Gift in the Woods - Cover

Gift in the Woods

Copyright© 2023 by Tranquil_guy

Chapter 7

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A man finds love and more after an unusual encounter in the woods. Newly discovered abilities changes his life.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mind Control   BiSexual   Rags To Riches   Sharing   Group Sex   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging  

I started the shower and adjusted the water as she grabbed two towels and hung them by the shower door. We stood there and let the water cascade over us enjoying warmth and closeness. I grabbed the liquid soap, washcloth, and squirted some into it. I rubbed it together and slowly started her neck and breasts, moving to her back and down to her beautiful ass.

She moaned as I washed her all over. I got down on my knees and washed her legs and gently across her pussy lips. I let my finger slide the length of her slit to her ass hole. My cock started getting hard again and she was moaning as I caressed her. I leaned in and kissed her mound as I stroked her slit. I lowered my lips and sucked on her clit as I slid two fingers inside her beautiful pussy. She gasped and groaned aloud as she started coming. She slowly thrust her hips at me as she grabbed the back of my head to hold on. She made little unintelligible noises as several orgasms washed over her.

I finally pulled my fingers out of her and stood up. She pulled my face to hers and kissed me hard, sticking her tongue in my mouth and sucking my lips. I really wanted to turn her around and fuck her hard against the wall but I guess I should save some for later. I’m not as young as I used to be. She washed me quickly and we got out and dried each other off.

In the bedroom, Kayla was still snoozing and Chris and I got dressed. I leaned over and kissed her lips softly and she moaned pulling me down to her. She opened her mouth and our tongues danced together. I slipped my hand down her smooth flawless belly and squeezed her pussy as I slid my middle finger into her. She cried out into my mouth as she bucked her hips wildly and fucked my hand. She came hard a couple of times before I pulled away from her. “That’s my new favorite way to wake up,” she grinned at me.

I told Chris that I probably needed to run some errands in the morning and hugged her goodbye. I kissed her softly and moved to Kayla. I hugged her also and kissed her with just as much tenderness. I went into David’s office and bent to kiss him on the lips. He stood and hugged me with surprising strength and we held each other for a few moments. “I love you,” he told me as I hugged him back.

“I love you too David,” I said as he bent slightly to give me a quick peck on the lips. I loved this man and I had no clue why. He was a good-looking guy no doubt but he is a good guy. He was one who took care of his family and did the best he knew how to watch over and protect them. He was honest and trustworthy and if I were a woman, I would want him for my soul mate. Of course, Chris already had him and there was no way I was going to interrupt that or let anything happen to their relationship. I would make sure of it ... even though we would all have fun.

“I’m going to the grocery store and running some errands in the morning if anyone wants to go,” I said.

“David may want to go with you,” Chris said.

“Ok, I’ll come here at about 9ish if you want to ride with me,” I said.

“I’ll be ready,” he said as I headed for the door. She went back to the kitchen to finish working on dinner as I headed up the driveway toward my own. Kayla came running after me and caught up as I got to my driveway. We put our arms around each other as we walked down my long driveway. We talked and held each other tight as we walked and got closer to my house. “You might as well come in and meet Bobbie,” as we neared the door. I stopped and pulled the storm door open as she stepped inside. The two dogs came running up and begged for attention from her as she stood in the doorway. I moved past and yelled for Bobbie. She appeared around the corner from the kitchen and raised her eyebrows. “I found her wandering on the road,” I joked “Can I keep her?” Bobbie came up to us “This is Kayla and she is good friends with Chris and David. She’s staying with them for a few days and wandered back with me to meet you,” I said.

Bobbie reached out with a big hug “It’s so nice to meet you dear,” she said. “You’re welcome here anytime,” she said. “Are you staying for dinner?” Bobbie asked.

“No thank you, I’ve got to get back to Chris and David but I wanted to come back and meet you,” Kayla said.

“Well the pleasure is all mine,” Bobbie said. “Come back anytime you want to,” she said to Kayla.

“I love you,” Kayla said as she looked up at me.

“I love you too, Baby,” I said as I leaned down to hug her. Bobbie looked at me as if everything was normal and turned back to the kitchen. Kayla skipped out the door and back towards Chris and David’s house. Bobbie and I spent another quiet evening together having dinner and watching a little TV. I went to bed and read for a while before going to sleep.

The next morning I got up, showered, and did my morning routine. I dressed and went downstairs and fixed my coffee as Bobbie settled into her workday. I sat in my recliner and sipped my coffee as I read the paper. Kayla came bouncing down the driveway at 8:45 and knocked on the door. I answered and brought her into the house. “Do you drink coffee?” I asked her.

“No, but do you have some orange juice?” she asked.

“I’m pretty sure we do,” I said as I reached into the refrigerator. Note to self ‘pick up more OJ at store’. I poured her a glass and went to Bobbie’s office. “Kayla is here,” I said. “She’s going shopping with me and David this morning I think,” I said as I headed back to my recliner until 9am.

“Do you mind if I go with you and David this morning?” she asked.

“Sure you can, Baby,” I said. “You are always welcome to go anywhere with me, sweetheart.” She looked at me and grinned as if she owned the world. “Are you ready to head out?” I asked her. She finished her orange juice with one gulp and nodded her head. I stood and drank more of my coffee and headed for the door. “We’re leaving,” I said to Bobbie with the grocery list in hand. Kayla and I got in the car and headed down the driveway and across the road toward David and Chris’ house. I hit the button for the gate and drove down the curvy driveway down to the attached garage.

David came out with his list in hand and I chuckled to myself. Kayla moved to the back seat and David got in the passenger seat. “I have a couple of errands in addition to the groceries if you two don’t mind,” I said to no one in particular as I drove up the driveway and turned towards town. I wanted to run by the bank and get some cash and the liquor store for a couple bottles of wine, which Bobbie and I liked sometimes. It was about 9:30 a.m. when I pulled into the drive through at the bank with a withdrawal slip already made out.

I noticed two unsavory characters walking into the bank and looking all around them suspiciously. I waited for the teller to process my transaction and give me the cash I wanted when she suddenly got a terrified look on her face. I knew what was happening immediately, got out of my car, and told David to complete the transaction and park. “Do not get out of the car. Lock the doors when I get out!” I said to David as I slipped around the door and worked my way over to the corner of the drive through.

I saw the front door of the bank and tried to look inside the glass doors. I saw the two guys with weapons standing at the teller station waiting for money to be filled into a duffle bag. I sent both of them a thought ‘STOP and FREEZE.’ They looked at each other as if they couldn’t move with panic in their eyes. Someone had already tripped a silent alarm and I knew the police would be on their way soon. ‘Lie down and push your guns away from you,’ I thought to them. They both complied with my silent commands. ‘Confess everything when the police get here,’ I sent them. I thought about it for a split second ‘confess every crime you’ve ever committed to the police,’ I sent to both of them as strongly as I could. David pulled forward slowly from the drive through and I got in the passenger seat. He pulled away slowly as we heard police sirens screaming nearby.

Ten police cars or more pulled into the bank parking lot and surrounded it as we pulled out onto the street and slowly pulled away. We would find out later on the news that a couple of serial bank robbers had been caught that had also confessed to murder, rape, arson, and a few other things, naming all their cohorts. Little did they know...?

David looked at me as he drove and knew something serious had just happened. “Did you just prevent something from happening?” he asked.

“Yes,” was all I said to him as he drove in silence to the liquor store.

“Are you going to say anything about it?” he asked.

“To the authorities?” I asked him.

“Yes,” he said.

“Nope, it’s over,” I told him. He nodded and drove on. Kayla was clueless as to the conversation and what just happened. We pulled into the liquor store and I got out and went in. I found three bottles of nice wine for Bobbie and I, picked out a couple of nice one’s for David and Chris, and checked out. We proceeded to the grocery store where we all got out and went in. I grabbed one buggy but we both found stuff from our lists and put it in, I encouraged Kayla to get stuff she liked too. I grabbed meat and veggies for both families even though I didn’t know what was on David’s list. He had picked out baby food and stuff for the kids and I put in even more for them. We finally went to check out and he tried to pay for his but I said one word to stop any argument, “Submit.”

“Yes sir.” he said as he looked down and waited for me. Kayla was in a good mood for some reason and was just bouncing around David and I in the checkout lane. We stopped at my house first and David and Kayla helped sort the groceries that were mine and carry them into the house. We put them away and I showed David our house. I took him to Bobbie’s office and said we have company. She turned around in her chair and saw David. She grinned really big and got up to come over and hugged David’s neck.

“It’s so good to see you again, David,” she said animatedly. “We all have to get together soon,” she said.

“We would really love that,” he said to her like old friends getting reacquainted.

“We’ve got more stuff in the car that needs to go across the road,” I said to her and turned toward the door.

“It was good to see you,” he said to her.

“You too David and we’ll see you soon,” she said to him. We loaded up and went up the driveway and across the road to their house. We unloaded the groceries in the kitchen as Chris came and helped.

“This is way more than was on the list,” she said as she started putting things away.

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