Gift in the Woods - Cover

Gift in the Woods

Copyright© 2023 by Tranquil_guy

Chapter 14

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 14 - A man finds love and more after an unusual encounter in the woods. Newly discovered abilities changes his life.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mind Control   BiSexual   Rags To Riches   Sharing   Group Sex   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging  

Bobbie was home and we had a nice quiet supper together. I shared my activities with the neighbor lady down the street and I told her about acquiring two homes and a yacht. She took it all in stride when I told her someone had decided to give it to us out of the kindness in their heart. She got a really big smile on her face when I told her Chris, David and the foundation members would go down and christen it with us. She grinned so big I thought she would break her face. It DID sound like fun and I was looking forward to it.

I woke with the sun coming in the windows and the smell of coffee coming from the kitchen. I got up, did my morning routine, dressed in my Sunday church clothes, grabbed a couple of bundles of cash and headed for the coffee. Bobbie was in the kitchen nibbling on some toast.

“What are you doing today?” I asked her.

“Gonna set out some fall flowers and do some stuff around the house,” she said. “Church again?”

“Yeah, I thought I would try it again. The people are nice,” I told her.

“Okay, have fun. See you this afternoon,” she told me. I kissed her bye and headed to church.

Chris and David had just pulled in with Kayla and the kids in tow. Joanie and Tom pulled in behind me and there were hugs all around. Cece, Nancy and Carol came over and were sure to get a hug before going inside. After stepping inside the door, Julie, Terri, Becky, Sherry, and Lisa made sure they got a hug also.

We made our way to the pew and I sat next to Chris and David again. Cece and Julie were on the front row with Pastor John as the service was starting and announcements were made. I dropped a packet in Pastor John and he turned and smiled at me.

When the singing was over, John walked toward the pulpit while Cece and Julie came back and sat next to me. I already gave some of the men packets but there were a few more that needed them. I dropped a packet into the man sitting with Sherry Collingsworth. He turned and smiled at me as I nodded and smiled at him. Next, I dropped a packet into the men sitting with Becky, Nancy, and Carol. They each turned and smiled at me as I nodded and smiled at them.

A young boy came over and sat at the end of the pew next to Julie and I wondered if she had a boyfriend. He was a very cute kid, almost a little effeminate but looked to be about Julie’s age. I would have to ask her about him later.

Pastor John droned on about forgiveness and not being the first to cast a stone. I noticed a couple more women I’d like to get to know better but I didn’t drop any more packets. When the last Amen was said, I slipped a bundle of 100s into Cece’s purse.

She looked at me with wide eyes, “Get that into the offering before it’s counted,” I whispered to her. She nodded her head and went to the church office. There were more hugs and greetings to go around and all the men I dropped packets into came around and introduced themselves, including Pastor John. We chatted for a few minutes and finally adjourned to the Restaurant with the buffet again.

Julie came up and introduced Ryan to me, her friend that sat next to her during church and asked if they could ride with me to the restaurant. “If it’s Ok with his parents,” I told her. Kayla rode with me too and all piled into the Escalade.

On the short ride to the buffet, I asked Julie if Ryan was her boyfriend.

“No,” she said quietly. “We’re just friends. Ryan doesn’t like girls that way. He only likes boys,” she whispered. I was a little shocked and interested in talking to Ryan about it.

We arrived at the buffet at the same time as nearly everyone else. I grabbed a bundle of twenties as I got out of the Escalade and put it in my pocket. We went and got in line with everyone else and I paid for our buffet but when I went to find a seat, I found that one had already been picked out for me. The ladies had me a seat in a central location so they could sit all around me and stay close.

I thought it was amusing and now the husbands didn’t seem to care. Ryan sat with Julie close by and kept smiling at me. I could tell Julie was amused and they whispered in each other’s ear occasionally. It seemed like they were plotting and scheming and giggled frequently.

Shelly came by the table and refilled my iced tea, “Thank you Shelly,” I told her. She put down the pitcher of tea and hugged my neck.

“I should be thanking you Mr. Dolan. I know what you’re doing for me and Mom and we appreciate it,” she said.

“How is your mom doing?” I asked her.

“She’s doing much better. Someone came and took her to the Dr. and then to get medicine,” she said.

“That’s great Shelly. I can’t wait to meet her,” I said. “I need to talk to you sometime soon. Maybe you can come by the house this week. You’re going to have to cut back to weekend hours only, as soon as college starts. By the way, we’re taking care of everything and you can drive my car,” I told her.

Her eyes welled with tears and she held my neck tightly for a minute. I slipped the bundle of twenties into her apron and she looked down at it.

“You need to take off one day and go get some new school clothes and supplies. Get everything you need or want even if you spend it all because there will be more,” I told her.

She went over to Kayla and they hugged and talked for a minute. Kayla looked at me and grinned.

We ate and visited with everyone for over an hour before we started saying our good-byes and some had migrated towards the exit. I pulled ten crisp 100-dollar bills out of my wallet and motioned the manager over to me. He was a kindly older gentleman that I had seen here before and I liked his genuine smile to all his patrons.

“Please divide this evenly among the staff here today as tips please. Include the kitchen help, cashiers, busboys and dishwashers,” I asked him as I handed him the cash.

“There’s fifteen staff here today total Sir,” he said as he looked at the money and his eyes got big.

“Yes, yes Sir, Mr.,” he paused.

“No mister. You can call me Lonnie,” I said. He reached and I shook hands with him.

“All my staff here are hard working and do a good job taking care of our customers. They will appreciate it,” he said.

“I know they will,” I smiled at him. “By the way, if any of them are interested in taking classes at the local community college, there is a program just getting started to help them do it at no cost. Do you know Cecelia Baxter, the pastor’s wife?” I asked.

“Well sure, everyone knows who she is even if they don’t know her personally,” he said.

“Have them reach out to her through the church if they are interested and she’ll get back with them,” I told him. He shook my hand again and thanked me. I moved over to where Cece was sitting with her husband.

“Heads up. I just told the manager here that if any of the staff wanted to take classes at the community college to reach out to you through the church,” I said. She gave me a side hug as she grinned at me. “You might want to give John a heads up also about the foundation and your involvement. Please mention the food bank stuff to him that I would like to start and I’ll plan a trip to see him in his office this week,” I said. She kissed me on the cheek as I got up and moved back to my spot by Chris and David.

Julie came over to my side of the table and whispered in my ear, “Ryan wants to come over and spend the afternoon with you but he is too shy to ask. I think he has a crush on you,” she giggled. I looked at her with curious concern. I’ve never been interested in boys and was sure I wasn’t interested in men, although I loved David, but that was different. I had NO desire for any other male other than I liked to watch people fuck, male or female.

He is a beautiful boy, if you’re into that sort of thing but was I interested, I asked myself? I’ve never done this or even thought about it before this moment. I’m sure his parents wouldn’t let him go to a strangers house for the afternoon ... but wait, maybe they would. I’m not a pedophile for Pete’s sake, FUCK, I’m not even gay that I know of. David is the only male I’ve ever been with but there are emotional ties there also. I tried to talk myself out of the situation but kept coming back to just being a friend to the boy and see what he wanted.

“It’s Okay with me if it’s Okay with his parents,” I said as I dropped a packet in each of his parent’s minds and they both smiled at me. I saw Julie and Ryan going over to talk to them and they both waved at me as they talked to them. Julie went over to sit with her mom and dad and Ryan came over and sat near me.

“I can come to your house this afternoon if you would like,” he said shyly.

“I would like for you to come over this afternoon Ryan if that’s what you would like to do,” I told him. He nodded enthusiastically. As everyone left the restaurant, he followed me to the Escalade and got in. I drove the short way home and took him in to meet Bobbie. She hugged and kissed him on the cheek as we made our way to the living room to talk. I hadn’t given him a packet yet and wanted to see how far he would go.

We sat on the couch, talked for a while, and got to know each other.

“Have you ever been with other guys?” I asked.

“I have a couple of friends and we have a sleep-over sometimes.”

“What do you do at the sleep-over?” I asked.

“I have a friend, Mikey, that’s a year younger than me and a friend Josh that’s a year older,” he said as I waited for more detail.

“We all touch each other but me and Mikey kiss sometimes. Josh just wants us to suck him all the time. He never sucks us back,” he said.

“It sounds like Josh wants to get something but not give anything in return,” I said.

“Yep, we always give in and suck him when he begs but he never does anything to make us feel good,” he said.

“It sounds like you need to leave Josh out and not sleep-over with him anymore,” I told him.

“Do you and Mikey do anything else?” I asked.

“We practice kissing and sucking each other,” he said. “But I want to do more,” he added looking down. I wasn’t sure where this was going but I was starting to get hard. This beautiful young boy wanted something but wasn’t sure what it was he wanted. I was beginning to think that I could help him find what he was looking for but was unsure how far he wanted to go. Hell, I wasn’t sure how far I wanted to go or what to do with an innocent young virgin fourteen year old boy.

I put my hand on his, “Why me ... I mean why did you want to come over and see me,” I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, “Julie told me she loved you last Sunday. You’re handsome,” he said. “You seem nice and it’s like I can trust you,” he added as he threaded his fingers with mine.

“Well, you can definitely trust me. I’ll never tell anyone about anything we say or do,” I assured him.

“I’ll never tell anyone either,” he said. I knew he wouldn’t but I would end up giving him a command to be quiet about us to be sure.

Ryan stood up, straddled my legs, and sat in my lap facing me. I wasn’t sure where this was going so I waited for him to initiate it. He laid his head on my chest and snuggled against me. I put my arms around him and held him close to me. I caressed his back and hair as he squeezed my chest. We sat there for a few minutes just enjoying the closeness when he sat up a little. He put his arms around my neck and pulled his face close to mine. I could feel his breath on my cheek as I kept caressing his back.

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