Controlled Foster Family - Cover

Controlled Foster Family

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 2

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 2 - An accident at a hypnosis show gives me control over the foster family that I live with.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Hypnosis   Mind Control   Reluctant   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Harem  

I woke to the smell of bacon and coffee, and stretched lazily in my bed. Yesterday seemed like a beautiful dream and I was in no rush to wake from it. Fuck, I thought, today is Sunday! Fuck, fuck, fuck I said to myself as I rolled out of bed and staggered to the closet. The only thing worse than a long, boring sermon on a Sunday morning was getting another one from Jacob because I was late getting ready. I pulled on my pants and dress shirt, knotted my cheap tie around my neck and did what I could with my hair before heading out to face the inevitable.

When I got to the kitchen, I was treated on one of the perks of living here that I had mentioned earlier. Sarah was in her Sunday dress, a light cotton sun dress that showed off her figure perfectly. At least it would, if she wasn’t wearing a long sleeved cardigan with it. At least when she turned to look at me, I was given a chance to check out her ample cleavage with her gold cross pendant nestled perfectly between her smooth tits. She gave me a bright smile as she handed me a plate of bacon and eggs. “Good morning Chad, I hope you slept well?”

“Very well, thank you Sarah.” I replied politely as I took my place at the table. I took a moment to pretend to pray over my food, but instead stole a glimpse at Mary who was sitting across from me. Like her mother, she was wearing a light sun dress with a white sweater, hers was pale blue with white daisies, but her sweater had short sleeves and showed off her farm toned arms beautifully. She was staring at me with a small smile on her face. I remembered the command I had left her with after I made her masturbate to orgasm and I was sure that her pussy was getting wet again as she re-lived that moment in her mind.

“Amen” I mumbled, and looked over to Rebecca who was sitting beside me. Her Sunday dress was a soft pink and her long dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail so I could see the gentle line of her jaw. That jaw had been very busy last night and I watched her as she daintily chewed on her breakfast. Her lips were glistening with gloss and I started to get hard as I remembered the feel of them around my cock.

“Good morning girls, I hope you slept well.” I said, and watched Mary snap out of her daydream. She averted her eyes from me as a small blush crept up her neck. Rebecca turned to face me “Yes, thank you Chad. Thank you very much.” She said with a grateful smile. I relaxed as she confirmed that her post hypnotic suggestion was still working away. They were still subject to my control, no challenges yet it seemed.

Jacob grunted in disapproval from behind his paper, his hand setting down his coffee cup. “Last to wake again I see, at least I didn’t have to kick you out of bed this time.” He set his paper down, perfectly folded and in line with the edge of the table as he glared at me with disapproval. “I don’t want any smartass comments or snide remarks during the service this time, do you understand.”

Dammit, I was tempted to put him under and make him dance around like a chicken but just because I was an asshole, didn’t mean I was stupid. Until I had this thing completely figured out, I wasn’t going to take a chance at screwing it up.

“Yes Jacob, I promise not to embarrass you today.” I said in a respectful tone. He grunted and picked up his paper, but I saw Sarah give me a smile of gratitude. Whenever Jacob and I fought, she ended up getting part of it since it had been her idea to take me in. I nodded at her and started eating.

“Not so fast dear, you will give yourself a stomach ache.” Sarah piped up as she sat herself down at the end of the table. I saw her wince in pain, then cover it with a smile while she poured herself a glass of juice. I had seen that wince before, always on Sunday’s, and put it away at the back of my mind to ask about later.

We all piled into the car and drove to the church. Jacob liked to get there early to make sure he got a pew close to the pulpit. He wanted to make sure that the Minister got the full effect of his glare whenever he disapproved of anything that was said, which was often. Jacob was very Old Testament and given his plans clearly did not approve of where the church was going. Sarah sat beside him, her hands folded in her lap clutching her purse. She was nervous as always, she didn’t enjoy Jacob’s ride home rants any more than the rest of us and was always scared about what the sermon would be about.

Mary and Rebecca sat on my right, and seemed to jostle with each other as to who would get to sit beside me. Mary won and I felt her push her hip against mine even though there was lots of bench still available. Rebecca settled down on the end and I saw the disappointment on her face. It seemed like there were tears glistening in her eyes, second fiddle again.

The sermon was long and arduous, just like Jacob liked them and by the end we were all hot and uncomfortable. We shuffled out of the church, Sarah thanked the minister on behalf of the family after Jacob had walked indifferently by his outstretched hand. It was even hotter outside, a bright summer’s day as we walked to the car. I could see the heat rippling off of the pavement and a trickle of sweat ran down the back of my neck.

“Jacob, why don’t we go get some ice cream?” I asked and heard small squeals of delight from Mary and Rebecca.

“No.” He blurted back. “We have chores to get to, and you know what that ice cream parlour charges now. Pure robbery I say.” He considered the matter closed as he unlocked the car.

“But Jacob, everyone here is hot and we will be doing hay today. You know how hard that is, I think it would really help everyone if they had some ice cream first. God bless you Jacob.” I continued.

I saw him twitch, the hypnotic suggestion I had implanted fighting against his general miserliness. He sat still as the two thoughts battled in his mind.

“Remember that the bible says ‘And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.’ Let the ice cream be the cup of cold water you give, God bless you Jacob.”

“Fine, but no toppings.” He grunted as he plopped himself in to the driver’s seat and started the car. Sarah gave me a grateful smile while Mary and Rebecca both reached out to grab my hand as they babbled thanks in my ears.

“That was very wise of you, Chad. You have been studying.” Sarah said as we pulled away.

Yes, yes I had, and I had a whole list of bible quotes prepared for when I needed them. I sat back and pulled Mary and Rebecca’s hands into my lap as they still clutched mine. Their warm strong fingers squeezed me and whether they noticed the stiffening of my cock against the back of their hands they didn’t pull away.

It was a long hot day in the field, Rebecca and I worked in the wagon while Jacob drove the tractor. He was oblivious to how fast the bales were shooting out and several times I had to help Rebecca after she had been knocked down by a flying haybale. Each time she thanked me, her eyes bright with gratitude and I saw how her nipples pushed against her work shirt. Her sweat had stained the front and the wet cotton stuck to her body erotically. I hadn’t seen her naked last night and would find a time to fix that.

At the end of the day, Jacob had parked the tractor and headed off to the house. I told Rebecca and Mary that I would help Sarah finish in the barn and they gratefully headed off, arguing over who got to shower first. I walked into the barn to where Sarah was climbing down from the loft after putting the last of the bales in place. She was streaming with sweat, her blonde hair plastered to her face and her shirt untucked, hanging off of the tips of her impressive breasts.

“Gangster Rap” I said as she stepped down off of the ladder, and her head fell to her chest as the post hypnotic suggestion took hold.

“Sarah, turn around and lift up your shirt.” I said and she complied. My suspicions were correct, her back was striped with marks that had nothing to do with farm work.

“Sarah, did Jacob do this to you?” I asked, and she nodded.


“Every Saturday evening, he hears my confession then disciplines me for my sins.” She replied robotically.

Well, this was unexpected. I knew that Jacob had Sarah under his thumb but I had no idea that it went this far. “Where does this happen, show me.”

Sarah moved off towards the back of the barn and moved some old hay bales to reveal a trap door in the floor. She unlocked it with a key she took from a hook on the wall and lifted the hatch. There was a ladder that descended into the darkness and she climbed down it with practiced ease. I followed her and a few seconds later, a light came on and illuminated the room we were now in.

Damn I thought as I looked around, this brings spare the rod, spoil the child to a whole new level I thought. There was a wall full of old riding crops, leather straps and other things I had no idea what to call them, but none of them looked dusty from lack of use. Against another wall was a table with a collection of cuffs, belts, coarse ropes and what looked like gags, all laid out neatly and evenly spaced. The third wall held a large X shaped construction with hooks on the corners as well as a saw horse with o-rings set into the legs. On the far wall was a large mirror and a large board with a quote from the bible written on it in red paint;

“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12.11”

I turned to where Sarah stood, her head down and her hands clasped in front of her submissively. I hadn’t told her to stand like that, she had adopted it automatically when she entered the room. Her long blonde hair fell around her face and the cool air of the cellar was making her nipples push hard against the damp material of her t-shirt.

“Sarah, do you like it when Jacob brings you down here?” I asked.

“It is my duty to obey my husband as a good wife. If I have sinned against him, I must repent.” She replied automatically, almost as if she was reciting a line from a play.

I walked toward her “You didn’t answer my question, do you like what happens down here.”

She nodded. “I like when my husband takes control of me. It frees me from the fear that I may sin due to my weakness as a woman. When I am in here, I am safe from myself.”

“Do you like it when Jacob beats you?” I asked, and after a moments hesitation she nodded again.

“I like it when I am disciplined for what I have done wrong. My sins must be purged and Jacob helps with that.” She replied.

I reached out and lifted her chin. “Sarah, look at me. Do you like what happens in here?” I asked firmly.

She paused, as if wrestling with herself. “Yes, yes I do, but I shouldn’t. One should not enjoy the punishment you are given to atone for your sins. Also, lately Jacob has been so angry, it has been hard.” She shuddered, and not from the cold.

“Sarah, does he ever take you sexually down here?” I asked.

Sarah nodded, “Yes, after I have atoned for my sins and he is satisfied with my repentance he rewards me. He allows me to service him as a good wife should.”

“Sarah, does Jacob ever bring Rebecca or Mary down here?” I asked, and she stiffened.

“No, no. I made him promise not to. I am his wife and the bible says;

‘Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.’

But I couldn’t stand the thought of him disciplining my babies like this, not my girls.” She said forcefully.

“You are a good mother Sarah, and a good wife to Jacob. Unfortunately, Jacob is very busy and this is becoming a distraction to him. I have promised him that I would help him around the house so from now on I will take over his duties in this place, do you understand”

Sarah paused, and I could see the conflict on her face. “Jacob is my husband, it is his place to discipline me as his wife. I cannot allow another man to use me in the same way, it would be adultery.”

Fuck. Fuck God Damnit, literally. The very conditioning that made them so susceptible to the hypnosis also makes it damn hard to do some of the more interesting things I wanted to do. I would have to work around this and slowly, and I have an idea just how to start.

“Sarah, when we leave this room and you will forget you ever showed me this. When I release you, you will return to the house, shower and get ready for your church meeting tonight. All you will remember is that we discussed something that you have wanted to tell me for a very long time. You are happy that you finally let me know your secret but will not tell Jacob or anyone else, do you understand?” She nodded and we ascended the ladder. After we had replaced the hay bales and walked out of the barn together, I said “Death Metal” and she snapped out of her trance.

“Oh, Chad. Thank you so much for your help in there. You are such a good boy, I am glad you decided to stay for the summer.” Sarah said with a smile, patting my cheek but leaving her hand there just a little too long.

“Thank you, Sarah. I really enjoy working in the barn, there is so much to learn and do in there.” I replied with a nod.

A little while later and we were all in the kitchen. Sarah had showered and was looking around at what to serve for supper. I could see the exhaustion on her face after a long day at work, but Jacob just sat in his chair, staring out the window and impatiently drumming his fingers on the table.

“Jacob, it has been a really long day for all of us and you and Sarah have your church meeting to go to tonight. Why don’t we just order a pizza?” I suggested.

Jacob grunted and turned to glare at me. “First you want ice cream and now you want to order food when we have an entire kitchen full of it. I don’t know where you think this money comes from boy, but it certainly isn’t from you.”

“The pizza won’t cost that much, and you get paid for taking me in as a foster child anyway. Why not splurge a bit for your family, God Bless you Jacob.” I replied.

I saw him twitch, again fighting the suggestion but then fate intervened and his stomach growled. “Fine, it will probably get here faster than anything else in this house.” He grunted and I heard excited noises from behind me. I turned to see Mary and Rebecca reaching for the phone while arguing over the toppings, and a grateful smile from Sarah as she closed the cupboard. She poured us all large glasses of lemonade and we sat around the table talking about the day. All of us except Jacob, I am sure he was quiet because he was updating his financial plan to account for one extra large pizza.

Shortly later, Jacob and Sarah left and Mary and Rebecca were washing the dishes. I put the pizza box in the garbage and went out to the barn to make some preparations. With the adults gone, it was time for some real experimentation with my new authority. I came back to the house to find Mary and Rebecca sitting on the sofa, watching TV.

“Gangster Rap.” I said, and their heads dropped right on cue.

“Girls, follow me and put your hair up in a ponytail.” I said as I led them out to the barn.

We stood in the barn, next to the empty stalls as the horses were in the pasture for the night. “Mary, Rebecca, you will listen to my words and obey them without hesitation, just as if they were the word of God. Do you understand?” I said in a commanding voice and got two nods in return.

“You are no longer people, instead when you hear me snap my fingers you will both be horses.” and with a snap of my finger it was done. Just like during the show, Mary and Rebecca started snorting, whinnying and pawing the ground with their feet.

“Silly ponies, why are you wearing people clothes. Horses don’t wear clothes, do they?” I said and just as quickly they shimmied out of their t-shirts and leggings until they were standing naked before me. Mary tossed her head, her long blonde pony tail swaying in the light breeze. I had not seen Rebecca naked before and I was not disappointed. Where Mary was curvy and soft, Rebecca was lean and hard. She had the firm B cup tits I had felt last night and I was pleased at the showings of some abs. Also, her pussy was shaved bare and she had a thigh gap to die for.

“Very good ponies, but I don’t want you to hurt your hoofs so we need to put on your horse shoes.” I reached behind a hay bale and pulled out their fancy dress sandals and a riding crop. The heels were only a modest 2-3 inches but they were the best they had at the moment. I knelt down and lifted Mary’s leg so I could slide it on her dainty foot. Rebecca snorted and stomped when I knelt before her, but a quick slap of the crop and she stood still as I shod her.

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