Gift in the Woods - Cover

Gift in the Woods

Copyright© 2023 by Tranquil_guy

Chapter 3

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A man finds love and more after an unusual encounter in the woods. Newly discovered abilities changes his life.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mind Control   BiSexual   Rags To Riches   Sharing   Group Sex   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging  

The next morning I woke up and she wasn’t in bed. I could smell coffee coming from the kitchen and got up to go to the bathroom to take care of my morning ritual. I started the shower and rinsed off while I thought about the previous night. My cock started to rise a little when I thought about her riding it. It was very nice indeed! I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and sandals and went down stairs. Bobbie greeted me with a cup of coffee and a kiss. “Did you sleep well?” I asked.

“Mmm hmm, I had the best dream,” she said.

“Oh?” I said.

“Yep, it was you and me and lots of sex and other people too.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Yes,” she moaned. “I can’t believe it seemed so real.” I secretly hoped I was about to make it real for her. She kissed me, fixed her breakfast snack, and headed for her office. “You need to go get ready.” She said, “Your appointment is in an hour.” I took my coffee upstairs, dressed in appropriate clothes for a Dr Visit, and came back down stairs.

I sat at the table thinking and sipping my coffee until a vibration interrupted my train of thought. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone. ‘About to go walking,’ was all it said and I noticed it was from Chris. I texted her back, ‘I have an errand to run but it shouldn’t take long.’ I went to Bobbie’s office and stuck my head in the door as she was logging in to applications.

“I’m leaving for the Dr, be back shortly.” I kissed her and headed for the door.

“I love you,” she said.

“Love you too,” I said on my way out.

I got to the Dr’s office and went in. I signed in and waited to be called. I scanned my cell phone and news channels for a few minutes and was finally called back. A very cute nurse took me back and took my temp and weighed me. “185,” she said. Not bad for someone 5’10” I guessed. She led me to an exam room and asked the usual questions as she typed my replies into the computer.

I pictured this adorable young nurse sucking my cock as she took my vitals and I sent her a thought, ‘Kiss me.’ She blinked several times and smiled at me. She walked over and stood in front of me as I sat on the exam table. She leaned in and kissed my lips softly. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her deeply. I probed her mouth as she opened it enough for me to slip my tongue in.

My tongue found hers and we kissed for a couple of minutes. ‘Come now,’ I sent her. She moaned into my mouth as her back arched and she rubbed her pussy on my knee. I reached around her and squeezed her beautiful ass with both hands as she humped me.

Her orgasm faded after a minute or so and she stepped back. “I’m so sorry. I’ve never done anything like that before. Please forgive me. I don’t know what came over me,” she said nervously.

‘Peace, love, trust,’ I sent to her and she seemed to calm down.

“It’s Okay. I loved it. Thank you for a wonderful kiss.” I told her. “I’ll have to come here more often,” I added and winked at her. She blushed deeply as she looked down at the bulge in my pants. I took her hand and rubbed it on my cock. She rubbed it lightly for a minute and I watched her face. “What’s your phone number in case we need to reach each other?” I asked.

I exchanged phone numbers with her and waited until she finished typing something.

“The Doctor will be right in,”’ as she turned to leave. I waited for several minutes until my Dr made an appearance. She was an Indian woman in her mid 40s if I had to guess. She was not particularly pretty and a little overweight. I figured it would be good if she were on my side and I sent her ‘Peace, love, trust.’ She blinked several times and smiled brightly at me. She looked me over and checked everything she could think of as I explained what happened.

She sent me immediately to get a CT SCAN in the adjoining building. I checked in again and a really cute x-ray tech took me back to a room with a large donut looking machine in the middle of it. I would have liked her to lay on top of me for this test but was pretty sure that wasn’t happening. She had me lay down on a narrow bed that was attached to it and covered me with a sheet. I was wishing she were under the sheet with me, naked. She told me to be perfectly still as the machine slowly fed me to it and took pictures of my brain. I wanted to send her a thought too but decided I probably shouldn’t be doing that to every pretty face and delicious body I came across. I laid still and thought of the x-ray tech. I had a boner after 20 minutes of thinking about her but she didn’t seem to notice when she pulled me out of the giant donut hole. “Someone will call you in a couple of days with your results,” she said as she ushered me out the door. I headed for my car and home.

I got home and went inside. “I’ll know in a couple of days,” I yelled to Bobbie’s office as I walked that way. “Someone will call me,” I said to no one.

“Okay,” she said as she continued working as I walked to her office door. I had texted Chris that I was home from errands as I stood there watching Bobbie work. “Chris had messaged me earlier to walk and I’m going to walk with her.”

She looked back at me and said “Ok, buttercup, have fun.” I headed for the door and stepped outside. I messaged Chris again that I was on the way. The warm humid air washed over me and I headed down my long driveway to the road.

‘On my way,’ Chris sent and emerged from her garage and started walking toward me with both kids in tow as I got close to her mailbox. “Good morning,” she said to me, as I got closer.

“Good Morning. I’m sorry I’m running a little late, I had something to do this morning I wasn’t expecting,” I said. I smiled at her and started sending her thoughts of Peace, Love, and Trust. We walked for a while and chatted about mundane, everyday things while she pushed the stroller and I kept an eye on Jacob walking by our side. I kept sending her thoughts of Love, Peace, and Trust as we walked and she seemed to really enjoy our conversation and our time together. We got to the end of the short road, turned around, and started walking back. She told me about her childhood and family as we walked back and I told her a little about mine. I was pretty sure I was at least 20 years older than her, probably more, but she kept talking like we were old high school sweethearts renewing an old friendship.

I enjoyed the conversation and occasional flirting and walked with her and the kids back down to the other end of the road to the dead end. We had passed my driveway and then hers and were headed back for another lap. As we got to her driveway, she looked at me and asked, “Do you want to go again?” I looked at her and couldn’t think of anything I would like better than walking with her.

“Sure ... I would love to. Talking with you has been great and I look forward to more.” She looked at me with a big grin as we passed her driveway headed toward mine. “Do you and David have many friends you hang out with?” I asked.

“Not many,” she said. “He works all the time and it’s a full time job looking after the kids, taking care of the house, cooking, cleaning, and trying to watch after him while he works so he can stay busy with work.”

“But he helps right? I asked.

“Oh my gosh, yes,” she declared. He does a lot around the house and I appreciate it,” she said.

I sent her a thought ‘suck David off tonight to show your appreciation.’ We walked and passed my driveway on our way to the second lap. She looked over at me and asked, “So ... does this make us official walking buddies now?” I looked over at her with surprise and said,

“I have enjoyed our conversation and your company very much. I would be honored to be your walking buddy for as long as you’ll have me.”

She had a huge grin on her face and said, “It’s a done deal then!” she said with decisiveness. I thought Love, Peace, and Trust to her but included Desire. I could only imagine what she would do to her husband later after our walk. We continued to walk for a while and she would look at me occasionally with eyes that begged me to take her in my arms and smother her with kisses. I didn’t of course, mostly because we were on the road in our neighborhood in full view of everyone in front of our houses, but I wanted to very badly.

We finally walked by her driveway again and she slowed down. “I guess I should go in and take care of the kids and check on David,” she said.

“Let me know when you want to go again,” I told her. She turned and headed down her driveway and turned to look at me

“I’ll see you soon,” she said.

‘Stop wait,’ I thought to her. She stopped and looked at me again. “Bobbie and I were talking and we’d like to get together with you and David and get to know you better,” I said.

She smiled a hopeful look at me and said “That would be wonderful, we’d love to have friends right here in the neighborhood.”

“Right across the road from each other,” I said. “We’ll have to plan a ‘get together’ for us soon,” I continued. “I can’t wait for Bobbie to meet you ... she met David a couple of years ago but only one time in the yard.” She thanked me for the walk and I thought it would be the last time I saw her for the day. I thought to her, ‘Love. Peace, Trust and Desire,’ before she walked down her driveway. She turned as she got closer to her house and waved as I walked toward my driveway a few yards down the road. I turned down our driveway and walked toward my house. It was still late morning, Bobbie was working in her office and I had a lot to think about...

Later in the afternoon, I got another text message from Chris. ‘Walking again,’ was all it said. I also got a call from our Dr. She asked for me when I answered and paused before she started talking.

“There’s not really anything to report as far as the test results,” she said. “There was a small abnormality but nothing to worry about as far as tumors, lesions, or obvious defects.” I still didn’t know what was going on or why I could apparently give someone commands with my mind. Why was I unconscious on the ground or what about the blinding light? What was the slight anomaly? I should have asked, damn it why didn’t I? I put down my book, slipped on my walking shoes again, and started for the door.

I told Bobbie I was going walking again. “Ok,” she said as I walked out the door. Chris was waiting for me by my mailbox as I got to the end of my driveway. I thought to her ‘I love you, peace, trust, desire, and lust.’ I concentrated on those things and sent them to her over and over as we chatted and walked up and down the street several times.

As we neared my driveway on the last lap I sent her ‘total submission and passionate love,’ and concentrated. As we walked in front of my driveway I said “come with me,” in a low voice but loud enough for her to hear me. When we were off the road and out of view of any neighbors, I took her hand and walked a few yards up my driveway.

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