Gift in the Woods - Cover

Gift in the Woods

Copyright© 2023 by Tranquil_guy

Chapter 6

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A man finds love and more after an unusual encounter in the woods. Newly discovered abilities changes his life.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mind Control   BiSexual   Rags To Riches   Sharing   Group Sex   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging  

“Don’t they make a bigger king sized bed?” someone asked as we were all groggy and had been dozing.

“I think so,” Chris said from somewhere in the pile. “A California king, I think,” she said.

“How do you get one?” came from Joanie.

“Not sure but I’ll look into it,” David said.

“We’ll help,” said Tom from the other side of David.

“Me too,” I said as Chris snuggled against me.

“We need several bottles of lube in every room in the house, the garage too, and condoms for women who aren’t on birth control,” David said. It was quiet for a couple of minutes.

“What now?” I finally asked as we lay there comfortably.

“We should get cleaned up,” Kayla said. “Who’s first?” she asked.

I made an executive decision “You and Joanie are first in the shower, make it quick. Chris and I are next and we’ll be fast to rinse. Tom and David are last. You won’t have much hot water by then so you’ll want to make it fast.”

Kayla had already gone to check on the kids and came back to jump in the shower with Joanie. We slowly migrated to the kitchen as we dried off and dressed. Everyone pitched in to clear the plates from lunch and helped clean up. Tom and Joanie left a while later but not before exchanging phone numbers with me and promising to get together again soon. Joanie gave me a particularly scorching kiss in the driveway. Our tongues danced together as I gave her a parting orgasm. Kayla left shortly after Tom and Joanie but promised to be back tomorrow. “Maybe you could spend a few days over here instead of going back and forth,” I suggested.

“If my folks will let me,” she shrugged.

“I can fix it,” I nodded.

“I love you,” she smiled.

“I love you too, Beautiful” I replied. She turned to get in her car and left. I walked over to Chris and David; she gave me a big hug and kissed me deeply. Our tongues met in her mouth and she started coming, thrusting her hips against mine and moaning as David watched and smiled. I pulled back after a minute and she was breathing hard, her face and neck flushed. I moved to David, hugged him, and looked up at him. He leaned in and kissed me softly on my lips. David is the only adult male I’ve ever kissed and I think I like it. I’ll have to explore this more later on. I turned to walk up the driveway toward the road. I turned, “Y’all have to plan on coming over in the next few days and spend some time with Bobbie and I,” I said. They both nodded and waved as I crossed the road toward my driveway.

These five people were now under my influence and I wasn’t sure what to do, how to feel, or why it happened. I loved the relationships we were beginning and the friendships but ... was it all because of me? I knew it was to some extent but thought they might have happened in the normal chain of events too. I loved the control I had while I was around them; otherwise, their lives were completely normal, right? Maybe ... maybe not ... we shall see what else happens. I really care for all of them, I thought to myself.

It was another quiet evening at home with Bobbie, the love of my life. We had dinner and a little TV before we went upstairs to read before going to sleep. I really wanted to get Chris and David over soon to play with us. I knew Bobbie would love it ... I would make sure of it. “G’nite Baby,” I said. G’nite Cupcake,” she replied.

I woke up with light coming through the windows. Bobbie was already up and I could smell coffee brewing. I got up and took care of my morning ritual and turned on the shower. I stepped in as the water warmed and let it cascade over me as I thought about the crazy day before. I shampooed, lathered, and shaved before I was ready to get out. I shut off the water, opened the door, and grabbed a towel. I dressed and headed downstairs straight to the coffee pot and filled my large travel mug. I sat and read the paper while I sipped my coffee and thought about Bobbie. I got up, went to Bobbie’s office, and sat on the daybed.

“I invited Chris and David over sometime in the next few days,” I said.

“Oh good,” she said, “You know I haven’t actually met Chris yet but I’d love to get to know them.”

“I’ll figure out a good time with them soon and let you know.”

“That’s fine,” she said. I got up, walked over, kissed the top of her head, and headed for my recliner with my coffee. Within 30 minutes, I had gotten texts from Chris, Joanie, and Kayla saying they love me. Of course I texted them all back immediately with my love for them. I even got an ‘I love you’ text from David, which I responded to. Not surprisingly, I didn’t get one from Tom but he didn’t seem very openly affectionate.

I was kind of thinking about riding over to Kayla’s house with her when she got to Chris and David’s to make sure her parents let her spend a few days with them. It was mid summer and Kayla wouldn’t start college for another month so there was no reason for her not to be able to spend a few days hanging out with friends.

Kayla texted me when she got to David and Chris’ house, Chris texted me the same thing a couple of minutes later. I had gotten up and was headed to Bobbie’s door. “I’m going to Chris and David’s and maybe walking,” I said.

“Okay, tell them I said hi and I can’t wait to see them,” she said.

“Okay Baby,” and headed for the front door. As I got to my mailbox, I saw Kayla’s car in their driveway and thought about her beautiful young body. I walked over to the unattached garage, which was really more like a barn with a roll up door and a pedestrian door next to it. The pedestrian door was open and I stuck my head in, “Good morning David,” I said. He turned around and grinned “Good morning Lonnie. How are you Buddy?”

“I’m great my love,” I said and his grin got wider and brighter. He came over to me, wrapped his arms around my shoulders, and gave me a hug. I hugged him back as our bodies pressed together. There was something about this guy that made me hot. I didn’t know what it was and I certainly couldn’t explain it. I was strictly heterosexual damn it! I wasn’t homophobic by any means but I had never been so comfortable with any guy before. Something about him made me want to take him again and have him for my own. I’d never had these kinds of feelings before, was a bit confused and curious to where this would go, and a little excited. Fucking his ass was different from the emotions I was feeling and a far cry from just sex.

What was happening to me? I had real feelings for David and couldn’t explain it but wanted to see where it goes. I looked up at him and he moved to kiss me softly as I opened my mouth and our tongues came together. We kissed for a couple of minutes and finally pulled away breathing hard and with hard dicks pointing at each other. I leaned in, kissed him again tenderly, and turned toward the door. I turned back to him and winked as I went through the door and walked toward the house. Kayla came running out of the house and practically body slammed me and wrapped herself around all of me that she could. I held her head still and kissed her passionately as I probed her mouth with my tongue. She started coming instantly, thrusting her hips into mine, and moaning into my mouth. I wrapped one arm around her and the other pressed the back of her head to me as I kissed her deeply. She trembled as waves of orgasms washed over her with my tongue in her mouth. I finally pulled away after a few minutes and a few orgasms for her. I chuckled to myself and decided that I really loved this girl, an unlikely new relationship but I really craved her love and friendship.

We went inside where Chris was busy in the kitchen. “How are you my love?” I said as I came around behind her and wrapped her in my arms. Suddenly I felt like all these people were real family to me. Not like what was at home with Bobbie and certainly not like anything I had ever hoped for. Bobbie could be a little cranky and get a little attitude sometimes but I was pretty sure she was just jealous that I was retired and she still worked, but that’s another story. I loved her and was sure she loved me and we got along, most of the time. I was still going to arrange for a get together with David and Chris and let David fuck her. I knew she would like that ... I would make sure of it.

I pressed my little head into Chris’ ass crack as I hugged her from behind. She turned around in my arms and I kissed her firmly and slid my tongue into her mouth. She started humping against me immediately and moaning as an orgasm started washing over her. We wrapped our arms around each other as we kissed passionately and she kept writhing and coming. I pulled back after a few minutes “I love you,” I said. She opened her eyes slowly “I love you too, Master,” she said. To be honest I was a little taken aback by her response. I had forgotten about the whole Master Sir response in the packet and hadn’t been looking for them or paying attention to them.

I cupped her face in my hands and looked into her eyes and kissed her lips softly again. I really did love Chris ... and Kayla and David. Where was I going with this? I had some thinking to do, but not right now. I sat down in David’s recliner and eased Kayla into my lap.

“Do you want to spend a few days here?” I asked her.

“I would love it if my parents would let me,” she said.

“I think I can arrange it if you want to go get some clothes. I think Chris and David would love to have you here and help with the kids. I would love to have you across the road; maybe you could come over and spend some time with me and Bobbie.”

“I would love to come spend time with you,” she said.

“Good, it’s settled then, I’ll come with you to get some clothes for a few days.”

I looked at Chris “We’re going to get her a few things and come back, Baby.”

“Okay, we’ll be here waiting for you, Master,” she said.

I urged Kayla up and stood behind her and we headed for the door. I got in on the passenger side as Kayla got in and she leaned to kiss me over the console. We rode quietly over to her house about 10 minutes away and there were two cars in the driveway when we pulled in. Kayla parked behind her mother’s car and I steeled myself for what would happen when we went in. We got out and headed for the door, me being a little apprehensive ... hoping my newfound ability would work here.

She pulled the door open and pulled me inside as I noticed a guy nearly my age sitting in a recliner. She looked at him “Hi Dad,” as she ushered me through the living room. He stood as her mother rounded the corner from the kitchen and stopped in her tracks, blocking our way. “This is my new boyfriend, Lonnie,” she said as I tried to skirt past her Mom.

Mom wasn’t having any part of it and was demanding an explanation, not just verbally. I reached out my hand to Kayla’s Dad. “I’m Lonnie Dolan,” I said as he reached his hand to me. I could tell already that I was older than he was, maybe by 10 years, I wasn’t sure. “Kirk Barland,” he said as he reached for my hand. I thought there might be trouble so I immediately dropped a packet into his mind. He blinked several times and started to relax back toward his recliner.

Kayla’s Mom obviously still had some questions and a very serious look on her face. I introduced myself to her also. “Debra,” she said as I dropped a packet into her mind and she blinked several times before reaching out to hug me tightly. She was a nice looking woman about 5’5” and a little thick but a beautiful shape for a middle-aged woman. She was very curvy and delicious with 36 D breasts I estimated, and beautiful wide hips that I would love to fuck. Oh well, another time but I will definitely come back to her. “Kayla is going to spend a few days with Chris and David and help with the kids,” I announced to them.

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