Gift in the Woods - Cover

Gift in the Woods

Copyright© 2023 by Tranquil_guy

Chapter 1

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A man finds love and more after an unusual encounter in the woods. Newly discovered abilities changes his life.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mind Control   BiSexual   Rags To Riches   Sharing   Group Sex   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging  

My name is Lonnie and I’m an average guy. I own 7 acres of heaven in rural Georgia near the end of a dead end road, on the outer edge of a small college town of about 30,000. My wife, Bobbie, and I made some real estate investments and picked up this amazing property with a huge five-bedroom house for a fraction of the cost. It was a foreclosure and on the same road where we already lived. I’ve also made some other investments over the years and have been able to retire early.

My house is toward the back of the property and wooded in the front, so you can’t see my house from the road. There are other houses nearby, some with acreage, some with small lots but a very nice quiet neighborhood. Bobbie works from home and has a nice office set up in one of the bedrooms where she spends most of her day on her computer. I usually spend my days reading or piddling around the house. I hate yard work so I stay inside mostly and have become a bit of a couch potato. I’m not fat but have definitely become soft since retiring.

I don’t know many of my neighbors, I’m ashamed to say, but Bobbie knows nearly everyone on our road. She’s lived on this road a lot longer than I have. We got married ten years ago, the third marriage for both of us and I moved in with her. We settled into domestic bliss with our two small dogs. Shortly after marrying, we purchased our 7 acres of heaven. I love the peace and solitude that our property and quiet neighborhood provides. Bobbie is able to walk our small dogs frequently down our long driveway and on our quiet dead end road.

I have a lot of trees on my property, mostly pine but I have a few nice assorted hard woods also. Occasionally trees will fall, particularly during infrequent storms, especially the late summer pop-up variety. Mostly it’s just light rain but sometimes the combination of an approaching front and thermals of a late summer day can turn into a monster storm for a few hours. It was a couple of days after one of these storms, that I was on my riding lawn mower pulling my trusty yard wagon along walking trails in the wooded portion of my property. I had been moving limbs and small trees and throwing debris in the yard wagon as I pulled it slowly along with the riding mower.

Bobbie was in the house working in her office, listening to soft music while she worked tirelessly at her desk. I was out of view of the house but I had my cell phone in my pocket. I could barely see my long driveway through the woods to my left from where I was but the house behind me was completely obscured by the trees and undergrowth.

The day was partly cloudy and the temperature was in the low nineties, muggy but with a soft breeze. It was early afternoon and I was not in a hurry to clean up the path, but I didn’t want to drag it out all afternoon either. As I was riding to the next part of the path that had some debris, suddenly I was encompassed with a brilliant white light. I was blinded by the brightness. The next thing I remember is waking up on the ground next to the riding lawn mower. I was face up in the soft pine straw with the strangest tingling feeling in my arms and legs. As I woke up I began to assess where I was and why and what had happened to me. I slowly began to figure out that I could move my body.

I realized I was lying on the ground next to my riding mower and why I had been there. I didn’t understand why I was on the ground and waking up. It was very confusing. I began to move my legs and arms slowly to make sure they still functioned. I determined that my arms and legs could move and the only real pain I felt came from a small bump on the right side of my head above my ear. It wasn’t bad and only barely noticeable.

The riding mower sat silent and I wondered what could have possibly happened for me to end up on the ground, and obviously out cold. I didn’t know how long I had been unconscious or what time of day it was. The sun seemed to be lower in the sky but I wasn’t sure. I looked at my watch but it seemed to have stopped. I pulled my cell phone out and it was dead. I tried to turn it on but it acted as if it had a low battery and turned itself off immediately. I remember taking it off the charger this morning and knew it was fully charged. I was really confused as I tried to stand and orient myself. I felt weak but I seemed to be alright, just really confused.

I eased myself onto the lawn mower seat and looked down at the controls. I realized that the throttle was on low and the key was in the ‘on’ position. I turned the ignition and started the mower, I put it in gear and made my way to the edge of the woods and got on my long driveway and headed to the lawn mower shed.

I parked the lawn mower in the shed, unhitched the wagon, and rolled it to the side. I started walking toward the house and noticed I was hearing a strange sort of echo in my head. I really couldn’t describe it but it was like I could hear my own voice echoing down a mountain side, in my head. I stepped inside the door and both dogs ran to my feet, excited and waiting to be petted, as if they hadn’t seen me for a month. I bent and scratched both their heads and told them what good boys they were.

I walked to my wife’s office, stepped in, and sat on the daybed on the side. She was focused on her work and kept at it. “Something weird happened to me in the woods while I was cleaning the walking path,” I said.

She vaguely paid attention to me and said “Oh?” She kept typing and was focused on her work and I knew talking to her while she worked was not a good idea. She had a one-track mind like me, it was difficult to concentrate on multiple things, and my conversation was not vitally important. It wasn’t an emergency and I knew she would be able to devote more attention to me after work. I got up, kissed her cheek, and went to the living room.

I plugged my phone in and flopped down in my recliner, put my hands behind my head and looked up at the ceiling, thinking about the day’s events. As I was thinking about what happened I considered being struck by lightning, but I thought,’I would probably be dead’, did a limb fly up and hit me as I ran over it? I didn’t remember a limb. Did a limb fall out of a tree and hit me as I was working? I didn’t notice any limbs on the ground near me. Why did I end up on the ground unconscious? I was still confused and couldn’t figure it out.

Four o’clock came and Bobbie came out of her office and declared herself to be ‘off work.’ She was happy and almost giggly that she was free. I looked at her and could feel her excitement and relief of being off work. Working from home can be stressful sometimes, it’s still a job, and her company keeps up with her production quota on completing customer entry. I marvel sometimes at her work ethic and dedication during her “office time” at home. Let me tell you about Bobbie, my third and current wife. She is a petite blond that has to stay busy constantly. She’s beautiful and I love her with all my heart but she’s a bit annoying with the constant need for activity but she is everything my first two wives couldn’t hold a candle to. She’s a planner and knows what we’ll be doing on vacation or any other time of our life. She’s definitely a fireball or force of nature or something along those lines.

I was sitting in my recliner and could hear her bantering around the house doing her daily routine of cleaning, starting laundry, and giving the dogs treats. For some unknown reason I decided it would be great to have a blowjob because of my strange day in the woods. Don’t get me wrong, I love a blow job just like any guy but hadn’t had one in years. We’re middle aged and sexual activity has definitely slowed down over the years. I had gotten to the point that getting it up wasn’t so much a problem, I had a great imagination, but keeping it up until I completed the mission was an issue. I didn’t mind but I wanted my wife to be happy which wasn’t always the case. She loved me in spite of me and always made me feel good. I’ve always felt close to her, but closer at times than at other times. It’s hard to explain, but I guess that’s married life and everyone feels it.

Anyway, back to my recliner, I looked at her coming out of the office and thought to myself ‘a blowjob would be great.’ She looked at me with a puzzled look that I couldn’t read and blinked her eyes several times. She paused and then hesitated and walked over to my chair. I looked up at her and smiled and I sat up in my chair. She knelt in front of me and looked into my eyes with a longing I’ve never seen before, at least in several years. I leaned forward and kissed her, lightly at first but harder and with more passion as we kept going. We made out for several minutes and I was hard as a rock and didn’t know what to expect from the love of my life. She slowly pulled away from the intense kissing and started licking down my chest toward my cock. She lovingly licked, sucked, and nibbled down my body until she got to my pubic hair. I was still amazed because I could never remember a time when something like this had happened in the last dozen years.

She gently nuzzled my cock, kissed, and licked. I moaned lightly and tried to imagine what was actually happening. We had never done this as a couple, maybe something close, but I was trying to see the happy ending and was looking forward to it. She lifted her head and licked the sensitive underside of my cock and I moaned with pleasure. She moved her mouth to my glans and licked the pre-come from the tip. She swirled it in her mouth and began swallowing my cock as deep in her throat as she could. My mind whirled and the intense sensation began to engulf my entire being. I had never felt anything so exquisite and my senses began to fail me. I knew where I was but I didn’t care. I faded briefly as my orgasm began to build and life seemed to exist only in the head of my cock as I exploded into the throat of the love of my life. White light surrounded me once again, as I came into my wife’s mouth with intensity I’d never known before. My breathing stopped and she jerked slightly as the force of my come hit the back of her throat as she struggled to swallow it all. I was shaking and was hit with a couple of aftershock tremors while trying to gather my thoughts and my breathing returned to normal. I’ve had a few swallowing blowjobs in my life but that had to be the best I could ever imagine and I wasn’t sure why it had spontaneously happened. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it, but why now after years of no blow jobs.

I thought about it but only briefly. It was a fluke of nature or just one of those things married couples do rarely and late in their marriage. I enjoyed it more than I thought possible but she just seemed to blow it off as if it didn’t really happen. I was confused! I decided to tell her what happened to me in the woods today. “Something happened to me in the woods while I was cleaning up,” I said.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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