Better Fuck Ass (Better Call Saul) - Cover

Better Fuck Ass (Better Call Saul)

by sexdottxt

Copyright© 2025 by sexdottxt

Fan Fiction Sex Story: After humiliating Howard at the hearing, Jimmy and Kim are very eager to celebrate their perverse victory in so many perverse ways.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Anal Sex   Analingus   Masturbation   .

It had worked. Their brilliant plan had worked. Jimmy and Kim could practically hear the faint scratching in Howard’s throat as he ranted at Schweikart, at Judge Casimiro, and at Cliff Main, his voice being on the breaking point to weeping tears of pure righteous fury.

And it was all the sweeter to their ears. They knew he was right, and they got away with it. The perfect crime.

“Mr. Hamlin, are you alright? Your eyes...” said Erin out of actual and sincere concern.

“I am fine!”

They both had to keep themselves from laughing too hard at that one. Kim almost snorted through her nose, but she was able to control herself. It might have blown their cover, listening to the whole scene, and after Howard’s breakdown railing about Jimmy, could easily be the one thing that would expose them listening to the conversation, and turn their devious little scheme into a house of cards so quick to blowing down.

But they were able to keep themselves composed. They had to be those kinds of people in order to pull off something like this in the first place. And after the meeting was adjourned, they knew they had won.

There was some more talk in the background, but they didn’t hear anything else. And it wasn’t exactly clear who was enjoying this moment more, Jimmy or Kim. Though he had been so focused on listening to it, so eager to hear how this turn of events would develop, that he didn’t notice Kim getting up and pushed him down onto his seat. It took him by surprise so much that he was almost scared for a minute.

He looked up at her. There was no emotion in that face, and after pulling off the stunt they were both complicit in, he was so shocked to see her looking at him like that. But he needn’t have worried. His wife, his partner in crime, climbed on top of him. She pulled him up by the collar of his shirt and started kissing him.

He returned her embrace, pulling her on top him. She came close to collapsing on him so hard that it would have knocked his seat over. But she was able to collect herself. She was looking down at him with a wicked smile on her face. She grabbed his crotch, which by now had a massive lump in there.

They started kissing again. Their kisses were sloppy and clumsy, there was absolutely no real sense of communication between the two of them, it was all rushed. They might as well have been two rabid dogs slobbering all over each other. But it was easily the best makeout session they ever had. Her greedy hands were pulling his shirt up and she dug her nails into his skin and fondling his crotch. She was so needy that he could have been anyone and she would have been tearing him apart. A stray thought occurred to her how much fun she would have had fucking Howard further by tearing him apart like that after already fucking him over at a big important hearing in his own law firm.

Kim was so wet, eager to fuck Jimmy right then and there. He was just as ready, she was one hell of a woman, and her pure libido, those claws raking him, he was hard and ready to get inside of her for real. At the same time they were both so disorganized they couldn’t properly get into any real fucking position. They were both clumsily feeling all over each other and fumbling that they actually fell onto the floor together.

Her ass was right in front of his face. He grabbed the zipper on her skirt and pulled it down and she followed down, roughly yanking it down so that it was to her knees. Jimmy grinned at the what she was wearing for the occasion, she was finely dressed as ever on the outside, but just like her nefarious intentions planned for today, she was only wearing a thong underneath. He spanked that tushy and ate all over it. It wasn’t the first time he bit into her donk but the wicked affairs they had successfully enacted today made him ravenous for her in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time and without one heed for her concern, deeply sank his teeth into those delicious cheeks.

Kim moaned deeply. The day’s success had gotten her excited already, but Jimmy being so fierce with her was igniting a wet fire in her cunt. She reached her hand down her undies and finding her twat, shamelessly played with herself.

The smell of her cunt was appetizing to him. But after getting a meal of those cheeks of hers, he wanted something else right now. He pulled down the rest of her thong, exposing her puckered anus before him. Grinning, Jimmy grabbed her hips and pulled her derriere right onto his face.

Kim bit her lip in a crazed smile when Jimmy rubbed his face all over her booty. She slowed down the speed of those hands stirring inside her wet pussy just to savor in the pleasantness of feeling him worship her butt in their moment of victory. Still eating her tush, he stopped when he got a good look at her puckering anus.

With the position his head was in, she couldn’t see the look on his face. But she knew what he was doing. She hadn’t stopped touching herself. Reaching down there with her other hand, she stuck the first part of a finger inside there like she was a little schoolgirl to tempt him and then she held the hand over her rosebud like she was showcasing a fine entree.

He answered that call loud and clear. He stuck his tongue inside of her anus and ate out that asshole like he was at a banquet. She giggled deeply in horny lust and resumed touching herself with full force. Jimmy wasn’t too shy about his self pleasure either and had gotten his pants down and beat it while he devoured her anus.

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