Family Business - Cover

Family Business

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 3

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Written from a female perspective. A young woman returns home from College to find that after the death of her father, her mother has married his business partner. Unfortunately he has taken a very dominant view of his position in the family.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Incest   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom  

I tugged futilely on the bonds that held me in place, the sound of clinking chain and muffled grunting echoed in the darkness. Dan had brought me downstairs to the room that Zack had threatened me with earlier. What used to be a storage room was now a dungeon with all of the tools and implements one would expect from an over-the-top porno. I stood in what I felt was the center of the room, my arms were bound by leather cuffs and fastened to the ceiling overhead. My legs were spread, fastened by leather ankle cuffs to a bar that kept me from closing them. There was a leather hood over my head and eyes and a leather wrapped bit had been pushed between my teeth and fastened tight. I had been here for what felt like hours, the room silent but for my own struggling.

The sound of a chair scraping across the concrete floor made me jump, someone was here. Footsteps came closer and I twisted around, trying to locate the sound in the echoes of the darkness. A hand grabbed one of my breasts and I flinched at the touch. I tried to pull away but the fingers of the unseen assailant dug into the soft flesh, tugging me back painfully.

“Nnngggg” I grunted through the gag and heard Dan’s unmistakeable chuckle in response.

“You’ve been a very bad girl Ashley.” He said he walked around me, his fingers tracing a line along my body under my arms and down to the small of my back.

I arched in response to the gentle caress whether in disgust or arousal I wasn’t sure. Fuck, what was wrong with me I thought. How can I get turned on by what these assholes are doing to me.

“I have a good thing going here, something that took me years to set up and I am not going to let you take it from me.” He continued, his finger sliding up my spine and tracing around the line of my jaw. I shook my head trying to escape the stroking but froze in surprise when the gentle hand clamped tight around my throat.

“Your little contest with Zack is fun to watch, but it is time that you learned exactly how things work in house.” Dan said with the same flat, almost teasing voice. I grunted as the hand squeezed around my neck, a firm broad pressure that slowly but steadily increased.

I thrashed, tugging at my bonds trying to free myself from the unrelenting pressure but was helpless to do anything more than squirm in his iron grip. I began to see flashes of light in the darkness of the blindfold and blood rushed in my ears as I struggled futilely for breath. Seconds seemed like hours and I felt myself getting light headed as my knees collapsed. Suddenly the pressure was gone and I gasped to draw air past the obstructing gag.

“Ball gags are much more effective in silencing you, but I like the humiliating effect of a bit gag. You can still make noise, but cannot be understood.” Dan commented almost casually as I gasped and choked. I managed to get my breathing under control and rose to take the strain off of my arms, then screamed in surprise and pain as a burning pain flashed across my bare ass.

Smack, the sound of leather striking flesh came again and I wailed in response. There was no time to gather myself, to brace against the unseen blows. Again and again the leather struck and I fought like a fish on a line to escape the punishment. Suddenly, it was over and once more I sagged in my restraints, hanging from the ceiling as the leather dug painfully into my wrists.

I stayed there as long as I could until the torment in my arms was too much and I slowly forced myself to rise. I tried to calm my breathing so I could listen for him but I was too panicked and my heart was pounding like a jackhammer. What would he do next? Where would he strike? What would he use? The thoughts flew unbidden through my head as I wallowed in my helplessness.

“Aaaaahhhh!” I screamed through the gag, my howl of fear and pain clearly filling the room. My left nipple was on fire, and again the searing pain flashed across the sensitive nub of flesh.

“Mease, mease thop. Mease thop.” I pleaded trying to pull in every direction to avoid whatever he had just used on me.

“I tried to be nice. I welcomed you into my home, made you a part of this family and what did I get?” Dan whispered into my ear causing me to jump. “Defiance, threats, challenges to my authority in my own house.”

The pain exploded in my other nipple now and I heard the sharp snap of electricity. I wailed as the unknown device snapped again and the shock made me arch in agony. I sobbed and squealed unintelligible words as I scrambled to escape my tormenter.

“I let Zack try to help you along, show you your place in this family. Instead, you humiliate him insulting his manhood and spitting in his face.” Dan growled in her other ear. “If I hadn’t stopped him, he would have probably killed you and then where would we be?”

“Mease, I thorrry.” I sobbed.

There was a short pause and I held my breath in anticipation of the next surge of pain. Instead, Dan spoke almost politely.

“Sorry, what did you say my dear?”

“I thorry. I thorry.” I pleaded through the gag, desperately trying to convince him to stop the torture. A moment later I flinched as something cold touched my throbbing nipple, then I moaned in relief as the balm soothed the throbbing pain. Another flinch and another sigh of relief as Dan applied the cream to my other nipple with gentle fingertips.

“See, that is not so hard is it?” He said in a paternal voice. “Misbehave and you get punished, behave and you get rewarded, that is all I ask.”

I moaned in relief despite myself, a shudder through my body as the fear of further punishment subsided. I steadied myself on my feet and shrugged my shoulders, slipping my wrists slightly in the cuffs to a more comfortable position.

“Ashley, I don’t want us to be enemies. I know that you don’t agree with everything that has happened here since you have been gone, but you need to understand that it is for the best.” Dan continued as I heard him move over to the side and a soft clunk as he put the bottle of lotion on a table.

“Your mother, bless her, is a good woman but she has her limitations. She wanted to step into your father’s shoes and run the company, but she had no idea what she was getting in to. The only way that I could keep her from breaking into a hundred pieces was to shuffle her aside and take over myself.” He continued. I stood still, letting him monologue. At least he wasn’t hurting me anymore.

“Unfortunately, you have disrupted this arrangement. You seem unwilling to accept me as the new head of the family and your defiance has led Barbara to start questioning her own decisions. This I can’t tolerate, so we are going to make a little show for her. I am going to bring her in here and we are going to tell her how sorry you are for how you have acted and that everything is now fine between us.”

“Muck ooo.” I said before I could stop myself and I heard him sigh.

“Oh Ashley, so quickly the lessons are forgotten.” He muttered in a disappointed tone and I braced myself.

“Mo, mo, meeese Aaaaahhhhh!!” I screamed as another shock hit me, this time inside the arch of my right foot. I instinctively lifted my leg and almost fell over due to the spreader bar, the cuffs dug hard into my wrists again.

“Aieeee” I screamed past the bit in my mouth as he gave me another shock on the other foot. I hopped back and forth, trying to escape the device but he hit me again, this time inside my calf.

I wailed and howled as the line of shocks worked its way up the inside of my legs. One calf then the other, then inside my knees, my thighs and I begged through my gag for him to stop before the next shock.

“Mease, mease. Eeell ooo et, eel oo eet!” I pled, hoping beyond hope that he would understand my garbled words. I wailed in fear as I felt the cool touch of metal on my pussy.

“Remember what I said, I can teach you things about your body you never wanted to learn.” Dan whispered in a cold, dispassionate voice.

I nodded desperately, trying to convey in my terror that I would do anything to avoid being shocked there. I froze in place, afraid that any attempt to move would result in unimaginable pain. After an eternity the cool metal was pulled away and I sagged in relief.

“Oh Ashley, you are so much like Zack. So confident in yourself, believing you are the smartest person in the room. So sure that your plans will work because you can’t see why they won’t.” he said with a sigh.

“You keep forgetting that the enemy gets a vote, and I am a very experienced enemy. Do you understand?” He growled, and I nodded quickly in acknowledgement.

“Well, now that you have learned this lesson again, it is time for another reward.” I heard him say as he moved around behind me. I heard something thump lightly against a wall and then felt cool leather start to wrap around my waist. I held still as he buckled a belt tightly but comfortably over my hips. I flinched as I felt something nudge against my pussy and instinctively tightened up.

“Don’t.” was all he said in his firm voice and I relaxed as he slid a vibrator into my snatch. Embarrassingly, I was quite wet. My body had again betrayed me just as it had with Zack and he chuckled at how lubricated I was.

“Zack mentioned as much.” He said as he fastened a strap that ran between my legs holding the vibrator in place. I felt pleasantly filled with the device but there was also an unexplained cool spot between my ass cheeks that I couldn’t understand.

“This is a device I got from an acquaintance who has used it to great effect. In my hand I have a remote with two buttons. When you behave, I push this one.”

The vibrator in my pussy started to throb. The simple pleasure almost overwhelmed me after all of the pain I had endured and I moaned in spite of myself.

“That is the first setting, it has nine more. Now when you misbehave, I push this button.”

I screamed as an electric shock exploded between my ass cheeks. I rose up on my toes writhing trying to get the contacts away from my flesh but they were held tight by the strap. The shock stopped mercifully quickly and I whimpered as the sensitive flesh throbbed in pain.

“There are nine more settings on that one too. Now, do we understand each other?” He asked and I nodded numbly in response.

“Good, now I am going to fetch your mother and the three of us are going to have a chat. Well, we are going to talk but you are going to nod or shake your head at the right times. You are a smart girl, I am sure you will understand the flow of the conversation.” He told me and I heard the door open. “In fact, as an incentive, here.” He said and I felt the vibrator start to slowly throb again. “Each time you answer correctly, I will increase it a notch.” I heard him shut the door, leaving me alone in the room.

Shortly after I heard the door open again and a gasp of shock. “Ashely, what did they do to you?” mom exclaimed. “Dan, get her down from there right now.”

“Barbara, we need to talk about this. Ashley actually is enjoying this just like you do.” Dan said in a tone I had never heard before, a combination of loving and patronizing like he would speak to a child.

“What?” Mom exclaimed. “No, no this is wrong. Get her down now.”

“Barbara, do you remember when we first discussed this room. How you were reluctant and afraid to try it. Now, you ask me to bring you down here.” Dan replied. “I told Ashley about it, I didn’t want her to find it on her own and she asked me to do this to her, didn’t you Ashley?”

I nodded in response and then twitched as the vibrator increased in speed. The soft gentle throb now becoming a steady hum that sent shivers up my body. “Mmmmm” I moaned despite myself.

“But, but, she’s my daughter. We shouldn’t be seeing her like this.” Mom said uncertainly. I was shocked at how quickly her anger at my situation had shifted to simple embarrassment. What had Dan done to her.

“But Barbara, she likes this as much as you do. Feel.” I heard Dan say, then heard a shocked gasp as I felt Mom’s small hand being pushed between my legs.

“Dan, no!” she started.

“I’m sorry, but see how wet she is. See how hard her nipples are, she loves this which is why she asked me to do it.” He told her as she shuffled back.

I heard a rustle of clothing as Dan put his arms around mom’s shoulders. “Barbara, I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier. Both Zack and Ashely lost control and hurt each other. The only way I could get through to them was to shock them, I didn’t want to hurt you but it was all I could think of to get their minds off of each other.”

“I understand, I am sorry too.” I heard mom say softly. What the fuck was she sorry for?

“I know Barbara. We have an unusual family and I thought that Ashely was ready to join it. I moved too quickly and you both paid the price. If I was a better man...” Dan said and I swear I heard a him choke up.

“Oh Dan, no, no. You are so good to me, you take care of me and I sometimes make it so hard for you.” Mom replied in a pleading voice. “I’m so sorry, so sorry for anything I have done to upset you.”

“Barbara, you need to talk to Ashley. Ask her any question and she will answer you, I want there to be no more fighting between us.”

Shit, Dan had managed to completely control my mom. Instead of being furious with how he had treated us, she was apologizing to him for making him do it. I heard her step toward me and felt her hand stroke my cheek. It was so weird, here I was naked, bound and gagged and she was treating me like I had skinned my knee.

“Ashley, Dan says that you asked him to put you like this, is that true?”

I nodded and felt the vibrator increase in tempo again.

“Do you want to stay here with us, with me?” she asked.

I hesitated for a moment and almost imagined Dan’s hand sliding over to the other button, then I nodded again. My hips twitched as the vibrator slid up to it’s fourth setting.

“Ashley.” I heard Dan say. “Do you agree that I am master in this house. You are free to leave whenever you want but while you are here you do what I tell you. Those are the rules, do you accept them?”

I wanted to shake my head, to scream defiance in his face, but the cold metal between my ass cheeks was a stark reminder of the position I was in. I could fix this later, so I nodded.

“Oh baby, I am so happy.” I heard mom gush and her arms wrapped around me. It was nauseating being hugged by my mother in such a predicament, what had he done to her to get her to this state.

“Come here baby, let’s celebrate this breakthrough right now.” Dan said as mom was pulled off of me.

“No Dan, not here, please.” She said breathlessly.

“No?” Dan replied, and I heard the menace in his voice. This was the man I recognized and mom took a sharp intake of breath.

“Please Dan, she’s, I just...” Mom stammered as I heard them move around the room.

“No dear, right here, right now. Besides, you never got a chance to cum earlier so I owe it to you.” He said and I heard a table being swept clean as leather and metal clattered to the floor.

“But, but, please...” Mom continued, then gave a squeal as Dan grunted. There was a thud and rustle of cloth as Dan lifted her up onto the table.

“Spread your legs baby, yeah just like that.”

Mom moaned softly, her pleas slowly vanishing as they were replaced by sounds of pleasure. “Oh Dan, oh yes, right there, please right there.”

I flinched; the vibrator had increased in tempo again. I clenched my hands in futile frustration as the unbidden waves of pleasure radiated through my pussy. My mom was getting fucked behind me and this pervert was making me feel it too.

“Oh yes, oh yes Dan. Please, please fuck me.” Mom moaned and I heard the rustle of Dan’s pants hitting the floor.

“Slide over here baby, spread those legs for me.” He replied and the sound of flesh sliding over wood sent a shiver up my spine.

“Oh god, oh my god. Oh, your cock feels so good. Shove it in me, please, please fuck me.” Mom moaned, then let out a long shuddering sigh of pleasure as the table creaked underneath her.

“Mmmmmmmm.” I moaned along with her as the vibrator shifted up to setting six. I tugged at the chains that held my wrists, whether to escape or to touch myself I was no longer sure.

“Look at your daughter, see how turned on she is.” I heard Dan mutter then a startled gasp from my mom which subsided into another moan.

“Fuck me baby, fuck me hard. Give it to me.” She moaned and I heard flesh slap against flesh as Dan drove his cock into her.

“Oh yeah, squeeze that cunt. What are you baby?”

“I’m a slut, I’m your whore.” Mom replied eagerly. I was stunned, then the vibrator went up to seven and I wailed into my gag.

“I’m your whore, your slave. You take care of me and I do whatever you ask.” Mom continued in what sounded like a well practiced speech. “Oh baby, please fuck me in the ass.” The table creaked again as mom shifted around.

“I’m going to fuck you in the ass just like you want. Just like you deserve you slut.” Dan grunted.

“Yes, oh god yes. Fuck my ass, take me master. Please, please take me now.” Mom whined in reply, then squealed as Dan apparently did just that.

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