Family Business - Cover

Family Business

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 2

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Written from a female perspective. A young woman returns home from College to find that after the death of her father, her mother has married his business partner. Unfortunately he has taken a very dominant view of his position in the family.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Incest   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom  

My mom came to set me free about an hour later, when she opened the door and saw how Zack had left me tears welled in her eyes.

“Oh Ashley, oh I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I got you into this.” She sobbed as she struggled with the tight silk knot binding my hands to the bedframe.

“It’s alright mom, you had no idea what you were getting in to with Dan.” I replied in a calm voice. “He did this to us, it’s not your fault.”

The knot finally loosened and I was able to sit up, pulling my pyjama top down over my breasts as mom wrapped her arms around me, hugging me desperately as her tears slicked the side of my cheek. I hugged her back, stroking her hair and squeezing her shoulders as she cried.

“It’s ok, it’s ok. We can handle this, we will get through this.” I whispered, and I meant it. Lying there, tied to that bed with Zack’s semen dribbling out of my pussy had given me time to think. They may have everything else, but I was determined that they would not get me. I would fight them every step of the way.

A few minutes later after mom had calmed down, she left, telling me that breakfast was almost ready. Apparently, the men expected mom and I to dress for our meals and she had laid out the only dress and shoes that I had which was left over from a wedding that I had gone to few years ago. I looked at the simple blue dress and shoes as she closed the door behind her and the first stage of my plan came to mind. A few minutes later, I walked into the dining room and heard the gasp of surprise from my mother.

Dan looked up from his phone and a frown pursed his lips. Mom was sitting there, hair and makeup done, wearing a red dress with a plunging neckline and matching heels. Dan was in a jacket and tie while even Zack was wearing slacks and a polo shirt. Me, I was in the same pyjamas I had been wearing when Zack attacked me and I had done nothing with my hair or face. I looked like the victim of an assault which was exactly what I was going for.

“Oh, you don’t like it?” I said calmly as I slid into my chair. “Sorry, didn’t feel like getting dressed up for you two assholes.”

I saw Zack scowl at me, then look over at his father. Dan on the other hand was giving me that same calculating look I had seen when I first met him, but without the self-satisfied smile. He set his coffee cup down and leaned back in his chair, finger tapping the table slowly. When he saw Zack push his chair back, he rose as well and soon both of them were standing on either side of where I sat. I heard mom take in a sharp breath as her fork fell with a clatter from her fear numbed fingers.

“You stupid bitch, what do you think you are trying to pull here.” Zack snarled as he loomed over me, his fists clenched in anger.

I looked up at him as contemptuously as I could. “Whatever the fuck I want, you needle dicked little shit.” I replied with a condescending smile. I swear I could see steam coming out of his ears as his face turned red with fury. I gasped in pain as he grabbed my hair with one hand, sharply tugging my head back and flinched anticipating the blow but felt nothing. I opened my eyes to see that Dan had grabbed his raised arm and was holding it in an iron grip.

“What the fuck Dad, this stupid cow needs a lesson.” Zack snapped angrily as he struggled to pull his wrist out of his father’s grasp.

“Calm down boy.” Dan replied in a measured voice, unmoving despite the younger man’s efforts. “Don’t strike in anger, and definitely don’t hit her anywhere that would leave a visible mark.” He replied in almost a lecturing tone.

“Awwww, daddy won’t let you play with your new toy?” I teased in a mocking tone and gave another gasp as Zack pulled hard on my hair, almost toppling my chair over.

“Aieeeeee!” I squealed as pain shot up the side of my neck. Faster than I could see Dan had released Zack’s wrist and driven two stiffened fingers down between my neck and clavicle bone, striking what must be a nerve cluster. My entire arm went numb and I brought my other hand up to shield against another attack. With the same cobra like speed, he grabbed my wrist and with a twist of his hand pulled me out of my chair. Before I could think I was face down on the table with my good arm twisted painfully behind me. He then kicked the back of my knee and I collapsed to the floor, gasping in new agony as my breasts dragged across the edge of the table.

In a matter of seconds, I had gone from mocking Zack to kneeling on the floor at Dan’s feet. My brain was overwhelmed with pain that shot up from all over my body and I squirmed desperately to try to find some release. There was nothing erotic or sensual about this, it had been almost surgical in its delivery and so unexpected that my mind was filled with terror not arousal.

I gritted my teeth and turned my head to look up at the man who had so quickly taken control of the situation. My neck flared and I bit my lip, shuddering at the simple movement. Dan stood over me, my wrist held almost negligently in his hand. A small flex of his fingers and I was face down on the floor, my elbow and shoulder screaming as he twisted them out of position.

“Dan, please!” I heard my mother cry, then I gave another wail as he flexed his wrist again and my arm creaked in its socket.

“Quiet Barbara.” Dan said in a calm voice, as if she was disturbing him as he was trying to listen to a TV show. I heard mom choke back a whimper but she obeyed him.

Dan eased back a touch and the agony lessened immensely. I took a shaky breath as he pulled me up off of the floor into a kneeling position. I looked up at him slowly and saw his cold almost indifferent eyes regarding me. “I am going to let you up now. When I do you are going to go back to your room and dress for dinner like you were told. Nod if you understand.”

I nodded, wincing as the pain in my neck flared again.

“Very good, you have 15 minutes to be back here and if I am not satisfied with your efforts, we will repeat this lesson. Trust me girl, I can teach you more about your body than you would ever want to know.” He said in a calm voice as he released my hand.

I flinched as my arm fell, tortured muscles refusing to respond to the commands I tried to give them. Awkwardly I levered myself up to my feet, new agonies appearing with every movement. I looked around, Zack was still standing there seething in anger and humiliation. Mom had fresh tracks of tears down her cheeks but she sat frozen in her chair. Dan moved back to his seat and picked up his coffee, his attention returning to his phone as if nothing had happened. He glanced at me and I took the unspoken command and headed back to my room.

Fifteen minutes later and I returned to the table. I had had taken a quick awkward shower, forcing my arms to obey me as I washed the sweat from my body. Brushing my hair had been agony and it was done up in a simple ponytail, all that I could manage. I had put on some makeup and one of my few push-up bras but at best I was barely acceptable as I returned to the table. Dan grunted in response as I slid into my seat.

“We are going to have to get you some new clothes if you are going to stay here.” He muttered as he tucked into his meal.

Mom nodded. “Yes dear, I will take her shopping this afternoon.” She said in a hesitant voice.

Dan nodded in reply as he chewed his steak and eggs. “Everything she needs, understand.”

Mom nodded again but I saw the small shudder as she read the same underlying message as I did. This trip was going to b for more than dresses and skirts.

Breakfast was taken pretty much in silence, mom tried to start some polite conversation but everyone was too lost in their own thoughts. I could see that Zack was still angry as he glared at me, looks that Dan pointedly ignored. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Dan pushed his chair back.

“Well, I am off. I will be home for dinner and I expect that things will go much smoother then, am I understood?” He stated in his normal matter of fact tone. Mom nodded quickly, then I gave a small nod when he looked at me.

“Very good, until then I hope you all enjoy your day.” He said cheerfully as he grabbed his keys and walked out the door.

Mom rose and quietly cleared the table. The contrast between the domestic nature of the work and the elegance of her outfit was startling and served to remind me exactly how much control Dan had over her. She was doing whatever he asked of her, without question or hesitation and she had accepted the situation completely. I shuddered, is that what was in store for me I asked myself as I pushed my chair back and walked back to my room. The sound of my simple heels clicking on the floor and the thoughts running through my head distracted me and it wasn’t until I opened the door to my room that I realized Zack had followed me here.

I gasped in surprise as he grabbed the back of my neck in an iron grip and propelled me into the room. I stumbled and fell onto the bed where he pushed my face hard into the mattress.

“You fucking bitch.” He snarled as his fingers dug painfully into my neck. “If you ever humiliate me like that again I will make what my dad just did to you feel like nothing.”

I twisted my head to the side, struggling under his grip and kicking back with my heels. He grunted in pain as I dug the heel of my shoe into his shin and he leaned down sliding his leg between mine and pinning me to the bed with his knee. He released the grip on my neck and I could hear him fumbling with his belt.

“Looks like I am going to have to fuck some sense into you.” He snapped as he tugged my dress up over my ass and pulled at my underwear. I was wearing the most comfortable, oldest pair that I had and I heard him snort in disgust.

“Fuck, gross.” He grunted as he pulled them roughly down my legs.

When he released his hold on me, I spun on the bed and swung at his face. His reflexes were good, I will give him that and he twisted his head so I caught him on the ear instead. The grunt of pain was satisfying as he scrambled to grab my arms and pin me down again.

“What, can’t you control a girl half your size without daddy to help you?” I laughed as I fought him. It was satisfying to see him get angrier and I almost got him in the crotch as I flailed and struggled underneath him. He released one of my wrists and before I could react drove a fist into my stomach. I doubled over in pain and choked trying to keep my breakfast down.

“Not the face, but that leaves plenty of other spots.” He snarled as he pinned my wrists to the bed and spread my legs with his knees. I could feel his hard cock pushing against my pussy, seeking blindly for my vagina and I writhed and squirmed to frustrate his efforts.

“What, do you need a tour guide to find it?” I gasped, then squealed in pain again as he grabbed my breast through my dress and twisted savagely.

“Stay still slut, or I will rip it off.” He grunted back and I froze in place. Dan was cold and deliberate in his delivery of pain, but Zack was nowhere near as controlled as that. He wrenched and twisted my tit and I froze in pain.

“I thought so.” He said with satisfaction. “Bitches like you just need to be taught who is in charge.”

Not by you I thought, but kept it to myself. He was just starting to calm down and there was no one here to protect me from his rage if I kept provoking him. I lay still as his hand slid down from my breasts and between my legs.

“Look, fucking wet again you pain slut. Don’t tell me you don’t like it.” He said with satisfaction as he maneuvered the head of his prick toward my undeniably moist vagina.

“It’s you I don’t like.” I replied, but lay still as I felt his cock nudge its way between my pussy lips and start to slide into me.

“Well, let’s go about fixing that then.” He shot back as he shoved his dick hard into me. I gasped in pain as the dry shaft force its way inside.

“Is that how you are going to fix it, with a little tool like that?” I grunted. I was lying of course, for all of his inadequacies the size of his cock wasn’t one of them. I bit my lip in a combination of pain and arousal as he pounded me mercilessly.

“Fuck you. Oh look, I am.” he replied with a laugh as he reached down to grope my tits through the material of my dress. He grabbed at the neckline with both hands and pulled, tearing the fabric and exposing my breasts. Roughly he pulled them out of my bra and kneaded the sensitive flesh with his hard fingers.

I couldn’t deny that it felt good, my nipples hardened quickly and he laughed as I flinched when he pinched them. “Fucking painslut, look at you. Your pussy is wet, your tits are hard, you can’t deny that you love this shit.”

“Right, now just imagine how good it would feel if a real man were to do it to me.” I gasped, then squealed in pain as he gave my tits a hard slap. He pulled out and rolled me over on the bed, shoving my face hard into the mattress again.

“Shut the fuck up bitch. Next time I fuck you I am going to show you what that mouth is really for.” He snarled as he shoved his cock back inside me, pinning me to the bed. “Dad and I have a whole room downstairs for teaching whores like you how to respect a man.” I shuddered in response, is that what happened to mom? Is that how they broke her?

I was getting light headed, it was hard to breathe with my face pushed down into the mattress. I pushed up against his restraining hand and managed a quick gasp of air before he pushed me back down again.

“Just lie there you stupid cunt, that is all you are good for anyway.” I heard him say as he grabbed the back of my head and held my face down in the blankets. I struggled for breath, my hands scrambling uselessly for leverage on the sheets. Fuck, I had never been this turned on. I was completely helpless, even the very breath of life was being taken from me while this animal pounded me from behind. He eased up for a moment to adjust his footing and I took another desperate breath before he pushed me down again.

Lights flashed before my eyes and I could feel a buzzing in my head as my body screamed for oxygen. I felt my orgasm start to build and I pushed back against this thrusting cock.

“That’s right, fuck me you helpless slut. Fuck me like your life depended on it.” I faintly heard him say and I used everything left to do just that. I pushed down against the floor, raising my hips to better align his cock with my pussy and felt him drive deeper than ever before. That did it, and the orgasm exploded through me. Lights flashed in my mind as pleasure washed over me like a tidal wave and I screamed into the mattress.

“Oh fuck that feels good!” Zack howled as he stood up, releasing his hold on the back of my head. I turned and took a desperate breath of air and felt a new sense of euphoria flow through me. This triggered another orgasm, or maybe just a continuation of the first, I didn’t know or care. I wailed out the breath I had just taken as my fingers dug into the blanket and my pussy clenched and spasmed around his intruding cock.

“Fffuuuuccccckkkkkk!!” he wailed himself as I felt him blow his load. His hot cum sprayed inside me and all feelings of pleasure were replaced by disgust and loathing at how this man had violated me. I moaned in frustration at the change and gave a shudder of revulsion every time I felt him pump another spurt of semen into my body.

“Yeah, you like this don’t you bitch.” Zack gasped, misinterpreting my response as he gave me a sharp slap on my ass cheek. “Grind that ass against me, milk my cock.”

“Is that what I feel? I thought there was a mosquito in here for a moment.” I gasped, then winced as he slapped my ass again.

“Fucking whore.” He snarled as he pulled out of me and stepped back. I heard his belt sliding out from his pants and then howled in pain as he whipped it across my already sensitive ass.

“Fucking whore, fucking slut. I’ll teach you respect.” He shouted as he struck me again and again with the thick leather. I screamed in pain, scrambling to escape. I rolled over but the flailing belt just hit my thighs and stomach. I fell off the bed, raising my hands to shield myself when I heard a gasp of shock.

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