Family Business - Cover

Family Business

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 6

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Written from a female perspective. A young woman returns home from College to find that after the death of her father, her mother has married his business partner. Unfortunately he has taken a very dominant view of his position in the family.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Incest   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom  

I looked at myself in the mirror, awkwardly arranging my clothes like I was going out on a first date. I tugged at the grey cardigan, trying to decide if I needed it or not and finally tossed it on the bed to take one final check of my outfit. My blue blouse contrasted well with the grey skirt, which felt weird as it hung below and not well above my knees. I patted my hair, done up in a loose twist and held with a simple black clip except for a few artfully loose strands that I tucked behind my ears. I shuffled me feet in the sensible flats I was wearing then finally kicked them off, electing instead for a pair of black sling back 3” heels. Damn, what had that man done to me that I couldn’t stand not feeling sexy as I remembered the lacy blue bra and panty set that I had on underneath this ‘job interview’ outfit.

At dinner last night Dan had told me that I was going to accompany him to the office today and to dress appropriately. I had originally thought that I was to be another bonus for a client or a well performing junior executive, but he had clarified that I was to look and act like any other employee so I had dug deep into my old wardrobe. Now I stood there wondering if I should undo another button on my blouse when a knock on the door startled me. I opened it and mom was standing there holding a tray with a bagel and cup of coffee.

“Hurry up Ashley, you will be late and you don’t want that to happen.” She said as she slid an appraising eye over my outfit. She sniffed when she saw my shoes but shrugged and gave me a half smile as she shuffled in her own 4” heels and tight white leggings. “You look great, now eat and get out there before he starts blowing the horn.” She laughed and kissed me on the cheek as I took the bagel and coffee while trying to sling my purse over my shoulder.

“Thanks mom.” I mumbled around a mouthful of bagel and cream cheese as I hurried down the hall and to the front door. Dan was leaning against the hood of the Lexus, scrolling his phone and despite myself my breath caught at the sight of him. Damn, I might hate him but I can’t deny that he was a perfect specimen of a man. How he radiated strength and authority just being there was incredible and I flinched inwardly at the thought of trying to pry mom away from that powerful persona.

“Sorry” I murmured as I descended the stairs and he looked up. For a moment his eyes slid over my outfit, assessing it against a dozen criteria at once and I felt a small surge of satisfaction at the nod of approval he gave me. He opened the passenger door, the automatic act of a gentlemen from a man who had been so abusive and dominant to me made me bite my lip despite myself. ‘No, no, I hate him and I will destroy him!’ I shouted to myself as I slid into the leather seat and fumbled with my purse and the seat belt.

He slid behind the wheel and pulled out of the drive, merging with the traffic and I was pushed back into the seat as he accelerated into the passing lane. “Today you will shadow me, acting as my assistant’s understudy. I want you to pay attention to everything that goes on, understood.” He said without taking his eyes off of the road.

I nodded “Yes, but why?” I asked, flinching as he weaved in and out of traffic.

He looked over at me then looked back at the road leaving my question unanswered. His silence was the answer, because he wanted me to and that was enough. He went on to explain the agenda for the day, a review of some outstanding accounts, a board meeting, some interviews, mundane sounding routine business. Things that would have bored me to tears if not for the sudden change from what I had gone through over the past month. I resolved to pay attention, perhaps I could learn something to my own advantage.

The day went as I expected, I sat on a chair in the corner with a legal pad and clipboard while Dan conducted his business. I was quickly lost as he discussed deals with clients and suppliers both over the phone and video conference. I had no idea that Dad’s business was so big or diverse, he was always just the man who sat there at Christmas or birthday’s surprised as I was over what the gifts were. Watching Dan, I understood why he was always so busy and distracted. There was a business lunch with a few senior executives where Dan discussed routine details around his club sandwich. I sat quietly with my chicken Caesar salad, awkwardly trying to seem relevant as curious eyes stole glances my way. I was glad I had chosen the more sensible skirt and blouse and tried to keep my business sexy shoes hidden under a coffee table as much as possible.

The board meeting was even more confusing, Dan introduced me and men and women I had never met greeted me with appraising looks. The polite questions they asked made me feel even more out of place, how was Mom, what were my plans for the future? I was embarrassed to tell them about my Egyptology degree, what was I thinking when I chose that major but they smiled politely and asked the usual questions about the pyramids. Finally I sat in my chair, behind and to the left of Dan while his executive assistant sat to his right. Something about her was familiar, but I couldn’t place it. She had short dark hair cut in a bob that brushed her chin and accented her high cheekbones and lush lips. She wore wire frame glasses that made her seem both intelligent and sexy when combined with her white silk blouse and black jacket skirt combination. If my heels were inappropriate for the setting, her suede black Louboutin’s were way over the top but the way she carried herself made it seem that anything less would be almost insulting.

Finally the meeting was over, I had tried to follow along but most of the terms and acronyms they tossed around left me lost in seconds. The only thing I did to contribute was to walk around and fill water glasses, receiving the occasional polite thank you but usually ignored as these people tossed around facts and figures that were so over my head that I felt I was back in my first year class on hieroglyphics. When the meeting ended I followed Dan and his assistant back to his office. The elevator ride was uncomfortably awkward as they discussed the results of the meeting while I stood behind them trying to push myself back into the rear of the car. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her, something said I knew her and the scent of her perfume triggered some memory that I couldn’t place. We got to Dan’s office and she went off to do whatever she did, the red soles of her heels flashing like a cape to a bull.

Dan sat in his chair while I stood awkwardly in front of his desk, legal pad filled with nonsensical scribbles clutched to my chest like a shield. He looked at me, his eyes boring into me like he already knew what was going on in my mind so I spoke. “What was that about, why am I here today?”

He leaned forward, his elbows resting on the shiny black surface of the desk. “What do you think?”

I paused, glancing down at the jargon filled pad in my arms. “Did you want to embarrass me? Show me what a waste my life has been, how useless I am? Show everyone else that daddy’s little girl is nothing but an empty-headed bimbo?” I replied sharply as I glared at him.

He didn’t move, or even blink. The silence stretched out for a few moments and I knew this was his reply. He wasn’t going to acknowledge a stupid question so I took a breath to calm myself and said what I had started to realize half way through that board meeting.

“You told me that Zack was what happened when someone did what they wanted without consideration as to whether they could actually manage it. You told me that mom’s first attempt at taking over the firm had been a disaster because she thought she was playing executive instead of being one.” I paused to take a breath while he sat there unmoving. “Today was to show me just how big a deal this business is, and how unprepared I am to manage it.”

Dan gave a small smile “Know your enemy, know yourself” he said.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” I replied and he blinked. I felt a surge of pride at surprising him. “I took courses on Chinese history as well.” I said smugly and he nodded appreciatively.

“It applies in business just as much as it does in battle. Business is war where your employees are your soldiers, are you ready to risk everyone here and all of our other locations because you want to play executive?” he replied as he leaned back in his chair. “Are you willing to risk the livelihood of all their families and the families of all of our suppliers because ‘Daddy said you could’?”

I looked around the office, very masculine and intimidating in décor with a plush leather couch in the corner and two comfortable but smaller chairs facing the desk. Photographs and awards covered one wall, in each one Dan was featured prominently either with dad or by himself. Everything projected an aura of confidence and power emanating from the man who leaned back in the plush leather chair in front of me. I felt very small, very out of place in my blouse and below the knee skirt. I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear as I shuffled in my not quite sexy, not quite business, not quite anything shoes.

“That’s fine, you don’t have to answer. There is another reason I brought you here.” He said as he leaned forward and pressed a button on the desk. “Claire, can you come in here please.”

I started then spun around as the door opened and Dan’s executive assistant walked in. Not walked, strutted, like a model on a catwalk. Her hips swayed as she placed one sensual leg in front of the other, in one hand she held a tablet and in the other a coffee cup. Her glasses were off and now I could recognize the face that I had last seen under a head of long blonde hair. She gave me a small smile as she moved to seat herself in one of the chairs in front of the desk. She crossed her legs, such a simple movement but one that made me catch my breath in how she managed to do it with such natural sensuality.

“You, you’re Claire.” I exclaimed, half question half statement as I stood there stunned.

“Yes, yes I am.” She replied with a smile, here eyes twinkling with the same mischievous look I remembered from when I knelt beside her between Dan’s legs. She laughed, a full-bodied laugh of amusement with no hint of condescension or contempt and I caught myself glancing at her breasts as they rose and fell under the white silk of her blouse.

I turned to glare at Dan, who raised his hands defensively. She caught the look and laughed again. “Oh Ashley, do you really think I would do something like that if I didn’t want to? Dan pays very well for quality work and that night was a downpayment on a Mercedes I have had my eye on for a while.”

I looked back at her as she lounged in the chair, like a cat relaxing in a sunbeam. “There are clients who Dan needs, motivated, to do business with him. Brad liked blonde bimbos so for Brad I was a blonde bimbo.” She looked over at Dan, business like again. “What can I do for you now, sir?”

“I need you for another extra duty.” He said as he laid his palms down on the table.

“Very well, usual rate I assume. Who is the client?” She replied in a formal but captivating tone as she leaned forward to give him a good look down her top which he pointedly ignored.

“Half.” He replied, showing immense control as he maintained eye contact. “This contract won’t involve any overtime and you already know the client.”

I stood there awkwardly clutching the clip board like a protective stuffed animal as both pairs of eyes turned to me, one pair grey and calculating another predatory and green.

“Three quarters, I have a reputation as a businesswoman to maintain.” Claire said, her eyes lingering on me like a cat regarding a mouse as her finger traced the neckline of her blouse.

“Two thirds, and you can book a separate return ticket from our European business trip next month.” Dan countered. “Only one” he added sharply, raising one finger emphatically.

I flinched at the tone but Claire just laughed again. Not the polite titter of an employee laughing at the bosses’ joke, but a full laugh of someone partaking of an inside joke. A joke where they were the winner based off of the look on Dan’s face. I stood stunned as this woman again got the better of Dan, just like she had done as she knelt between his legs that night.

“Deal” she said with a purr as she set her tablet on the desk and rose from the chair like a panther stalking a, a, whatever the fuck panthers ate. I took a step back despite myself “Don’t I get a say in this?” I said in a shaky voice.

“No” they both replied, Dan in a command, Claire more of a seductive suggestion.

“Oh Dan, you gave in too easily.” Claire murmured as she swayed toward me. “I would have done this for free.”

I swallowed and took another step back only to find myself bumping into the wall behind me. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her, the piercing determined gaze, her moist full lips, how her blouse tightened across her chest every time she breathed. Whatever Dan was as a man, Claire was as a woman and I was entranced by her. She reached out to stroke my cheek and I flinched at her touch. I expected another laugh at my awkwardness but instead she shushed me with a gentle tone.

“Shhhhh” she whispered as if calming a nervous animal. “Don’t be afraid, not of me and not of yourself.”

Her finger traced the line of my jaw and I felt gooseflesh erupt on my arms at the delicate touch. She cupped my chin in her hand then gently slid it around the back of my neck. “I remember that night, how scared you were but eager too. Eager to learn, eager to prove yourself to everyone. My dear, you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone but yourself but in order to do that you must know yourself.” She said in a soft voice.

“Sun Tzu” I murmured as I clasped the clip board to my chest, my last line of defence against this affectionate assault.

“Such a mind, trapped in itself by its own restraints. Let me help you loosen some of those bonds.” She continued and I froze as she leaned down to gently press her lips to mine. It wasn’t hard or passionate, she didn’t make any move to force me into anything. She just kissed me gently, the taste of her lipstick and smell of her perfume were all I knew as the rest of the world disappeared.

“Mmmmmmm” I heard her moan, and at the sound I melted. My arms went slack and the clip board fell to the floor with a soft thud. Her other hand slid up my arm to cup my face as her tongue glided across my lips. Another deep breath filled with the scent of perfume and hair spray and my mouth opened so my own tongue could slide out to meet hers.

“Mmmmmmmm” I moaned in reply, my hands rising of their own accord to wrap around her narrow waist, resting on the tight fabric of her skirt that covered that firm but soft ass.

Her lips slid off of mine, her tongue tracing the line of my jaw until she was able to take my earlobe between her teeth. I had worn simple stud earrings and her tongue slid around behind my ear sending a jolt of pleasure through my body.

“You want so badly to enjoy yourself, to feel these things without guilt.” She whispered as she nibbled on my ear. “It is your body, why not listen to it?”

Her fingers slid down my neck and inside the neckline of my blouse. With a well practiced twist the top button was undone and I felt her manicured nails trace the line of my cleavage and I groaned in response.

Another button fell away and her hand slid inside my blouse to gently cup my breasts. The lacy material of the sexy bra I had chosen suddenly felt rough and coarse compared to the soft caress of her fingertips and I arched my back to push my tit into her hand. She gently squeezed and another bolt of pleasure shot through my mind. I buried my face in her neck, drinking deeply of her scent while I shuddered at her touch.

“Yes dear, let yourself go. Listen to your body and give it what it wants.” I heard like a professor lecturing a class and I moaned into her neck. Gently she turned me and walked me back, my legs moving robotically as all of my attention was focused on what her lips and fingers were doing to my body. Before I knew it I was seated on the plush leather sofa, my skirt hiked up so Claire could kneel between my legs as she pulled my blouse open. My bra fastened in the front and she deftly unhooked the clasp to flick the cups aside. My nipples were hard, desperately crying out for attention and when she slid her thumb over them I though I would orgasm right there.

“Please, please, oh please...” I murmured, not even sure what I was begging for just desperate for her to continue whatever she was doing. I pushed back into the leather cushion as she kissed her way down my neck into my cleavage. A line of sensual fire followed her lips and tongue and when she took one of my nipples in her mouth I moaned loudly not caring who heard. “Yes, please, oh yes.”

One hand squeezed my breast, her fingers sliding around my hard nipple while she cupped my other tit as her mouth sucked and licked. I squeezed my legs together against her body while my nails dug into the leather of the sofa. How could my entire body be on fire like this, why was I so desperate for this woman to take me right here while Dan watched?

I opened my eyes and saw him sitting there, fingers steepled as he regarded us. He didn’t seem aroused at all, there was an almost clinical look on his face like he was watching a procedure instead of the incredibly erotic show we were putting on for him. I didn’t care anymore, he wasn’t making me do this, forcing me through threats or pain, this was my choice. I closed my eyes and moaned again, my hand coming up to gently stroke Claire’s short dark hair as she tongued and nibbled at my breast.

I felt her smile at my touch and she began to kiss her way down my stomach. I tensed, my skin quivering at the touch of her lips and fingers and my legs spread of their own accord as she slid down between them. I felt her hands on the inside of my thighs and pushed my crotch forward to the edge of the sofa as I whimpered in need.

“Someone came prepared.” I heard her say as her fingers slid over the lacy material of my underwear. I bit my lip at the memory from this morning, my pathetic need to feel sexy. Now I understood, this is what life for Claire was like. She didn’t need to feel sexy, she reveled in it. There was no shame in being sexual or enjoying her body, she was her own woman and didn’t care what anyone else thought and it gave her power.

“Aaaaahhhhh” I gasped as her tongue slid around the edge of my underwear, tracing a triangle around my aching pussy. I squirmed trying to get my aching cunt under her lips but she gently but firmly pressed me down into the sofa.

“Not yet dear, listen to your body but also command it. Don’t let it command you or you will never truly be free.” I heard her murmur as she kissed her way down my thigh toward my knee. I whimpered as her talented mouth moved away from my crotch but dug my hands into the sofa and fought to control myself. Whatever she said, I would do.

I felt her hand take my ankle and lift my leg until it was straight while her tongue slid down my calf and around my ankle. She pulled my shoe off and then licked the sole of my foot. God, where did this come from my mind screamed as a fresh wave of pleasure lit up a new part of my brain.

“Ooohhhhh, mmmmmmm” I moaned as she slid her tongue along the inside of my toes then gently took my big toe in her mouth and began to suck. My ass tightened as this new sensation shivered its way up my leg. God, if this is what a blowjob felt like no wonder men always tried to shove their cock in my mouth.

“Oh my god, oh god yes.” I squealed, half in laughter half in pleasure as her tongue slid between my toes. My hands went from clutching the arm of the sofa to pounding it as her lips and teeth gently tickled my feet. All decorum was lost as I giggled and squirmed, tugging my leg against her grip on my ankle. I looked down to see her mischievous green eyes looking back at me with my toe in her mouth. She slowly pulled her lips off of it, like sliding off the end of a cock and I saw her white teeth as she smiled. “Not everything needs to be a porno.” She said with a chuckle and I sighed in relaxation as she set my foot down and crawled back toward me.

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