Renee, My Beautiful Twin Sister - Cover

Renee, My Beautiful Twin Sister

by Curbstonesetter

Copyright© 2023 by Curbstonesetter

Romantic Sex Story: Beautiful young girl seduces her twin brother. They continue to make love. She forgot to take her pill and ends up pregnant. Her BFF from high school makes love with him at college while she is at home with her pregnancy.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   .

Author’s Note: This story is a complete work of fiction from the get go and is intended solely for the readers to enjoy. My thanks to EasySpeak for the work of editing this story so that it makes sense and makes it easier to read and understand.

It was spring break of our senior year in high school. When I said “our”, I meant me and my little Sister, Renee. Saying that Renee is “little” is not quite so accurate and she is more than just my “little” Sister. Renee is my drop dead beautiful fraternal twin Sister and she is about 5 Ft. - 6 in. tall and probably weighs 120 to 125 pounds.

She has honey golden blond hair. It is shoulder length that nicely and symmetrically frames her pretty face. Her hair curls down underneath her chin which is really cute and it makes her really look cute, too. Her pretty face is enhanced by her creamy white complexion.

More than that, Renee is my “little” angel who looks so much like our Mom that they are often taken as Sisters which flatters the hell out of Mom beyond belief. I think that Renee likes it just as much because she loves our Mom as much as I do. It is not surprising that they should be taken as Sisters. Even though Mom is over 40 years old she is still a beautiful shapely young looking middle aged woman.

Renee’s pretty face is complimented by her sparkling and piercing deep blue eyes that laugh mischievously when she looks at me. And she can look holes through me, into my eyes and deep inside me when she thinks that it’s necessary. Of course, she has no problem looking holes through me when she thinks she needs to do so. That is not the end of Renee’s alluring attributes.

She has a gorgeous hour glass figure that draws the attention of most guys and is the envy of most girls. Most of the girls in our high school would kill to have her figure. The eyes of every one of the guys in our high school were glued to her when she walked down the hall or when she walked into the class room.

For those of you who have the burning desire to know, my name is Robert Bennett but, everybody calls me Robbie. I am 5 Ft. - 11 in. tall and I weigh about 175 pounds. As you can see I am somewhat bigger than my little Sister physically. Although, I am bigger in physical size than Renee she is equal to me intelligence and wit. Not many people can out wit her including me. I guess that is part of what makes her so precious to me.

She always holds her own with me and most other people in any intellectual discussions just like our Mom always does. My eyes are deep blue just like hers and my hair is nearly identical in color to hers, too. Although it may be a little darker than hers is. You can certainly tell that Renee and I came out of the same womb and from closely related spurts of our Dad’s love cream inside our Mom to start us growing in our Mom’s tummy.

I remember Mom telling Renee jokingly one time that if I let my hair grow as long as hers was and it was styled the same way; people would think that we were Sisters, too. Renee just scoffed at Mom’s remark even though she knew Mom was joking but, she knew that Mom was right.

There is another reason that I call her little. She was born only about ten minutes after I was, so I’m technically older than she is and that in my mind makes her my little Sister, as well.

Just to needle her, I always felt obligated to remind her of that every so often because it annoys her just a little. Of course, I know if the situation was reversed she would have no problem of needling me in a very similar way. And that is why I have to rub it in every so often even after we had turned 18 years old last January.

Mom and Dad have always thought of her and treated her like she was their adorable little Princess. Of course I think of her as my little Princess, too. Maybe that’s why I think Renee is the sweetest, kindest and most loving little Sister and best friend anyone could ever have and ever hope to have.

However, Renee can be the most feisty girl that I have ever known or have ever met. But, I sure love her very much and I know that she loves me very much, too. I would do anything to help her and protect her. I know she would do the same thing to help and protect me, too if the need arose.

One of my high school buddies was sitting at a table next to the table where Renee and some of her girlfriends were eating their lunch in the cafeteria. He told me that one of the other girls said something derogatory about me. He went on to say, “Renee lit into her like a swarm of hornets telling her that it wasn’t true.”

Our Mom has pictures of Renee straddling my belly when we were only about two or three years old. We were in the cute bunny pajamas that Mom had bought for us. The picture shows just how adorable she was even at that early age by the broad devious smile on her pretty face. It certainly tells the viewer just how much fun she was having sitting on top of me like I was her own personal hobby horse.

Whenever Mom shows that picture to other people she has a big broad grin of pride on her face of how cute she thinks that picture is. I think that Mom was probably a little rowdy, too, but that is beside the point of this story.

I never really knew what made Renee become so rowdy and so mischievous at times. Or what made her to want to be such a rough house little girl but, I thought that maybe that picture was the start of it.

Mom has told us when Renee and I were still very small how she and Dad used to whisper to her, “Renee, go love your Brother.” She would run across the living room floor and she would throw her arms around me and we would both go tumbling onto the carpeted floor. Mom said that she would kiss me and we both would giggle and laugh about it. Mom said that she thought that we were so adorable doing that.

Mom said it made us love each other that much more and entice us to form an unbreakable life bond between us. Maybe that was when the picture was taken of her riding my belly and when she started to become a rowdy little girl.

Mom really wanted us to be close with one another and we were. Renee was even feisty through our preteen years as she was my best friend as well as my twin Sister but, she sure liked to tease me as much as I liked to tease her.

There were times when she would pester me and aggravate me and it would develop into a slap and tickle match. Of course, being the boy I was always a little bit bigger and a little bit stronger than she was.

When it got to be too much I would put my arms around her, grab both her arms, hold her and subdue her. I would ask her, “Are you going to be nice now, Princess?” Being out of breath and tired she would say “Yes, peace, Robbie?” And then she would kiss my cheek. I would kiss her cheek and the contest was over as a draw.

Before I would release her arms I always kissed her cheek and then I acted like I was going to kiss her neck. But, when I put my lips on her neck to kiss her I gave her a raspberry and told her that was for being so rowdy.

She always protested saying that it gave her goose bumps and she would get me back for that. Renee always giggled and the match was over. She never did retaliate because she just liked the attention she got from me during our wrestling matches.

Of course, I would never intentionally hurt her or harm her in any way. We both knew that it was a fake contest to show each other attention and our sibling love for one another. However, she learned the fake neck kiss very quickly and she liked to come up behind me when I was occupied and do that to me before I could do anything about it.

And then she would just giggle and give me her sinister little laugh and her devious little smile. I guess that was her retaliation and it sure tickled her to get back at me in that way.

During our high school years she would still tease me and we would get into a slap and tickle match. Having such a beautiful young teenage Sister wrestling with me always gave me a hard-on. No doubt she noticed it as we were struggling with each other that I had a hard-on. She really liked to tease me by rubbing her big breasts on me, too. That always made my hard-on get even bigger and harder.

Renee knew that rubbing her breasts on me was mostly responsible for giving me a hard-on. When I put my arms around her from behind I knew she could feel my hard-on poking up against her ass. As usual I got my arms around her holding her arms to subdue her and I would blow in her ear. That really gave her goose bumps and I think that it probably made her little virgin pussy a bit creamy, too.

One time she was pestering me and as usual I subdued her and that time rather than blow in her ear I stuck my tongue in her ear as far as I could. Her whole body shook and trembled and she squealed. I thought that maybe she’d had an orgasm so I did it again. Then she completely relaxed and the match was over. She said, “Ok, Robbie, peace?”

I replied, “Alright, we’ll call it peace, Renee.” and I released her.

As she got up, she turned around and looked into my eyes and she gave me the strangest look I had ever seen from her. Then she quickly went to her bedroom without another word.

A few minutes after she went to her bedroom, she came out and she went directly into the bathroom. I thought that she may have peed her pants. I really didn’t know what had happened or what to think about what happened or what went through her mind.

After our last slap and tickle match, our relationship returned to its normal sweet loving sibling routine until spring break. During spring break I was in my bedroom sitting at my computer playing a video game and I heard a car door outside in the driveway.

I thought to myself, ‘That’s Renee coming home from the mall.’ She had gone to the mall with a couple of her girlfriends to go to lunch and to go shopping. I had stayed home and was playing video games on my computer.

Shortly afterwards I heard her in the kitchen getting something to eat and drink. She came into my bedroom and it was like someone had turned the lights on in a dark room. She said, “Hey, Robbie, I’m home. Did you miss me, Big Brother?” By that time I truly was her “Big Brother” since I was about six inches taller than she was and at least 25 to 50 pounds heavier than she was.

Not looking up from the monitor I kind of nonchalantly replied, “Yeah, Renee, I missed you very much, Sweetie.”

She came over to me, put her arms around me from behind, stuck her chin on my shoulder and said, “I really missed you, too, Robbie.” I really couldn’t tell if she was just being sweet or if she just wanted to pester and aggravate me.

Then she did something I really didn’t see coming. She stuck her tongue in my ear as deep as she could and then she giggled her sinister little laugh. I asked her, “Renee, have you been into Dad’s Jack Daniels from his liquor cabinet and that’s what has made you so feisty this afternoon?”

She replied giggling, “No, you don’t smell any alcohol on my breath do you?” She put more weight on my head and shoulder to where I couldn’t see the monitor or to move the mouse to play my video game.

Of course, she knew I could feel her big titties pressed tightly against my back. Then she moved to the other side of my head and stuck her tongue in my other ear. I just thought turnabout is fair play.

“You have to have been into Dad’s Jack Daniels, Renee. I continued still trying to play my computer game but, I couldn’t play the game now, not with two wet ears like she had left them with her very wet tongue. She must have saved and had a buildup of saliva on her tongue before she stuck it in my ears.

“Renee, I can’t play this video game with you hanging all over my shoulders like this.” She put more of her weight on my shoulders and giggled at me without saying anything more.

Annoyed, I said, “Ok, you win, Renee, you can have the computer and you can finish this game. I guess that’s what you really want.” as I got up and went to sit on my bed to read a sports magazine. I was going to allow her to finish the video game.

That wasn’t good enough for her so, she came over to my bed and started another slap and tickle match with me which, was what I should have expected. We struggled with one another until she wiggled around and was sitting between my legs. She had her body half turned to me and her shoulder was against my chest.

Her hip was up next to my hard-on and I had my arms around her holding her arms tightly. I knew that she could feel my hard-on against her hip through our clothes. She was breathing pretty heavy from our struggles with each other and then she said, “Ok, Robbie, peace?”

I responded with, “Alright, peace. Are you going to be a good girl now?” Expecting her to kiss me on my cheek as she usually did but, this time she kissed me directly on my lips. It wasn’t the normal Sister-Brother kiss it was more like a lover’s kiss. It was deep and very affectionate.

Looking into her eyes I could see that her eyes were on fire. She looked into my eyes with her piercing gaze which made my hard-on get even harder and stiffer. It wouldn’t have taken a lot for me to have squirted my load in my shorts thanks to Renee.

I don’t know why I did it but I kissed her back just as affectionately and passionately. She just melted into my arms and her eyes softened so much I thought that her eyes had melted even more. She had never kissed me on the lips and melted into my arms like that before. It was easy to tell she really liked it and I liked it, too. I think I liked it more than I should have.

Then she laid her head on my chest. Very shortly she lifted her head and looked into my eyes and said, “Oh, Robbie, I’ve wanted you to do that for me for a very long time.” Then she kissed me again very softly and affectionately and she began to unbutton my shirt to remove it.

After she took my shirt off, she reached down between my legs and gently squeezed my very hard dick. When she did that I started to unbutton her blouse and I removed it. I had occasionally seen her briefly in her bra and panties walking between the shower and her bedroom.

But, I had never been able to see her in her bra and panties so intimately and so close and certainly not while I was holding her warm soft body so lovingly close in my arms. Renee looked up into my eyes and whispered, “Take my bra off, too, Robbie.” with a very seductive tone in her voice.

Our Mom and Dad were both still at work and they normally did not get home until about 6 o’clock in the evening. I looked at my clock radio and it was just after 3 o’clock. I stepped over to my bedroom door, closed it and locked it. Renee got up and followed me to the bedroom door like she thought I was going to leave the room.

When I turned around she was standing right in front of me. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me on my lips very lovingly. I put my arms around her slim waist as we were kissing and I pulled her tightly to me. When we broke our kiss I reached up and unclasped her bra, removed it and tossed it on the foot of my bed.

On removing her bra she put her arms around my neck again hugging me with her warm, soft titties very tightly pressed against my chest. I could feel her rock hard nipples poking into the skin of my chest. She kissed me again very passionately. That made my dick get rock hard and she purred very softly to me. Renee whispered to me, “That feels so good to have my breasts pressed against your bare chest, Robbie.”

“I was thinking that it felt like heaven having your warm titties pressed against me, too, Honey. Your soft titties are so beautiful to me, Renee, and I love having them pressed tightly against me like that. They’re so warm and soft and your nipples are so hard poking into my skin. But, look at the time, Renee. It’s after three and if Mom and Dad come home and find us like this, there will be ole ‘Billy Hell’ to pay.”

“Robbie, you know that they are never home until about 6 o’clock. I don’t think that we have anything to worry about, Ok? I love you and I have always loved you. I want to have you inside me, Honey.” She started to remove my pants and she was kissing my chest and belly in sequence.

“Ok, Renee. But, we need to finish what we’re doing by 5 o’clock to make sure that they don’t come home and find us this way. You know that they have always both thought of and treated you like you are their charming little Princess. If they find out that I have deflowered their little princess they’ll really come down hard on me.

You know that Mom wants to see you get married in her wedding dress in the church. And that will sure as hell kill that idea you know. I sure as hell don’t want Mom and Dad to kick me out of the house and completely disown me. And you know that Dad would kick me out of the house and disown me if he found out about this.”

“Robbie, If they should happen to find us and kick you out of the house, Honey, I’ll tell them that I’m going to go with you the moment they say that they are going to kick you out. If I’m their little Princess they are not going to let me leave with you, too.”

“You know that I love you, Renee, no matter how much we play fight with each other and I think that you are my Princess, too. I have always loved you as my special little Sister and my best friend but, they’ll still make my life a living hell anyway whether they kick me out or not.”

“If they were to start making your life hell then we’ll both leave, Ok Robbie?”

After she said that, she lowered my pants and let them drop to the floor. Then she softly said, “Your turn, now, Robbie.” I unbuttoned and unzipped her shorts, pulled them down and let them drop.

She pulled herself close to me and she thrust her hips into me and said, “Uhhhhhh, Robbie that is what I have really been waiting for. I can feel your hard love member poking through your briefs and sticking into my tummy.” She began to tug my briefs down and off of me grabbing and freeing my hard dick. “Your turn again, Honey.”

Reaching around behind her I slipped my hands down inside the waistband of her panties cupping her butt cheeks in each of my hands. She shivered and trembled a little with my hands holding and gently squeezing her butt cheeks pulling her pussy tightly to me.

It dawned on me later that she may have had a small orgasm when I slid my hands down the back of her panties. Then I hooked my fingers in the waist band of her pretty lace bikini panties. Pulling them down I let them drop to the floor. I could see that the gusset of her panties was very wet with her creamy love fluid.

“Wow, Robbie, I really want to have you inside me now, Honey. You can see how much I want you by the wet spot in the gusset of my panties, Honey. That’s what you make me do each time we play like we just did a little while ago.”

“Are you sure you really want us to do this, Renee?”

“I’m absolutely sure I want this, Robbie. Let’s not waste any more time talking about it before Mom and Dad come home. I really want you to make love with me right now.”

“But, I don’t have any condoms here to protect you, Princess.”

“We don’t need them, Robbie. Mom got me started on the pill when we started our junior year. She told me not to let a boy get into my panties but, she wanted to insure that I didn’t get pregnant anyway. Then Mom has said, “You know your Daddy and I want to see our sweet little Princess walk down the aisle in my white wedding dress someday, Sweetheart.”

“Is this your first time to do this, Renee?”

“Yes, it is. I have been saving myself for you, Robbie. I knew you wouldn’t make love with me before we were 18 years old because we couldn’t. I wanted you to be the first one to have me. That’s because I love you so much. Is this your first time, too?”

“Yeah it is, Honey, I’ve never been with a girl like this before. And I’m glad that we are both giving each other our virginity.” I took her delicate hand and pulled her over to my bed and gently laid her on her back. Putting my hand between her thighs I found that she was sopping creamy wet and ready for me to enter her warm tight woman hood.

I took a long look at Renee laying there before me and I thought she was even more gorgeous without her clothes. I leaned down, kissed her and said, “You are so beautiful, Renee, and I guess that is why I love you so much. Of course, you are the sweetest girl I have ever known, too, other than our Mom.”

I crawled over on the bed, got between her thighs and laid down over her with my dick laying on top of her well-trimmed pretty blond bush. Looking at the gorgeous, shapely girl laying on my bed in front of me, it was hard for me to believe my eyes. I whispered to her, “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, Renee.”

She just smiled broadly at me and wiggled a little beneath me. “Since this is my first time you are going to have to put up with my clumsy, stumbling attempts to make love with you, Honey.”

“Well, don’t forget that it is my first time too, Sweetheart. Now I want to have you inside me.” she nervously whispered back to me.

I lifted and separated her legs and put the head of my dick at the opening of her beautiful, pink love flower and slowly pressed it into her sweet, love treasure. As I continued to slowly push my dick into her pussy I felt it get difficult to go any further into her.

And then all of a sudden I broke through and my dick slid all the way inside her pussy. Just as I broke through her hymen, I saw her face distort with pain and tears began to stream down her face and she squealed with her pain. “Are you alright, Renee? Have I really hurt you, Honey?”

Once I had completely penetrated her I stopped to make sure that she was Ok and she whispered she was not hurting. “Yeah, I’m Ok, Robbie. It just hurt a little bit but, it’s beginning to ease up now and I’ll be fine in a few moments. So we can continue with this, Honey.”

“Do you want us to quit now and try this again some other time?”

“No, I want us to continue. I want you to make us both cum, Robbie.”

“Ok, I just don’t want to hurt you any more than you are already hurting Baby.” I began to very slowly slip my dick back and forth inside her very wet and tight pussy. After a few moments of watching her face, her expression changed to one of a slight smile.

She whispered to me, “Faster and harder, Robbie. I want us both to cum.” I increased my speed and she began to breathe quickly and raggedly and she moaned loudly to me. Momentarily, she breathlessly cried out, “I’m about to cum, Robbie. Cum with me. I want to feel your hot love cream deep inside me and I want you to cum at the same time I cum.”

I had been holding myself back not wanting to cum before she did and then not be able to make her cum, too. When she moaned that she was about to cum I released myself to climax knowing that her orgasm was imminent. Just as I reached my orgasm and began to squirt my hot man cream inside her, Renee loudly cried out, “You’ve made me cum, Honey, cum inside me, Robbie.”

Renee began to tremble and shake as her orgasm overtook her and she was gasping for her breath. I continued to slowly slip my dick back and forth inside her until I knew that her orgasm had been completed. Then I leaned down and kissed her forehead, her cheeks and her neck as she whispered to me, “I love you so much, Robbie. I want us to do this again soon – and many more times after that.”

“I love you very much, too, Renee. That was the sweetest thing being able to make you cum like that and to cum into you at the same time.”

Laying down beside her she rolled up into my arms still breathing heavily and she kissed my cheek. After a few minutes for us both to begin to catch our breath my beloved and beautiful twin Sister whispered to me, “That is the most wonderful love anyone has ever given me, Robbie, and I don’t want this to be the last time we make love with each other.” as she kissed me passionately on my lips.

I continued to hold her tightly in my arms with her warm soft titties pressed against my chest. I continued to kiss her as passionately as she had kissed me. I whispered to her, “This won’t be the last time I give you all the love I can give you, Sweetheart.

I’ll give you my love each time you want me to make love with you. When I cum inside you that hot love cream is my love I’m squirting inside you, Renee.”

“I knew that I loved you before but, now I think I have found the love of my life, Robbie. I want us to be together always. I can’t bear to think about being separated from you, Honey.”

We continued to lay there side by side holding and kissing each other and recovering our breath in the afterglow of our love making. I looked at the clock and it said 4:45 and I told her, “Renee, we really need to get up, clean up and get dressed like we said we were going to do.”

We both went into the bathroom and showered together and put our clothes on. My eyes nearly bugged out watching my beautiful twin as she showered and got dressed. Of course, I just had to hold and feel of her beautiful titties and the furry patch between her thighs while we were showering.

It was a good decision that we did get showered and dressed when we did. After our shower we were sitting in my bedroom talking and looking at magazines. Our Mom and Dad came in the door at 5:30. Mom said, “Kids were home. Where are you two?”

We both responded, “We’re in here in the bedroom, Mom.” Mom came to my bedroom door and asked, “Hi, kids, what are you two doing?”

I answered, “We have just been playing video games on my computer and now we’re just sitting here talking and looking through magazines, Mom.”

“That’s good, Kids, because I wanted to talk to you both about what Dad and I want you to do tomorrow. Robbie, we want you to mow and edge the lawn and sweep out the garage and driveway, the front porch and side walk. And Renee we want you to clean the house and do the laundry.

Then the both of you can go to the supermarket and do the grocery shopping and pick up our dry cleaning for me. I have a list made out and it’s on the fridge. You should be able to get that done in the morning by lunch time and the rest of the day is yours to do whatever you want to do, Ok? You might even want to go to the mall and hang out there for the afternoon, Kids.”

Mom had no idea of what she was allowing us to do tomorrow after we finished their chores for them. Renee and I looked at each other and we both responded, “Yeah, Mom, we’ll get all that done for you tomorrow.” We both got out of bed the next morning when Mom and Dad did.

We had breakfast with them and then they left for work. We both started on the chores that Mom and Dad had asked us to do. By 10 o’clock I had the yard work done and Renee pretty much had the house cleaning and the laundry done, too.

I helped her finish her work and after we showered, we went to the supermarket. I picked up the dry cleaning while Renee started the grocery shopping. After I had gotten the dry cleaning I joined her in the grocery store and helped her. I pushed the cart while she got the things Mom wanted and had on her list and put them in the cart. Then we went through the check-out lane.

We returned home and we went out to have lunch together. I told Renee, I have something that I really want to talk to you about when we get back home, Honey.” When we got back home we went to my bedroom and we sat on my bed together.

I put my arm around her. Then I asked her, “Renee, what brought all of that on yesterday afternoon with me when you got home from the mall? Something happened to you to make you want to come home and make love with me. A little bird didn’t just tweet in your head and tell you that you wanted to do that.”

She began, “Well, Robbie, do you remember my two girlfriends, Dana Martino and Terry Bolton?”

“Yeah, I remember them very well. They are both pretty cute girls aren’t they? I think that Dana is the better looking of the two, though. She is nearly as pretty and as smart as you are, Princess. But, her boobs are not quite as nice as yours are.”

Rather than being Blond, Dana had jet black hair, styled much like Renee’s and she has piercing dark eyes. Her complexion is a beautiful olive tone, characteristic of her Italian heritage.

I thought to myself, ‘Damn, I’d like to go out with Dana and maybe I could get to suck on her boobs and get into her panties. I could do a whole lot worse than slipping my hard dick inside Dana’s sweet tight pussy.’

Terry is cute but she just had brown hair and brown eyes. She had an hour glass figure like Renee and Dana. But, her milky white complexion was not as pretty as Renee’s and Dana’s. I’d still like to get into her panties, though, if I ever got the opportunity to have her in my bed. I sure as hell wouldn’t kick her out of bed under any circumstances.

“Yeah, Robbie, they are both cute and when we were having lunch yesterday they were asking me if you were going with anyone. I told them, ‘No, you weren’t, not right now.’ They both asked if you were having sex with anyone. I told them I really didn’t know but, I didn’t think you were.

Then they both said that they would love to leave their panties laying on the foot of your bed and have you on top of them with your huge hard dick slipping back and forth deep into their dripping wet pussies. They looked at me and said if they had a Brother that looked like you, they would be having you inside them two or three times a week. The thoughts that they gave me really excited me for you, Robbie.”

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