Gift in the Woods - Cover

Gift in the Woods

Copyright© 2023 by Tranquil_guy

Chapter 11

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 11 - A man finds love and more after an unusual encounter in the woods. Newly discovered abilities changes his life.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mind Control   BiSexual   Rags To Riches   Sharing   Group Sex   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging  

The gears were turning and I was starting to get an idea of some of the things I wanted to do.

I looked at David and we headed for the living room. He made me sit in his recliner and he sat at the end of the couch nearest me.

“So what do you think? I have more of the gangbangers money but it won’t last forever,” I told him.

“I don’t understand Lonnie. It is wonderful that you want to help the church and our community and I’m with you one hundred percent. You know Chris and I will do anything you want, especially in regards to this, since it’s so close to our hearts,” he told me. I wasn’t sure what to tell him. There was a lot I didn’t understand too. I wasn’t going to tell him everything but I felt like I had to tell him a little so he would understand more of our new purpose. I suppose it didn’t matter because I controlled them anyway and I could tell him whatever I wanted him to know.

“For some reason, certain people will do what I want them to do. I made the gangbangers give me their money when I told them to,” I told him and he nodded his head. “I don’t know how it works or why it’s happening but it just started recently,” I added. “That’s why the gangbangers gave me everything.”

“Can you make anyone do what you want?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I told him. He didn’t seem to even consider if I had done anything to him and Chris but for us to have come together naturally.

“How can we get more money to help ourselves and others,” I asked. “I’m sure I can find other gangbanger stashes to confiscate. I only want to take from the illegal or illicit,” I said.

He laughed aloud and said, “There’s other ways of getting that kind of money.”

“I have clients that have millions of dollars to spread around but I’ve never taken any under the table. I only do legitimate and legal work for them. Some people might take advantage but you know that’s not how I work.”

“I should come to work with you for a few days,” I told him.

“Maybe you should Lonnie,” he smiled at me.

We made a plan for me to go to work with him the next day. He had an appointment with a client who was an international shipper. He only went into the office two or three times a week and usually only for a short time but tomorrow was our chance to try something.

David was pretty sure the International shipper was trying to avoid customs duties, value-added tax, and income taxes by falsifying invoicing. It wasn’t David’s duty to judge the client, only to perform the services that he was paid to do. I was looking forward to the meeting the next morning.

The evening was quiet with Bobbie and found me waking to the sun shining through the windows. I did my morning routine and dressed in a suit and tie, fixed my travel mug and left.

He welcomed me in and the receptionist brought in coffee as we waited for the client to get there. We talked and had our coffee until the client showed up, then went into his inner office. David introduced me as his new assistant and I shook hands with him.

He wasn’t what I was expecting. He had an assistant with him, a cute young girl in her mid-twenties. He was fat, arrogant and mouthy while his cute assistant seemed submissive and scared. He started laying out what he wanted done when I dropped a packet into each one of them.

They both blinked at me and smiled. ‘Suck me NOW,’ I sent to the girl as she scrambled around the desk and fell to her knees. She started trying to unfasten my pants and get my cock in her mouth as the guy watched in amusement. David watched with big eyes as she swallowed my cock whole and sucked with enthusiasm. My cock was hard in no time and I was pumping into her mouth.

“How much is he worth?” I asked David.

“I’m not sure but I think he cheats the government out of millions every year,” he said and I smiled at him.

I told his assistant to go suck off David and I went and sat in front of the client and talked quietly to him.

“You will do exactly what I tell you to do from now on,” I told him.

“Yes Master,” he said softly to me.

“Do you have access to cash money?” I asked quietly. David moaned as he was being sucked off.

“Yes Master,” he said.

“How much cash can you get?” I asked him.

He hesitated for a moment, thinking about it. “A little more than a million,” he answered.

“You will fill a duffle bag with one million dollars in one hundred dollar bills. You may use fifties and twenties to help you get to one million if you need to. Unless I missed my guess, that would mean about 30-40 pounds of cash. We could handle that! I gave him an address near the area I used to work before I retired and told him to be there at noon in two days.

“Yes Master,” he repeated.

‘You will tell no one what you are doing and you will forget it when it’s done,’ I commanded him. He blinked and looked at me. Just then, I heard David groan and shoot his load down the assistant’s throat. I looked over at him and smiled. I looked back at David’s client, “Write a check to this firm for twenty thousand, and give it to David,” I told him. I didn’t know what David’s firm charged him but was pretty sure that would cover it. I hoped he would be delivering a million in tax and customs evasions to me in a couple of days.

“What did you two talk about while I was getting a blow job,” he asked me.

“I think he will be contributing to our community in a couple of days,” I told him.

“That’s good. We could probably use the help,” he said not knowing the extent of the help coming.

“Are there other clients you suspect of using illegal money with your firm?” I asked.

“Sure, I checked the schedule and a couple of clients are coming in this week for other attorneys but they aren’t my clients. I can’t schedule anything with clients that are not mine,” he said.

“That’s Okay. Just let me sit in the lobby when they pass through. You can sit and talk to me as they go by, right?” I asked.

“Of course, we sit in the lobby all the time and talk to clients and visit unless it’s private,” he said.

“It’s set then. Find out the schedule and I’ll meet you here,” I told him.

The next meeting was the next morning at 9:am with one of the other lawyers at David’s firm. I planned to be there and see what he had to offer. David as well as the other attorneys were sure this guy was a member of a drug cartel, laundering money but who could prove it. I wanted my chance at him and was sure I could figure it out.

The next morning I was at the office in my suit and waiting in the lobby with David, drinking coffee and chatting. The guy walked in with another burly looking guy carrying a briefcase, that seemed like a bodyguard. They were shown into the other attorney’s office immediately but were in there for only about 20 minutes.

“Time for some fun,” I said to David as they left the inner office. “I’ll see you back at home,” I smiled at him.

I dropped a packet into both men as they walked by us in the Firm’s lobby headed for the elevator. They both looked at me and smiled as I got up and followed them down the hall. We stepped into the elevator and I hit the button for the main floor and told the client we were going to have a chat when we reached the building lobby. The door opened and I ushered the client and bodyguard over to chairs and couches on the side of the main entrance. I had the client sit down and I sat next to him in a chair.

“Go find a restroom and jack off in a stall. You will not remember me or what I look like. Be back here in 15 minutes,” I told the bodyguard and he left.

“What did you and your attorney talk about?” I asked the client quietly.

“He helped me set up numbered off-shore bank accounts and transfer money to them,” he said. “For that he gets a small cut. I bring him cash and he does things for me under the table,” he smiled.

“He helps you launder the money and embezzles from the law firm?” I asked.

“Yes and much more. I brought him sixty today but have paid many times in the past and he does what I tell him to do,” he said.

“Do you work for a cartel?” I asked him.

“Yes,” he said, naming it.

“How much cash money do you have access to,” I asked him.

He thought for a moment, “Maybe two million,” he answered.

I was shocked and almost showed it but was able to keep my poker face. “You will do everything I tell you to do, exactly how I tell you to do it,” I said.

“Yes Master,” he replied.

“You will gather all the cash and put it in duffle bags able to carry it. You will gather the information on all the numbered accounts you have access to. Include the names of the banks, account numbers, IDs and passwords to all of them and put it in one of the duffle bags you put the cash in,” I told him. I took his briefcase and took out a pen and piece of paper and wrote an address on it, near where I had retired. It wasn’t the place I was meeting the other scumbag tomorrow but it was nearby.

“You will not tell anyone what you are doing. You will come alone to this address and load the money in my car at 12:15,” I said as I handed him the piece of paper. “Make sure you are not followed and kill any cartel member that tries to stop you. I’ll give you more instructions then,” I added.

“Yes Master,” he said. I got up and was walking back to the elevators when the bodyguard came walking out of the restroom to the client. I went back up to David’s office and stuck my head in his open door.

“There’s been a slight change of plans,” I whispered. He motioned for me to come in and close the door. I closed the door behind me and sat down next to him.

“The lawyer that guy just saw is on the take and embezzling shit loads of cash too,” I told him.

“Jim?” he asked excitedly.

“Yes, Jimmy Boy was just given sixty thousand for helping the cartel launder money and putting it in numbered accounts. I’m going to his office and getting it, then he’s taking me to get the rest of it,”

“Wait, you can’t just go to his office and take the money,” he said.

“I’m not,” I said. “I’m going to his office and Jimmy Boy will give it to me freely. Then we’re going to get the rest of it and come back here. Then he’ll confess to the senior partners but won’t remember what he did with the money,” I winked at him. He looked at me with his eyes big and his mouth open as I left his office headed for Jim’s.

I stuck my head in his office door, “Got a minute?” I asked. I stepped in and closed his office door before he could answer.

“Who are you?” he demanded as he stood up and was about to push a button on his desk. ‘Freeze,’ I sent him and he stopped moving.

“I had a little chat with your client that left a few minutes ago and he told me lots of interesting things about you Jimmy Boy. He told me you’ve been helping him launder cartel money, opening off-shore accounts, embezzling and lots more stuff. I’m sure the senior partners would love to hear all about it, as well as the FBI,” I told him.

‘unfreeze,’ I sent him and he collapsed into his chair. Fear and anguish covered his face as sweat poured from his forehead. I went ahead and dropped a packet in his mind and fear and anguish seemed to melt away. He actually looked at me and smiled.


“Yes Master?” he said.

“Where’s the money? I asked as he handed me his briefcase. I opened it and found six ten-thousand dollar bundles of 100s. I closed the briefcase and stood with it.

“Where’s the rest of it?” I asked.

“At home in a safe,” he said.

“Let’s go get it. I’ll ride with you,” I told him.

“Yes Master,” he said as he grabbed his suit coat and we headed to the parking garage. He drove for twenty minutes to a very nice gated community on a golf course. He punched in the numbers at the entrance, the gate slowly opened, and he drove in. A couple of blocks later and we were parked in front of a beautiful home. We got out and he unlocked the door to let us in. We walked down the hallway of this sprawling lovely house toward his office.

Suddenly the master bedroom door flew open and a naked boy that couldn’t have been over 18 tore passed us running down the hall toward the front door with his clothes in his hand. She stood in the doorway and screamed, “What the fuck are you doing home?”

We went into his office and locked the door. He went to the corner and moved a bookshelf and a safe appeared. He punched in the combination to the digital lock and it clicked. He turned the handle and pulled as the heavy door opened. He got up, went to the closet, pulled out a small carry-on style suitcase, and opened it. He started pulling the money out of the safe and stacking it in the suitcase. When he finished with the cash I told him to pull everything else out and was glad I did. In the stack of papers, I found the clear titles to four vehicles, the house we were in, another vacation house on the beach and a small yacht. I put all the papers in the suitcase and asked if he had anything else when I noticed his Rolex. I pointed at it and he took it off, tossing it into the suitcase.

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