Controlled Foster Family - Cover

Controlled Foster Family

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 6

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 6 - An accident at a hypnosis show gives me control over the foster family that I live with.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Hypnosis   Mind Control   Reluctant   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Harem  

It was a rainy day so there wasn’t much work to do around the farm. We had done all of the indoor chores and were just sitting around the kitchen table after lunch. It was awkward, because both Sarah and the girls were trying to flirt with me without letting the other notice. I felt like the most popular boy in high school, and while it was a novel change from my usual high school memories, I really wasn’t in the mood for these kind of games. Besides, I had a secret weapon and the rest of the day with nothing else to do so I may as well use it.

“Gangster Rap” I said and their heads immediately fell to their chests. “Stand up and take off your clothes.” Shortly later, three naked women stood before me in the kitchen. Rebecca’s dusky skin with her firm B cup tits and thin lithe body contrasting with Mary and Sarah’s sun kissed paler complexions and larger but still firm breasts setting off the hourglass of their voluptuous figures.

I had been thinking about some animal play ever since the time I made Rebecca and Mary believe that they horses for an afternoon. Today was as good a day to do it as any. “When I say Death Metal, you will no longer be people, but you will be dogs, do you understand?” All three women nodded in agreement.

“Death metal” I said and the three of them dropped to their hands and knees, tongues lolling out as they looked up at me with big puppy dog eyes.

“Who’s a good puppy, yes who’s a good puppy.” I said and Sarah crawled forward to nuzzle my outstretched hand. I reached down and scratched behind her ear and her ass waved back and forth, wagging an imaginary tail. Mary also crawled forward, sliding her head under my other hand and whining for affection. I pet mother and daughter, stroking their long blonde hair, scratching under their chins as they licked my hand and uttered gentle “woofs” of pleasure. Sarah lay down on the floor and rolled over on her back, her arms and legs up as if asking for a belly rub. Her large, D Cup tits jiggled as she squirmed on the floor, her eyes begging for attention.

I crouched down and ran my hand over her chest, squeezing her fleshy mounds as I slid my hand up and down her firm stomach. Her tongue lolled out as in pleasure she kicked the air with her “paws”. Mary crawled up beside me, slipping her head under my arm as she whined for her own attention. She licked at my neck and cheek, unfortunately it wasn’t as erotic as I had hoped. Instead of flicking her tongue and nibbling at my neck as she normally did, this was a full on slurp that left a trail of saliva over the side of my face.

“Gross” I yelped as I stood, wiping my face. She whined and lowered her head in response, backing away in shame. Sarah also whined, squirming across the floor in an effort to get me to continue with the belly rubs. I started to unbuckle my belt, when the sound of water splashing made me look up. There was Rebecca, in the doorway to the kitchen. She had one leg cocked up and was pissing on the door frame.

“No, stop! Bad dog!” I shouted as I scrambled after her, almost stepping on Sarah in the process. Rebecca looked back at me, and scrambled to turn around as she growled, baring her teeth.

“Oh, the fuck you will bitch.” I said as I grabbed a magazine from the counter and rolled it up in my hands. Rebecca backed away, continuing to growl and snarl at me I maneuvered her into a corner. I reached down to grab her hair and she snapped at my hand, barking loudly all the time. I got a handful of hair and forced her down to the ground as I laid into her with the rolled up magazine.

“You do not snap at me bitch! Do you hear, you do not growl or bite at me!” I shouted as I beat her ass. She squirmed in my grip, yelping and whining as she tried to escape but I got a knee on the back of her neck and pinned her to the ground. Finally, she relented, trying to roll over on her back in an effort to demonstrate her submission. I stood up and shook the magazine in her face.

“This is what you get when you try to challenge me, do you understand?” I shouted and she hunched her head down into her shoulders in response, her feet and hands pawing at the air as she whined and yipped pathetically.

I almost wanted to rub her nose in the puddle of piss, but I had forgotten to put a collar on them before turning them into dogs, so I had nothing to grab. Instead, I snatched at a couple of towels and tossed them onto the puddle. I was looking under the counter for some disinfectant spray and paper towels when I heard the sound of a chair being dragged across the floor.

“What the hell?” I exclaimed as I looked up and saw Mary. For fucks sake, she was actually gnawing on the rung of the chair leg. I scrambled to grab the magazine again as I leapt over Rebecca’s still prostate body. How was I gong to explain human teeth marks on the chair leg when I snapped them out of this.

“No, stop, bad dog!” I shouted as I swung the magazine down on her ass. She yelped in surprise and tried to scramble away, knocking over the chair in the process. That wouldn’t have been a problem, if the chair didn’t happen to fall and hit Sarah square on her tits.

She howled a very impressive yelp of surprise, then scrambled to her feet snarling and barking at Mary. Mary snarled back, her head lowered and if she had hackles, they would be bristling. Sarah lunged; lips curled back from her teeth as she snapped at Mary’s face. Mary dodged away, then lunged in at Sarah’s neck, her own teeth bared in a snarl.

“Gangster Rap!” I shouted, and all three girls froze in their post hypnotic trances.

I stood there, panting in relief, this shit never shows up on the websites. I checked the chair and saw that Mary hadn’t actually gnawed at it that hard. The marks were fairly easy to buff out and anything that remained could be explained by normal use. I went back to finish cleaning up Rebecca’s piss and threw the soiled towels in the garbage, then slumped into a chair. The three women were still there on their hands and knees, awaiting my next command.

“Get dressed.” I said, and they complied robotically. “When I say Death Metal, you will no longer be dogs, but yourselves. You will remember nothing about what just happened here. Death...” I stopped myself just in time. I had beaten Mary and Rebecca with a rolled up magazine and Sarah’s tits must have still been sore from where the chair fell on them. Nothing too serious but how would I explain those aches if they came out of their trances, shit.

“When I say Death Metal you will go to your rooms and take a nap. You will not wake up until any pain you are feeling now is gone, do you understand?” The three of them nodded. “Death Metal” I said and they stood and walked to their rooms. I heard three doors close, then I was alone in the kitchen and definitely in no mood to fuck now, fuck.

It was later that evening when I heard a soft knock on my door. I was expecting Sarah and I waited for a few moments to let her stew a bit. Earlier I had decided that I wanted to set some boundaries on where the girls would approach me for sex. Over supper I had put them in a trance and told Sarah that she was only to approach me in my bedroom, and the girls that they were only to approach me in the barn. I wasn’t ready for Rebecca and Mary to see what I was doing to Sarah and vice versa, yet.

I opened the door to see Sarah standing in the hall, she was in her housecoat but I could see the white toes of her high heels poking out beneath the hem. Also, she had done her hair up in what I believe was called a sock bun and she had applied her make up in a muted but elegant style. She looked like she belonged in a corporate board room, not the basement of a farm house. I stepped back and she walked into the room and turned as I closed the door.

“Well.” I said, leaning against my dresser and crossing my arms. She hesitated for a second, then untied the belt of her housecoat and let it fall to the floor. She wasn’t wearing her corset and stockings, those had been ruined when Jacob had her in the barn dungeon. Instead, she had on an elegant white lace push up bra and high cut thong style panties. Her long legs were tanned and smooth and seemed to go on forever down to the white 5” platform heels she was wearing. She stood there awkwardly, shifting her hands from in front to behind her as she looked anywhere but at me. So like her daughter it was almost scary but definitely arousing.

“Very nice, very nice indeed.” I said in an appreciative tone as my eyes slid up and down her body. I saw her blush and a small smile pulled at the corners of her mouth, just like Mary. The problem was I did not want to mess up this display of elegant beauty by beating and abusing her as she expected. Her life with Jacob had been a sequence of self degrading confessions and painful punishment followed by the most bizarre make up sex I could think of. Of course, the first time I had fucked her hadn’t been like that, maybe I could replicate that situation.

“Tell me why you are here, Sarah.” I said in a strong and somewhat condescending voice.

She looked up at me, then quickly looked away again. “Uh, I am here to finish what we did in the barn. You said that you did not find me attractive then, so, um...” she trailed off.

“I didn’t ask you to come here, if I wanted you I would have said so wouldn’t I?” I said, and she looked away guiltily. “It’s not Sunday, why are you here?”

Sarah looked down guiltily, “I want you. I want you to take me as my husband.” She said in a quiet voice.

“Why do you want me to fuck you Sarah? What kind of person comes to a man’s room dressed like that and practically begs them for sex?” I asked in a voice that dripped with contempt. If this is what she expected, this is what she would get.

She continued to stare at the floor. “A whore does.” She whispered. “I am a slut who cannot control herself. I am a weak and loose woman who needs a man to punish her for being so cheap and wanton.”

“Get on your knees, slut.” I said sharply as I snapped my fingers and pointed to the ground in front of me. “Get on your knees and beg forgiveness for being such a pathetic excuse for a woman.”

Sarah fell to her knees and crawled toward me. She placed her hands on my hips and leaned her head forward, resting her cheek on my crotch. I heard her choke back a sob “I am sorry, I am so sorry for being so weak. Please forgive me.”

I felt a twinge of guilt at what I was doing to her. Sarah was a good person, and probably one of the best foster moms I had lived with. She was the reason I got to stay here after I became a legal adult and she had always treated me well. So here I was, forcing her to degrade and humiliate herself in front of me in the hopes that I would fuck her, but it was who she was. She had spent a lifetime being made into this person by her own father, then her abusive husband. It would take years of therapy for her to get over this, and I was no psychologist. I was just a 18yr old petty criminal who had been handed the keys to family, and if “God” didn’t want me to do this he was sure taking his time with the lightning bolt.

“You must earn your forgiveness from me, earn it through service.” I told her as I thrust my pelvis forward, rubbing the crotch of my pants against her face.

“Yes, please, please let me redeem myself. Please, I will accept any punishment, complete any penance that you deem suitable.” She pleaded, looking up at me with huge, tear filled eyes. Her tits rubbed against my legs as she gasped for air, working to suppress her sobs as she fumbled at my belt and pants.

I reached down to grab her hard by the neck, my fingers digging into her shoulder. “Not so fast slut. This is a place of worship, not some filthy alley like you are used to.”

“I am sorry, um...” she hesitated, not sure what to refer to me as. Husband, Father, Lord, what term did I want.

“You will call me Master, as I am the master of this family and you live to serve me.” I told her as I rose up to tower over her kneeling, cowering form.

“Yes Master.” She replied meekly as she stopped her frantic fumbling and slowly resumed undressing me. She slid my pants down around my ankles, then held them for me to step out of them. She pushed my t-shirt up and I pulled it over my head as I felt her warm breath on my stomach. She leaned forward and gently kissed my hips, sliding her tongue along the line of my pelvic bone and down toward my semi-erect cock.

“I am sorry, Master. I am sorry to have failed you so badly. I know that I am a disappointment to you as a wife, please let me make it up to you.” She whispered as her lips and tongue traced a line across my waist and down the inside of my thigh.

I looked down at the woman kneeling at my feet. Her golden blonde hair in a neat bun at the top of her head, a few stray locks falling to lay across her tanned and muscled shoulders. Her waist narrowing to the perfect hourglass of her hips, the white silken line of her thong disappearing into the crack of her firm, smooth ass. The gleaming white of her heels poking out from underneath her as she knelt uncomfortably on the hard wooden floor of my room, focused solely on her efforts at pleasuring me. She kissed and licked her way around my cock as it stiffened, sliding up the side of her face. She looked up at me, moist eyes begging for approval.

“Very well, please me and I may forgive you your weakness.” I said in an aloof, offhand tone.

“Thank you Master.” She replied as she took my cock in her strong hands and gently stroked up and down the shaft. She closed her eyes and leaned back to kiss the tip, her tongue tracing the line of the head before she slowly took it in her mouth. She moaned in pleasure as she slid her face down its length, taking it deep into her warm moist mouth.

Slowly and gently she worked on my cock, moving her head back and forth as her hand twisted around the shaft. Her other hand came up to cup and fondle my balls, squeezing and caressing them like fragile Christmas ornaments. She took slow deep breaths through her nose, moaning softly as she sucked and licked.

I was in heaven. It was just like last time except she wasn’t under any form of compulsion. She didn’t think I was Jacob, she knew exactly what she was doing and was eager to do it. I reached down to caress her cheek as she pushed her face against my pelvis, massaging the head of my cock with the back of her throat.

“Very good Sarah, very very good. For all of your faults, you suck cock like you were born to do it.” I said in an approving voice. She sighed in pleasure at the compliment and renewed her efforts, sucking and licking like the cheap whore she believed she was.

I could feel myself getting close, so I pushed her off. She resisted slightly, and whimpered when I slid free from her mouth. She looked up at me with a disappointed face. “Am I not pleasing you Master?”

“You are doing well, Sarah. But there is more that you must do in order to earn my forgiveness. Now, stand up and remove your garments. Let me see you as God intended.” I told her.

She stood and unhooked her bra, freeing her mature but still impressive D cup tits. She slid her panties down and started to take off her shoes when I stopped her. She stood there, naked but for the white heels that moulded her legs and ass so perfectly.

“Turn around and put your hands behind your back.” I commanded and she complied without hesitation, crossing her wrists in the small of her back. I took the belt from her housecoat and bound her wrists, she shuddered as I pulled the knot tight. I took the other end and looped it around her neck, pulling her wrists high on her back. I left some slack in the belt, enough so that she could ease the strain in her arms, or loosen the loop around her neck, but not both. I reached down and picked up her silken panties from the floor, they were already moist from her arousal.

“Open your mouth, you won’t be needing it anymore.” I told her.

She hesitated, knowing what I was going to do but I slapped her hard across her tits and she suppressed a yelp of pain. “Do you want forgiveness or not?” I snapped. “These garments are soiled because your own weakens, your own lustful thoughts. Now open your mouth, slut!”

She closed her eyes and opened her mouth, whimpering as I stuffed her pussy juice saturated panties in. I grabbed a bandanna from my dresser, it was still dirty and sweaty and I tied it around her head to keep the underwear in her mouth. She sobbed quietly into her gag as I knotted it tight behind her head.

“You say that you are a dirty whore, a sinful woman who tempts good and just men with your lecherous ways. Now your filthy mouth will pay the price for your actions, do you understand?” I barked at her as I slapped her tit again. She nodded, tears of shame oozing from underneath her closed eye lids. I slid my hand down her body, her nipples were already hard as I groped her. She moaned into her gag when I pushed my fingers between her legs, roughly shoving them into her pussy.

“Look at you, you are already wet.” I growled as I worked my fingers into her snatch. She whimpered, but rolled her hips in an effort to grind her clit against the heel of my palm. I yanked my hand away then shoved my fingers under her nose, smearing her cunt juice on her face. “Smell yourself you slut. You are so turned on you are almost dripping on the floor.”

She nodded, her eyes pleading with me for forgiveness or more stimulation or both. I shoved her back and she fell on the bed with a grunt. I climbed up beside her, one hand sliding up her thigh the other grabbing a handful of firm tit flesh. I rubbed and squeezed her hard as she writhed on the sheets, her muffled groans filled the room as much as the smell of her sex. Her eyes were screwed shut in shameful pleasure as I probed and groped her prostrate body.

“You want me to fuck you, don’t you Sarah. You want me to shove my cock inside your cunt and fuck the shit out of you right now like a cheap whore.” I growled in her ear. She let out a long, pitiful moan as she nodded, looking at me with wide tear-filled eyes. I slid off the bed and stood in front of her, stroking my prick as her eyes fixed on it. “You want me to shove this inside you? You want to spread your legs for me?”

She spread her legs for me, wiggling her ass down to the edge of the bed where I waited for her. She watched as I rolled a condom down over my erect cock then leaned forward and touched the tip of my prick to her pussy lips, sliding it up and down her hot wet snatch. She whimpered in frustration as I teased her, chewing on her gag and bouncing her hips in an effort to get my cock inside her. I dragged it out, sliding just the head of my prick inside her then pulling it out to stroke it up and down along her wet pussy lips. When I couldn’t hold out any longer I shoved it inside.

She tensed and let out a long steady moan of pleasure as my hard shaft slid into her hot wet pussy. I held it there, deep inside as she writhed and ground her hips against me. Then I slowly slid out until just the tip was touching her and repeated the long, deep thrusts. The slow, steady rhythm drove her crazy and she lifted her hips high to try to get me to fuck her harder.

“You want me to fuck you harder?” I asked and she nodded desperately.

“eeeth, eeeth mleezzz Mathter. Eeeze uckk eee.” She cried through her gag as her wide blue eyes pleaded with me.

Instead I pulled out of her completely, then grabbing her by the hips flipped her over on the bed. Her round smooth ass stuck up like a rising sun and I gave her a hard smack. “Such a whore, such a slut you are. Begging to be fucked, I can’t believe it.”

I positioned my now well lubricated cock against her ass, sliding it up and down between her firm cheeks. She froze in place, her hands balled into fists where they were bound behind her back in anticipation of what I was going to do. I lined the head of my cock up with her puckered asshole and grabbed the housecoat belt where it was tied around her neck.

“Have you ever been fucked in the ass? Tell me the truth, confess your sins to me you slut!” I snarled.

She hesitated, then shook her head no. I didn’t think so, Jacob hardly seemed the kind of man to go in for that sort of thing.

“What a waste of such a perfect ass. God gave you this for a reason, so I may as well use it.” I said, and she shook her head again. The muffled pleas coming from her mouth were completely unintelligible in their panic. I slapped her hard again and tugged on the belt choking off her pleas.

“You think penance is supposed to be pleasurable? Forgiveness for your sins with an orgasm and maybe some cuddling after? I am your Master, and I decide the price you pay for your behaviour. Do you understand!” I shouted at her and she cowered like a beaten dog at my tone.

“Do you understand!” I shouted again and she nodded meekly, hunching her shoulders in fearful anticipation of what was to come next.

I didn’t want to hurt her, so I slowly worked my cock into her ass. The lubrication of the condom and her own pussy juice made it as easy as it could be for a virgin asshole and soon I was sliding in and out with the same steady rhythm I had used before.

Sarah tensed, then eventually relaxed as she realized that it was not hurting as much as she expected. Soon she was moaning in response to my thrusts and shoving herself back to get me as deep as possible. I pulled on the collar again, lifting her body off of the bed.

“See, trust your Master. I know what is best for you, don’t I?” I asked in a soft, reassuring tone and she looked back at me with half lidded eyes, nodding as she chewed on the gag in her mouth.

Her breath started to come in quick, desperate gasps as I increased the speed and force of my strokes. I shoved her down on the bed, my hand pressing between her shoulder blades trapping her beneath me. She groaned at the sensation and her hands clenched and relaxed as the pleasure of the fucking ran through her.

“Yes Sarah, yes slut. You are my wife, you are my woman, you are my whore, aren’t you?” I whispered into her ear and she nodded in reply.

“You do what I say, when I say it because I am your husband and your master. I am the head of this family and what I say is law here.” I continued and she nodded again, moaning in submission and pleasure at my authority as she ground her ass back against my thrusting cock.

I pulled out, accompanied by another whimper of disappointment from the bound woman beneath me.

“Enough, of this. You are my servant so you will fuck me now.” I laid down on the bed, my cock standing like a flagpole. “Now you will do the work, like the servant you are.”

She awkwardly climbed on the bed and moved to straddle me, her eyes filled with lust as she slid down on my shaft. I reached up to pinch and pull at her nipples and she groaned in pleasure/pain as she ground herself against my hips. She bobbed up and down on my prick, careful not to slide off. Her pussy clenched me tight as she bottomed out, then again in a kind of kiss when she rose to the tip.

“You like that, don’t you Sarah. You like serving me and making me happy like a good wife.” I said as I put my hands behind my head. She nodded, and smiled around her gag as she swirled her hips around on my cock like a pole dancer. I reached up and casually slapped her tit, pleasantly surprised when she leaned in to encourage me to deliver a blow to the other one.

“Turn the other cheek eh?” I said and continued to deliver slaps and backhand blows to her breasts as she bounced up and down on my cock. She grunted with each blow, but never flinched away and I could feel her orgasm starting to build. Her pussy twitched and I saw her stomach ripple as she got closer and closer to climax. She looked down at me, eyes pleading for permission to cum.

“Alright Sarah, you have served your penance and pleased me. After I cum, you may cum as well.” I said and she nodded in response, moaning into her sodden gag and redoubling her efforts to bring me off. Her cunt clamped on my cock, squeezing and flexing while she grunted and moaned with the effort. I saw her face darken as she pulled the noose around her neck tight and her breath came in strangled hisses through her nose.

I couldn’t take it anymore. She was doing things with her pussy muscles which were far beyond what a simple farmwife should know and I felt my balls contract as I blew my load. I pulled her down hard onto my cock as my seed shot through my prick to fill the condom. She gave out a series of high pitched whines as she felt my cock throb inside her, looking down at me with desperation.

“Yes Sarah, you can cum now.” I said as I delivered another slap to the tits that jiggled above me.

Her eyes rolled back in her head and she howled into her gag. Her body arched like a bow as she straightened her arms, pulling the noose around her neck tight with her orgasm. Her cunt squeezed and spasmed as she came on my hard prick. Her body shook as the waves of pleasure washed over her and her breath came in desperate gasps through her nose while her chest heaved. Finally, she collapsed down on top of me, her breath hot and steamy on my neck as she lay there helpless and spent.

I lay there for a bit, enjoying the feeling of her large tits pressed against my chest then slid out from underneath her. I took the condom off and knotted it, tossing it in my trash basket. She watched me with exhausted, glazed eyes. I leaned down and pulled the gag from her mouth, removing the sodden silken panties and dropping them on the floor with a wet plop. She gasped for air and worked her jaw. I then reached behind her neck to undo the knot on the belt that had bound and collared her.

“No, no, please. Please, leave me like this, let me stay here with you for a bit.” She pleaded in a soft voice.

I shrugged and lay back down on the bed. She wiggled next to me, nestling her head in the crook of my arm and wrapping one leg around mine in a possessive kind of hug. Her breath stirred my chest hair and the weight of her tit on side was a pleasant reminder of just what an attractive woman she was. I curled my arm around her shoulders and she sighed, snuggling closer against me. I felt her head shift as she looked up at me. The look in her eyes was no longer shame, arousal or lust, but gratitude and affection.

“Thank you” she said in a soft voice. “Thank you for everything.”

“Gangster Rap” I replied, and her eyes closed in response to the post hypnotic command. I had things I still wanted to do with Sarah so I didn’t want to waste this opportunity to condition her.

“Sarah, I want you to focus on what you are feeling right now. How you feel about me and what has happened to make you feel this way. Do you understand?” She nodded in agreement, a contented smile appearing on her face.

“Sarah, whenever you see me, I want you to remember this feeling. I want you to remember how good it is and realize that you will do anything to keep feeling it. You will do what I ask, however I ask, because you are afraid of losing how I make you feel right now. Do you understand?” She nodded again, her smile fading slightly as she hunched her shoulders and tensed fearfully.

“Sarah, you will understand that I will never make you do anything that you truly don’t want to do. But just like you initially did not want to have sex with me, you will trust that anything I tell you to do is for the best and as your husband and master, you will obey me. Do you understand?” She nodded a third time, and her body relaxed at my assurance.

That should do it, but just in case “Sarah, whenever I say ‘God Bless you Sarah’ you will obey whatever I tell you to do without question. Do you understand” She nodded again.

“Death Metal” I said, and eyes opened. She looked up at me with an affectionate smile and took a deep breath.

“Thank you Chad. Thank you for everything you have done for me and my girls.”

“You are welcome Sarah, it was my pleasure.” I replied as I hugged her tight and settled down in the pillow.

With a grunt I moved the X frame into its new position, then stood back to wipe the sweat off my face. By the end of the day the dungeon won’t be a secret from anyone anymore so I didn’t see the need to have to deal with that ladder every time I wanted to use the equipment, especially given some of the outfits the women would be wearing. I had cleared out a corner of the barn that used to be horse stalls but was now just junk. It was a pain hauling that stuff up the ladder, but most of it had been bolted together and was easy to disassemble. I now had a good sized area with more light and better ventilation and had even moved my cooler and an old easy chair into a corner.

I collapsed into the chair and pulled a beer from the cooler when I heard someone approaching. It was Rebecca as she called out “Chad, are you in here?”

“Back here” I answered and heard her gasp in surprise as she stepped around the corner and saw what I had been doing.

She looked around the new set up, running her hand over the bench as she eyed the wall rack of crops, straps and paddles. She looked over at me “So, I guess we are doing this soon.” She asked.

“Tonight, after dinner. Sarah is going into town so we will have a couple hours to ourselves.” I said as I took a pull of the beer and tossed another to Rebecca. “I also have some instructions for you so pay attention.”

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