Gift in the Woods - Cover

Gift in the Woods

Copyright© 2023 by Tranquil_guy

Chapter 16

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 16 - A man finds love and more after an unusual encounter in the woods. Newly discovered abilities changes his life.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mind Control   BiSexual   Rags To Riches   Sharing   Group Sex   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging  

Chris and Kayla were in the living room playing with the kids and I took the time to kiss all of them. I left to go back home and thought about the day’s events. I would never let anything happen to anyone I loved and any perpetrator would suffer serious damage if someone tried to hurt anyone in my new family.

I woke the next morning with the sun coming through the windows. I got up and did my morning ablutions and dressed in a suit and tie. I drove the escalade to David’s office and sat in the reception area. The receptionist recognized me and brought me coffee. David came out and sat next to me and we talked for a few minutes.

“I checked the schedule and there are a couple of interesting characters coming in today.” he said softly so that only I could hear. “Neither of them are my clients but they are both well known for their illicit dealings,” he said. “One of them has ties to the mafia in New York and the other has ties to human traffickers and the cartels in Texas.

I nodded my head, “This will be fun,” I said. He looked at me with a feeling of dread and sunk into the couch. I sipped my coffee, which wasn’t as good as mine in my travel mug in the car. Two men walked in shortly and the receptionist greeted them. One of them gave his name and I thought I recognized it for a second. The other guy just stood there like a bodyguard. We watched and talked softly while the receptionist ushered them to a lawyer’s inner office. I watched through glass office walls as they talked for almost an hour.

Finally, the meeting ended and all three men walked out. They shook hands in the open area and the two men left. ‘So this is the Mafia,’ I said to myself. I smiled and dropped a packet in them as they walked past us in the office lobby and headed for the elevator. They both looked at me and smiled.

I stood up and followed them to the elevator. “We’re going to have a talk when we reach the ground floor,” I said to no one in particular.

The door opened and I led them over to the couches in the open area. “Sit down and listen to me,” I told them.

“Yes Master,” they both said in unison, as they sat.

“How much cash money can you get by tomorrow?” I asked them. They looked at each other and started counting on their fingers from different sources. I looked up and a man in a suit was coming toward us at an alarming pace. ‘Freeze,’ I sent him. When he was several yards away I asked, “Do either of you have any communication devices on you?”

Both of them started pulling out cell phones and wires connected to their bodies. “Turn off everything now,” I told them. They started fumbling and finally looked up at me. The guy was still frozen in the lobby looking at us and I asked again. “How much cash?” I insisted.

“Three million,” they both acknowledged.

“Do you have any bank accounts you have access to?” I asked.

“Yes, a few,” they both said.

“I want the account numbers, IDs and passwords of all of them. Bring me all the cash and the account information tomorrow here at this location in the parking garage at noon. Keep it secret and act normal. If anyone tries to stop you, kill them. Make sure there are no tracking devices with the money and no one follows you. I will have further instructions for you then.” I told the two. They both nodded and left. I went over to the frozen guy and had him sit down next to me on one of the couches.

“What is your role in this?” I asked him as I dropped a packet in his mind. He blinked several times and started talking. Apparently he has links to the top dog in the group and was keeping an eye out on this guy and his bodyguard in case of problems. I guess there is no honor among thieves. “You will bring me all financial information with IDs and passwords to bank accounts tomorrow and all the cash you can get. Make sure there are no tracking devices. Come alone and make sure you are not followed. Meet me in the parking garage here at 12:15. I’ll give you further instructions then,” I told him.

I didn’t know what he could provide but I hoped it would be good. I had already written him off and wasn’t very concerned with his contribution to our little community project. I went back to the office and sat in the reception area. David came out and sat with me for a few minutes and sipped coffee.

Another client came in and David leaned over to me. “This is another bad actor,” he whispered. “This guy is suspected to have ties to human trafficking and another cartel.”

The receptionist led him to another lawyer’s office and brought them coffee. I watched in amazement as they carried on business. I hoped Sandy would fit in here and enjoy it. The client was in the attorneys office for thirty minutes until the door finally opened. They shook hands and the client walked past me. I dropped a packet in his mind and he turned and smiled at me.

I got on the elevator with him, “Let’s have a talk when we get to the main floor,” I said to him and he nodded.

The door opened and I led him to the couches by the side of the main entrance. “Why are you here today?” I asked him.

“Legal matters that require expert advice,” he said defiantly.

“How much cash do you have access to,” I asked.

“Who wants to know?” he asked defiantly. I hadn’t run into anyone yet that could question me and I was worried.

“I want to know!” I said with authority as I sent him a command, ‘Submit to me now!’ I gave him another packet and he practically wilted in his seat waiting for my next command. “How much cash?” I asked again.

He thought for a minute and I gave him time to calculate, “Two million,” he finally said.

“How many bank accounts do you have access to,” I asked.

“Five,” he acknowledged.

“Bring me all the cash and the bank account information including account numbers, IDs and passwords tomorrow at 12:30 and I’ll give you further instructions then. Make sure there are no tracking devices. Keep it secret and kill anyone that tries to interfere with you. Make sure you are not followed,” I told him. I gave him an address 2 blocks away from the firm at a pay by the hour parking lot. “Are you clear about what you are supposed to do?” I asked him.

“Yes Master,” he replied.

I now had three bad guys meeting me tomorrow, two in the parking garage at the firm and one a couple of blocks away. This should be fun.

I went back upstairs to David’s office. The receptionist let me know that he was in a meeting with the senior partners. Ten minutes later he came walking down the hall to the reception area with a grin on his face.

He came over and sat on the couch next to me, “Sandy has an interview here in the morning with the office manager.”

“That’s wonderful. I know she’ll be happy to hear it.”

I said goodbye to David and headed home. I knew we needed bread, milk and OJ so I stopped at the grocery store near home. I grabbed one of the hand carry baskets near the front door as I walked in and headed for the milk and juice. A tall beautiful black woman was standing at the milk case looking as I walked up.

As I got closer I noticed she wasn’t just beautiful, she was stunning. I opened the glass door and pulled a half gallon jug from the shelf and put it in my basket. She opened a door and pulled out a half gallon jug and put it in her basket also. I watched her as I stepped over to the OJ nearby and grabbed a half gallon. She moved with grace as she walked. I followed her to the bread aisle which was where I was going anyway.

She had long beautiful legs and a perfect round bubble ass. Her breasts were probably a C cup and were beautifully shaped and proportionate to her incredibly sexy body. Her face was gorgeous, she reminded me a little of Beyonce only darker. I followed her down the bread aisle, walked over and picked up a loaf of our normal bread, keeping her in my sight.

I couldn’t stand it any longer. I wanted to know this woman in the biblical sense. I dropped a packet into her mind and she looked at me and smiled.

“Are you finished shopping?” I asked her.

“I think so. I just needed a couple of things,”

“Me too,” I replied. We walked to the checkout lane and she got in line in front of me. The cashier scanned and the woman paid. She scanned my three items and I paid while my beautiful new friend waited for me. We walked out of the store to my Escalade and I put my groceries in the passenger seat.

We walked over to her minivan where there was a teenaged girl sitting in the passenger seat playing on her cell phone. She opened the back door and got in with her groceries. The girl looked up with big eyes as I got in behind the woman and sat down with her. She sat her groceries on the floorboard, “Kenesia, this is...”

“Lonnie,” I said, reaching for her hand. I went ahead and dropped a packet into Kenesia’s mind. She blinked several times and smiled at me. I turned to the woman.

“Esther Ruteledge,” she said, reaching for my hand. I felt a static tingle when our hands touched and I knew she felt it too.

I wasted no time and leaned in and kissed her and gave her the orgasm command at the same time, ‘come when any part of my body is inside any part of you, my tongue, my fingers or my cock is inside your mouth, pussy or ass. The more I have in you, the more intense your orgasm.’ Her eyes fluttered a couple of seconds and I probed her mouth with my tongue.

She started moaning into my mouth and trembling. Her hips were wiggling in her seat and one hand went to her pussy. I reached under her blouse and found her breasts encased in a bra. I lifted the bottom of the bra over her globes and caressed her bare nipples. I tweaked them both and rolled them between my fingertips.

She moaned even louder as Kenesia watched me kissing and fondling her mother. Wave after wave of orgasm washed over Esther as she moaned into my mouth. Her kisses were becoming very passionate after a few minutes and I stopped long enough to unbuckle my pants and slide my underwear down to my shins.

Kenesia’s eyes almost bugged out when Esther leaned down and swallowed my cock whole. Her mouth was incredible and I moaned as she slurped. I watched Kenesia as Esther sucked my cock. Her eyes were big and she was almost drooling. “Would you like some of this Baby?” I asked her. She nodded her head hesitantly. I gave her the orgasm command, ‘come when any part of my body is inside any part of you, my tongue, my fingers or my cock is inside your mouth, pussy or ass. The more I have in you the more intense your orgasm.’ She blinked several times as she watched her mother bobbing her head on my cock.

Esther was steadily humping and coming as she sucked me. “I want to fuck you,” I said to her. She sat up and started taking off her shoes and pants. I reached up to Kenesia and stuck my finger in her mouth. She moaned and both hands went to her pussy. She sucked my finger and thrust her young hips as her mother straddled my lap. Esther grabbed my cock and lowered her hot wet pussy slowly down my length. She started coming again as she milked my hard shaft. She moaned and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

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