Gift in the Woods - Cover

Gift in the Woods

Copyright© 2023 by Tranquil_guy

Chapter 9

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 9 - A man finds love and more after an unusual encounter in the woods. Newly discovered abilities changes his life.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mind Control   BiSexual   Rags To Riches   Sharing   Group Sex   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging  

I’m sure the preacher and deacons wouldn’t like the truth, if they ever figured anything out, but I was planning on sharing their wives with them from now on, whether they wanted it or not. I got up and started dressing; my cock was worn out for now and needed a little rest. I wanted to see all three of these women again and exchanged phone numbers with them as they dressed. They proclaimed their love to me and I to them and promised to call and text. They said they definitely needed ME to be in church and get involved in the activities with them from now on. I told them I would consider it and moved them towards the door. I kissed and squeezed each on the ass as they left and headed for their car. I would see them in the morning at church ... Chris and David grinned at me as they pulled away and they waved in our direction. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in their car as they left. I left shortly afterwards and went home.

“I’m going to church with David and Chris in the morning,” I said to Bobbie as I walked in the house.

“That’s fine,” she said as I walked in. “I have some stuff I was planning to do in the morning,” she said as I got closer. “I’ll go with you if you want,” she said.

“No, do what you want to do and enjoy your morning,” I told her.

“I’m just going to meet their pastor and some of their friends,” I said.

“You’re a good friend to them, Cupcake,” she said.

She didn’t know how good a friend I was planning to be to these women.

I had changed packet commands slightly to include the line, ‘I consider myself bi-sexual and curious.’ After all, everyone I had given a packet to previously, I had also given additional commands to that effect. I might as well make it a blanket command instead of doing it individually.

The next morning I woke with the sunshine coming through the windows and the smell of coffee coming from downstairs. I got up and started my morning routine. I dressed in khakis and a nice shirt and met David, Chris, Kayla and the kids in their church parking lot. I hugged and shook hands appropriately as the situation required. Tom and Joanie were there and she hugged me tightly as we went in. Their kids all went off to childcare and Chris sat next to me on a pew half way back from the front. Cecelia, Carol, and Nancy smiled at me from their seats next to their husbands as the service started.

After the singing and before her husband took to the pulpit, Cecelia came over and sat next to me for the sermon. Her leg rubbed against mine as she leafed through her Bible and tried to pay attention to her husband preaching. I saw several beautiful women watching us and turning to smile. I smiled back at them and saw a few blushing brightly. I waited and considered my options for a while and finally picked out five gorgeous women and dropped a packet in them. The sermon dragged on, something about the pot calling the kettle black. All the women blinked their eyes a few times after receiving their packets and turned to smile at me again.

After the service and all the Amen’s were done, the women I had given a packet gathered around David, Chris, Kayla and I and were hugging, kissing cheeks, and trying to touch any part of me. The five introduced themselves and I got a slight shock/tingle from each one of them. I’m terrible with names but I would remember their beautiful faces and bodies. It seems that one of the five women was Cecelia and Pastor Baxter’s 14-year-old daughter. Oooops. Oh well, it would work out, I’m sure of it.

I shook hands and hugged for a long time afterwards. The pastor finally made his way over to me as his wife stood practically arm in arm with me introducing everyone close by. The two deacon’s wives, Carol and Nancy were close by too with their husbands. The introductions and glad-handing continued for several more minutes until I announced we were going to a local buffet for lunch. We loaded into our cars, Kayla riding with me instead of her parents. All of the women I dropped a packet into showed up at the restaurant with their husbands and families, plus five other couples. It could have been a coincidence since this was a popular after church hangout for everyone, but I didn’t think so.

Cecelia, Carol, and Nancy tried their best to get as close to me as possible, even leaving their husbands and kids to fend for themselves at times. The men didn’t seem too happy about it, I would have to give them packets also to calm them down. One of the five women slipped me a small piece of paper with her name and cell phone number on it. She smiled at me as she slid it into my hand. I nonchalantly put it in my pocket and kept talking. I would remember her!

We talked, visited and got to know each other for over an hour after we had finished eating. I let them know I live across the street from David and Chris. Everyone in the church pretty much knows where everyone else lives. It’s a small community and church was a big part of it, regardless of denomination. Before we left I found all of the wait staff and handed each a twenty-dollar tip. One young server started crying and hugged me. She said she had needed it badly and appreciated it. I pulled the rest of the wad of twenties out of my pocket and put it in her apron pocket.

She looked up at me with eyes as big as saucers and just stared, not knowing what to say. I bent down and kissed her cheek as tears streamed down. I hoped I had helped her in some small way. I figured it was at least 800 because there were some 100s mixed in with the twenties but I wasn’t sure and didn’t care. She needed it more than some gangbanger did and I was happy to help her. They all thanked me profusely as we left and headed home.

I asked David to bring Chris over to meet Bobbie later this afternoon if they had time and they both said yes enthusiastically. Bobbie was piddling around the house, enjoying her alone time when I got home.

“David and Chris are coming by this afternoon for a visit,” I told her. She smiled brightly at me.

“Oh, that’s wonderful. I finally get to meet her,” she said. “By the way, how was church?”

“It was very good. Everyone was really nice and seemed glad to meet me. I think you would like to go sometime and get to know the folks,” I said.

“I think that would be nice, maybe I will,” she agreed. I went upstairs to change into some shorts and a t-shirt and get comfortable for a lazy Sunday afternoon. I sat in my chair to read for a while and relaxed. About an hour later, there was a knock at the door and Bobbie went to answer it. Bobbie welcomed David and Chris and there were hugs and kisses to go around. Bobbie was as excited as a kid with a new toy. She took Chris by the hand and headed to the kitchen as David and I made our way to the living room and sat down. Bobbie and Chris came in moments later with glasses of iced tea and a plate full of cookies. Bobbie sat next David on the love seat and Chris sat next to me on the couch.

We talked, visited, and got to know each other better as we sipped tea and nibbled on Bobbie’s cookies. Bobbie was as excited as a kid in a candy store as she got to know Chris better as they chatted. I sent a thought to Bobbie, ‘Put your hand on David’s leg and start rubbing it,’ and she did it without even realizing she was doing it. I nodded to David and he put his arm around Bobbie and started rubbing her shoulder. Chris snuggled up against me and put her hand in my lap.

I could have sent everyone a thought to just strip naked and start fucking and they would have but I wanted it to see natural so I went slow. Bobbie realized she was stroking David’s thigh and his arm was around her. She looked into his eyes, ‘Kiss him,’ I sent her. She leaned toward him as he pulled her closer. She closed her eyes and their lips met in a soft, tender kiss. She was purring as they embraced and their tongues danced together. The kissing was getting more passionate after a few minutes and I could hear heavy breathing coming from them.

I was already making out with Chris passionately on the couch, my cock hard as a rock and her coming from my tongue in her mouth. Bobbie got up, straddled David’s lap, sat down, and started kissing him again. She held the back of his head tightly as she ran her fingers through his hair with her other hand. She moaned into his mouth as he squeezed her ass and caressed her back. I lay back on the couch and Chris was on top of me grinding her pussy on me and humping.

I slipped both hands into Chris’ shorts and panties and squeezed her delicious ass while her tongue probed my mouth. She moaned as my middle finger found her anus and massaged gently. Bobbie had both her and David’s shirts off and she was sucking his nipples. She was humping him as one of her hands went into his shorts and found his cock. She stroked him as she sucked and he must have liked it. He groaned and thrust his hips at her. I pushed Chris’ shorts and panties down as far as I could reach and kept caressing her beautiful soft ass cheeks. Bobbie got up and tugged David’s shorts and underwear off as he lifted his ass. She pulled hers off, took off her bra, and got back in David’s lap naked. Chris lifted up, tugged my shorts and underwear off, and slipped hers the rest of the way down her legs. I took off my t-shirt and we were all naked now. Chris got back on top of me and ground her hot, wet pussy into my hard cock.

I looked over, Bobbie was bouncing on David’s hard cock, and he was squeezing her ass. Chris reached between us, put my cock at her entrance, and lowered herself onto me. She started shaking and coming immediately. She moaned my name and how much she loved me as she slowly slid up and down my shaft. Her humping my cock became more erratic and more urgent as her orgasms became stronger and longer. Bobbie was fucking David hard as she panted and bounced in his lap. ‘Orgasm now,’ I sent to Bobbie, she squealed, stiffened, and held him tightly and trembled.

Chris lay down on my chest and kissed me as she was coming. I stuck my tongue in her mouth and she went ballistic thrashing and fucking me. I stuck my middle finger in her ass; she went rigid, screamed into my mouth, and shook violently for a few seconds. I pulled my finger out of her ass before she passed out. David had lifted Bobbie up and put her on her hands and knees on the loveseat. I lifted Chris up, helped her to the loveseat next to Bobbie, and put her on her knees. David grinned and got behind Bobbie and I got behind Chris. We slid our cocks into the women at the same time and started fucking. Chris put her arm over Bobbie’s shoulder and pulled her close and we fucked them. Chris was coming constantly and I sent a thought to Bobbie, ‘Keep coming until David comes in you.’ Bobbie started squealing again and thrusting back at David as he fucked her.

I reached over and squeezed David’s ass as he fucked Bobbie from behind. He grinned at me, reached over and squeezed my ass cheek too. Chris and Bobbie were coming like crazy and I thought I should give them some relief. I was getting close to blowing a load into Chris’ sweet delicious pussy. I fucked her harder and harder until I was there, ‘come now,’ I sent to David. He grunted as he slammed against Bobbie’s ass and squirted deep inside her pussy. She squealed again as he filled her with spunk. I stiffened as I thrust against Chris’ ass hard and squirted two, three, four times into her beautiful body.

She was still coming until my cock softened and slipped out of her. I bent down, kissed her on both cheeks of her ass, and turned to hug David. Our soft cocks pressed together as I leaned in and kissed him tenderly. My tongue met his and they danced together for a few moments as we embraced. I felt my cock starting to respond when we pulled away. I wanted to fuck his sweet ass but it would wait for another time.

I sat down and David moved over, sat next to me on the couch, and caressed my semi-erect cock.

“I enjoyed this and hope we can do it again soon,” he said.

“We definitely will,” I told him and he smiled. He leaned over, gave my cock a kiss, and stood up. Chris and Bobbie were snuggling on the loveseat kissing tenderly when David started getting dressed. I reached for my clothes and started dressing also. Soon the ladies were putting their clothes back on and we were sitting, sipping our tea and nibbling on Bobbie’s cookies again.

We talked for a little while longer and promised to get together again soon. I kissed Chris and David tenderly and Bobbie did the same before saying our good-byes.

Bobbie and I made supper a little later and spent a quiet rest of the evening talking about how nice their visit was. She sat in my lap and snuggled me as we watched some TV before going to bed.

I woke the next morning with light coming in the windows. I smelled coffee and got up to take care of my morning routine. I went downstairs and straight to the coffee pot to fill my big travel mug, then for my morning kiss in Bobbie’s office. I made my way to my recliner and the morning paper for a few quiet minutes of catching up on local and regional news.

My cell phone dinged after about a few minutes. It was Cecelia letting me know that she was coming over with a slight problem. Well shit, what could this be about, I wondered. I told Bobbie that new church friends were coming over to visit with me. Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. I answered it and Cecelia was standing there with Julie, her daughter, standing by her side. I welcomed them in, hugged them both, and led them to Bobbie’s office.

“Bobbie, this is Cecelia and Julie Baxter, the preacher’s wife and daughter,” I said. Bobbie turned around in her chair, stood and welcomed them to our home and hugged them both.

“It’s so nice to meet you,” she told them. “I’m working now but I would like a chance to visit with you. Maybe we can get together soon,” she told them.

“It’s nice to meet you too Bobbie,” Cecelia said. “I would love to get together with you too.”

We left her to work and went to the living room to talk.

“It seems that Julie is in love with you after meeting you yesterday for the first time,” Cecelia said. “And is telling everyone about it, even her father,” She added.

“I see,” pondering the situation for a moment. Julie was one that received a packet during church yesterday not realizing she was a minor. “That just won’t do Cece,” I said “But I can fix it today.”

“That’s fine, I was sure you could. I’m going to leave her here with you since she is determined to spend time with you. I’ll be back in about three hours and then I want MY turn,” she said with a wink.

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