Controlled Foster Family - Cover

Controlled Foster Family

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 5

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 5 - An accident at a hypnosis show gives me control over the foster family that I live with.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Hypnosis   Mind Control   Reluctant   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Harem  

It had been an awkward couple of days after Jacob left. All of the women were quiet and nervous around me, not sure what to make of the new situation. I was the head of the house, as dictated by Jacob with all rights and duties. I did not rush into making any changes or exerting my authority, I didn’t have to. Mary was still the same shy submissive girl she had always been, however she stopped her flirtatious behaviour for the time being. Rebecca seemed to enjoy the situation. No longer afraid of setting off Jacob’s hair trigger temper she started to assert herself more over Mary and even Sarah to a degree.

Sarah showed the most noticeable change in her behaviour, no surprise there. It is not every day that your 19 year old Foster ward sees you bound and beaten in a hidden dungeon, then the next day is given full rights as your husband. Our discussion had cleared some things up for me, but she had not said anything related to the suggestion that I had planted. Instead, she went about her day with a quiet efficiency, making small talk but trying to avoid being alone with me whenever she could. I was just about to press the issue when she came to me.

It was late evening, after supper and all of the evening chores were finished. I was in my room in the basement, killing time until I fell asleep when I heard a soft knock on my door. I opened it and Sarah stood there, she was in her nightgown and robe and had done her hair in braids for bed. Clearly, there was nothing sexual about this I thought as I met her gaze.

“I was wondering when you would be ready to talk.” I said as I backed up and waved her into the room. She walked in and gave a small flinch as I closed the door behind her. She looked around nervously, her hand fiddling with the belt of her robe. I gestured to the bed “Please, sit down.” I said as I leaned against the dresser and crossed my arms.

Sarah sat and looked up at me, her blue eyes darted around sliding away from my gaze then coming back for a second before looking elsewhere again. She licked her lips nervously and adjusted the hem of her robe so it covered her legs.

“How about I start.” I said in a gentle but firm voice. “Sarah, what was going on in that room under the barn?”

Sarah looked around the room, then took a breath and answered, “Jacob uses that place for my confessions, and to administer my penance.” She looked up at me, “Every Sunday evening we would go there and he would hear my confession. He did not believe that the Minister at church was sufficiently strict to properly address my sins.”

This made sense, it was pretty much exactly what had happened between us in her bedroom last week. I remembered that Jacob had left on Sunday afternoon, and here it was mid week. Sarah must be boiling over.

“Maybe we should start from the beginning, so I understand where you came from and how you got here. Tell me about yourself, the whole story.” I said and she nodded.

“I was raised in a very strict household, my father believed that children needed to be taught early to respect their elders and God. My mothers were very respectful of his wishes and they made sure that no sin, no matter how slight was allowed to pass.” She said, in a surprisingly firm voice with no malice or anger.

Wait a second, “Mothers, Sarah did your father have more than one wife?” I interrupted and she nodded. “Yes, he was the head of our church and as such was responsible for the supervision and discipline of all of the women in the congregation.”

Holy shit, this explained a lot. “Sarah, were your parents Mormons?” She nodded again.

“Then how did you end up here, with Jacob? I thought that Mormons didn’t allow people to leave the church?” I asked, of course all I knew about Mormons was from Reddit.

“It was difficult, but my mother realized that the Bishop was going to give me as a wife to one of the senior members of the church when I came of age. She didn’t want happened to her to happen to me, so she took me and ran. They found us though so an arrangement was made, I didn’t have to marry the person I was originally intended for but I did agree to marry a man from our faith, and that was Jacob. We settled here and the Church bought us this farm.” She said proudly as she looked around the room. I guess for someone like Sarah, that was a win.

Things started to fall into place, this explained not only why Jacob was such a self righteous asshole but also why he was so determined to start his own church. He was going to start his own Mormon congregation right here, and I bet that Rebecca was set up to be his first Concubine. No wonder he was so hard on her; and why he was so pissed that she left for college with Mary instead of staying on the farm.

“Thanks, that explains a lot.” I said, “Now back to you and Jacob, when did he start to discipline you?”

She looked down, suddenly shy again. “He has always done that, it is how we, we um...”

“Sarah, Jacob has asked that I serve in his place. I need to know what to do if I am to obey his command, now tell me about what happens in the dungeon and how it makes you feel.” I barked in a commanding voice.

Sarah flinched in response to my tone. I had been fostered to enough messed up households to see the symptoms of battered wife syndrome. This is how she expected to be treated, I couldn’t pussy foot around if I wanted her to answer me.

“My Lord bids me to attend him in the confessional every Sunday, unless I have committed a grievous sin that needs to be dealt with right away. When I get there, he binds me to the altar or the cross so that I may not display any weakness about my penance, then he takes my confession. I tell him of my sins in great detail so that he may properly administer my punishment. Once I have confessed all of my sins, my Lord administers the penance as he wishes and I accept it as is right for a sinner.” Sarah said with a firm voice, filled with conviction and pride.

“Go on, what happens after your penance has been completed?” I urged, leaning forward.

“After my sins have been purged, the love of God flows through me. I feel so elated and joyous that my Lord has saved my soul that I am overcome with feelings of, of...” she hesitated, looking at me shyly.

“Pleasure, ecstasy, arousal? After he has punished you, you and Jacob have sex, don’t you?” I said and she nodded.

“Sarah, I know what it is and how it is done so you have no reason to be nervous around me.” I said and she looked up at me with a grateful expression.

“Jacob is the only man I have been with. I have never told this to anyone else and it is a great relief to be able to talk to you about it. Thank you Chad, thank you for understanding how difficult this is.” Sarah said with a sigh.

I stood up, raising my chin and looking down at the woman sitting on my bed “Sarah, I will hear you confession in Jacob’s stead. Go to the confessional and prepare yourself for me, I shall be out soon.” I said in a firm no-nonsense tone. Sarah lowered her head and nodded, “Yes, my Lord” she replied in a quiet voice. Then she left the room without looking back.

I gave it about fifteen minutes, and then headed out to the barn. It was dark but I saw that the hatch to the dungeon (confessional now I guess) was open and a dim light shone up from the hole. I descended the ladder and looked to see Sarah waiting for me. She was kneeling on the bare ground the center of the room She was still wearing her nightgown but she had unbraided her hair and it hung in golden waves around her head. Her eyes were downcast and her hands were on her knees submissively.

I stood there for a moment, towering over the woman who knelt before me awaiting my command. We had been here before, but now she was giving herself to me, not Jacob. It was intoxicating. “Where should I restrain you Sarah, the cross or the altar?” I asked as I pointed to the sawhorse and the X-frame.

“Jacob preferred using the cross for the confession and the penance, then moving me to the altar after.” She replied, not looking up.

“I am not Jacob, I will do things my own way. Assume your position on the Altar.” I said and she nodded, moving to straddle the sawhorse with her arms and legs hanging down the sides. I saw that she had already fastened leather cuffs to her wrists and ankles. I heard her take a sharp breath as I tugged her arms and legs into position to clip them to the rings set into the legs of the sawhorse. I stepped back to admire the sight in front of me. Sarah’s light cotton nightgown clung to her back, following the flow of her shoulders, waist and ass like a ski hill. Her muscular arms and back showed under the thin straps and cast dark shadows over her skin in the dim light of the room. I heard light clinking of metal as she tugged gently against her restraints, as if to reassure herself that she was indeed properly bound and helpless.

I walked around her in a slow circle, and saw her head move as she tried to keep track of me. I finished by standing in front of her and she raised her head to look up at me. “Why are you here, my child?” I asked.

“Bless me Father, for I have sinned.” She answered in a soft voice. “It has been ten days since my last confession.”

I guess when Jacob had her out here last he didn’t bother with any confessions. He just wanted to find out where she had gotten the money to buy her outfit. “Yes my child, confess your sins to me and receive penance.” I said as I looked down at her with a contemptuous expression on my face.

“Yes Father, since my last confession I have acted in a way that was wanton and lecherous. I tried to tempt my husband into breaking a vow of chastity in order to satisfy my selfish womanly needs.” She relied, looking at me nervously.

“Tempting a man into sin is serious, especially one as devout and beloved as Jacob. You are truly a harlot and a succubus.” I snapped, and she hung her head in shame.

I walked over to the wall and picked up a leather strap. I laid it gently across her back and she shivered as the cold leather touched her bare skin. “There were twelve disciples whom Jesus left to guide the world after his ascent into heaven. By sinning against Jacob, you have sinned against them as well. Your penance shall be twelve strokes, and with each stroke you shall beg forgiveness from each of them. Do you understand?”

“I understand Father.” Sarah replied, and I saw the muscles of her back and shoulders bunch as I lifted the strap to deliver the first blow.

Slap! The sound of leather striking flesh filled the room.

“I am sorry Peter, please forgive me.” Sarah screamed.

Slap! “I am sorry Paul, please forgive me.” She wailed.

10 more blows and 10 more disciples and I laid the strap down on the table. Sarah’s back was red with the marks left by the heavy leather and her body rose and fell as she took deep, gasping breaths.

I walked around front of her, her head was hanging down off of the edge of the bench. I took her by the hair and pulled her face up so I could look in her eyes.

“Do you have any other sins to confess to me tonight?” I said in an indifferent tone.

“Yes, yes.” She gasped. “Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have taken money that should have been given to the church to spread your glory and wasted it on myself. Instead of donating it as a tithe, I spent it on clothing and other items for my own selfish needs.”

I stepped back in mock alarm, gasping in shock. “You evil woman, you have stolen from the church? You have taken that which should have spread the Lords love and used it for yourself?”

Sarah nodded, sobbing in shame. “Yes, yes Father. I have stolen from the church and need to be punished.”

I picked up a riding crop and moved around beside her, placing my hand in the small of her back and pushing her down firmly onto the bench. “Just as Judas took thirty pieces of silver to betray our Lord Jesus, so have you taken money that was meant for the good of the church. You shall receive fifteen blows in penance for your sin.”

I leaned over and struck the back of her thighs with the crop. The shackles holding her legs rattled as she flinched in pain but she made no effort to avoid the blow. She wailed as I struck again and again up and down her legs, never in the same place twice so as not to cut the skin. When I was done she twitched and spasmed in her restraints.

“Thank you Father, thank you for forgiving me.” She sobbed.

“You are welcome my child. Do you have any other sins to confess?” I asked, wondering how long she wanted to draw this out. It was interesting; it seemed that she could make it last as long or as short as she wanted by determining how many sins she wanted to confess to. Most couples just use a safe word.

She took a couple of deep breaths to compose herself, “Yes Father, I have acted in a disrespectful manner toward my husband. He gave me a command and I was reluctant to follow it.” She said, looking down at the ground.

“What was the command that you have failed to follow my child?”

“My husband ordered me to obey another as I would obey him.” Sarah said, still looking at the floor.

“Why were you reluctant to follow this command from our husband, it is the place of a wife to obey.” I snapped back.

“Because, I thought that the person whom my husband ordered me to obey was just a boy. But now I know that he is a man, a man worthy of my respect.” She said as she raised her head and looked at me with clear eyes.

I nodded in reply. “It is good that you have come to this realization, however you should not have had any doubts. The word of you husband is law and if he has told you to obey another then his word becomes law too. Do you understand your failure?”

“Yes, I understand and accept my punishment as a weak woman.” She replied.

I walked over to the wall where the remaining straps, crops and paddles hung. I idly ran my fingers over them, leaving Sarah in suspense as to what I would decide to do. I picked up a wooden paddle and gently slapped it against my hand.

“It has been nine days since you were given this command, and nine days in which you chose not to obey it. As penance you shall receive nine blows.” I moved around behind her and saw her tense, her ass cheeks clamped together, trapping her nightgown between them and forming two smooth round spheres of firm flesh.

Smack! I delivered the first blow and she grunted in pain. “You will count these off as I deliver them or I will not stop.” I said. “One” she replied in a clear voice.

“Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,” she called out as I laid blow after blow on her ass. I was tempted to pull the nightgown up to see how it looked, but I didn’t. Let this be limited to punishment for now I thought, we can get to pleasure later.

I put the paddle down on the table and walked around front of her. She raised her head shakily and I saw tears running down her face. “Thank you Father.” She said in a shaky but clear voice.

“Do you have any other sins to confess to me my child?” I asked, stroking her sweat soaked hair as she sagged on the bench.

“No Father, I have no more sins for tonight.” She said, and then looked up at me with eyes full of lust and desire. “You have purged the devil from me and I feel the glory of God flowing through me. How can I ever thank you.” She asked in a husky voice.

I paused for a second, looking at her as she lay there helpless before me. Damn, she was definitely ready, but she was too messed up for my tastes. Her face was red and puffy from crying, her hair was stringy with sweat and her nightgown clung to her back and legs in damp patches. I like my women neat and tidy, and made up for me like a present, not looking like a car wreck.

I knelt down to unhook her cuffs then moved over to the ladder. She gingerly climbed off the bench, a confused and disappointed look on her face. I turned to face her as she stood there, cotton nightgown hanging off her, leather cuffs still fastened around her wrists and ankles.

“Sarah, I am not Jacob. While I respect what you and he had together this does not do it for me.” I said as I waved my hand over her. “I like my women clean, made up and sexy. Sorry, but you look like shit.”

She looked down at herself in her shapeless nightgown, her dirty bare feet on the ground as she pushed her damp hair out of her face. She stared up at me with sad eyes as she tried to straighten herself out.

“Gangster Rap” I said and her head dropped.

“Sarah, you are incredibly turned on right now. You are disappointed that I am not and will do whatever it takes to fix that. Until you do, you will not touch or pleasure yourself in any way. You will think back to the dream you had and the next time you ask me to bring you down here, you will be prepared like that. Do you understand?” She nodded in reply, her shoulders lifting in resolve.

“Death Metal” I said and she snapped out of the trance. “Good night Sarah” I told her as I climbed the ladder.

The next day, after lunch Sarah and Mary stayed in the house to do some cleaning and prepare for dinner. I told Rebecca to come with me and we headed out to the barn. She was surprised when I walked past the ladder to the loft and showed her the trap door that was no longer concealed by the hay. “I have something to show you” I told her as I lifted the door.

Rebecca followed me down the ladder into the darkness, I could hear her breath quicken with her nervousness. I reached up and guided her down the last few steps, my hand sliding up her smooth muscular legs and over the curves of her body until she stood next to me. I turned on the light and felt her tense in surprise as she gave a startled gasp.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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