A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 5 - The Pumpkin Patch
Copyright© 2023 by Michael Loucks
Chapter 60: A Surprise Business Proposal
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 60: A Surprise Business Proposal - Birgit Adams remains a force to be reckoned with. The lessons she learns, and how she deals with them, are at the heart of this book. Beyond Birgit, there is the usual full cast of characters, but, no matter how you cut it, this is a book centered on the Empress of the Universe — it wasn't titled The Pumpkin Patch for nothing! This is a continuation of the third A Well-Lived Life Series.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft Fa/Fa ft/ft Mult Polygamy/Polyamory First
December 7, 2002, Rutherford, Ohio
? Steve
"You'll be the first guy to see me completely naked in my entire life!" Sherrie said as I led her to the well-appointed bathroom.
"Your dad never bathed you or changed your diapers?"
"He dumped my mom when she got pregnant. Mom married my stepdad when I was five."
"That man has no honor," I declared.
"Perhaps today IS a good day to lose my virginity!" Sherrie said in a gruff voice.
"And it was you who came to the door," I chuckled, "though you didn't beg!"
"As if I needed to!"
"Do you want to undress for me, or do you want me to undress you?"
"I think it would be sexy for you to undress me," Sherrie said. "But do it naked!"
I smiled and nodded, then quickly removed my clothes. Once I had finished undressing, I stood naked for Sherrie to get a good look.
"I like what you have for me!" Sherrie breathed. "And you're totally hot!"
I waited a few seconds, then stepped forward and began undressing Sherrie — a red vest which held her name tag, a white blouse, black slacks, black socks, plain white cotton bra, and plain white panties, which had a small wet spot.
"Sexy," I said, looking her up and down.
She was, as I'd noticed at the restaurant, the epitome of a 'Steve type' — small breasts capped with hard pink nipples, flat stomach, flared hips, neatly trimmed red pubic hair, plump labia, long legs, and the crème de la crème, or cherry on top, was freckles that dotted her face, shoulders, arms, legs, stomach, and breasts.
"Step into my shower," I said, taking her hand.
"Said the spider to the fly?" Sherrie asked with a smile.
"I believe you're enticing me," I replied.
"I'd say it was mutual, wouldn't you?"
"I would. Shall I wash you?"
"Yes," Sherrie replied. "That sounds so sexy."
I took the cherry blossom soap Suzanne used and had brought with her from the hanging shower rack and began by working up a lather between my hands. I started with Sherrie's shoulders and worked my way down to her feet, enjoying the feel of her small, firm breasts and toned, muscular butt under my soapy hands.
"What do you do for exercise?" I asked as I used the handheld showerhead to rinse the suds from her body.
"Tae Bo," she replied. "My stepdad and I go three times a week."
"It shows!"
"I hear it's similar to karate."
"It uses some similar techniques," I replied.
"The shower was nice," she said.
"We'll take one together afterwards," I replied. "Ready to start?"
"I really enjoy shower blowjobs," I said. "Treat it like an ice cream cone, then like a popsicle, and you can use your hand to stroke my shaft. I prefer the girl to swallow, but I won't complain if you spit."
Sherrie smiled and stepped forward, and we exchanged a soft, sexy kiss. She broke the kiss after about fifteen seconds, then carefully dropped to her knees. I leaned back slightly against the tile, then Sherrie grasped my shaft, planted a kiss on the tip of my dick, and began by licking my glans.
It was, by her admission, her first blowjob, but she quickly got the hang of it, and I had the dual pleasure of her mouth and watching as she stroked, sucked, and licked. As was often the case, I was torn between making the pleasure last as long as humanly possible and not wanting to discourage a first attempt, so I simply allowed the pleasure to build.
"Soon," I said about six minutes later. "When I cum, just keep my glans in your mouth, suck and run your tongue around me, and stroke me."
A minute later, I groaned, and the first blast of cum exploded from my dick. Sherrie did as I'd requested and lashed me with her tongue and stroked me while cum spurted into her mouth. After the last spurt, I felt her swallow, then take me as far into her mouth as she could before releasing me and standing up. We exchanged another soft, sexy kiss, then I turned off the shower, and we stepped out.
We dried each other, I grabbed a tube of lube from my shaving kit, then led Sherrie to the bed in the second bedroom so as not to mess up the king-size bed where my wives and I would sleep.
"My turn to pleasure you with my mouth," I said.
"When we do it, how long can you go?"
"A long time," I replied.
I feasted on her wonderful breasts and her female juices for twenty minutes, bringing her off three times before applying lube and positioning my glans against her labia.
"Ready?" I asked.
Sherrie smiled and sighed, "Oh, yes!"
I looked deeply into her eyes and pressed my hips forward. My glans split her sopping-wet labia and easily slid into her tight tunnel. Sherri gasped, then moaned, and two short strokes later, I was fully embedded inside her.
"Wow!" she gasped.
I smiled, lowered myself onto her, and she wrapped her arms and legs around me. I kissed her, and we began what promised to be a very pleasurable, lengthy lovemaking session.
December 8, 2002, Chicago, Illinois
? Jesse
"We're Catholic," Luna said as we dressed for church on Sunday morning. "What's the difference?"
"Our Divine Liturgy is more intricate and complex than your mass, but the basic structure is pretty similar. We don't use instruments, and pretty much everything except the Creed and the homily is sung or chanted."
"What about communion?"
"We have it, but we serve it in what you call both species, using a spoon. But only Orthodox Christians can receive communion. You can share in the antidoron, which is blessed bread, but like your church, we have closed communion."
"Do you go to confession?"
"Yes, but it's done face-to-face with the priest at the front of the church, facing an icon of Christ. And to anticipate your next question, we don't have confirmation because we baptize, chrismate, and commune babies. Oh, and we can't eat breakfast before we receive communion the way you can. We have to not eat from midnight the night before. Technically, after Vespers, but most people don't follow that rule."
"So you don't eat breakfast?"
"No. We have fruit and cereal if you want to eat, and it won't bother me if you do. My moms don't go to church and almost always eat breakfast on Sunday mornings before I leave."
We finished dressing and went downstairs, where Luna decided to have an apple and a slice of toast. Once she'd eaten, we left the house, got into Aunt Jessica's BMW, and headed for Des Plaines.
"I'm amazed you're allowed to drive your aunt's BMW!" Luna declared.
"Dad taught me in his BMW," I said. "He'd never allow me to do this if I wasn't a safe and careful driver. No tickets, no accidents, and I follow the rules scrupulously."
"My dad won't even let me get my license," Luna said. "He thinks the driving age should be eighteen."
"In the city, it's not that big a deal," I replied. "The L, busses, and trains make getting around pretty easy, but kids in the burbs would have serious problems because almost nothing is in walking distance, and bus service sucks."
"I believe it, but my dad says it's too expensive to add me to his insurance."
"It's not cheap, that's for sure," I confirmed.
"Changing topics, what should we do about food for the party?"
"Ordering pizza is probably easiest," I said. "If everyone kicks in ten bucks, that should cover pizza, soft drinks, and snacks. I can place an order with Connie's the day before so they know they'll have to make eight deep-dish pies, which should be enough for twenty-two kids.
"I think so, yeah. One of the girls on the volleyball team wondered if it would be OK to play 'Truth or Dare'."
"We'd need some pretty clear ground rules, and everyone would have to agree in advance," I said. "And it has to be a free decision; no pressure. And depending on the dares, there's the concern of what people are willing to do and who they're willing to do it with, plus the problem of boyfriends or girlfriends."
"None of the girls I invited have a boyfriend; well, they go out, but they aren't couples. I don't know about the guys."
"Mitch and Fangsu are a couple, but he's a Freshman, so Freddy didn't invite him. There is one serious flaw, though — Tim is gay, and nobody else is."
"Does he have a boyfriend? If so, we could ask one more guy to balance the couples."
"None of the girls are lesbian?" I asked.
"If they are, I sure don't know it. I'm pretty sure they're all straight, or at least bi. The only out lesbians at school are your friends Libby and Lilibeth. I'm sure there are more, but they're the only ones who show any kind of PDA."
"Libby is actually bi," I said.
"Thought so!" Luna said with a smirk.
"No comment."
"Oh, I know, but once you said that, it was pretty obvious from everything I've seen. I won't say anything."
"The more I think about it, the less I think 'Truth or Dare' with that large group would be a good idea."
"You're probably right. I'll tell her. It's not like there isn't enough to do at your house to have fun!"
[Greater Cincinnati, Ohio]
? Steve
"If there's anything you four need, just call, please," Connie said when my wives and I checked in at the Marble Palace in Newport.
"Not that I can think of at the moment," I replied.
"Anthony wants a chance to speak privately with you," she said.
"We can do that as soon as we get settled into the room. Where?"
"His on-site office behind reception," she said.
"I'll come back down in about fifteen minutes."
"I'll let him know!"
I declined the bellman as we each only had a single bag, and I'd stayed in the suite before. I led my wives to the elevator, which whisked us to the top floor, where I used the old-fashioned key, along with the modern security card, to unlock the door.
"This place is gorgeous!" Jessica declared. "I love the period decor."
"The only real downside is that the wall-mounted light fixtures are electric, not gas, but the local building code wouldn't allow that. That said, the specialty bulbs do a decent job of emulating the gas lamps."
"Where did he find all of this stuff?" Suzanne asked.
"Most of it is replicas," I replied. "The only non-replica pieces are in a private dining room and in the suites. It's too risky to put true antiques in regular rooms or common areas. I'm going to go see Anthony, and I'll come back to fulfill our promise to Kara before dinner!"
"You better, Snuggle Bear!" Kara said, trying to sound threatening, but the rest of us laughed.
I kissed each of my wives, then left the room and took the elevator back to the lobby, then went to meet Anthony in his office.
"I take it you're pleased with the financials?" he asked after we greeted each other.
I nodded, "I'm happy. Your idea has proved to be an excellent investment. I'm happy you offered me a taste!"
"What's the line? If you consider the money you invested merely 'finance', «te salut, Don Stephen»!"
"He was wise to stay out of the drug trade," I replied. "Gambling and prostitution were safe and tolerated, as you well know! Any trouble in that regard?"
"No. Well, one challenge, which Connie playfully suggested, was right up your alley!"
"Knowing Connie, I'm almost afraid to ask!"
"She does most of the recruiting for the escort side of the business, and there's one thing she can't interview for..." he said with a smirk.
I laughed, "And knowing Connie, there is no way in Hell she'd allow YOU to conduct those interviews!"
"As much as I might like to, she'd cut my balls off like any good Italian woman would if I did that! Not to mention, her grandfather never once played around in all his years, despite ample opportunity, and I feel bound to uphold that level of integrity. Now, if Connie felt otherwise about me playing around..."
"Something that had to be negotiated in advance, and that was never going to happen with her or Joyce."
"Interested?" Anthony asked with a goofy smile.
"Amused is probably a better term. You know my wives are going to ask, so to satisfy their curiosity, I'd be curious to hear what Connie suggested."
"Each applicant would spend a few hours demonstrating she's capable of meeting our demanding standards of expertise in the bedroom, the ability to carry on a scintillating, intelligent conversation, and how to behave in public. You know our usual clientele are interested in girls between eighteen and twenty-five, and mostly the girls come to us with no experience with being escorts or any kind of sex work. The same is actually true of the women in their thirties. They're mostly bored, unfulfilled housewives, but I know your rule, so you'd never be involved in anything like that with them if you'd even take Connie up on her idea."
"What are the demographics of your escorts?"
"About seventy percent young college girls, about twenty percent in their late twenties, and ten percent in their thirties. I think we discussed them before, and they mostly go to company events as classy companions with men who, for business reputation reasons, can't have teenage arm candy."
"All of them are married?"
"About half; the rest are divorced. Want to know the number one profession of those women?"
"Teachers, right?" I asked.
Anthony laughed, "I should have known you'd know. We're discreet, and no pictures are ever published. The divorced ones can pass it off as dating if they run into someone they know."
"As interesting as it sounds," I chuckled, "I don't think I can make it to Cincinnati often enough to make it happen."
"Connie said she'd send the girls who passed her interview to Chicago. She'd set them up in a hotel room, and you'd show up and interview them."
I chuckled, "Tell Connie I very much appreciate the thought, but I'm not sure that's a good idea."
"I expected that answer," Anthony said. "I'll let Connie know. Are you still joining us for dinner?"
"Are you OK with Aurora joining us?"
"My wives know about her, so that's not a problem."
"Then we'll see you in the private dining room at 6:00pm. My chef spoke with Alex Saunders, so you'll have a fully low-carb meal."
"I appreciate it."
We shook hands, I left his office, and returned to the suite.
[Chicago, Illinois]
? Matthew
"Which performance are you going to attend?" I asked Chelsea.
"All of them, if I can!" Chelsea declared. "I was thinking I could come to opening night by getting a ride from Aunt Elyse, then coming back into the city on Friday morning with Eduardo or her or taking Metra. Then I can get a ride back out to Aurora on Friday because we'll spend the weekend there. Which night will your dad and the others attend?"
"He said the Sunday matinée was the best option, and then we'll have our usual family dinner at Mom's house instead of his. That works best for everyone except Aunt Jess, who said she'd skip karate on Thursday evening and come with some of her doctor friends."
"She'll miss dinner, though, because she works until 6:00pm."
"Dad said they talked it through, and she's OK with that, given the circumstances."
"What's next after the Christmas concert?"
"Fiddler on the Roof," I replied. "Performances will be in March. Then we have The Crucible, with performances in May."
"Neither of those has any love scenes, right?"
"Right. I did suggest to Mr. Fruits that we actually have the pagan ritual in The Crucible, but he shot me down!"
Chelsea laughed, "Somehow, I don't think he'd survive in his job after having high school girls dance naked on stage!"
"His job? He'd be arrested! The government has zero tolerance for teenagers being naked or having sex. Society is so messed up! You asked about the love scenes because of Maggie, right?"
"Yes. It's going to be a serious problem for the next three years."
"I know," I replied. "And there is literally no solution unless one of us drops out of drama, and that's not going to happen."
"There are always solutions," Chelsea countered. "It's just that they aren't ones that you'll accept."
"I'm not interested in any aspect of my dad's life plan, even if you would put up with that!"
"So, no threesome with me and Maggie?" Chelsea asked with a silly smile.
"I'll do that as soon as you agree that you'll put your tongue in Maggie!"
"I'm straight!"
"Exactly! You won't, so I could safely say I would when you do!"
"Not suggesting this, but do you have that fantasy?"
"A threesome? No. That's Nick's fantasy, but as Arby said, Nick has to find ONE girl who'll have sex with him before he can have TWO!"
"You really never had that fantasy?"
"No. You said I was yours from age five, so I never thought about any other girls in any way."
Chelsea smiled, "I did claim you! And it worked!"
"I have zero complaints!"
[Greater Cincinnati, Ohio]
? Steve
"I think you should say 'yes'!" Kara declared. "I'll act as judge, and we could charge!"
"That might be a bit much," I chuckled. "All teasing aside, we want to avoid any direct links or involvement with that side of the business. Our share of the profits comes purely from the reportable income from the hotel, and one of the firm rules for the escort business is that it never happens in the hotel. That way, if any of the girls are ever arrested, there's plausible deniability."
"What about the gambling?"
"It's far easier for prosecutors and police to ignore than prostitution. The public doesn't really get outraged about gambling the way they do about anything to do with sex. Anthony runs the casino straight, which is fine for him because you'd have to actually make a concerted effort to lose money running a casino! Honestly, I think Connie's best approach would be to talk to her best customers and arrange for them to conduct the interviews."
"It's not Steve's sweet spot, either," Suzanne observed. "How many virgins are going to investigate being escorts?"
"Only in movies," I chuckled. "Like babysitting clubs where the girls sell sex to the dads — pure fantasy. And yes, I'm sure it has happened at least once, but it's really a staple of porn and teenage sex comedies, not real life. I mean selling because personal experience with a certain group of cheerleaders did happen!
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