Controlled Foster Family - Cover

Controlled Foster Family

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 8

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 8 - An accident at a hypnosis show gives me control over the foster family that I live with.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Hypnosis   Mind Control   Reluctant   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Harem  

I woke to the smell of cooking bacon and brewing coffee. I pulled myself together and went up the stairs into the Kitchen where I saw Mary busy making breakfast. She looked at me gesturing to the pan and I nodded as she cracked two more eggs. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down as she slid my plate in front of me and sat down to her own breakfast.

“Are Mom and Rebecca alright?” she asked in a hesitant voice.

“What do you mean?” I replied around a mouthful of bacon and egg.

“Well, last night I was really tired for some reason but I think I heard them crying.” She replied, poking at her own food.

I reached out and took her hand “I can tell you why you were tired, you naughty girl.” I chided, and she blushed at the memory of our last encounter. Then Sarah and Rebecca came into the room, both had dark circles under their eyes but seemed cheerful as they smiled at us.

“Thanks for making breakfast dear.” Sarah said as she dished up a serving for her and Rebecca.

“Yeah, ditto for me.” Rebecca followed, pouring a cup of coffee for both of them and bringing it to the table. They sat down and dug into their food eagerly. There was little conversation as we ate, all three of them seemed too nervous to say anything as they focused on their meals. After breakfast was done, they all sat there sipping our coffee, looking anywhere but each other.

“Gangster Rap.” I said, and 3 heads dropped to their chests. I had experienced enough close calls when I assumed I knew what these women were thinking. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to get everything out in the open, without screwing something up.

“Sarah, Mary, Rebecca, we have been through a lot of changes over the last little while. I think it is time that we talked about how we feel about the new normal around here. Do you understand?” I said, and their heads nodded.

“When you talk, I want you to tell the honest truth about what you feel. I don’t want you to worry about what others think, or what you think you should say. The truth is the only thing that you will be able to say, do you understand?” Again, three heads nodded. I was relieved that none of them furrowed their brow, or looked hesitant, it seemed like everyone wanted their cards on the table.

“Sarah, what happened between you and Rebecca yesterday and last night?” I started.

Sarah started “Yesterday, when we were shopping, I told Rebecca that while I still loved her like a daughter, I no longer saw her as my flesh and blood anymore. I told her that she had grown up and I saw her as a woman, instead of my little girl. I also told her that I was sorry for what Jacob had done to her over her life and that I wished I could do something to make it up to her.”

“Alright Rebecca, how did that make you feel?” I asked, turning to her.

“First, I was scared. She has always been there for me, but now she says that she doesn’t see me as her daughter anymore? Then I got angry, angry at how Jacob had treated me and that she stood by and let it happen. I decided that if she didn’t want to be my mom anymore, then I may as well stop pretending to be the daughter she wanted me to be.” Rebecca replied in a passionate voice, as if reliving the moment.

“Sarah, what happened then?”

“We fought.” Sarah continued. “We argued in the car about how difficult her life had been and how I had tried to help, but was just too scared. When we got home, she stormed off to her room, and I was too upset to do anything so I went to my room and cried. That is when Chad came to me and told me how I could fix things, make things up to Rebecca for my failures as a mother to her.”

“What happened Sarah?” I probed, and noticed that Mary had leaned closer despite her trance state.

“Chad took me out to the barn and tied me to the bench, then Rebecca came out and punished me for all of the bad things that I had done to her. For how I had failed her as a mother.” Sarah said in a soft, scared voice.

“Rebecca, what happened last night?” I asked as I turned to her.

“She made me so angry; it brought back memories all of the things that Jacob did to me. How he abused me, how he made me feel insignificant, how he hurt me, everything that he had done to me and how helpless I felt. I was mad, and I couldn’t take it out on Jacob, so I took it out on Mom.” Rebecca said with a sob.

“What did you do Rebecca” I pressed.

“I dressed in my dominatrix outfit, I made myself up as strong and sexy as I could then I beat her like she was a slave. I called her a bitch, told her that if she didn’t want me as her daughter, then this is who I would be. Then I hit her until I couldn’t hit her anymore.” Rebecca said, as she lifted her chin with a prideful jerk.

“And how did that make you feel?” I prompted.

“Angry at first, then ashamed over what I had done. It wasn’t Sarah’s fault that Jacob did that to me, she did the best she could. She was just as scared of him as we were.” She replied.

“No Rebecca, not that. How did dominating Sarah, just like you had dominated Mary, make you feel?” I said, leaning forward and putting my hand on hers.

Rebecca clenched her fist in my grip. She took a shuddering breath “It made me feel powerful, sexy, God, it turned me on. I was in charge; I could do whatever I wanted to her and she was helpless to do anything but take it.” She said in a rush.

I turned to where Sarah sat. There was a curious expression on her face, almost relief at what she had just heard. “Sarah, how did it feel to be dominated by Rebecca?” I asked.

She hesitated, her fingers twitching around each other as she fought with herself. “Sarah, the truth.” I said in a firm voice.

“Oh God forgive me, but it felt good. The pain was there, but it was nothing that I haven’t been through before, but she was so beautiful and commanding. I was so proud of her; she wasn’t the scared little girl that I was afraid she was going to be. She had walked through the fires of Hell and come out the other side tempered like steel.” Sarah took a deep breath and continued “I am ashamed to say this, but it made me wet, just like when Jacob or Chad would do it to me.”

“Would you like Rebecca to do that again? To control and dominate you as your mistress?” I asked, holding my breath.

“Yes, if she wanted to I would not object.” Sarah replied, and I heard Rebecca take in a sharp breath.

“Rebecca, do you want to be the Mistress of this house? Do you want to command Sarah the same as you do Mary? Tell the truth.” I asked, holding my breath again.

Rebecca hesitated, then nodded her head. “Yes, that is what I want. After yesterday I realize that I am no longer a daughter, or at least the person I was before. I will always love Sarah as the woman who raised me, but she is no longer my Mom.” She said firmly and she squeezed my hand in hers.

I turned to Mary who had been sitting attentively the entire time. “Mary, what do you think of this? Can you accept Rebecca like this?”

Mary nodded. “Yes, yes I can. I have already realized that we have moved beyond being the sisters that we were before, but that is alright. Nothing has changed between Mom and I, just how we see Rebecca now. If this is how the family is going to be from now on, I can support this.” She said without hesitation, thanks to the suggestion I gave her yesterday afternoon.

“Alright, I am the master of this house, and Rebecca is my partner and your Mistress. If you think that she is being too much of a bitch, you can come to me. Other than when we play, things should remain the same, we are all adults here, do you understand and accept this?” I asked, and all three of them nodded.

I leaned back and let out a long, shuddering breath. Finally, after all of that nudging and prodding, and more close calls than I can remember, things had worked out. It had been a journey, slowly breaking down their moral barriers and tweaking them into agreeing that they wanted to be who I was making them. Now I had my partner, junior partner of course, and my, what? Were they slaves, pets, fuck toys? I’ll just call them girlfriends for now I decided. I sat up and looked at the three of them. Each still had their head down, their coffee cooling on the table before them.

“When I say Death Metal, you will all wake up. You will remember everything that was just said here, but you will believe that we had a discussion and you will feel very relieved that everything is out in the open. Do you understand.” Three heads nodded.

“Death Metal” I said, and they all came out of the trance. They looked at each other and me, a blush rising on Mary and Sarah’s faces while Rebecca gave me a sly smile.

“Well, that clears some things up.” Rebecca said as she leaned back in her chair. “What now?”

I stood up, gathering my dishes and moving to the sink. “Now, we clean up this kitchen and get the chores done. We can test this new dynamic tonight.”

“Um, actually...” Rebecca replied as she followed me to the sink. “I was kind of hoping that I could do some shopping today. I kinda ruined my stockings last night.” She said with a half smile.

“I also want to get some things.” Mary said. “I want to see if I can be a bit more...” she trailed off hesitantly.

“Slutty?” Rebecca added, and Mary blushed and looked away.

“If it’s alright, I think we all need to go.” Sarah chimed in. “It has been a while, if we are going to start a new chapter, we should all start fresh.” She said in the same kind of tone that she would have used to tell the girls it was time to take a bath.

She looked at me, and I sighed and dug out the credit card. Is this how Hugh Hefner felt? Oh well, the results were worth it and it’s not like we didn’t have the money. “Alright, I’ll handle the chores. I have some work I want to do out there anyway.” I said as I handed the plastic card to Sarah.

She walked over to me and took it, then reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck standing on her toes to kiss me. Her tongue slid between my lips as she ground her chest and hips against me. I realized that this was the first time all three of us were in the same room when she had done this, guess the floodgates were open now.

“Don’t worry, I promise that it will be worth your while.” She said in a sultry voice, then headed down the hall to get ready. I looked over at where Mary and Rebecca were standing, their eyes followed Sarah as she sashayed down the hall, ass swaying in her light pyjama pants and humming to herself.

“Shit” Mary said, looking at Rebecca. “Mom’s got game.”

Rebecca nodded, looking a little uncertain as she bit her lip nervously. Then she took Mary’s elbow “Well, looks like we need to step it up now.” She said and she shot me a wink as they walked past me.

I stood alone in the kitchen, looking at the pile of dirty dishes in the sink. I didn’t feel very masterful as I turned on the tap and grabbed the dish soap. I would have to set some boundaries I thought, and maybe a chore chart.

I spent the afternoon working in the barn, making some changes to the equipment there. I had some ideas on how to test this new dynamic and I wanted to make sure that everything was ready for tonight. I had put down a rug on the previously bare concrete floor, if the girls were going to be kneeling in their stockings, I didn’t want to have to buy a new pair each time. I had also moved in another chair for Rebecca and added a few new devices that had been knocking around in my head for a while.

I was sitting in Jacob’s old office, moving around a few accounts and making some changes when I heard the car pull up. The three of them came in, hands full of bags as they chatted and laughed with each other. When they saw me, the all hushed up and then hustled past me, guiltily trying to hide their purchases as they rushed to their rooms. Sarah had picked up some take out so I laid out the table and was dishing it out when they all came back downstairs. I could see that they had gotten their nails done, Rebecca in a black and red that reminded me of the corset she wore last night. Sarah’s were a light blue and Mary in a white French tip I think it was called.

We ate dinner hastily, and the girls deflected my questions about what they had bought today. “You will see soon enough.” Rebecca said with a grin, glancing at Mary and Sarah. I felt Mary slide her foot up and down my leg under the table, and Sarah reached out to pat my hand then slide her new fingernails up my forearm.

I have to admit this was weird, I had been Sarah and the others apart for this entire time so they didn’t find out about each other. Now, not only did they know but they were working together to tease me. I felt outnumbered and checked the urge to Gangster Rap them just to feel in control again. I pushed my chair back from the table. “Well, I cleaned up breakfast, so you three can handle dinner. I am going to the barn, don’t keep me waiting too long.”

“Yes, Master.” Sarah replied, looking demurely at the table but with a small smile. Mary and Rebecca also pushed their chairs back and started to clear the plates and cups as I headed out the back door.

About half an hour later, I heard them approaching the back of the barn. The sound of three sets of heels clicking on the concrete sat me up in the chair I had been lounging in and I set my empty beer on the table.

Rebecca came in first, she was wearing the red and black corset from last night, but no booty shorts this time. Instead, a black thong barely covered her smooth shaven pussy. She had replaced her stockings, but now she had on a pair of thigh high black leather boots that glistened in the light, the stiletto high heels clicked clearly against the floor. She had done her makeup in the same smoky eye and blood red lips but her hair was loose, hanging down her back like a dark waterfall as she paused in the doorway, the light from the setting sun silhouetting her perfectly.

I nodded in appreciation and she gave a smirk in reply, glancing at my stiffening crotch. “I’m glad you appreciate it.” She said as she strode into the room. I noticed that she had two leashes in her hand, and following her like obedient puppies came Sarah and Mary.

Mary was wearing a black lace bustier, her firm C cup tits pushed up to enhance the hourglass of her narrow waist. She was also wearing stockings and heels, black this time to match the black lacy panties that rode high on her hips. Her hair was done in a thick loose braid, pulled over one shoulder and hanging down to brush the nipple that peeked through the sheer material. She looked like a slutted up version of a cartoon character I had seen recently, and it looked good. A black leather collar circled her long elegant neck and she raised her chin proudly as she saw my eyes slide up and down her body.

Sarah came through the door last, and moved to stand just behind Rebecca opposite Mary. She was wearing a sheer powder blue bodysuit that fastened high on her neck. Her firm tits pressed against the thin fabric, her nipples making noticeable mounds under the material. The bodysuit was cut high on her hips, tapering to a narrow, almost painful looking V in her crotch that must mean a thong on the other side. Light blue stockings sheathed her legs down to the white 4” platform heels she wore. Her hair had been done in long, loose curls and bounced around her face and down her back every time she moved her head. A white leather collar circled her throat where the leash was clipped and she stroked it with one long painted nail while a sultry smile played across her face.

I sat there, taking in the sight of the three of them. I had dreamed of this moment since the first week when I arrived on the farm years ago and been working toward it every day for the last three months. Now, here they were, all slutted up and eager to serve me however I wanted. I sat back in my chair and steepled my fingers, nodding slowly.

“Well, very nice, very nice indeed. I must say that I am pleased with your turn out tonight.” I said, trying to keep my voice from cracking. Rebecca nodded, Mary blushed, Sarah smiled. I gestured to the table beside me where two sets of cuffs and a pair of black ball gags were sitting. “Rebecca, will you do the honours?”

“Of course, Sir.” She replied as she led Mary and Sarah over to the table. She picked up the cuffs and both girls held out their arms so she could fasten them around their wrists. Then she picked up the ball gags, and Mother and Daughter both opened their mouths to let her push them behind their teeth and fasten the straps behind their necks. Rebecca started to clip the cuffs together, but I stood and waived her off. She nodded and stepped back, handing me the leashes when I held my hand out for them.

Mary and Sarah both looked at me, their expressions a combination of curiosity and eagerness as their chests heaved with the deep breaths they were taking to calm themselves. I pulled them to the center of the room where I fastened their cuffs together. I used a snap link to secure both of their hands so they were bound face to face. Then I reached up and pulled down one of the things I had worked on that afternoon.

It was a 5’ long pole with an eye hook at each end. I fastened the snap links on their cuffs to the eye hook, spreading their arms out wide and pulling them closer together. I then took up the rope that was tied off to a nearby pillar and started pulling. The bar rose to the ceiling on a pully, hauling the two bound women up with it. I pulled them up until they were a couple of feet off the floor, their smooth round asses level with my face. They groaned at the strain in their arms as they slowly spun there, hanging in the middle of the room.

I stepped back to watch and heard Rebecca move up beside me as the two women spun lazily before us. Their large tits were pressed tight against each other and bulged out to the side of their bodies. They looked down at me, their eyes wide with nervous expectation at their new situation. While they had both been bound before, hanging helpless while two Dom’s looked at them as if appraising a piece of meat was a new experience. Their eyes followed me as I walked over to the wall and picked up a long wooden paddle, which I idly tapped against my hand while I strode back to where they hung.

“Now pay attention Rebecca.” I said in a disinterested, lecturing tone. “Sarah is a pain slut; she needs to feel abused in order to get aroused. This can either be physical, or emotional, either way it turns her on, doesn’t it slut?” I whipped the paddle up and laid a sharp smack on Sarah’s helpless ass as it spun toward me. She grunted into her gag, then nodded her head in affirmation. Mary squeaked in surprise as the two women swung back and forth like a pendulum.

“We will stick to physical abuse for the moment, I don’t want you getting too confused in your new role by reminding Sarah what a weak and worthless slut she can be.” I continued while I hit Sarah again with the paddle.

“Right, got it.” Rebecca answered, “can I try that?” she asked as she reached for the paddle in my hand.

I spun around, grabbing her by the throat and shoving across the room and back against the X-Frame in the corner. Her eyes flew open in surprise and she scrambled as the slick toes of her boots slid on the rug and concrete. She grunted as her back hit the padded wooden frame and her hands grabbed onto my wrist instinctively. I gave her a slap on the thigh with the paddle I still held and she squealed in shock.

“Let’s get one thing straight right now.” I growled in her face, my eyes boring into hers. “I am the master of this house. You may have gotten a step up, but don’t think for a second that things between us have changed. They are yours, but you are mine, do you understand?”

Her eyes bulged as I squeezed, then she relaxed dropping her hands and nodded. “Yes, Master.” She wheezed.

I heard a creak behind me and looked back to see Mary and Sarah watching us. Mary’s eyes were wide with fear, but Sarah’s were half lidded with lust and her chest heaved with the quick gasps she was taking through her nose.

“What are you looking at!” I snapped. Both of them flinched at my tone, then looked down. Ironically, this gave them a perfect view of the other’s cleavage as their tits pressed together.

I turned back to Rebecca, whose face was turning red with the lack of air but remained still in my grasp. I loosened my grip a bit and pulled her back to the center of the room. “Alright!” I said in a calm voice. “That nice conversation over coffee was very therapeutic and I think we all made some good gains today. Well, this is the reality of the situation now. If any of you are having second thoughts, let me know now.”

Sarah and Mary both shook their heads, grunting into their gags. I looked at Rebecca who also shook her head, her eyes never straying from my face. I released my grip and she stepped back, fighting the urge to massage her neck where my fingers had left a line of red marks.

“Very good.” I continued, falling back into my lecture as if nothing had happened. “Now, were we? Oh yes, pain slut.” I said then gave Mary’s ass a blow with the paddle. She yelped into her gag, the unfamiliar pain shooting through her body.

“You know about Mary, she is just discovering herself. We will be training her, finding out her limits and what her turn-ons are.” I looked up at her as she slowly spun into my view. “We know that she is a submissive little wanna be slut. She is eager to try all of the things that she was told she shouldn’t do, isn’t that true?” She looked down at me and quickly nodded in agreement, her eyes still nervous.

I slid my hand up between Mary’s legs, fondling her pussy with the tips of my fingers. She moaned into her gag, arching her back as I felt her moisten at my attentions. She squealed as I hit her again with the paddle. “Tut tut my slut, not yet.” I said.

I turned back to Rebecca who stood waiting beside me. She wasn’t the cocky self-assured dominatrix who had walked into the room a few minutes ago. She had her head down and her hands clasped in front of her. She looked up at me as I extended the paddle to her.

“Now, now that we understand each other you may practice. Go slow at first and watch how they respond. The goal is to get them aroused and frustrated, not beat them bloody.” I told her.

“Yes, Sir.” She replied as she took the paddle from me. I moved over to the easy chair and made myself comfortable as I watched the show.

Rebecca squared herself up then gave Sarah a blow on the back of her thigh, following up with another to the other leg as the helpless woman spun in front of her. Sarah yelped into her gag, then moaned as her eyes slowly closed.

“Well, Sarah. Is this what you like? Do you like being beaten and abused for the entertainment of our Master over there?” Rebecca chided in a condescending tone? She waited while Mary spun past her then gave Sarah another smack. “Answer me when I talk to you.” She snapped.

Sarah nodded her head, looking from Rebecca to me, and finally to Mary who hung in front of her. I could see her shudder in shame as her most closely guarded secret was revealed to her daughter. Mary looked up at her mother, then grunted as Rebecca gave her a blow with the paddle as well.

“Well Mary, what do you think? Are you a pain slut like your mother, or just a slut?” Rebecca purred, then gave Mary another smack, making her wail into her gag. “You had better learn to like it if you want to be the bad girl, or are you just pretending?”

Rebecca reached up and grabbed Mary by the ass, stopping her swing. I saw her painted nails dig into the firm bare flesh of Mary’s ass cheek as she looked up at the bound and gagged girl. “Well, Mary my dear? Are you really committed to this, or are you ready to quit? Are you going to chicken out just like every other time things got a little too chocolate for your vanilla tastes?” Mary shook her head, mmmphing into her gag. I could see her ass tense in pain as Rebecca’s fingers left deep red marks in the smooth flesh.

“Don’t lie to me you little bitch.” Rebecca snarled, smacking Mary’s ass again with her paddle and eliciting another squeal of pain. “Remember the fraternity rush? You so wanted to get in to Sigma Alpha Delta so badly, until you found out what the final pledge requirement was.”

Rebecca looked over at me “This little “want to be big girl’ was supposed to suck one cock at a glory hole, just one.” She gave Mary’s now bright red ass cheek another blow, making her wail into the ball gag. “I followed you around for a week, going to every stupid assembly, helping you raise money so you could have the biggest contribution, only to have you chicken out at the very end because you couldn’t suck a cock.” Another blow, and another wail of pain from Mary.

“Well, is this just your latest attempt at doing something interesting with your life? Are you going to chicken out and bail on us again, like the righteous coward you have always been!” Rebecca snarled, looking up at her bound and gagged victim.

Mary looked over at me and shook her head desperately, her long braid swaying across her back. I could see tears on her cheeks and I was pretty sure it wasn’t just from the beating she had been receiving. She sobbed into her gag, her breath coming in short quick gasps through her nose. Sarah leaned forward and rubbed her cheek against her daughters, whimpering into her own gag as she tried to console her. Mary closed her eyes and pressed her forehead into the crook of Sarah’s neck, her body shuddered in the cool air.

Rebecca stood back for a moment, letting the two women slowly spin in front of her. I could see a look of satisfaction on her face, like she had gotten something off of her chest that had been there for a while. Then she wound up and gave Sarah another smack on her ass causing her head to snap up as she grunted in surprise.

“Oh what a touching moment here.” Rebecca said in a sarcastic tone, then hit Sarah again. “I am glad that we have made such progress in this session, but that is not why you are here is it?” She looked over at where I sat, my hard on easily visible in my pants. “We are here because you two pledged yourselves to our Master there, are you ready to make good on that promise?”

Both Sarah and Mary nodded, their moist blue eyes following me as they spun in their suspension. I noticed that their shoes had fallen off over the course of the beating that Rebecca had given them. Their painted toes wiggled, visible through the sheer material of the stockings they wore. I was surprised at how arousing that looked. Normally I am a high heels kind of guy, I like how it sets off the legs as well as demonstrates the woman’s commitment to looking good for you. Looking at those bare feet, so exposed and helpless was stirring something in me as well, guess today was a day of revelations for all of us.

I stood up from the chair, making no attempt to conceal how I had to adjust my cock in my pants as I did. I walked over to the wall and untied the rope, slowly lowering the two women to the floor. They groaned in relief as the strain was taken off of their arms and stood there, shaking slightly as their bodies were still pressed against each other. I unhooked Mary from the bar, then pulled her hands behind her fastening her cuffs together. She moaned into her gag as her sore shoulders twisted roughly in their sockets.

“Well Mary, is this everything you expected?” I whispered in her ear as I tugged on her wrist, making her stagger back against me. She Mmmmphed in reply as she nodded her head, her braid sliding up and down my chest. I pushed her to where Rebecca stood and she reached out to catch the bound girl by the shoulders as she staggered across the floor.

“If she didn’t want to suck a cock for you then, the least she can do is make it up to you now.” I said, and Rebecca smiled in response.

“Come with me girl, time to finish that pledge.” and she took up the leash still attached to Mary’s collar leading her over to the second chair that I had brought into the room. She turned to face Mary, tugging her close by her leash while her free hand reached out to grope the bound girl’s tits. Mary groaned, whether in pain or pleasure I don’t know, but she still arched her back pushing her breast into Rebecca’s groping hand.

“Oh.” Rebecca exclaimed in mock surprise. “I guess you aren’t still the shy little girl who ran away that night, am I right?”

Mary nodded in response, moaning into her gag as she leaned forward to nuzzle Rebecca’s neck and cheek. I saw her hands flex into tiny fists as Rebecca slid her hand down the bound girl’s flat stomach and into the meager panties she was wearing. Mary whimpered and shuddered as Rebecca’s fingers wiggled beneath the thin material, probing at her sex.

“Look at you, hot and wet already. I guess you are more like your mother than I thought.” Rebecca chided as she licked Mary’s neck. Mary groaned in response, lifting her head as Rebecca’s tongue slid up along her jawline.

Rebecca sat down in the chair and tugged Mary’s leash, making her fall to her knees. Another tug and the helpless girl shuffled her way in between Rebecca’s spread legs, looking up at her in supplication. The dusky dominatrix leaned forward and unbuckled the gag, pulling the ball from between Mary’s teeth. Mary groaned and worked her sore jaw, running her tongue over her lips to moisten them. She glanced over at where I stood while I was releasing Sarah from the bar and binding her own arms behind her.

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