Controlled Foster Family - Cover

Controlled Foster Family

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 9

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 9 - An accident at a hypnosis show gives me control over the foster family that I live with.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Hypnosis   Mind Control   Reluctant   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Harem  

I woke to the best feeling in the world, a mouth on my cock. In the half sleep/wake haze I enjoyed the warm, moist sensation as my stiffening prick was gently licked and sucked to hardness. It took me a second to orient myself, then I remembered that I was in bed with Sarah. I looked down to see her blonde hair laying across my stomach, hiding her face as she gave me a morning blowjob. After the night in the barn with Rebecca and Mary, there was no longer any need to hide anything so I had moved out of my room in the basement. The girls were disappointed that I did not sleep with them, but they only had twin beds and Sarah had a full queen bed that needed to be filled.

Sarah felt me stir, and I heard her soft moan of pleasure as she slowly slid her mouth down on my shaft, her strong but gentle fingers sliding up my leg to fondle my balls. The breath from her nose was warm on my crotch as she twisted her head around the cock in her mouth. She pulled back, her lips firmly squeezing my prick as her tongue slid its way up along the length until she was just kissing the tip.

“Good morning, Master.” She whispered, her blue eyes twinkling behind the golden veil of her hair. “I am sorry for waking you, I wanted to see if I could get you to cum in your sleep.”

I reached down and stroked the hair out of her face. “No worries, I would much rather look at you than dream about you any day.” I replied, and she gave a small shiver at the praise.

“Mmmmmmmm” she moaned, as she went back to the blow job. Her tongue and lips sliding up and down my cock even faster now that I was awake. She bobbed and twisted, stimulating every inch of my prick with her mouth and her fingers played my ball sack like a piano, gently squeezing and tickling the sensitive flesh.

“Oooohhh, yeah. Just like that.” I moaned as she pushed my cock back deep into her throat, sliding her tongue up and down along the shaft while she moaned gentle vibrations over the head. She nodded in response, pulling me even deeper into her throat.

“I’m going to cum soon, I’m going to blow my load right down your neck.” I groaned, and she whimpered in reply working hard to bring me off. It didn’t take long and soon my balls were contracting and I felt the cum spurt out of my cock and into her mouth. She sighed in contentment, her throat contracting as she swallowed my load without taking her mouth off my prick. When I was finished, she slowly pulled back cleaning the last of my semen off with her lips and tongue.

She looked up at me, her tongue gliding over her lips to get the last of my cum. Her big blue eyes were alight with lust and I wanted to take her right there, but I had other plans for today. “Gangster Rap” I said, and her head dropped gently onto my stomach. “Sarah, when I say Death Metal, you will realize that you need to take Mary into town to buy some school supplies. When you get back...”

A few minutes later, I walked out of the bedroom while Sarah was still finishing up in the shower. I stepped into Mary’s room where she gave a squeak of surprise. Quickly, I said “Gangster Rap. Mary when I say Death Metal, you will realize that you need to go into town to buy some school supplies. When you get back...”

I came down the stairs into the kitchen, to see Rebecca mixing pancake mix. She looked up at me and smiled, setting the batter down and reaching out to wrap her arms around my neck. “I like it now that everything is out in the open, no more hiding or sneaking and I can do this.” She said playfully as she kissed me.

I kissed her back and for a few moments we stayed like that, bodies pressed against each other as out tongues battled in our mouths. I pulled back “Rebecca, I have spoken to Sarah and Mary and they want to try something a bit kinky before you all go back to school. Are you up for it?”

She stepped back and looked at me with those smoky eyes. “Kinky? Shit what could be kinkier than what we have already done?”

“I’m glad you asked. Today Sarah and Mary are going into town to pick up some school supplies. When they get back...”

A couple of hours later, I was standing around the corner of the hallway when I heard the front door open. Mary and Sarah came in, hands full of bags and chatting happily about their day. I waited until Mary had closed the door before stepping around the corner and levelling the shotgun at them.

“Don’t move or I will blow your fucking heads off.” I growled, and both of them froze in shock. I racked the slide of the shotgun and the clack-clack filled the room with its ominous sound. “Put the bags down and move over to the table, scream and I will shoot.”

“Oh my God, please, please don’t hurt us. Take whatever you want, just don’t hurt us.” Sarah blurted in a panicked voice, her eyes wide and fixed on the black hole of the barrel that was pointed at her face. Mary paused, stepping back toward the door until a quick jerk of the gun froze her in her tracks.

“You don’t listen very well, do you. Drop the fucking bags and hands on the table, right fucking now!” I snapped, and the scrambled to comply. Soon the two terrified women were standing with their hands on the table, shaking in fear as they watched me.

Sarah had worn another of her summer dresses, this one bright yellow with a deep neckline that showed off her impressive chest. The dress clung to her hips and ass and swayed gently just above her knees. Her bare legs were shaking in the wedge sandals she had on. Mary had a white crop top t-shirt to go with the pink summer skirt and sandals she wore. Her hair up in a pony tail out the top of her head and it swayed and bounced as she bit her lip in fear.

“Hey, bitch. Get your ass out here, we have company.” I called out over my shoulder. “I thought you said this place was empty.”

Rebecca sauntered around the corner of the door and leaned casually against the frame. Her long dark hair was done up in two pigtails with a part running right down the center of her head. She had on a Metallica t-shirt, cut ragged just below her tits to show off her tight narrow waist. A short denim skirt hung off of her hips, showing the red waistband of the g-string panties she had on underneath. A set of net stockings ran down into a pair of black boots, completing the badass goth girl look.

“I never said it was empty, I said there was no guys here.” She said as her eyes regarded the two terrified women in the kitchen, an evil smile spread across her face.

“Well fuck, these bitches can rat us out just as fast as a guy can.” I growled, but she shrugged indifferently.

“Only if they can get to a phone.” She replied, then walked over to where the women and dropped their bags and pulled their cell phones out of their purses. “See, no worries hun.”

I nodded, watching as Sarah and Mary’s terrified eyes flicked between Rebecca and me. “Sit down.” I barked. When they hesitated I slammed my hand against the counter “Sit down now cunts!”.

A strangled sob of fear escaped Mary’s clenched teeth as she pulled out one of the kitchen chairs and sat down, Sarah quickly followed. I watched appreciatively as her ample chest quivered with barely contained terror.

“Well this was your smart idea, get over there and tie them up then.” I grunted to Rebecca who was trying to unlock one of the phones. She shrugged, dropping it on the counter and walked over to where Sarah and Mary sat.

She crouched down next to Mary, and reached into her back pocket to pull out a familiar lockblade knife. Mary flinched as she flicked the blade open then squealed when Rebecca took a handful of her shirt.

“Stay still bitch.” Rebecca snapped. “I can cut the shirt, or your face, your choice.”

Mary stiffened, shaking as the sharp blade easily parted the white cotton of her shirt. Soon Rebecca had several strips of material and I was looking at Mary’s tits as they shook in her lacy bra.

“Mmmm, mmmmm, mmmm.” I hummed appreciatively when Rebecca pulled Mary’s hands back and bound them behind her, thrusting her chest out. She repeated this with Sarah and soon both women were helplessly tied in their chairs. “I see why you picked this place to hold up in.”

Rebecca nodded, giving Sarah’s bonds a tug before standing, sliding her fingers up along her muscular arms and pulling her hair back to expose her neck. “If we are going to need to hang out somewhere for a few days, we may as well have something to keep us occupied.” She purred.

Sarah looked frantically between Rebecca and I, the truth of the situation dawning on her. “Oh no, please no. Please, don’t hurt us, you can have whatever you want.” She blurted.

I stepped forward and nestled the barrel of the shotgun under her chin, lifting her head up to look into her eyes. “Oh yes, we will take whatever we want. The only question is, how much do you want it to hurt?”

Sarah shook in her bonds, her eyes wide with terror “Please, do whatever you want to me but leave her alone.” She pled in a desperate voice, glancing over at where Mary sobbed in her bonds.

“Deal, I promise I won’t touch her as long as you do whatever I ask. Do we have an arrangement?” I said, as if we were negotiating over a used car.

Sarah glanced over at Mary, then back at me and nodded. “Yes, I will do whatever you say. Just don’t touch her.” She said quietly.

“No mom, no, please, please don’t hurt her!” Mary sobbed, tears running down her cheeks.

I reached forward and stroked Sarah’s cheek, wiping a tear away as I cupped her strong chin. “Oh, don’t worry girlie. She won’t be hurt at all, in fact she will probably enjoy it.” I chuckled.

“Enough with the evil villain shtick asshole.” Rebecca said in an exasperated tone as she moved over behind Mary’s chair. She grabbed her by the ponytail, pulling her head back and causing her to yelp in pain.

“No, no you promised!!” Sarah cried, rocking in her chair as she tried to stop Rebecca.

“Fucking right I promised, I promised that I wouldn’t touch her, and I won’t. This little minx does her own thing, and I wouldn’t even try to talk to her until she is finished.” I snapped.

Mary cried out in pain as Rebecca pulled her hair back, then her voice was muffled when she pressed her blood red lips to the helpless girls open mouth. Rebecca kissed her hard, her tongue forcing its way inside Mary’s reluctant mouth while her other hand came around to grope her tit through her lacy bra. After a few moments of molestation Rebecca stepped back with a grunt, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand as Mary gasped for air.

“Damn, but that tastes sweet. I love these stuck-up bitches, they never even know what they are missing.” She chuckled as she moved to straddle Mary’s legs. Mary whimpered as Rebecca settled onto her lap, her hands grabbing the back of the chair as she smiled evilly at the poor girl beneath her. I saw her hips start to gyrate as she flicked her tongue over her lips.

“No, don’t, stop!” Sarah cried. “You can’t, you mustn’t, please.”

Rebecca ignored her and slowly pulled her shirt up, showing her bare tits with the already stiffening nipples poking up. She leaned forward and nuzzled her tits over Mary’s face “Suck on them slut, and I had better like it.” She growled.

“No, please, don’t make me, I won’t do it.” Mary cried desperately as she tried to turn her face away.

Rebecca pulled out the knife again and with a smooth move of her thumb flicked it open. “Listen bitch, you can use your tongue, or loose it. Your choice.” She threatened as she waved the blade in Mary’s face.

Mary stared wide eyed at the shining blade, then slowly opened her mouth and ran her tongue over Rebecca’s breast. Rebecca smiled and shoved her tit into Mary’s open mouth. “That’s right, suck on these.” She purred at the helpless girl beneath her. Mary whimpered in response but complied, sucking and nibbling at Rebecca’s tits as they were ground against her face.

Not wanting to be outdone, I put the shotgun down on the counter and moved over to where Sarah sat. I reached out to grope her tits, sliding my hand down under the light cotton material of her dress. She flinched at my touch, but a sharp twist of her nipple and she settled down, biting her lip as she shook in fear and revulsion at my touch. A quick tug and her dress was down around her waist, showing her impressive D Cup tits. “Well, it looks like either it is cold in here or someone likes this.” I said as I saw her stiffening nipples.

“No, no, please no.” She whimpered, almost to herself as I pulled her tits out of her bra and slid my thumbs over her hardening nubs. I leaned in to flick my tongue over first her right tit, then her left. She tried to flinch away but I dug my fingers into her firm flesh and held her in place as my teeth nibbled at her sensitive nipples. She moaned in spite of herself.

“See, I told you this place was worth our time.” Rebecca said as she held Mary’s face against her chest. “Now, let’s see what these two sluts can actually do.”

Rebecca stood and grabbing Mary by on of her tits and pulled her up out of her chair. Mary squealed in pain as she was forced to follow her captor into the living room where Rebecca pushed her to the floor. She straddled the prostate girl, giving Mary a clear view up her skirt. “Ever licked a pussy slut?”

Mary shook her head and Rebecca grunted. “Of course not, none of you ever do.” She looked over at where I stood, groping Sarah. “Looks like I have to teach this bitch how to eat a cunt, want to race? The first of us to get their slut to orgasm wins.”

I grabbed Sarah by the hair and pulled her into the living room, forcing her down beside Mary. “Deal, but no cheating and sticking your finger up her ass.” I replied.

Rebecca smirked “No promises” she replied as she stepped back and kicked Mary’s legs open and knelt down between them. I did the same with Sarah, flicking her dress up over her waist as I slid my fingers around the line of her panties.

Both girls whimpered in fear and humiliation as Rebecca and I slid the flimsy material aside and exposed their neatly trimmed pussies. I could feel that Sarah was already damp despite what she was saying. I slowly slid the tip of my finger in between her engorged pussy lips and wiggled it up and down. She groaned in response, trying to squeeze her legs together but a sharp flick of her clit stopped that. I leaned in and stroked my tongue up the inside of her thigh while I slid another finger into her pussy. She shuddered, not in fear this time I’m sure, and gave a quiet whimper. I looked up, over the pile of her dress and through the valley of her tits. She was looking down at me, her eyes flickering between fear, disgust and arousal as the sensations fought each other in her mind.

“Just relax.” I murmured as I inserted a third finger, slowly pumping my hand in and out of her now wet snatch. “This is going to happen, you may as well enjoy it.”

A groan of frustration escaped her as she lay her head back, her eyes closing in resignation, her tits rising with her quickening breath. I looked over at Rebecca and she had her face buried between Mary’s legs. Her pony tails were swaying as she worked her tongue up and down Mary’s slit and her hands were wrapped under the bound girls legs, holding her crotch in position.

“No, no, please, please not like this, no, please!” Mary begged breathlessly, tossing her shoulders as she sought to escape the unwanted pleasure that she was receiving. Her heels drummed on the carpet in response to Rebecca’s experienced tongue and her tits jiggled as she bucked and fought against the sensation that was coursing through her body.

Not wanting to be outdone, I slid a fourth finger into Sarah, curling my hand as I twisted it inside her soaking cunt. She groaned, biting her lip in pleasure or pain I wasn’t sure which. Her hips rose, trembling at my intruding hand but she made no effort to push away. Instead, she seemed to try to work me further inside her, pressing down on my hand as it slipped further in between her legs.

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