Gift in the Woods - Cover

Gift in the Woods

Copyright© 2023 by Tranquil_guy

Chapter 8

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A man finds love and more after an unusual encounter in the woods. Newly discovered abilities changes his life.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mind Control   BiSexual   Rags To Riches   Sharing   Group Sex   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging  

I wasn’t going to argue the finer points of relationships or how they were supposed to work according to normal society. “I guess so, Baby,” I said. “We’ll figure it out.” I got out of bed and headed for the shower as she tagged along with me. I adjusted the water and we stepped in. “Ahhhhhhhhh,” the water felt so good. She grabbed a washcloth, squirted soap into it, and began slowly washing me all over paying particular attention to my goodies. She was soft and loving as she used her small soft hands to caress every square inch of my body. I loved this little girl!

We got out, dried each other lovingly, and dressed. I found Chris in the kitchen getting an early start on dinner and I went over and put my arms around her. She turned in my arms and we kissed deeply for a couple of minutes. “I love you,” I said to her. She looked at me longingly.

“I love you too. More than...” she didn’t finish as we kissed tenderly and she hugged me tight. I kissed Kayla goodbye, found David, and did the same. I headed home thinking about what else I could do with this unique new ability. I didn’t want the people I loved around when I decided to experiment on others. I stepped in the house and went to Bobbie’s office.

“I think I’m going to go for a drive for a little while,” I told her.

“Oh?” she said, turning around to look at me.

“Yeah, I just want to drive around and clear my head. With everything that’s happened lately I just want to get away for a couple of hours and think,” I said.

She nodded her head, “Ok, should I wait on supper for you?” she asked.

“I should only be gone a couple of hours but don’t wait on me to eat,”

“Ok, be safe,” she said and I left for the car. I headed toward the city just driving and not thinking about where I was going. I ended up in a seedy part of town, not far from where I used to work before I retired. It was late afternoon and the bad people hadn’t started getting out on the street corners yet but some were milling around.

I spotted a preppy looking guy in a Prius pulling into a very shady looking gas station on the other end from the pumps and wondered what he was up to. I pulled into a warehouse parking lot across the side street and watched. Two rough looking gangbangers walked over to the car and a discussion ensued through the driver’s window. One of the gangbangers walked around the car slowly, keeping look-out as the other one did an obvious transaction with the driver. Seconds later the Prius pulled away quickly and safely down the street. ‘In for a penny, in for a pound,’ I briefly thought to myself and stiffened my resolve. I pulled into the same space the Prius had been in, rolled down my window, and waited.

The same two gangbangers saw me and started walking slowly towards my car. I flashed a twenty-dollar bill where they could see it and both came to my window. I immediately dropped a packet into both their minds; they stopped, blinked several times, and smiled at me. They were mine and I suddenly felt much safer. I bet they would have even laid down their lives to protect me at that moment. I asked them how much money they had on them and they started searching their pockets and counting it. They came up with almost four thousand dollars between them. I reached out my hand and they gave it all to me. I shoved it all in the glove box and closed it. I asked them if they had their own car with them but they didn’t. I asked them how they got here and both said that other gang members had dropped them off and would be back for them later.

I told them to get in my car and drove a couple of blocks to another warehouse parking lot. I had them show me their weapons and both had guns and knives, along with dozens of little baggies filled with different colors of drugs. I asked them where their hangout was and where the money was kept. ‘You will do exactly what I tell you to do,’ I sent them both in the strongest, most urgent thought.

I drove them to a place two blocks from their hangout but where I could see the house and gave them instructions. They had told me there may be two or three cars parked there. The money was kept in a locked bedroom in a duffle bag. Usually there were two people guarding the money but there might be only one if there was a lookout. There were two cars parked in front of the house and one person seemed to be a lookout, walking around nearby. I gave them the plan and hoped it worked.

I didn’t want to get close to the house in case it was under surveillance by any law enforcement or even rival gangs. Either way, I didn’t want to be associated with it. Otherwise, I could have just pulled up in front of the house, taken control, simply walked in, helped myself to their stash, and left with no problems. “Go to the house and act like everything is normal. Find the bedroom with the money and take all of it, even if you have to break down the door. Make sure you get ALL of the money. Kill any gangbanger that tries to stop you. Bring all the money here to me when you have it. When the police show up later, you will give up peacefully and confess all of your crimes to them.”

“Do you both understand?” I asked them and they enthusiastically nodded their heads. They got out of the car and I waited nervously as they walked down the street to their hangout. I saw them go in followed by the lookout and closed the door.

Ten minutes went by and I was getting worried about them. Maybe they had been killed instead. I’d heard a gunshot but couldn’t tell which direction it came from. Gunshots in this neighborhood were not unusual any time of day but the sun was getting low. Everybody knows that the crazies come out after dark.

One of the gangbangers came out of the house carrying a large duffle bag and casually walked down the street like he was going to a sleepover at his best friend’s house. He walked around my car, opened the door and put it on my back seat. He closed the door and walked around to my window.

“We had to kill all three of them but we got all the money, even the cash they had on them,” he said.

“Go back to the house and remove all your weapons and call 911. Confess all of your crimes and give the police all the names they want. You will not remember what happened to the money or me,” I ordered him. He nodded his head and walked away heading back to the house and I slowly drove away.

I don’t remember driving home, I guessed because I was so preoccupied with what had just happened. I supposed that I was on automatic pilot until I pulled into my driveway and realized I was home.

I left the duffle bag in the car and went inside. I made it home as Bobbie was having a little supper and surfing the web on her IPad. I walked over and kissed Bobbie, went to the frig, grabbed a cold beer and went to my recliner. I sipped the beer while I thought about all that had happened today. I could have been killed if the packets hadn’t worked and I shivered as I took a sip of beer. I sat in my chair for a while thinking and finally got up to go make myself a small sandwich for supper.

I went upstairs early to read for a little before Bobbie came up to join me. “Are you feeling alright?” she asked me.

“Yep, I’m fine,” I replied. “Guess I just needed to get out, drive around, and think for a bit.”

“That’s fine. I just worry about you. I suppose the lawnmower thing is still worrying you some,” she said. ‘She does pay attention,’ I thought to myself.

“Mmm Hmm,” I nodded and kissed her before I leaned back and started reading my Kindle for a few minutes. I turned off the light and drifted off.

Light was coming through the windows when I woke up. I smelled coffee coming from downstairs and got up. I went to the bathroom, did my ablutions, and dressed for the day. I went straight for the coffee pot, filled my big travel mug, and decorated it with cream and sugar. I found Bobbie in her office and I went in for my morning kiss.

I went out to the car, got the duffle bag, and remembered the money in the glove box. I took it all to the basement, put it on the table and unzipped it. I was amazed at how much cash I found and started laying it out in stacks on the table. It was all separated into nice even bundles by denomination. I stacked and counted for over an hour and determined that I had 240 thousand in cash. Someone was going to be PISSED! Doubtless the gang leaders would shit a brick and kill to get it back. Oh well, they would never know and the two gangbangers would probably pay for it with their lives before they could name names.

I went upstairs, got a large brown paper bag, and went back to the basement. I put 40 thousand in it and rolled it up. I put the other 200k in the duffle bag and took it upstairs to my hidden gun safe. I kept out a couple of small bundles of twenties and hundreds to stick in my sock drawer.

The safe was full of guns but I was able to make room for the large duffle bag. I locked the safe, covered it back with the lace cover that kept it hidden under and headed downstairs to Bobbie’s office. “I’m going over to Chris and David’s house,” I told her.

“Ok, tell them I said hi,” she said.

“Will do, Baby,” and I left with the paper bag.

I walked to the end of our driveway and crossed over the road to theirs, punched in the code and walked down their curvy driveway. The door was open so I looked in the unattached garage and found David working at his workbench.

“Can I talk to you in your office for a few minutes, my love,” he looked up, smiled, and came over to me for a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I felt strangely comforted by his embrace and hugged him back.

“Sure, let’s go,” he said as he turned toward the house. I closed the door to his office when we stepped in and put the paper sack on his desk.

“What’s this?” he asked as I sat in the chair opposite his desk.

“It seems that some gangbangers contributed to our retirement from their drug money stash last night,” I told him. “They were insistent that I take all they had available,” I smiled at him. His eyes got big as saucers as he opened the bag and dumped the contents on his desk.

“40 thousand” I told him. “There’s even more at my house available if we need it,” but I didn’t volunteer how much.

“It’s yours to be used as needed,” I told him. His eyes were wide in disbelief as he picked up the bundles of different denominations. I assured him that it was all his money and there was no accounting for it anywhere. He was free to spend it or save it at his discretion. I could tell he was dumbfounded and I wanted him to know it was all his, no strings attached.

“Do you have a safe?” I asked him.

“Sure,” he said as he got up and went to the corner of his office. He moved some things around and uncovered an old box safe. He turned the dial a few times and it clicked. He turned a handle and pulled as the heavy door opened. I handed him the money from his desk except for a bundle of twenties. He arranged the bundles neatly, closed the door and locked it.

“Might as well leave a little out for mad money,” I told him. He looked at me, smiled, and nodded. I picked up the bundle of twenties, walked over to him, reached out and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and embraced me tightly for a couple of minutes. When we pulled back, I handed him the bundle. He walked around to his desk and put it in a bottom drawer under several file folders. He stood and I leaned in and kissed him softly. “I love you,” I said to him.

“I love you too, Master,” he said softly and smiled at me.

We left his office and I went looking for Kayla and Chris while he went back out to the garage to piddle on one of his projects. Chris and Kayla were in the kitchen finishing breakfast with the kids. I walked over, kissed both children on the forehead, turned to Kayla, and kissed her tenderly on the lips. I turned to Chris, wrapped her in my arms, and kissed her softly at first, then passionately as I caressed her hair, and back. After a couple of minutes, I pulled back and let her start cleaning up the kids and breakfast plates.

I sat in David’s recliner and watched Chris and Kayla clean the kid’s faces with a warm, wet, washcloth. Chris sent Kayla to give the kids a bath while she came to me and sat in my lap. “I was about to go take a shower, would you like to join me?” she asked.

I smiled and said, “It would be my honor to bathe with you my love.” She kissed me softly, got out of my lap, and took my hand. She led me to the master bath and we started undressing each other. She folded my clothes carefully on the counter and kicked hers to the side. She got in, adjusted the water and I got in behind her. The water cascaded over us as I pulled her beautiful soft body against mine and we kissed tenderly. She squirted bath soap in a washcloth and began to gently suds and wash me all over. She kneeled in front of me, washed my hard cock, and gently caressed my soapy balls and washed my crack. Her soapy fingers massaged my anus as she kissed the head of cock. She took it in her mouth and started shaking as she started humping involuntarily. She moaned as she was coming with my cock in her mouth and her head bobbed slightly, taking it deeper. It felt so incredible in her hot, wet, mouth; I just wanted to fuck her. I let her have a couple of good orgasms and pulled her up to me.

I squirted shower gel in the washcloth and gently washed her all over. I rubbed her soapy body against mine and I could have shot my load on her. She was so beautiful and sexy; she drove me crazy. I squirted shampoo in my hand and slowly washed her hair. She leaned her head back on my shoulder as I sensuously massaged her scalp. She moaned as my hard cock found its way between her beautiful butt cheeks. She felt so good I just wanted to hold her forever.

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