Controlled Foster Family - Cover

Controlled Foster Family

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 1

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 1 - An accident at a hypnosis show gives me control over the foster family that I live with.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Hypnosis   Mind Control   Reluctant   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Harem  

My name is Chad, and you would call me a Juvenile Delinquent but I prefer to consider myself an opportunist. For everything I have been caught doing, I got away with two or three others and I like those odds. I will admit that I didn’t have the best start in life and I was a child of the system. My mom was a crack whore who overdosed when I was 12. My dad was her dealer, and is serving his third sentence for doing dumb ass shit. I have been bounced from juvenile detention to foster families and back for the last 6 years, and having just turned 18 I would be out on my ass if it wasn’t for the people I am with now.

The Mitchells were a devoutly religious family and that in itself would have led me to take off, if their religiousness didn’t come with a massive dose of self righteous tolerance. Shit that would have had me kicked out of other foster homes was attributed to the devil’s influence, and they were bound and determined to do the Lords work by saving me. I never did anything to them personally, you don’t shit where you eat you know. Having someone who was willing to show up at the cop shop at 2am to pick up my drunken ass was worth the sermon on the ride back. The scenery was a big plus too.

Sarah was the mother, and would have been a real MILF if she had put any effort into it. Her wavy blonde hair was always up in a bun or a ponytail but she had the face of an angel. Her body was firm and toned from working on the hobby farm that they owned, tending the garden or tossing hay bales was good exercise. The work shirts and jeans or shapeless dresses she wore could not hide her large tits and shapely ass but she seemed completely oblivious to how hot she could be.

Mary was their daughter, and had all of the best features that her mother had given her. She was a year older than I was and had just come back from her first year at the nearby Christian college to spend her summer working on the farm.

Rebecca was their other daughter, but adopted when she was 8. She had dark hair and looked like she had some Hispanic heritage with her dusky skin and exotic looks. She was the same age as Mary and the two had grown up and went off to college together. Where Mary was busty and curvy like her mother, Rebecca was lithe and willowy. Both were smoking hot and a year at college had helped them realize it.

Jacob was the father, a self-righteous prick who thought it was still 1950. He worked as a contractor and spent most of his time at one job site or another. When he came home, he expected the table to be set and the four of us waiting eagerly for the sermon he called grace. He, and by default the rest of us, volunteered regularly at the local church but I was sure that the minister would rather we didn’t. Nothing was good enough for him and he was quite vocal about how the younger progressive minister was ruining the congregation.

Anyway, it was my 18th birthday but as I said, they had let me stay with them for the summer at least. Guess there was still some work to be done on my soul but I could put up with it for the next 3 months to watch Mary and Rebecca wander around in t-shirts and shorts. For my birthday, I asked to go see the hypnotist who was going to be performing at the church, which doubled as the community hall. I thought it would be hilarious to see some of the stuck up people in the small community doing stupid shit so I could ride them about it later.

Jacob was against it, he didn’t agree with the church being used in such a disrespectful way. I managed to convince him by telling him that he owed it to God to be there and ensure things didn’t go too far. Sarah and the girls were all for it, anything to get them off the farm for an evening so we piled into the car. I made sure to grab the center of the back seat and it was quite pleasant squished between two hot 19 year old college girls. We arrived late and sat at the back of the hall, Jacob wanted to make sure he could keep an eye on everything.

They hypnotist explained what hypnotism was and how some people were more susceptible than others. Jacob snorted and muttered something about weak minds and the devils work but Sarah patted his arm to calm him down. The hypnotist then went on in an effort to hypnotize the room and see who would fall under and who wouldn’t. I was surprised to see all of their heads fall to their chest, I guess a lifetime of being told what to do by someone on a stage has an effect on the “Weak mind”. The hypnotist came around, tapping people who were under on the shoulder and bringing them to the stage. I watched eagerly as all of the Mitchells moved robotically, responding to the droning tone of his voice.

“Everyone standing on the stage, listen to my voice. Listen to my voice like it is the voice of God and obey.” He said and I saw several people, including the Mitchells nod their heads.

“From now on, when you hear the word Chicken, you will fall into a deep trance. My voice will be the only voice you hear and you will obey what I tell you. When you hear Egg you will wake from that trance and remember nothing except what I have commanded you to do, do you understand?” Again, all of their heads nodded.

What happened next was one of the high points of my life. I saw Jacob dragging his ass across the floor because he thought it was on fire. I saw Mary and Rebecca have a full conversation while barking at each other like dogs. I saw Sarah forget how to use a chair and sit on the floor, asking everyone around her what the strange thing beside her was. Finally, the show was about to wrap up.

“All of you who are under my control, now when I say Omelet you will awaken from your trance and...”

The fire alarm went off, the loud clanging drowning out what the hypnotist was saying. People stood and looked around in confusion. I looked to the exit and saw two of the neighborhood wanna be delinquents hustle out the door, fucking punks.

“Well, everyone outside now.” Jacob said, god forbid he disobey a rule as he hustled us out of the door. Being at the back of the hall, we were the first out and he guided us to the car.

“Well, that was a waste of an evening.” He grumbled as he strapped on his seatbelt.

“Where do you want to go for your birthday dinner Chad?” Sarah asked and I saw Jacob grunt at the thought of spending money when they had food at home.

“How about Kentucky Fried Chicken.” I replied.

The car was silent, and I looked around as the four of them sat there with their heads down on their chests. Holy shit, they were still under the influence! He had never actually said the release word and my voice must have sounded similar enough to his for them to respond to it.

I paused, and took a deep breath. What to do about this? First thing I needed to do was control the situation. “Jacob, when I say Egg you will wake up and drive us home. Do you understand?”

“Yes” he replied in a flat voice.

“Egg.” I said, and his head popped up. He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, heading straight home. He didn’t say anything the entire trip, nor did he notice that the rest of the family were still in their trance. He pulled into the driveway and parked the car then sat motionless waiting for his next command.

“Jacob, Sarah, Mary, Rebecca, when I say Egg you will wake up and go inside the house. You will feel very tired and get ready for bed. You will fall asleep and remain that way until tomorrow morning. When you wake, you will remember nothing except that you were disappointed in the show. Do you understand?”

“Yes” four flat voices responded.

“Egg” I said, and they did what I had told them. A few minutes later and I was the only one left awake in the house. I turned on my computer and spent the evening learning everything I could about hypnotism. The biggest thing I learned is that it wasn’t mind control, but suggestion. I couldn’t get them to do something they would strongly object to, like killing someone. I could get them to do things that they would not normally do that they would consider embarrassing or socially unacceptable. They had to have at least a kernel of willingness to do what I asked of them, then the hypnosis just overrode their moral or personal objections.

The next morning, everyone woke up and seemed normal. Jacob droned on with his sermon/grace while our food got cold and then we discussed what had happened the night before. As I had told them, they remembered going to the show but were disappointed. In fact, they believed that they had not fallen under the influence at all which was fine by me.

“Chicken” I said, and their heads dropped on cue. I realized that I would need some less common control words and decided to start there.

“You are under my control, I am the voice of God to you do you understand?” I said and four heads nodded.

“From now on, you will not respond to the words Chicken, Egg or Omelet. When I say Gangster Rap you will fall into a trance just as you are now, do you understand?” Four heads nodded again.

“When you are in this state, you will listen to my words and my words only. You will remember and obey my commands without question, do you understand?” Nodding again.

“When I say Death Metal you will come out of your trance and behave as you normally would. You will remember nothing that happened while you were under trance but obey any instruction I gave you. Do you understand?” Again, nodding.

“Death Metal” I said, and four heads popped up and resumed their conversation as if nothing had happened.

Shortly later, Jacob left for work and Sarah had cleared the dishes. Rebecca and Mary headed to their rooms to get changed into their work clothes for a day in the fields and I decided to try my first command. I knocked on Mary’s door and when she opened it said “Gangster Rap.”

Her head dropped and I gently guided her back into the bedroom, shutting the door behind me.

“Mary, this is God. Do you hear me?” I said and she nodded. She was still in her nightgown and her nipples made noticeable points against the light material. Go hard or go home I thought.

“Mary, when I say Death Metal you will awaken but ignore that I am here. You will realize that your breasts are very sore. They will be very sore and the only way that you can make them feel better is by rubbing them. Do you understand?” She nodded.

“Death Metal.”

Mary’s head came up, then she groaned and hunched her shoulders. “Owwwww.”

I watched as her hands came up to cup her firm C Cup tits. She squeezed them gently and moaned in relief. I stood there as she groped and squeezed her tits, groaning as she bit her lip in response to the pleasure she was now feeling.

“Mary, you now realize that your nightgown is quite rough and it will feel much better if you take it off.” I told her, and she immediately pulled the cotton nightdress over her head. Fuck, her body was just like I imagined it. Her nipples were now hard points on her large round tits and her figure narrowed then flared in an impressive hourglass. Her pussy was covered with a thick bush of blonde hair, I would have to get her to trim that, but her legs were long and smooth.

“Mary, have you ever touched yourself between your legs?” I asked. She paused, then shyly nodded.

“Mary, you will realize that you are becoming very aroused. You will lie down on your bed and touch yourself just as you have in the past.”

She moved back and lay down on the bed, one hand still groping her tits while the other slid slowly down her body and between her legs. She gasped as her fingers lightly caressed her clit and then parted her pussy lips. She gently stroked her pussy, slipping one finger inside herself while rubbing her clit with the heel of her palm.

“Oooohhhhh, Mmmmmmmm.” She moaned as she obeyed my command and pleasured herself. I saw her hips start to writhe on the bed as she finger fucked herself, the smell of her pussy juices began to fill the room.

“Ahhhh, mmmph” she gasped as she covered her mouth with her other hand in an effort to muffle the sounds of pleasure. Still the shy good girl, heaven forbid anyone know what she was doing to herself. I saw her brow furrow in discomfort and realized that her tits must be hurting again now that she was not rubbing them. I reached down and gently squeezed the soft but firm flesh, flicking my thumb over the now hard nipple.

“Mmmmmmmphhhhh, ooooooohhhhh” escaped from behind her hand as she desperately gagged herself trying to stifle the sounds. Her other hand was moving faster now, and wet squelching noises were coming from between her legs. I continued to fondle and grope her beautiful tits while she writhed beneath me.

I heard a knock on the door, then it opened behind me “Mary, are you ready? Chad, what the...?” Rebecca exclaimed.

“Gangster Rap, come in and close the door!” I blurted, and Rebecca’s head dropped as she shuffled into the room closing the door behind her. Shit, that was close. I didn’t want to stop what I was doing with Mary, if I let go of her tits the discomfort may waken her.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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