. My eyes instinctively traveled further down to his crotch area, an impressive looking bulge already forming a small tent in his boxers ( god I couldn’t wait to see if the stereotype was true).

“going to join me Megan?”, he awkwardly said, obviously still feeling the nerves of the situation.

I smiled playfully and nodded my head, walking around to the foot of the bed where I started to strip away at my clothing. I kept a close eye on my tall, dark stranger as my hands gently pulled my T-shirt up over my head and off, leaving my 32 D breasts only shielded by a simple black, cotton bra. Next to come off was my tight, dark, blue jeans, I did my best to do it as sexy as possible, rocking my hips from side to side as I peeled them down my legs, bending over and resting a hand on the bed for support to rip them off my feet( always a struggle with tight jeans, hehe).

“Dam girl, so fucking sexy”, Sean groaned out, his hand on his bulge, rubbing it as he enjoyed my striptease, his chest was heaving up and down, taking in deep breaths and admiring my curvaceous figure.

I grinned graciously giving him a playful twirl, showing off my curves, My cheeky, style, black panties matched the bra. I continued to tease him with a few more scandalous poses, stopping with my back turned to him as I reached behind to unclasp my bra, one by one I unhooked the straps from each shoulder and let it fall to the ground, looking back over my shoulder the whole time to see him grabbing onto his crotch even tighter, his eyes totally focused on me with a deep desire.

“like what you see?”, I teased, turning around to show him my natural, round, perky tits.

“what do you think?”, he answered back, tugging down his boxer shorts to reveal his big, dark, circumcised, erection.

“oh my, it’s so big”, I yelped out, it wasn’t as big as the ones I had seen in porn but he was still impressive, not the biggest I’ve experienced first hand but he was definitely the thickest.

His dark purple head was already glistening with pre-cum, more and more was spilling out as he wrapped his hand around it and started to stroke slowly. I licked my lips and sinfully smiled, crawling onto the bed like a little minx until I was between his large, muscular thighs, Sean spread them wider to allow me the room, his lust-filled, dark eyes were taking in the sight of my breasts jiggling with each motion.

I playfully slapped his hand, Sean got the hint and moved it away from his, rock, hard member so I could replace it with my own, the heat emitting from his shaft almost burning my hand as I stroked it up and down, meticulously. His veins pulsed to my touch, I felt it pumping more and more blood into his already engorged penis head, the overflow of pre-cum kept spilling down his shaft onto my fingers, I leaned down licking it from my hand, keeping eye contact with Sean the whole time, as I enjoyed his musky, salty, yet sweet, man, nectar.

“fuck Megan”, he gasped out, his hips shaking and thrusting upwards subconsciously.

His Mushroom like head poked against my lips, smearing my lipstick onto his hard muscle, I giggled at the reaction and pulled slightly back, teasing him further, he sighed and closed his eyes while I kept up my sensuous stroking, his legs were visibly trembling which made me wonder if he was close to cumming already, I knew he was inexperienced with women so I backed off, removing my hand and placing both onto his thighs, rubbing them up and down as a masseuse would.

Sean reopened his eyes and gritted his teeth, he stared down at me, almost pleading for more attention to be made to his, blood-filled rod, I smiled and snaked out my tongue to lick up along his right side, my tongue slid up, leaving a trail of my own saliva until I reached his helmet, I lashed and nibbled on the sensitive edges of his crown, moving my soft tongue from side to side eliciting a growl from his open mouth. Sean used his elbows to raise himself up to watch me more closely as I kept licking and teasing his engorged head, my arse sticking high in the air, swaying from right to left as I enjoyed the thrill of teasing this black stranger I barely knew.

After around 5 minutes of teasing( it must have felt like longer to him), I finally took his manhood into my, warm, wet mouth, my cheeks really had to stretched to fit his thick, girth inside, I swirled my tongue around his head, as my lips sunk lower, wrapping around his shaft and swallowing him down as far as I could.

“oh fuck, that’s so good, holy shit”, Sean gasped out, throwing his head back to let out a pleased, groan.

I tried to smile around his black, cock but it was almost impossible with its thickness, I instead started to bob up and down his shaft, varying my speed when I thought I was pushing him too far to the point of no return. My eyes were glued onto his for the telltale signs, a part of me wanted to receive his cum but the devilish side of me wanted to tease him longer and prolong the inevitable explosion of pleasure he would soon feel. My hands went to his balls and caressed them as my mouth kept bobbing up and down his shaft which was now slick and well lubricated with my saliva, the gulping and squelching sounds of my wet, blow job echoing throughout the small hotel room. Sean started to thrust his hips into my mouth, fucking me back as I sucked his cock like a starving animal. I gagged as his member pushed further, almost entering my throat, there’s no way I could get that down there with how thick it was but that didn’t stop Sean from trying, he thrust up harder, totally lost in his need to get off. I slapped his thighs and pulled back, gasping for air while coughing, I sat back on my heels, a hand between my tits, a few tears dripping down my face, smearing my light make up.

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