A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 5 - The Pumpkin Patch - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 5 - The Pumpkin Patch

Copyright© 2023 by Michael Loucks

Chapter 38: Kara Decides

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 38: Kara Decides - Birgit Adams remains a force to be reckoned with. The lessons she learns, and how she deals with them, are at the heart of this book. Beyond Birgit, there is the usual full cast of characters, but, no matter how you cut it, this is a book centered on the Empress of the Universe — it wasn't titled The Pumpkin Patch for nothing! This is a continuation of the third A Well-Lived Life Series.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   First  

October 25, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Steve

Towards the end of the day, I was reading CNN.com about the hostage crisis at a theatre in Moscow and about the arrest of suspects in the Beltway Sniper case — John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo – when adium dinged to let me know I had an incoming chat.

Mea_nani95: Hi!
NIKASteve: Hi Keiki!
Mea_nani95: Busy?
NIKASteve: No. What's up?
Mea_nani95: I booked my tickets for San Francisco. I arrive on the afternoon of the 18th and fly home on the morning of the 22nd. That's Wednesday through Sunday. I was going to fly home on Saturday, but the ticket was way cheaper if I stayed Saturday night.
NIKASteve: That's normal.
Mea_nani95: Will you come to San Francisco so we can explore an arrangement?
NIKASteve: You don't want to wait to see if you receive any scholarships?
Mea_nani95: It feels like you're trying to talk me out of it.
NIKASteve: I suppose it does. Is what you're asking for what you want? As opposed to feeling obligated?
Mea_nani95: From what Kelli and Nalani said, I won't regret it! I know what the arrangement I want entails!
NIKASteve: As I said to Nalani, I'm happy to help without the quid pro quo, so the one thing doesn't depend on the other.
Mea_nani95: It's something I want to do, and I know the prerequisites from Nalani.
NIKASteve: As long as you're sure.
Mea_nani95: I am. Does that mean you'll come to San Francisco?
NIKASteve: Yes. Let me check my calendar and let you know. You don't need to book a hotel. I'll book a suite at the Mark Hopkins for your entire visit, even if I can't be there the entire time. There will be two beds.
Mea_nani95: You think I might change my mind?
NIKASteve: No pressure. You plan to sleep in your room, and me in mine, unless we agree otherwise.
Mea_nani95: Nalani was right about you! See you in December!
NIKASteve: Sounds good.
Mea_nani95: Bye!
NIKASteve: Bye!

I closed adium and sent an email to Liesel at the travel agency asking her to check flight times and to book a room at the Mark Hopkins. Once that was done, I packed up my things and headed home, hearing a report on WBBM Newsradio confirming that Senator Paul Wellstone and members of his family had died in a light plane crash in Minnesota.

? Birgit

Philip arrived at the house just before 6:00pm, and I greeted him with a hug.

"Dinner at Medici and then see The Transporter?" I asked.

"Whatever you want," Philip agreed.

"I'll hold you to that!" I declared.

"You know what I meant!"

"I reserve the right to take anything you say in the way that best works to my advantage!" I declared. "Let me tell Dad we're leaving."

I went to tell Dad I was leaving with Philip, then returned to the foyer. Philip and I left the house and started walking towards Medici, which was in Hyde Park.

"What are you doing for Thanksgiving?" I asked.

"I'll be at home in Naperville; why?"

"There's a karate tournament at DePaul, and I'm competing. I thought maybe you'd like to come see me compete."

"What days?"

"Friday and Saturday."

"I should be able to. We have our family thing on Thursday, but otherwise, we don't have plans."

"Cool! I'll get you the details."

? Steve

"It's just you and me this evening, right?" Yuriko asked, coming to the door of my study.

"As far as I'm aware," I replied.

It was an odd Friday, as both Kara and Jessica were at work events, Suzanne and Natalie were out with the Coven, and the kids were all doing things with friends. I'd decided I'd just have a relaxing evening at home and write in my journal, read, and listen to music.

"Would you like me to make you something to eat?" she asked.

"Why don't we order Chinese?" I suggested. "There's no need for you to cook."

"OK. And would you like company? I checked with your wives, and they agreed you could spend the night with me if you wanted to."

"With the caveat that I need to be up early to walk Jess to work, I'd love to."

"Perhaps you'll still be awake! I intend to pleasure you all night!"

"I'm getting a bit old for that," I chuckled.

"You are a virile man, Steve-san! And you aren't even forty!"

"I will be in about six months!"

"Men much older than you have fathered children, including your own dad!"

I laughed, "True. But that takes five minutes, not five hours!"

"It has never only taken you five minutes! Please order beef kow and almond cookies."

I did as she asked, then she came to sit on my lap.

"I chose not to go home during Christmas break," she said. "I spoke to my grandfather, and he understands. I will go home for the Summer, of course."

"You know you're welcome to stay here as often as you like. Did you let Natalie know?"

"Yes. She's happy, and we get along really well. Only Ashley is a better friend."

"The most dangerous girl in the entire Compound!" I declared with a grin.

Yuriko laughed softly, "I think she would agree with you. One look in her eyes, and you know she's a troublemaker! The problem is, you don't see it coming!"

"TELL me about it!" I declared. "Birgit is transparent, but Ashley is the most circumspect person in the house, even more than you, and you're Japanese!"

"She knows how to be subtle, something neither Birgit nor Stephie understands! That is the key to true power as a woman!"

"And your husband will do whatever is necessary to keep you happy."

"Of course, because I will keep HIM happy in the bedroom!" Yuriko declared.

"Your husband, whoever he is, will be a very lucky man."

"Yes, he will!" Yuriko declared impishly.

? Jesse

"Where's Ebele?" Libby asked when she arrived at Giordano's. "She was supposed to be here tonight."

"When did you talk to her?" I asked.

"Last weekend. We don't have any classes together, and we're not on the same lunch."

"Her grandmother and dad objected to her being at the Compound, and her dad came to talk to my dad."

"Oops! How did you get caught?"

"By being a bit careless because we wanted to shower together after a sauna and decided to go back to the coach house. Her grandmother had come looking for her and saw us in robes carrying our clothes."

"Double oops! What happened?"

"To me? Nothing. Her dad came to talk to my dad, and my dad handled it. Ebele isn't allowed to see me, come to my house, or come out with us on Fridays."

"What about hockey games?"


"Give me a break! What is Ebele doing about it?"

"She talked to me at lunch twice this week, but otherwise, she's following her dad's rules, which she pretty much has to, given she's fifteen. Well, she will be next week."

"Bummer. Where's Birgit?"

"With Philip. He's so nervous about being around her because she's fourteen and he's twenty that she decided she wanted a one-on-one date."

"I bet she has more experience than he does!"

"Name a subject I care less about than that one!"

"What Mom One and Mom Two do in bed!" Libby smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "I should know better! Where's Lilibeth?"

"With her parents at an outing with her dad's boss. I'm single tonight! Interested?"

"So long as Lilibeth wouldn't object."

"She won't. She wants nothing to do with dicks, but doesn't mind if I get my fill by getting filled! Skip the movie and go back to your house?"

"That works for me!"

[Aurora, Illinois]
? Matthew

"I had a weird conversation with Maggie," I said to Chelsea when we sat down to eat dinner.

"Weird in what way?" Chelsea asked.

"She asked what I thought about when I kissed her on stage."

"And what did you way?"

"The truth! My next line!"

Chelsea laughed, "Yes, AND?"

"That if you and I weren't a couple, I'd think about other stuff, but even then, I know her rules, so I wouldn't actually think about it."

"You don't think about Maggie that way?"

"No. I don't think about any other girls that way! Only you. I've never even kissed anyone besides you. Well, unless you count the stage kisses, which I don't."

"Maggie wants you for her boyfriend," Chelsea said.

"And she knows you and I are a couple and are permanent."

"Did she tell you what she thinks about?"

"That's the weird part," I replied. "She said she thinks about sex with me. And then she said she never thinks that way about Mark, even when they kiss for real. She asked what I thought, and I said I didn't think about Mark that way because I'm a guy."

Chelsea laughed, "You can be a real brat, Matt!"

"That's what Maggie said! Anyway, I told her that if she doesn't think about doing it with Mark, then maybe he's not the right guy for her."

"Would you? I mean, if we weren't together?"

"That's not even a remote possibility because Maggie isn't going to do it before her wedding night."

"OK, but if she did..."

"Sorry, that's a 'hypothesis contrary to fact' fallacy, and it can't be answered."

"I knew you going out for the speech team was a bad idea!" Chelsea said lightly.

"Honestly, I don't think about Maggie that way because I don't think about anyone that way except you. And before you ask, I am VERY happy with our sex life, you totally satisfy me, and I have no desire to even think about being with another girl."

"Show me how much you love me after dinner?"

"By doing the dishes by myself?" I asked with a smirk.

"Brat! You know what I meant!"

"I did!" I agreed. "Now eat so I can take you to bed!"

[Chicago, Illinois]
? Birgit

"Are you going to be at the Halloween party next Saturday?"

"Yes. I plan to wear my SCA clothes. Your dad won't object to me wearing my épée and having my main-gauche, would he?"

"No, he won't. Nobody who is there will freak out, and pretty much everyone knows my dad has a concealed carry license and carries his Beretta most of the time."

"In Chicago?"

"In Chicago. He had his handgun before they passed the ordinance in 1982, so it's fully regular, and he has all the licenses and permits he needs."

"Why does a karate instructor need a handgun?" Philip asked.

"Would you use a screwdriver to drive a nail?"


"That's why. Want to come to the house?"

"It's really a pain to get to the L. If I had a car, it would be so much easier."

I was frustrated by that, but there wasn't really a solution unless Philip got a car. That said, he would be at the party in a week. Which raised an important question.

"Are you taking the L to my house for the Halloween party?"


I had an idea, but I had to be very careful so as not to scare Philip away.

"I can ask Dad if you can use one of the guest rooms," I said. "Then you could stay the night and not have to worry about the L. Someone could give you a ride in the morning."

"You're sure it'll be OK?"

I wanted to roll my eyes because Dad would be OK if Philip stayed in MY room and fucked me all night!

"Positive," I replied.

"Are you going to wear a costume?" he asked.

"What would a princess wear?" I asked. "Or an empress?"

Philip laughed, "Well, M'lady, there's a shop in Lincoln Park where you can find suitable attire for your royal station."

"And don't you forget it!" I giggled. "I'll get Dad to take me there before next weekend. What's the address?"

He gave me the address, which I memorized, then he walked me to the train. Once I had boarded, he left for the L so he could go back to IIT.

October 26, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Steve

"Did you get any sleep at all?" Jessica asked on Saturday morning as Kara, Suzanne, and I walked her to the hospital.

"No, because Yuriko spaced out our activities and gave me massages in between. I'll sleep for a couple hours after breakfast before Jesse's game, then take a nap before dinner. It's not Guys' Night this week, so we can be in bed at a reasonable hour."

"You need to follow your sleep rule, Tiger. It's important."

"Yes, and last night was important for Yuriko," I replied. "It's a balance, and you know I don't violate my sleep rule very often, and with the new recipes from Alex, I don't even make small violations of my diet rule."

"We'll make sure he naps," Kara said.

"Alone!" Jessica declared.

"I sleep better cuddled with someone," I protested. "And I'm sure Kara can restrain herself until this evening."

"Perhaps," Kara declared impishly.

"You're zero help, Honey!" I teased. "By the way, I heard from Keiki, and she'd like me to be in San Francisco on December 18th, which is a Wednesday, and stay through Sunday."

"You sound a bit unsure," Suzanne observed.

"It's the whole idea of the 'arrangement' that is bugging me."

"You were OK with it with María Cristina," Kara countered.

"Yes, but there was no quid pro quo. I tried to make that clear to Keiki, but she equates any help I've given her with having sex."

"It's that she feels she 'owes' you, isn't it?" Jessica asked.

"Probably," I replied. "I think she has a significant chance of receiving sufficient scholarships based on her grades, family finances, and the fact that she's female and a native Hawai´ian."

"But doesn't that remove the 'owing sex' impediment?" Suzanne asked.

"I suppose so," I replied. "But I'm concerned about her mindset, not the technicalities."

"Let me put on my future lawyer's hat," Suzanne said. "And suggest it's an equitable trade, entered into by consenting adults. If you think about it, in one sense, it's a relationship similar to the one you have with Yuriko. An outside observer could look at it and say that she's exchanging sex and domestic service for a place to stay."

"Or," Kara tittered, "that Yuriko is exchanging domestic service for sex!"

"Do you mind?!" Suzanne asked with faux annoyance. "I'm trying to make a point!"

"And I'm just being me!" Kara declared impishly.

"As I was saying," Suzanne said with a smile, "she doesn't feel she owes you but is offering an exchange of value. And in YOUR world, every relationship is about an exchange of value. Neither Kara nor I are legal wives, but we, in effect, contracted with you for a lifetime relationship that involved sex, companionship, pooling of finances, and, in Kara's case, children. You made similar arrangements with Natalie and Yuriko, though time-limited. The same was true for María Cristina, though that ended sooner than you expected because she met Mike Knox."

"A reasonable point," I replied. "I'll think about it. In the meantime, I did book tickets and a suite at the Mark Hopkins."

"Two beds, right?" Jessica asked.

"Very perceptive."

"You're nothing if not cautious about your dalliances and deflowerings," Kara said. "And your stable of available girls has dwindled significantly!"

"And that's not a problem," I replied. "As I said to Doctor Brown at Mayo, I'm in a different stage of my life."

"Until the Girl Gang turns fifteen!" Kara tittered.

"And you know my take on that," I replied. "It's something I'll consider, but unlike in the past, it's not a sure thing and will depend on a number of factors."

We reached the hospital, and Kara, Suzanne, and I all hugged and kissed Jessica, and after she'd gone into the hospital, the three of us headed home, where I learned of the terrible outcome of the Moscow theatre siege, where at least 120 people had died during a «Спецназ» ("Spetsnaz") raid.

? Birgit

"Cuddle time!" I declared when Dad came out of his study, where he'd been reading the news after walking Mom to the hospital.

Dad smiled, and we went to the sunroom so we could cuddle in our usual spot on the chaise.

"I need to go to a costume rental shop in Lincoln Park," I said. "I want a princess costume to go with Philip's outfit he wears for his SCA meets."

"I think we can manage that," Dad replied. "Are they open today?"

"I'm not sure. I'll call when we get home from karate. Are you wearing a costume?"

"The double-breasted blue pinstripe suit I wore when I went to Cincinnati."

"The gangster outfit, right?"

"Yes. Your moms will dress as my gun molls."

"You could put your gun in my holster!" I said invitingly.

"Birgit..." Dad said.

"I promised I would tease you mercilessly for the rest of your life! And it's going to be a long one, so get used to it!"

"I'm not sure I'll ever be used to you, Pumpkin!"

"You love me, Dad!"

"Of course I do!"

"Would it be OK for Philip to use one of the guest rooms after the Halloween party?"

"That's fine," Dad said. "Unlike the New Year's Eve party, everyone pretty much goes home, so I haven't had any requests. You've been seeing a lot of him."

"Not enough!" I giggled.

"I meant the time you're spending with him!" Dad protested.

"Oh," I said flatly.

"You're as bad as I am!"

"And you won't let me show you!" I replied. "I like Philip, but he's, well, a typical nerd."

"So, not much experience with girls?"

"He hasn't discovered that girls are more fun than computers, Dungeons & Dragons, and the SCA!"

Dad laughed, "I figured that out at fourteen!"

"And with someone ten years older!" I said quietly.

"And you keep your inferences to yourself, young lady."

"You and I are the only ones here, and I'd never say anything to Foo."

Dad laughed, "I haven't called him that since he and Chelsea became a couple."

"You're skipping karate this morning, right?"

"Yes, for Jesse's game. I'll be at my afternoon class, though. Will you be there?"

"Yes, but then I'm going into the Loop. My gang is meeting at Rachel's for dinner. Girls only!"

"Breakfast is ready," Yuriko announced.

"Be there in three minutes," Dad replied.

I snuggled close and enjoyed the rest of my cuddle time.

? Jesse

"What do you think about Mount Carmel?" Nicholas asked as we dressed.

"They'll give us a good game," I replied. "We just have to play our game and not give them any good chances. They have a couple of snipers, and our D needs to cover them like a blanket. And we need at least three goals. Mount Carmel scores three goals on average and has never scored less than two. The advantage we have is their goalie is ranked seventh in the league."

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