Controlled Foster Family - Cover

Controlled Foster Family

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 7

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 7 - An accident at a hypnosis show gives me control over the foster family that I live with.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Hypnosis   Mind Control   Reluctant   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Harem  

Sunday dinner had just finished and Sarah and the girls were clearing the plates. As Rebecca leaned over to pick up mine, to patted her on the ass and whispered “Barn, tonight after 9.” She smiled and bumped her hip against my shoulder as she took my plate to the sink. I had updated my post hypnotic suggestions so that none of them wanted to come out to the barn or my bedroom after dinner unless I invited them. I was still nudging them each toward what I wanted them to be and I didn’t want any unexpected surprises to mess up my plan.

It was just after 9 when I heard light footsteps on the concrete floor approach where I stood at the back of the barn. I turned to see Rebecca walking slowly toward me. She was wearing the white crop top sweater and pleated skirt that she had worn when she Mary and I had our first threesome her in the loft. Her dark skin and hair contrasted beautifully with the gleaming white of her outfit and the white high heeled sandals set off her legs perfectly. She walked up to where I stood and put her hands around my neck as she rose up on her toes to kiss me.

“So, what are we going to do tonight?” she said with an impish grin, her eyes twinkling with expectation.

“Tonight, I am going to let you in on my master plan. I hope you are ready for it.” I replied as I slid my arm around her narrow waist and led her to the back of the barn.

“Master plan eh?” she said, then gasped in shock as we turned the corner and she saw what I had set up for her.

Sarah was there, bent over the padded bench with her wrists and ankles cuffed to the legs. No lingerie this time, she was naked and exposed in the harsh light of the stall. A blindfold covered her eyes and her head swiveled side to side, trying to discover where I had gone.

“Master, master are you still there?” she called out in a nervous voice. “Is this part of my penance?”

“What the...” Rebecca blurted before I put my hand over her mouth.

“Sssshhhh, don’t let her know you are here. Stay here and watch, and learn.” I told her in a harsh whisper as I squeezed her shoulder firmly. She nodded, her eyes wide with shock.

“Yes Sarah, I am here. Tell me again, what has brought you to this place tonight.” I said in a loud voice, keeping my hand over Rebecca’s mouth.

“I have come to confess my sins to you Master, and accept your punishment so that I may serve my penance.” She replied, turning her blindfolded eyes to where we stood.

“Proceed Sarah. Tell me of your sins so that I may properly judge you.”

“I have had those thoughts again, Master. I have had impure thoughts of the man who lives in my home and how he stirs such passions in me.” She said in a quiet voice. “When I see him, my body desires him to take me as a man does a woman.”

I felt Rebecca tense beside me, a sharp intake of breath at the shock of what Sarah was saying.

“What is wrong with this Sarah, how is it a sin for you to want the man who lives with you?” I prompted, still holding Rebecca firmly. I wanted her to see this.

“Because this man is not my husband, and half my age. I should not be thinking of him like this, but every time I see him my body aches for him, my passions rise beyond my control. Oh Master, I need him to take me so badly.” She moaned, hanging her head in shame.

“Have you ever acted on these desires Sarah, lost control of your passions for this man in your house?”

“Yes Master. I went to his room like a whore begging for sex. I dressed myself in my most sensual clothing and prepared myself to tempt him into sin with me. I was weak and lustful and begged him to use me so that I may quench my arousal with his body.” Sarah continued, unknowingly recounting our last time together for Rebecca’s benefit.

“You sinful woman!” I snapped and she flinched at the tone. “You would use your body and your feminine charms to temp this poor man into sin with you? What did he do when confronted with your sluttish behaviour?”

“Oh Master, he was so strong. He denied me at first, making me beg and confess my weakness. He laid me bare before him as the slut and sinner that I am. Then he passed his judgement upon me and delivered my penance for my sin.” Sarah raised her head and looked at where Rebecca and I stood.

“Oh Master he was incredible, so strong and confident, so dominant and merciful. His hands controlled my body where I could not, his mouth and cock showed me that my desires were not unfounded. He made me see that he was indeed worthy, a real man who could show a poor, weak woman like myself the proper way to redemption.” Sarah said with strength and conviction. “Please Master, please punish me for my sins, then take me here on this altar. I need you so bad, please fuck this worthless whore”

“Wait, woman, I must consider your punishment.” I commanded, and Sarah moaned in frustration.

I stepped back, pulling Rebecca with me as I removed my hand from her mouth. She looked up at me with confused, scared eyes.

“What is going on, what have you done to my Mom?” she whispered.

“Nothing, I haven’t done anything to her that wasn’t already there.” I replied as I nodded to the entrance to the stall. “You saw the dungeon that Jacob used, this is what they did in there. Now that Jacob is gone, she has come to me to be the man of the house.”

Rebecca glanced at the door to the room where Sarah was bound, her moans of sexual frustration echoing in the empty barn. “Why did you bring me here, what do you want from me?” She asked in a scared voice.

I reached up to a shelf and pulled down a riding crop, the same one that Rebecca had used on Mary before. “I want your help. I want you to be the Mistress of this house as I am the Master.” I said as I held it out to her.

She stared at me, her mouth agape in shock. “No, no!” she blurted. “That’s my mom in there, I can’t do that to her.”

“Rebecca, she is no more your mom than Mary is your sister. You were adopted into this family just like I have been. How is this any different than what you and I have done with Mary?” I prompted, surprised at her reaction.

“Jacob always reminded me that I wasn’t his daughter, always compared me to Mary and made me feel like an intruder. I resented her for that, it made it easy to see her as someone other than my adopted sister. She was a rival who I had to compete against.” She looked up at me. “You helped me, showed me that I was just as good as if not better than her.”

She looked back to door to the stalls “Sarah was never like that. She always loved me just as much as Mary and treated us the same. Jacob was an asshole, but Sarah has always been my Mom. I can’t see her like this, I can’t treat her like this, not like Jacob did.” She said, backing away.

She looked back at me “No, I can’t do this anymore, not if this is what...”

“Gangster Rap!” I snapped, and Rebecca’s head fell to her chest.

Shit, too soon I thought. I hadn’t realized that Rebecca saw Mary and Sarah so differently and had almost screwed everything up. She didn’t see Sarah as the submissive pain slut who craved the punishment, instead she saw her as the victim and couldn’t stand being the abuser. I would have to change that. I know, I could have just kept the three of them as they were, hell things were going fine. But I had long term plans for this family, and I didn’t want to have to worry about keeping the three of them separate. Also, I saw the Dominatrix in Rebecca, and I wanted a partner instead of just another slave.

“Rebecca, when I say Death Metal, you will go back to your room and go to bed. Everything that has happened in the barn was a dream, a strange confusing dream that you had. When you wake you will remember this dream and realize that you already suspected something like this. When you have a chance, you will ask Sarah about what went on between her and Jacob, and her and Chad. Do you understand?” Rebecca nodded, relief showing on her face.

“Death Metal” I said, and Rebecca robotically turned and headed out of the barn back to the house.

I turned back to the stall where Sarah waited, at least the night wouldn’t be a total loss. She jerked her head up as she heard me step into the room. “Master? Chad, is that you? Oh please, please don’t leave me alone like that.” She blurted out.

“Were you frightened?” I replied as I ran my fingers down her smooth back and up the firm swell of her ass. “Of what, this is your own barn on your own farm?”

Sarah took a calming breath, her flesh quivering under my caress. “I was afraid that one of the girls would come and see me like this.” She said in a relieved tone, then yelped as I delivered a sharp blow with the riding crop that Rebecca had pushed back into my hands.

“So what!” I snapped angrily. “You have seen them at their most vulnerable, seen them for who they really are. Why should they not know you the same?”

“But, but, I am their mother. They can’t see me like this, I would be too ashamed.” Sarah replied in a faltering voice, her blindfolded eyes casting about for me. She squealed as I gave her another slap with the crop on her ample bottom.

“Sarah, they are not little girls anymore. They are grown women who have finally realized who they are. Mary is a submissive, praise seeking little slut who has just now learned that she doesn’t need to be the perfect girl that Jacob forced her to be. Rebecca is a strong willed, dominant woman who can finally think for herself without being afraid of being punished for it.” I said as I pulled the blindfold from her eyes and yanked her head up, crouching down to look her in the eye.

“You, you are a pain slut. A woman who needs to be abused physically or emotionally in order to become aroused, am I right?” Sarah nodded in reply, biting her lip nervously as I kept my eyes locked on hers.

“Sarah, that may be who your father and husband made you, but it is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has their kink, but when we deny them is when we make ourselves miserable.” I told her as I stroked her cheek.

She nodded, then flinched as I gave her another sharp slap on her ass. “Don’t agree with me just because you think it is what I want.” I barked, and gave her another blow. “How can you admit to who you are, but be too ashamed of it to tell your own family.”

Sarah wailed and squirmed as I laid into her. Blow after blow to punctuate my words, hard enough to hurt but not hard enough to draw blood.

“You come to me in my bedroom, begging me to dominate you. You obey me when I tell you to meet me in the barn naked, knowing what we are going to do. You call me Master, but then ask me to keep it secret! Well no, I will not be limited by your weakness!!”

I paused, breathing hard myself with exertion and arousal. Sarah’s back was a maze of red lines and welts and she lay limp on the bench, sobbing pitifully.

“I am sorry, I am sorry Master. I don’t want to be a disappointment, I just can’t help it.” She blubbered.

She gasped as I grabbed her hair, yanking her head up. “Oh no you don’t. No turning this into just another pathetic way to demean yourself into getting turned on.”

She looked up at me, confusion in her tear filled eyes. “But, but, what do you want? What should I do?” she shuddered uncertainly.

I released her hair and stepped back, crossing my arms. She struggled to keep her head up so she could look at me. “Sarah, last time we were here you asked me what you could do to protect your girls from men like Jacob. Well, I am going to tell you. Soon, they are going to come to you and ask you what was going on between you and Jacob, and you and me. You are going to tell them the truth, you are going to tell them how Jacob treated you, and how I am treating you. You are going to tell them the difference between abuse and domination and that just because you like it, doesn’t mean that you deserve it.”

Sarah nodded, comprehension appearing on her face. I moved forward and crouched down, cupping her chin and wiping a tear from her cheek.

“You will explain to them that they can be sluts if they want, but they get to chose who they will be sluts for. That they can be submissive, and still be free and independent women in their own right. You will tell them how being who you are makes you feel and that they deserve to feel that way too. Do you understand?”

Sarah nodded again, a smile appearing on her face. “Yes, yes, I will talk to them. They need to hear it from me, instead of from a stranger.” It felt good to see her nod in acknowledgement of my suggestion without having to put her in a trance first.

“Then we are done here.” I said, and leaned down to unclip her cuffs.

“Already?” She replied in a surprised, and disappointed voice.

“Oh yes, my pretty little slave. No fun for you until you have earned it.” I said as I unfastened the last cuff and stood up. Sarah pushed herself up off of the bench, wincing at the pain in her back. Her long blonde hair hung loose down to her stiff nipples and I could see the stain of her pussy juice on the leather that had been between her legs.

“Yes Master, I understand. I don’t deserve my reward until I have finished my task.” She said in a firm but disappointed voice, then looked at me from underneath her long lashes. “But you, you have done your job so well. You have taught me a valuable lesson tonight, don’t you deserve a reward for that?”

I sat down in the easy chair, smiling at her. “Well yes, I guess I do.”

She slowly slid to her hands and knees and crawled over to me like a chastised dog approaching its master. Her hands gently pushed my knees apart as she wiggled herself between my legs. She looked up at me with half lidded eyes as she sensually licked her lips and rubbed her ample tits across my crotch.

“You are so good to me, please let me show you how much I appreciate everything you have done.” She whispered in a sultry voice as she slid my pants down. She leaned forward and laid a soft kiss on the tip of my rigid cock, never breaking eye contact as her tongue slid out from between her moist lips to trace the bulbous head.

“Go ahead, if you insist on being a submissive slut then the least you can do is be good at it.” I replied in a distracted tone as I put my hands behind my head and gazed idly at the ceiling.

“Yes Master.” She whispered as she slid my cock into her mouth. The long, slow moan that she gave as the head slid deeper and deeper into her throat was like a bell to Pavlov’s dog and I felt my cock get even harder if that was possible.

She slowly bobbed her head up and down, her soft hair tickling my legs and stomach. She reached down and cupped her tits, rubbing them up against my balls. I felt her stiff nipples against the inside of my thighs as she simultaneously face and tit fucked me.

I reached down and grabbed a handful of her hair, twisting it in by fist. She whimpered in response, but never stopped sucking until I pulled her off of my cock. She looked up at me with soft, lust filled eyes, her tongue sliding across her lips to catch the pre-cum that dribbled out. We looked into each others eyes for a moment, I saw her need to serve, be dominated by her man. What she saw, I wasn’t sure but when I let her go she gave me a slow, sultry smile and lowered her mouth back down on my cock.

God she was good, where she learned this I will never guess because I am pretty sure it wasn’t from Jacob. Her tongue rubbed against the underside of my prick as her full soft lips slid up and down my hard member. She pushed her face down, her forehead pressing against my stomach as she worked my cock deep into her throat. She held me there for a moment, working her lips, cheeks and throat to massage me with warmth and moisture, then slid back until she was just kissing the tip. A deep breath and she repeated the process, groaning to herself in satisfaction as she heard me moan in pleasure.

She sucked harder, pulling on my cock with her mouth and lips while her fingers dug into my thighs. She twisted her head as she bobbed up and down, her mouth circling around my cock in a sensual swirl of pleasure. I leaned my head back against the seat and savored the experience. This woman, who used to be so uptight and proper was now on her knees in front of me and sucking like a pro. Yes, I had used compulsion to get her here, but now she was doing it of her own free will. I looked down at the blonde head bobbing up and down in my lap. My eyes took in the strong, muscular back and narrow waist before running over her smooth firm ass. She must have felt my attention as she paused in her efforts, slowly sliding her mouth up my cock as she looked up at me.

“I am so lucky to have found you.” I said, as I stroked her hair. She shuddered, softly moaning in response to the praise. I don’t know how she did it, but she began to suck my cock even harder. I could feel my balls start to twitch in response to her efforts. She must have noticed it to as she reached down to cup and fondle them, tickling around my sack as she sucked and licked like a madwoman. I couldn’t hold it anymore.

“God, you are going to make me cum right now.” I moaned and felt her nod her head in response, pushing herself down on my twitching prick. My orgasm exploded out of me, rushing through my cock and into her mouth. She swallowed for all she was worth, spurt after spurt that I blew down her throat.

“Aaaaahhhhh” I gasped as she sucked me dry, her mouth working to draw out every last drop. When I finally finished, I slumped back in the chair gasping and trying to unclench my fingers from the arms. She gently pulled her mouth off of my prick, then licked it clean like her favorite ice cream cone. Her big blue eyes looked up at me in adoration as she finished her task and gave a goodbye kiss on the tip.

“Gangster Rap.” I said, and her eyes closed as her head dropped in response. Right on my still semi hard cock. “Fuuuuccccckkkkkk!!!!” I howled as Sarah inadvertently headbutted my crotch.

A few minutes later and I had recovered myself, somewhat. The ache was still there but at least I could breathe again. I took some long, slow breaths to compose myself then looked down at where Sarah still knelt between my legs.

“Sarah, stand up.” I commanded, and she rose to her feet, still beautifully naked in the harsh light of the barn.

“Sarah, soon Rebecca is going to come to you. She will ask you about what goes on in this barn and how you feel about it, do you remember what I told you to tell her?”

“Yes, you told me to tell her the truth. I am to tell her about how Jacob treated me and what I felt, and how you treat me and how it is different. I am to tell her that being submissive, even slutty, is not wrong as long as it is done with someone you care about.” She replied.

“Very good Sarah. Now the next part may be hard, but it is also the truth so pay attention.” I continued. “When you talk to Rebecca, I want you to mention to her that while you love her as a daughter, she is not your blood. I want you to say that now that she is grown you see her more as a woman, and a good friend. Do you understand?”

Sarah furrowed her brow “But Master, she is my daughter. We adopted her and raised her beside Mary as a family.”

Fuck, this again. Mary and Rebecca were both young, and just starting to discover who they were so it was easy to nudge them into what I wanted them to be. Sarah had years of life experience that I had to overcome. She was always a submissive pain slut so that had been easy, but this, this would take some gentle pressure. I had to guide her to what she wanted, not just what I wanted.

“Yes Sarah, I know that. But if Rebecca is ever to be free, to be herself, she needs to accept who she is. She can’t stay the person who lived in this house, abused by Jacob and treated as a distant second to Mary. You know that, you saw it happen and what it did to her.” I told her in a calm but firm voice.

I saw tears start to well up in Sarah’s eyes. “Yes, yes. I saw how he treated her, how she was never good enough. I told him never to bring her to the penance room, but I know that he brought her out here and she would come back crying. I ignored it, I was too afraid to day anything.” She sobbed. “I have failed her as a mother, I don’t deserve to be called that by her.”

She stood there, shaking as she sobbed. “Oh my poor baby, my poor little girl. How can I ever look at her again.”

“Sarah, Rebecca doesn’t hate you for that, she hates Jacob. You were the only good thing in her life and she loves you for it. But if she is going to grow beyond that scared little girl, she needs to be free of this family. She needs to know that she can handle herself, that she is not as weak or pathetic as Jacob convinced her she was.” I replied. This was going well, I wasn’t telling her anything she didn’t already know. I was just convincing her to think differently about it.

Sarah sniffled, and nodded in reply. “Yes, yes, I understand. How, how can I help her?”

“Like I said, let her be free to be herself. Rebecca isn’t Mary, and she needs to be treated as such. Remind her that while you love her, she is not your daughter. That she is free to be her own person, and you will support her in any way that she chooses to express that.” Now I delivered the hook. “Also, let her know how sorry you are for what you let Jacob do to her and that you will do anything to help make it right.”

Sarah nodded again. “Yes, anything, anything that she needs to make up for what I let that monster put her through.” She said in a firm, determined voice.

“Good girl Sarah.” I replied, and she smiled shyly at the praise. “When I say Death Metal, you will awaken and remember only that you need to have a talk with Rebecca soon. Death Metal.” Sarah’s eyes opened and she looked at me. She smiled, and wiped some imaginary cum off of her chin.

“That was fun, Master. When can we do it again?”

“You have a job to do, Sarah. No more playing until you can tell me it is finished.” I said with a stern look on my face.

“Well, I had better get to it then.” She replied, and reached for her robe that was hanging on a hook near the door. She shrugged it on and belted it tight, giving me a sultry glance as she fingered the ends of the cloth belt. Then she slipped out of the barn and back to the house.

The next morning, after breakfast I looked up at the women as they were tidying up the kitchen. “Sarah, Rebecca, why don’t you take the day and go into town. We could use some more groceries and I am out of beer.”

I saw their eyes flick toward each other nervously, then Sarah nodded. “Yes Chad, we are low on just about everything. Come on Rebecca, we can grab lunch and maybe hit some stores while we are at it, if that is alright Chad.”

“Sure, use this.” I replied as I flicked the credit card across the table. Sarah picked it up and turned to Rebecca.

“See you at the car dear.” She said and Rebecca nodded, heading off to her room to dress.

Mary looked at me sadly “Why can’t I go?” she pouted.

I reached out and patted her hand. “Barn, schoolgirl, one hour.” I replied. A big smile crossed her face, until she realized and looked shyly away but put her hand on top of mine and squeezed.

An hour later and I was sitting in the chair, tapping a ruler against my palm when I heard Mary walk in. The clicking of heels on concrete was like a countdown and I couldn’t wait until the bell rung. She walked around the corner and stopped in the door, waiting my summons.

I ran my eyes over her and a slow smile crossed my lips. She had braided her hair into two pigtails that ran down her back, with two long strands left loose to frame her angelic face. Her eyes were wide and glistening behind dark mascara and her eyeshadow and makeup made her youthful face look even younger. Her crisp white blouse was tied up tightly under her tits and I could see the lacy white tops of her bra cups peeking out from behind the material. Her narrow waist flared to her hourglass hips, where her pleated schoolgirl skirt barely clung. The hem came to mid thigh, just brushing the tops of her white stockings that sheathed her long, perfect legs. Black heels were on her feet, glistening in the dappled sunlight of the barn as she stood there, twisting nervously.

“You wanted to see me, Headmaster?” she said softly, her hands clasped in front of her.

“Yes Mary. I have to say that I am quite disappointed in you right now. Do you know that you have failed your last three tests, and Ms. Puta has told me that you are very rude and disrespectful in class.” I said in a stern voice, still tapping the ruler against my hand.

Mary gasped in mock surprise, putting her hand to her chest. “Oh no Headmaster. No, I am so sorry. It is just so hard, and Ms. Puta is so mean to me.”

“Mary, Mary, Mary, what am I going to do with you?” I muttered, shaking my head. “You can’t be allowed to act in such a manner, you need discipline.”

“Oh Headmaster” Mary replied in a sultry voice, slowly walking toward me. “Can you help me, can you show me what happens to bad girls when they misbehave?”

“Yes Mary, that is my job. Now come her and lay down on my lap, it is time for your lesson.” I replied, patting my legs. Mary walked over, biting her lip as she slowly stretched herself across my lap. I slid my hand up the back of her smooth thighs, inching it under the hem of her skirt. She shivered as my fingers slid between her legs, nudging her pussy as I realized she was not wearing any panties.

“Oh Mary, no panties. Such a naughty girl, you truly need a lesson don’t you.” I said in mock seriousness as I flicked the skirt up off her ass. She squirmed on my lap, wiggling her ass in my face as she whimpered. “Oh please, please Headmaster Chad, please don’t hurt me.”

I raise the ruler and brought it down with a sharp slap on her round ass cheek. She yelped and squirmed but I held her firmly in place with my other hand. “You naughty girl, this spanking has been long overdue so you will stay still and take your punishment.” I growled and slapped her with the ruler again.

“Ow, oh no, please, please, Ahhhh” she wailed as I gave her blow after stinging blow. She tried to cover her ass with her hands but I batted them away. She gave up and lay helplessly over my lap, flinching at the sound of the ruler rushing through the air before it hit her tender, red flesh. Her howls of pain filled the barn and startled the pigeons in the loft into flight. After about fifteen blows I stopped, and gently rubbed her sore red ass with my hand.

“Have you learned your lesson Mary, will you be rude and disrespectful to your teachers again?” I asked in a soft, soothing voice.

“Yes Headmaster.” Mary gasped. “I promise to behave myself, I won’t be a bad girl anymore.” Then she looked back at me, a sultry smile on her lips. “Not unless you want me to be.” She wiggled her hips, feeling my hard cock underneath her.

I helped her up off of my lap and she stood before me. Her head was down and I could see the tracks of tears on her cheeks, her chest heaved as she breathed deep, calming breaths to control herself. She had her hands clasped in front of her and her feet together in a picture of perfect submission. Despite the pain I knew she was feeling, a small smile pulled a the corners of her mouth as she tried unsuccessfully to look meek and submissive. I saw her eyes flick toward the bulge in my pants as her fingers flexed nervously.

I reached down and pulled my cock out of my pants, stroking it slowly. “Is this what you want, Mary? Are you still a bad girl, or do you want to be a good girl?”

“Oh Headmaster, I want to be a good girl, but it is so hard. When I see a cock, I just feel this tingling between my legs that I can’t ignore.” She whined as she looked up at me through her long lashes.

I reached out and slid my hand up her skirt, stroking the smooth flesh of her thigh until my fingers felt her pussy. I wiggled them gently, probing between her legs and feeling the moistness of her cunt. She squirmed, and bit her lip as I rubbed my thumb over her clit and moved my fingers back and forth along her pussy lips.

“Oh Mary, still a bad girl I see. Whatever am I to do with you?” I said in a disappointed tone as I worked my middle finger up into her.

“Ooooohhh, mmmmmm” she groaned in response to my probing. “Whatever you want Headmaster, whatever you want.” She said in a breath less tone.

I reached out and pulled her toward me, she spread her legs and hiked up her skirt as she straddled my lap. She slowly lowered herself until her hot, wet pussy was touching the tip of my cock. I stopped her there, and slid my prick back and forth along the slit of her cunt as I smiled up at her maliciously.

“Now now Mary, you must learn control.” I chided as she whimpered impatiently. I watched as her legs quivered with the strain. She put her arms around my neck and she leaned her head on my shoulder, kissing and nibbling my ear and neck.

“Please, please Headmaster, please. Oh I need it so bad, please don’t tease me like this.” She whined as her hot breath tickled my skin. She arched her back, pushing her tits into my face. I reached up and squeezed her tit, feeling her hard nipple through the fabric of her shirt and lacy bra. She groaned in frustration as I teased her cunt and tits.

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