A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 5 - The Pumpkin Patch - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 5 - The Pumpkin Patch

Copyright© 2023 by Michael Loucks

Chapter 4: Age of Frustration

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 4: Age of Frustration - Birgit Adams remains a force to be reckoned with. The lessons she learns, and how she deals with them, are at the heart of this book. Beyond Birgit, there is the usual full cast of characters, but, no matter how you cut it, this is a book centered on the Empress of the Universe — it wasn't titled The Pumpkin Patch for nothing! This is a continuation of the third A Well-Lived Life Series.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   First  

July 24, 2002, Saint Petersburg, Russia

? Steve

"Dad, this is Lieutenant Svetlana Aleksandrovna Smirnova of the Russian Army," Jesse said when he walked into the suite with a beautiful Russian girl. "Svetlana Aleksandrovna, my dad, Stephen Rayevich Adams."

"«Добрый вечер, товарищ лейтенант!» (Dobryy vecher, tovarishch leytenant)" I said. ("Good evening, Comrade Lieutenant!")

That was the correct Soviet form of address, and I wasn't sure it was proper now, but it was close enough.

"«Добрый вечер! Ты говори́шь по-ру́сски??» (Ty govorish' na russki)" she responded. ("Good evening! Do you speak Russian?")

I shook my head, "Only about two dozen words. What is your assignment, Lieutenant?"

"Signals. I have degree in computers."

"I should introduce you to my business partner, Lyudmila Alekseyevna," I said. "She runs a similar company to mine here in Russia."

"Perhaps when I leave Army," she said.

"We're going to my room," Jesse said.

"Good night, then," I said.

They went into Jesse's room in the suite, and I heard the door lock after he'd shut it tight.

"No way!" Jessica said, sotto voce, shaking her head.

"That's my boy!" I declared equally quietly.

"She has to be twenty-three or twenty-four!" Jessica replied.

"So?" I asked. "The age of consent is fifteen, and she's smoking hot! If Jesse can talk her out of her uniform, more power to him!"

"She's not wearing a uniform, in case you didn't notice!" Suzanne interjected.

"Oh, I noticed," I chuckled. "But I guarantee you this is the end result of Jesse flirting with her starting Monday night!"

"That kid is a menace, just like you were!" Jessica teased.

"I had no complaints except from fathers offended by their daughter's declaration of bodily autonomy. Well, and from my mom about my «некультурный» (nekulturny) behavior!" ("inappropriate")

"And girls who you refused, like Michelle Bateman!" Kara tittered. "And don't forget 'Fuck you, Steve Adams!'"

"That one I rectified," I replied. "Repeatedly!"

"We should probably go into our room and turn on some music," Jessica suggested.

"Don't want to hear the Lieutenant screaming out in the throes of passion?" I asked.

"No!" my wife declared firmly.

"How about you make US scream out in the throes of passion?" Kara suggested.

"That I can do!"

? Jesse

"Which of beautiful women is father's wife?" Svetlana asked.

"All of them!" I replied.

"You are goofball! Is only allowed in Muslim countries!"

"Only one is his legal wife, but the four of them consider themselves married to each other."

"You are joking!"

I shook my head, "No, I'm not. The two older ones have been married to Dad since December 1985. The three of them added Suzanne to the marriage a few weeks ago, just before our trip. The prettiest one, who was sitting to my dad's right, is his senior wife, and she's the mother to two of my sisters. The one on his left is his legal wife and is mother to a brother and sister."

"I cannot believe! They are «ḥarīm»?"

"In the order I just mentioned, a full professor of chemistry who is a well-known researcher, an Attending physician at University of Chicago Hospital, and a pre-law student."

"Is crazy!"

"That describes my entire life, including having a beautiful lieutenant of the Russian Army in my room!"

"If you do not live up to bragging, I shoot you with sidearm!"

"There's no place to hide it in those clothes!" I said with a grin.

"I come back tomorrow in uniform! You get your 'nine grams'! And not in back of head!"

"Then I suppose I shall have to outperform! I do have an important question. Have you been tested for sexually transmitted diseases?"

"Why such question?" she asked.

"One of my dad's firm rules is ensuring a partner doesn't have an STD."

"I had test in May because doctor recommended because I had many lovers in university. It showed no disease."

"Do I need to use rubbers?" I asked. "I have them."

"I am not ignorant teenager! After scare in first year of university, I began pills. Is not common here, but I do."

I moved over to my suitcase, unzipped the pocket, and took out something I'd brought in case I wanted to mess with my Army friends. I pinned the general's stars to my shirt collars, then turned to Svetlana.

"Lieutenant," I said as gruffly as I could, "Strip!"

She started laughing so hard she bent over and held her stomach. It took her a minute to recover, but when she did, she quickly undressed, and I admired her toned body, nice breasts, muscular legs, and a narrow strip of pubic hair that ended just above her plump labia.

"What are your orders, General?" she asked with a silly smile.

"To pleasure each other all night!"

"More big talk!"

"Then get into bed, and I'll prove it!" I said as I began taking off my clothes.

"Jesse, why Russian soldier's cross?" she asked as I removed my shirt.

"I'm Orthodox," I replied.

"You attend church ceremonies?"

"Yes, almost every week since I was little."

"Father is Orthodox? Or mother?"

"Neither," I replied. "Dad was on his spiritual journey and took me to church. I liked it and decided to keep going. Eventually, I was baptized and chrismated."

"I have been to church service once, with grandmother. Was interesting, but I do not believe in God. Do you know what cross says on back?"

"Yes. It says, 'Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered' in Church Slavonic."

"Many soldiers wear identical cross, even if they do not go to church ceremonies. Is like, talisman, I think is called."

"Something that is meant to protect them."

"Yes. So, you have cross like soldier. Let us see what you have in way of armament and firepower!"

I laughed, removed the rest of my clothes, then got into bed.

July 25, 2002, Stockholm, Sweden

? Ashley

Kristina and I were sharing a hotel room, and when we woke up on Thursday morning, we showered then joined Katt and Elin for breakfast. The ice skating competition would begin on Friday and would end on Sunday afternoon. Elin was confident she'd win a medal and felt she had a good chance of winning. Mikael hadn't taken the train with us because he had to work, but he'd fly down to join us on Friday evening.

"It's just practice today," Katt said to Kristina. "So you and Ashley can spend the day however you like, and we'll have dinner together at 7:00pm. I'll give you some money for lunch and snacks. Ashley, do you have money?"

"Yes," I replied. "Dad made sure I had plenty."

"Are you going to see your parents today?" Katt asked.

"No. They're going straight from the airport to the train station so they can get to Gothenburg before it gets late."

When we finished breakfast, Kristina and I left the hotel.

"Let's go to Skansen," Kristina suggested. "There's a zoo and lots of other things to see there."

"OK," I agreed. "It's so cool that we can be out alone together and not have adults freak out!"

"Mom says that parents in the US are overprotective and treat even teenagers like babies."

"SO true! Some of Jesse's friends who are in High School have less freedom than I do and way less than you have here."

"It'll be cool if you come to live with us for a year! We can have so much fun!"

"I know! But it's still four years away."

"Do you think you might come back before then?"

"I hope so! You could come visit the US."

"I want to! Maybe next Summer?"

"I'm sure my dad will be OK with that!"

"Cool! I'll talk to my mom and dad!"

We grabbed each other's hand and started down the sidewalk.

[Saint Petersburg, Russia]
? Jesse

"Am I going to be shot?" I asked with a smirk when Svetlana and I got into the shower.

"No!" she said. "You are very virile! And an expert lover! You have been granted postponement of execution."

"Thank you!" I said, laughing. "You are a fun, enthusiastic partner!"

"I forget that teenage boys can do it so many times! And so quick to recover! But you also have stamina!"

"Practice makes perfect!" I declared.

"You have had many lovers?" she asked as I began soaping her body.

"About two dozen," I replied.

"You are joking! You are sixteen!"

"And?" I asked.

"Is crazy! I thought seven was many! Well, you are number eight! And first younger! Am I oldest?"

"Not even close," I chuckled.

"You are joking!"

"No. My first was thirty-four when I was fourteen."

"What?!" Svetlana gasped.

"I had a very good teacher!" I declared. "Were you ever with a much older guy?"

"Yes, but only by eight years, and was when I was nineteen. Your parents are OK with this?"

"Yes. Dad allows us to make our own decisions and run our own lives. As I said, I'm no baby!"

"I agree! You are expert, powerful lover who can please me!"

"And in two hours, I leave for the airport."

"If you come back to Russia, you must let me know!"

"I promise!"

I finished soaping her, and after she rinsed off, she soaped my body.

"Oops," she said impishly. "I spent too much time on this part!"

I'd become hard, and once I rinsed off the soap, Svetlana took care of her 'mistake', and we shared a fierce French kiss before getting out of the shower. We dried off, dressed, then went out to the main room.

"Join us for breakfast?" Dad asked.

"Thank you, but I must get to office," Svetlana said.

"I'll walk you to your car," I offered.

We left the room and took the elevator to the ground floor, then I walked her around the corner to where she was parked.

"I am glad I met you, Jesse Stepanovich!"

"And I, you, Svetlana Aleksandrovna!"

"I hope you visit again soon!"

"Me, too!"

We hugged and exchanged Russian-style kisses because we were in public. She got into her car, waved, then drove off.

[Leeds, England]
? Albert

"I'm going to miss you!" Jane declared as I packed my things for my trip home.

"I'll miss you, too! And we'll see each other when you come to the US."

"But it's a year away, at least," she said, sounding sad.

I took her in my arms and hugged her.

"We'll talk on the phone, send emails, and time will go really fast. And you know Dad will let me visit whenever I want, so long as it doesn't interfere with school."

"And your mom? Is she still worried when you travel alone?"

"Yes, but not as much as she used to. The thing that worries her is me flying a plane by myself when I have to fly solo for my license."

"Is that dangerous?"

"Not really. Commander Shaughnessy has done a good job of training me, and I'll also take formal lessons from an instructor starting when I'm sixteen. If you follow the checklists and don't violate the safety rules, it really is very safe."

"Could you fly here?"

"Eventually, when I have the necessary licenses and training, but by then, I'll most likely be at the Naval Academy."

"Is it for sure that they'll let you fly jets?"

"No, but I'll have every possible advantage in receiving that assignment."

"What would you do if not?"

"Anything that would let me advance to command," I replied.


"No, I'd really prefer a surface ship assignment and preferably an aircraft carrier. There are so many good roles and so much varied training on a carrier."

"Maybe you could be assigned to Hawaiߴi!" Jane exclaimed. "That would be cool!"

"Nine years from now, we'll find out! But the most important thing that will happen is we'll get married the day after graduation!"

"Yes!" Jane exclaimed.

I zipped my suitcase, padlocked the zippers, then carried it to the front door.

"Ready to go?" Jane's dad asked.


"Then let's be on our way!"

[Stockholm, Sweden]
? Birgit

"How was Russia?" I asked when Jesse arrived at the Kjellsson's apartment.

"Great! I had a blast with my Army friends, a great time with Eugen and his friends, and then dinner with a guy who played against us when I was here for the hockey trip."

"And?" I asked with a smirk.

"And I had a very good time!"

I laughed because that meant Jesse had found a girl, or maybe even two.

"Made some new friends?" I asked.

"Andrei, the hockey forward," Jesse replied.

He was clearly not going to say anything more, but I suspected that was because Kjell was in the room.

"Did Dad and the moms go straight to the train station as planned?" I asked.

"Yes. I chose not to go. I'm going to Anna's. That was no big deal because Dad could still cancel the additional room when I decided before we went to Russia."

"Maja is having a get-together at her house tomorrow night," I said. "You're obviously invited. Anna is invited, so I suspect she told Maja you'd be there."

"Cool. I'm going to get something to eat, then leave. I take it your parents are at work, Kjell?"


Jesse made himself a pair of open-faced sandwiches in Swedish style, washed them down with Sprite, then put what he needed in his backpack, stowed his suitcase in the spare bedroom with mine, and left for Anna's house via «Tunnelbana» and bus.

[Göteborg, Sweden]
? Steve

"No Jesse?" Pia asked in Swedish when she met us at Göteborg's Centralstationen.

"If you were Jesse, which would you rather do?" I replied in Swedish, "Hang out with your parents and their friends or hang out with a bunch of horny teenage girls?"

Pia laughed, "So, like father like son?"

"Pretty much!"

We switched to English so as not to exclude my wives.

"I have my Volvo wagon just around the corner. Marta is waiting by the car."

"Is she going to be upset that Jesse isn't here?" I asked as we started walking.

"I honestly don't know. She's been strange about him since our visit to Chicago."

"Jesse mentioned that. How is Harry?"

"Good, but he's in London this week. It wasn't planned, but his boss sent him to solve a problem with a supplier. Everything is set for tomorrow at the park across from where Torbjörn used to live. The Katsaroses and Sundströms will meet you for a late dinner at the hotel in about an hour."

"Thanks for helping arrange everything."

"You're welcome!"

Fifteen minutes later, we were at the reception desk at Hotel Vasa on Viktoriagatan. I handed over my credit card, received four keys, and the bellman escorted us to our suite. We all chose to change clothes before dinner, as we'd basically gone from plane to train to car. Once we were all dressed, the four of us went down to the hotel dining room and were seated at a reserved table. A few minutes later, Costas, Anne-Marie, Håkan, and Inger arrived. We all got up to greet them with hugs.

"The kids all abandoned you?" Costas asked.

"The parents are good for funding their travel, but not much else!" I declared.

"So not true, and you know it!" Håkan declared.

"Do you see them here?" I asked rhetorically and with a silly smile. "Nope! They're with their friends! And that's OK because we want them to be independent."

"So, they get what your parents denied you?" Håkan asked. "At least until you came to Sweden."

"Pretty much," I replied. "And that trip showed me how it ought to be done, with you four setting very good examples."

"I'm not sure the kids would agree," Costas said. "At least not about everything."

"You could ask Jesse or Birgit if they were here about that!" I replied.

"Perhaps in August," Costas said. "We just arranged with Sofia to visit, and Frederick, Maj, and Esther will join us."

"We'd love for you to join us for dinner, at least once," I said. "And I'll make sure all the kids are there."

"We'd love to!" he replied.

[Chicago, Illinois]
? Albert

"Hi, Grandpa!" I exclaimed when I walked out the security doors with the pretty stewardess from British Airways.

"Hi, Albert! Miss, I'm Doctor Albert Barton, Albert's grandfather."

"May I see your ID, please?" she asked.

Grandpa showed her his ID.

"Thank you, Doctor Barton," she said. "Albert, you were a pleasure to have onboard today! Please fly with British Airways in the future!"

"Thank you!" I said, handing her the lanyard with the ID badge I'd had to wear.

She left to return through security, and Grandpa and I wheeled my cart out of the International Terminal at O'Hare.

"So annoying," I groused as soon as we were outside in the parking lot.

"It grates on you that they require you to have an escort," Grandpa said. "But not every thirteen-year-old is as mature and as capable as you are."

"Then let them escort kids who can't make their beds, do their laundry, fly airplanes, and get from London to Leeds by themselves!"

"In two years, you won't have to worry about it! How was England?"

"Jolly and old!" I replied.

"And Sweeney?"

"He didn't serve any meat pies, so there's that!"

"I spoke to him this morning, and he mentioned they're planning a trip here in the next year."

"That's what Amanda said, but she didn't know when."

We walked up to Grandpa's Lexus and he handed me the key so I could put my suitcase, backpack, and gym bag into the trunk.

"He's thinking Summer, but it could be Christmas. He and Karen need to arrange their schedules."

We got into the car, and I buckled in before answering.

"If it's Christmas next year," I said, "Jane will be sad because it's so long," I observed. "If that's when it ends up being, I'll probably want to visit her next Summer."

"I think your dad and mom might be able to scrape together enough to buy you a ticket," Grandpa Al said as he backed out of the parking spot.

I laughed because Mom made a lot of money as a senior Attending at the hospital, and Dad's business was doing really well.

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