Family Business - Cover

Family Business

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 5

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Written from a female perspective. A young woman returns home from College to find that after the death of her father, her mother has married his business partner. Unfortunately he has taken a very dominant view of his position in the family.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Incest   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom  

I sat in the chair and watched the movie as it played on the screen before me, trying to relax. Well, almost all of these words were wrong as I thought about them again. I was in the rec room, naked and tied to a dining chair that had been brought in for this purpose. My wrists were strapped to the arms of the chair and my ankles secured to the legs, a belt even went around my chest just under my breasts to keep me upright and still. Drool pooled on my tits, stomach and legs as it dribbled around the bit gag strapped into my mouth.

Between my legs, the harness was in its now familiar position with the vibrator throbbing away in my pussy and the metal contacts nestled between my ass cheeks. I moaned softly, too tired to even try to fight against what I was feeling as the uncaring tool did its work on my body. It had been a few days since the dinner party and I had been spending at least an hour a day here, suffering through Dan’s latest torment. My fingers stroked the remote under my right hand, hovering over the button in fearful anticipation as I helplessly watched the video that played on the massive screen in front of me.

On the screen was a clip from the surveillance feed in the house and I watched as mom sucked Dan’s cock in the kitchen. This clip seemed to be from before I arrived, her hair was shorter but she seemed just as eager to please him then as she did now. The sound of her moaning and slurping at his massive prick filled the room and I felt the vibrator’s intensity move up a notch as Dan grabbed her by the shoulders and lifted her onto the table. She spread her legs willingly, leaning back on her elbows and shaking her hair out of her face.

I had watched several hours of these clips over the last couple of days, helpless to look away. Someone had edited these and synched them with the belt between my legs. At random intervals, a red light would flash somewhere on the screen and if I didn’t press the button under my fingers the device would deliver a shock between my ass cheeks. I had learned that the hard way the first day, Dan had stood there silently as I closed my eyes and refused to watch his homemade porno. The scream I let out still haunted me and my ass twitched at the thought of another. It was only then that he explained the rules of the game and left me to my torment. Now, my attention was focused on the image of Dan pounding my mom’s pussy as she moaned and groped at her tits on the same table I had been so recently fucked on. I had given up trying to look away from the center of the screen because the dot would appear anywhere at random. It was better to just relax and let my eyes un-focus slightly until the flash of red appeared.

There it was, bottom right and I pressed the button desperately. The red light turned green and the vibrator increased in power again, rewarding me for my attention. I let out another moan and ground my hips down against the hard seat of the chair. This video was short compared to most of them and I had to work if I wanted to orgasm before it ended. I had given up on that too, denying myself for the sheer spite of fighting him when he wasn’t even here. After each video ended the vibrator shut off and I had about a minute before the next one started. Initially, I had looked forward to those minutes, free of stimulation and torment but soon they just left me frustrated. An hour is a long time to be pushed to the edge then left to cool down before it started again. Now I figured that if I could cum without Dan or Zack forcing themselves on me, I may as well take the opportunity.

I felt myself getting closer, the relentless machine filling my pussy had sped up again as Dan spun mom around and was fucking her from behind. I bit my lip as he pulled her hair, arching her back so he could grab her tits. I tugged at my bonds, desperate to grope my own breasts and nipples to accompany the pulsing vibrator in my crotch. Soon, please soon I thought as I squeezed my exhausted pussy muscles around the buzzing shaft.

“Mmmoooooooo” I wailed around the leather wrapped bit between my teeth. The screen went dark and the vibrator shut down, leaving me to slowly come down from my arousal. It scared me that I was disappointed that I hadn’t cum given the circumstances but I didn’t care right now. A glance at the clock on the display showed that I had just over 5 minutes left in this session, time for one more video.

I breathed deeply through my nose, my spit sodden chest pressing against the strap that held me to the chair. I wiggled my hips until the vibrator was as deep as it could get and made sure that the button was under my finger. I had also learned that pushing it when the red light was not on earned me a shock, so I needed to make sure everything was ready for this last clip. The screen came to light and I saw myself lying on the carpet in this very room, naked and blindfolded.

No, no, not this one I moaned to myself. Helpless to look away, I saw mom kneel down and move between my legs, her own eyes covered with a black silk scarf but the rest of her fully visible. Her smooth firm ass settled down on her shiny heels as she wiggled into position and I remembered the gentle touch of her hands inside my thighs as she stroked her nails over my sensitive skin. I flinched as the vibrator kicked in, the gentle throb of the lowest setting insidiously matching what was going on during the video. My pussy twitched in eager anticipation and I bit down on the gag hard trying to take control of myself. My eyes strayed to the remote under my finger, one press of the button and all feeling of arousal would vanish in an explosion of pain. Eventually my eyes returned to the images on the screen, I couldn’t do that to myself.

The vibrator stepped up a notch as I saw mom’s tongue slide out and gently lick my pussy and the sound of my moan of pleasure was echoed by my own moan of frustration. Why this one, why now, why was he doing this to me. I would rather be strung up and whipped for an hour than have to go through this for five more minutes.

My eyes darted over the screen looking for the red dot, trying to avoid staring at any one section for too long. My gaze slipped to my own face and despite myself I remembered what I was feeling at that moment. I watched myself gasp as mom kissed her way up my stomach and flicked her tongue over my navel. My hands reached down to grab the heels of my shoes and my knees and shoulders twitched at the memory of the strain.

I moaned and squirmed in the chair, my body fighting my mind over what I should be feeling. My pussy was desperate, the last two clips had been short and I had been denied my orgasm so now it screamed for release. “Oh god, oh my god, please, please just like that.” I heard myself moan as mom licked and nibbled at my pussy. My eyes moved down over my heaving tits to see her face had been hidden by her curly chestnut hair. My gaze continued across the screen along her back and narrow waist to where her mature hips flared to the peach shape of her sunbed tanned ass. The shiny black spikes of her stiletto heels poked out from behind her and my gaze lingered there for a moment before a flashing red light in the top left corner of the screen snapped me back to reality. Desperately I pressed the button and the light turned green and I was rewarded with another surge of the vibrator.

“NNnngggggggg” I groaned around the gag in my mouth as my hips moved in slow circles on the slick hard seat of the chair. I wanted to close my eyes and just enjoy the feeling but sometimes that damned red light came on two or three times per video so instead I watched with rapt attention as mom moved into the sixty-nine. My fingers dug into the arms of the chair as I watched my hands slide up to grab mom’s ass cheeks, pulling my face into her cunt. The smell of my own juices filled my nose and I could swear I tasted her again. My snatch twitched in response to the sight of mom’s head descending between my legs and on cue the vibrator increased in tempo again, sadistically almost pulsating in time with her finger as she probed my vagina.

I whimpered and groaned, the memory of the incredible orgasm that she had given me fighting with the revulsion I had felt when I discovered it was her. The feelings I was experiencing now in conflict with the part of my mind that still screamed it was wrong and I should punish myself, not enjoy it. I saw my head wiggle as I lapped at mom’s snatch and remembered the satisfaction I had felt at her reaction. My eyes focused on the screen to see what I had only felt at the time. Mom’s shoulders tensed, her muscles flexing under her flawless skin and I saw a shudder course over her body. She worked one hand beneath my ass, I remembered lifting myself up to help her do it, then her face was squeezed between my legs as my orgasm started to build.

“Mmmmmmmmnnnnnn” I heard myself moan on the video, my face pressed tight against mom’s cunt. “Mmmmmmnnnn” I moaned myself, echoing it almost perfectly and I saw mom’s orgasm explode through her. Her muffled moans as her body trembled on top of me, my own moans as I came myself in vividly remembered pleasure. The vibrator sped up again and I wailed into the gag as a third orgasm accompanied the two on the screen. I pushed my hips down hard, doing all I could to shove that vibrator deep inside me as I writhed and shook in my bonds. The heavy wood chair creaked as I thrashed and I was afraid that I would topple over but quickly didn’t care as another orgasm followed the first. The vibrator continued its relentless work on my body and I responded like an unthinking animal, lost in my own sensations.

Finally, I came down off of my high, wheezing and gasping around the bit in my mouth as sweat and saliva ran down my body. I glanced up out of habit, conditioned to look for the red light. Instead, I saw mom and I kissing each other as we embraced at the end of our lovemaking session. My arms were wrapped around her neck while she gently cupped my chin in her hands. Beneath our blindfolds, our lips pressed against each other and I tried but failed to look away as her tongue slid into my mouth. I tried to imagine that this was Claire, that magnificent blonde stranger who had been there that night. Instead, I saw mom’s hand slowly slide down my chest to gently caress my breast while I heard myself moan in undisguised pleasure.

I heard steps behind me and Dan walked by to turn off the display, I had no idea how long he had been there. I flinched out of habit when he put his hand on my cheek as he reached around to undo my gag. I groaned and worked my jaws as the bit was removed from my mouth, licking the saliva off of my lips before any more dribbled down my chin. Dan tossed the gag onto an end table and stepped back to look down at me. Not like there was much to look at, I was sweaty and covered in drool with my hair hanging in a stringy mess from all I had gone through over the last hour.

“Well, how many times did you cum this time?” He asked as he leaned down to unstrap my arms from the chair.

“Fu...” I started to say, then froze as I saw his gaze harden and his finger hovering over the remote on the arm of the chair. “Five.”

He paused, then smiled at me. It wasn’t his usual smile of possessive pride or even the smirk he got when he outmaneuvered me, this one was different. The skin around his eyes crinkled into mature crows feet and I was sure I saw a sense of satisfaction in there, like he had finally succeeded at something. Then it was gone, and his usual cold, impersonal mask was back in place.

“Did you cum to that last clip?” He continued as he uncuffed my other wrist.

“Watch the footage and find out.” I replied, nodding up to the corner of the room where I had figured the camera must be positioned given the angle.

“I just might, but I would rather hear it from you.”

“I’ll make you a deal then. I will tell you what you want to know if you answer my questions. A fair exchange.” I replied as I rubbed my wrists.

“Well, that sounds like a business arrangement doesn’t it. Deal, but since it was your proposal, you answer my question first.” He replied, that same look of accomplishment on his face.

“Yes, I did.” I admitted. I realized he wanted to know more, how it felt or other perverted things like that but this was a trade so I wasn’t going to give anything up for free. “My turn, did my mom know it was me?”

“Yes, in fact it was her idea.” He replied.

“I don’t believe you” I snapped back.

“I have no reason to lie, but I did exaggerate a bit.” He said, crossing his arms and leaning back against the coffee table. “Ever since your conversation in your bedroom, Barbara has become employee of the month around here. She is eager to do anything that she thinks will make me happy. She knew how important it was for Brad to leave here satisfied, so it was her idea to bring you in. She also knew that the more sensational the show, the happier he would be so when the blindfolds went on I doubt she had any confusion about what was happening.”

I turned my face away from him, staring out the patio door. “No more questions.” I said.

“Alright, but I liked this little transaction. It is good that you are starting to think than just react, it shows promise.” He said as he stood. His hand reached out, not to caress my cheek or grab my chin and make me look at him. Instead, it moved to rest lightly on my shoulder and give it a firm reassuring squeeze. “You can have the rest of the day off, I promise that I will leave you alone until after breakfast tomorrow.”

I looked up at him, a day off from abuse, torture and degradation? Well thanks for the bonus boss I thought. I kept my mouth shut though, I had seen what my smart ass comments had earned me in the past. He smiled again, that same smile of accomplishment and almost pride. “Good girl.” He said in a firm but gentle voice then moved away, up the stairs to the main house.

I leaned down to unfasten my ankles then stood with stiff knees and hips. I reached for a towel that Dan had left on the table, wiping sweat, saliva and pussy juice from my body as I ached for a shower. I wrapped the towel around me and headed up the stairs, slowly to ensure I didn’t run into him again. I don’t know what was more concerning to me at the moment. What he had told me about my mother, the things I had accidentally driven her to, or the feeling of satisfaction I got when he said ‘Good girl.’

A few hours later and I was sitting in my room at my laptop. I had taken another scorching shower to try to burn the feelings out of me and was now doing what I should have done from the start, research. I had started reading about victims of domestic violence and was now down a rabbit hole about cult followers and how they were rescued. I saw that this is essentially what had happened to mom. Dan had found her at her weakest, most vulnerable after dad died. She was lost and desperate for someone to take care of her. He had wormed her way into her confidence and her bed. The fact that I had cut her out of my life at that time only helped to isolate her, made her the perfect target for a predator like him.

My ham-handed attempts at tearing her out of this situation had only made it worse. Like Dan said, I had driven her even closer to him, her rock, her source of comfort regardless of how he treated her. Now, she was desperate to show that she didn’t believe what I was telling her, that I would never take her away from her man. I had just started to read stories of cult survivors when there was a knock on the door. Before I could open it, mom came in with a tray of food.

“You missed dinner, so I brought you something.” She said in a tense voice. These short one-way sentences were all that we had said to each other since that night and I saw that her chin was raised in defiance of any attempt to tell her she was wrong. I decided to take a different approach. I had to become her friend before I could do anything else.

I stood and took the tray from her. “Thank you, mom.” I said and meant every word because the food smelled delicious under the silver covers.

She nodded curtly and turned to leave, but I reached out and caught her elbow. “Mom, I’m sorry.”

She stopped at the door and turned to look at me. I could see the doubt and suspicion in her eyes, was this another play of mine? I spoke quickly before she could turn away.

“You were right, and I am sorry. When dad died I shut down, left you alone to deal with it without thinking at all that I wasn’t the only one suffering.” I said, meaning every word. “I was wrong to think that what you have found with Dan is bad just because I don’t like how he treats you. You are as capable of making your own decisions as I am and it isn’t my place to try to change that.” I lied through my teeth this time.

Mom watched me for a few moments, then she smiled and reached out to hug me. “Oh Ashley, oh baby thank you. Thank you so much.” She said as we embraced. “You have no idea how much that means to me.”

“I know mom, I’m sorry for trying to decide what was best. I had no idea what you have gone through or how happy you really are here. Please, please forgive me.” I replied and she nodded against my cheek.

She pushed back, holding me at arms length as she smiled. “I am sorry too. I know this isn’t what you expected when you came home and I am sure you were just trying to help. But know that I am happy here, and I am sure that you will be too.”

I shuddered inside, I don’t know what was worse. The fact that Mom wasn’t just set on staying here but planning on my staying with her, or that when we hugged the feel of her breasts against mine sent a tingle through me. Later that evening I heard another knock at my door, this time mom waited until I answered to stick her head in.

“Baby, I want to invite you to join us on the patio. They are going to be setting off the fireworks over the lake.” Shit, was it July already? I had been here over a month and was no closer to getting mom out. Fortunately, now I knew what I was dealing with and had come up with another plan. First, I needed to repair the relationship between mom and I which would involve some quality acting.

“Thanks mom, I will be right out.” I said and she smiled in response.

A few minutes later I walked out onto the patio to see mom and Dan sitting in lounge chairs looking across the lake. Both were dressed in relaxed summer clothes and looked as normal as you could imagine them, just a well-off family enjoying the evening. I took a vacant chair beside mom, well away from Dan and she smiled, reaching out to squeeze my hand lovingly.

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