Gift in the Woods - Cover

Gift in the Woods

Copyright© 2023 by Tranquil_guy

Chapter 20

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 20 - A man finds love and more after an unusual encounter in the woods. Newly discovered abilities changes his life.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mind Control   BiSexual   Rags To Riches   Sharing   Group Sex   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging  

It was getting to be late afternoon and I decided to walk over and see David, Chris and Kayla. I yelled toward her office that I was going for a walk and got her usual response, “Ok Dear, have fun.”

I headed out the door at a leisurely pace up my long driveway towards my mailbox. I turned towards Chris and David’s house and noticed Joanie and Tom’s car in the driveway. I turned at their mailbox, punched in the numbers for the gate and walked down their curvy driveway. I stopped at the door to the unattached garage and looked in. Tom was bent over the little worktable again and David was about to slide his cock in.

I walked over to them and David smiled as he reached out to hug me. I hugged him and kissed him on the lips. I stepped back and patted Tom’s ass cheek as David pressed his cock head against Tom’s anus. The head slipped in and Tom moaned. I pulled out my soft cock and rubbed it on Tom’s lips until he opened his mouth and sucked me in. He sucked and licked my soft cock for a couple of minutes while David fucked his ass firmly.

‘Come now,’ I sent to Tom and he moaned louder as he shot his cream on the garage floor. David kept fucking him, slamming his hips against Tom’s ass cheeks. I just love watching people fuck. David fucked Tom’s ass a few more minutes getting more and more urgent with each thrust. David was holding Tom’s hips tightly and pounding his ass.

David let out a growl and I sent, ‘Come now,’ again to Tom. He let out a squeal like a little girl as his soft cock squirted a few drops of come on the garage floor again. David stiffened and squirted his load up Tom’s ass as he held on tightly, getting as deep in Tom’s ass as he could. David’s hips jerked involuntarily as his orgasm subsided. He fucked Tom’s ass slowly as his cock softened. I love a happy ending. David’s cock slipped from Tom’s ass as he reached for a roll of paper towels. I turned and walked toward the door as they cleaned themselves up.

I walked into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around Chris as she stood at the sink. I nibbled on her ears and hugged her as she giggled and squirmed against me. I dry humped her beautiful ass and told her how much I loved her. She moaned and pressed her ass back against me.

She turned in my arms and we kissed, gently at first then with passion. She started thrusting her hips against mine when my tongue slipped into her mouth. Chris moaned and trembled as she started coming. I held her tightly in my arms and caressed her beautiful ass.

We kissed a few minutes before I pulled back and looked into her beautiful eyes. “I love you,” she said softly.

“I love you too Chris,” I said, leaning down to give her one last peck on the lips.

Kayla walked around the corner with kids in tow and launched herself into my arms when she saw me. She kissed all over my face as Chris giggled at her enthusiasm. Kayla wrapped her arms and legs around me tightly as I held her. Her tongue sought mine as we kissed passionately for a few minutes.

I heard David say “shower,” as he passed through the den on the way to his bathroom. Kayla came several times as I squeezed her delicious ass and probed her mouth with my tongue. She shook and humped against me as she sucked my tongue.

I finally pulled away from Kayla and she whimpered in my mouth. “We need to talk about a vacation before you start college. I think we need to go to the beach house and spend a few days,” I said to them. We went to the living room where David joined us after a quick shower.

“Can you find out about the beach house, how big, amenities, etc,” I asked David.

“I should be able to find the tax records and get all the information you want, maybe even pictures,” he said. “Google Earth might give us a street level view of the front of the house,” he added.

“Let’s plan a vacation and go in a couple of days. I’ll see if Cece, Nancy and Carol can go and we’ll make it a foundation trip,” I said to all of them.

The three of them agreed and I sent Cece, Nancy and Carol a text ‘Can you come to David and Chris’ for a short foundation meeting.’ All three replied within a minute that they were on the way. “Since it’s getting close to supper time let’s order something out for everyone,” I said and all three agreed. David went to his office to research the house while we waited on everyone to show up. Ten minutes later Cece and Julie arrived with Nancy and Carol moments later. I hugged and kissed everyone as they came in and sat in the living room.

“First off, I’m ordering take out for everyone. What would you like?” I asked. After a brief discussion it was decided that Tiawanese take out would be perfect and I knew Bobbie wouldn’t care. I handed my phone to Chris and asked her to call Ayame and place an order of an assortment of food, enough for nine adults. I asked David to text Bobbie to come over for supper after work.

Chris started with the iced tea for everyone as we sat down and got started. “I think we need to take a vacation before school starts and we’ve already talked about a foundation trip to the new beach house. Can everyone take off for a few days if we leave the day after tomorrow,” I asked everyone.

Julie came over and snuggled up in my lap and put her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and held her as everyone discussed it. Some had plans that could be changed easily and others wanted to leave now but all wanted to go.

“See if Ryan wants to go. Just tell his parents he’s going to spend a few days at the beach with me and the rest of us. They’ll be fine with it,” I said to Cece. She nodded her head and could tell she was making a mental note.

“The house has five bedrooms, four of them have king sized beds and are master suites. The fifth bedroom is small and off the kitchen. Kinda like a servant’s quarters. The house is 5000 square feet and sits on twelve foot concrete pillars and has a small swimming pool. There is also a private dock with a lift and a short pier. It’s a five hour drive away. It’s really quite beautiful and I have pictures up on my computer in my office,” David said.

I was as stunned as everyone in the room when he finished. I got up slowly and walked toward his office and everyone followed. We crowded around his desk as he turned his screen towards us. We oooood and ahhhhhhd as he clicked on the different images and showed everyone this beautiful home.

Now, everyone wanted to leave in the morning but I had to give Bobbie time to plan and take off work. We all migrated back to the living room after we’d seen the pictures. Everyone was super excited, needless to say.

The driveway alarm sounded and I knew Ayame was here with the food. Before Chris could buzz her in, Bobbie walked in with her carrying food. Ayame was the center of attention and got hugs from everyone. I went back out to Ayame’s car and helped her bring in the rest of the food.

Chris set everything up buffet style in the kitchen and I asked Ayame to stay. She had to work but promised to come see me soon. She told me that her cousins from Taiwan were coming in three weeks and that the restaurant was doing very well. I walked her to her car and kissed her softly for a couple of minutes and gave her a thousand dollars.

Ayame pulled out of the driveway as I went inside and made my plate. The food was delicious as we talked about our vacation. We updated Bobbie on the plans and David took her to his office to show her the pictures after we ate. We finalized our plans for the trip as we ate and decided which cars would be in the caravan and who was riding with whom.

Cece went by Ryan’s house the next day and got his parental permission and picked him up. I packed Jimmy Boy’s old briefcase full of 100s, 50s and 20s and put in the Escalade. Shorts, tshirts, underwear, swimsuits, lube. I’m good to go. Bobbie and I had a quiet evening at home and packed our clothes for the next few days.

I woke with the sun shining in my bedroom window and the smell of coffee coming from the kitchen. I got up and did my morning routine then loaded the Escalade and Range Rover. A few minutes later Cece showed up with Nancy, Carol, Julie and Ryan. David, Chris and Kayla pulled into the driveway, they had already dropped the kids off at her parents.

We divided everyone into three vehicles and headed to Florida. Less than two hours into the trip Julie and Cece were scheming as to who would suck my cock. We stopped at a rest stop and took a break and changed riding partners. I wasn’t able to drive anymore. I had to sit in the back seat and let someone suck, kiss or fuck me but my ladies were incredible.

The next group sucked me slowly and came constantly as we drove along the interstate. Two hours later we took another break and shifted riders again. I’m not sure but I think everyone rode with me except Ryan and David.

When we arrived, there was a small car off to the side in the driveway. We parked and started unloading the basics. I unlocked the front door and went inside to greet the caretaker, Karen Jenkins. I didn’t know there was a caretaker and introduced myself as the new owner of the property. Karen’s father was a client of Jimmy Boy’s and he hired her to watch out for the property during the summer months and care for the pool.

I invited her to stay on and that I would pay her twice what Jimmy Boy paid her to take care of the place. She enthusiastically accepted and I introduced her to everyone as they came into the house.

Karen took us on a tour of the house and pool area. She grabbed a set of keys from the kitchen and led us out to a long private dock/pier with a large boat at the end of it. She unlocked the gate and we followed her out to the end. She unlocked a door that led into the salon and everyone followed her onboard. She said it was almost seventy feet long and had three cabins. It could sleep eight comfortably, ten would be crowded. It seemed a little older to me but I don’t know much about boats. She said she could take us out for a ride but we decided to wait. She told me the local marina comes to pick it up in the off-season, puts it in dry dock and delivers it again in the spring whenever she calls them.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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