The Pleasures of Hell
Copyright© 2023 by Novus Animus
Chapter 42
Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 42 - An epic fantasy adventure through Hell, with demons and angels, and a couple humans with targets painted on their back. David and Mia didn’t want to be a part of this, but their unexpected first deaths land them in the middle of events grand and beyond knowing. Why are they in Hell in the first place? Why don’t they have the mark of the Beast, like other souls do? And why does everyone either want them, or want them dead?
Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Mult Consensual Reluctant Lesbian Heterosexual Fiction High Fantasy Horror Paranormal Demons DomSub MaleDom FemaleDom Rough Spanking Gang Bang Group Sex Harem Orgy Polygamy/Polyamory Anal Sex Analingus Double Penetration First Lactation Oral Sex Petting Tit-Fucking Voyeurism Big Breasts Size
The room was huge. The walls were spread out, stone, with no window. It had two sections: the pit, and a stone staircase on the side that led up to a sort of raised dining area, where a massive table and chairs waited to be used. A giant room, where you could either go up the side to sit and dine, or go into the center, onto the enormous pile of blankets. Not a bed, just blankets.
“Blankets?” David asked.
Laoko nodded and strutted around the room, hooves going clop clop on the blackwood floor.
“I stayed in this room when I worked with Timaeus. And I have tasted too many comforts to not enjoy some of the pleasures of the Scar. So, silk blankets from fallo spiders, of course.” Smiling, she leaned against the stone staircase, the dining area above her, and she eyed David. “We will be safe here, but I suppose you will want to sleep in shifts as usual.”
“Of course,” Jes said, and she tapped a fang, staring at the soft mountain. “Can I—”
“Sit. Come, sit.” Laoko sat on the edge of the pile, leaned back, and planted all four palms against it behind her. “I forget in Death’s Grip, you’re all barbarians who know nothing but rock and stone.”
“Not true!” Jes flared her wings, thought twice, hooked them on her shoulders, and hopped on top of the mountain. “I lived in the spire for a long time, working for Zel. And...” Sighing, she melted into the softness and spread her limbs, her tail, and her wings. Whatever thought she’d been ready to counter with disappeared.
Everyone joined her. The Las tested the blankets, tugging at them a bit, before they squealed and dove into them. The others found places to sit around the edges, but it was clear everyone was trying to enjoy the soft blankets a little more than they wanted to show. All except Moriah. She leaned against the wall, dragged herself up the stairs, and sat in a chair too big for even the tall angel.
“Angel,” Laoko said, “you need not—”
“Leave me be.”
No point in arguing with her. David shrugged, joined the girls, and almost cried. How long had it been since he’d felt something so soft on his ass? Not since Jes and Dao had captured him. They’d had a bed in their little hideaway, and even that was harder than this.
Caera flopped out on the blankets on her stomach beside David and slowly wagged her tail from side to side.
“I took having a bed for granted,” David said.
Daoka chirped at him, nodding, and slid closer.
Laoko slid closer, as well. “You are an interesting human, David.”
“The human part,” Jes said, and she crawled down and sat beside them on the pile edge, “is up for debate.”
“Regardless, you don’t hear souls speak up to demons very often, especially tetrads. You surprised Timaeus.”
David looked down at his sandals. A couple months ago, David wouldn’t have said a word. Way back in another lifetime, he’d have been happy to keep his mouth shut and deal with things as they came, not open his mouth and make changes happen himself. Sure, he got into arguments and debates with people all the time. For topics he cared about, personal interests, speaking up was easy. But serious stuff? No, he’d always shut up and let others make the decisions.
“I used to be a pretty quiet guy,” he said. “Been in Hell ... around forty days now, and I guess I’ve changed in more ways than obvious.” Hand out in front of him, he analyzed his fingers and knuckles, as if he could spot more changes. No luck. “I mean, I know I can speak up when I have to. I don’t have trouble talking, or even taking charge. I just hate doing it. I’d prefer to let others do the talking, take charge, and make all my decisions for me.”
Dao chirped some more and raised a claw.
“Too late,” Jes said. “He’s your pet, but I think things have grown a bit bigger than him just being your pet.”
Sighing, the satyr kissed David’s cheek. He kissed hers back.
“I’d love to go back to that,” he said. “That seemed like a pretty good deal, considering.”
“‘Course it did.” Laughing, Jes got up and stretched out her wings. “Couple of beautiful demon girls who’d fuck you every night, feed you, keep you safe, and even dress you?”
Caera laughed, turned, and lay her torso on his lap, back spikes up. Squashed. She was hot, but damn, she was heavy.
“Then I’d have never met you.”
“Unacceptable,” David said. “Also, ow. Armor.” Meera metal did not feel good on the skin, and Caera’s breastplate scraped against his thighs.
With some more laughs, Caera got up and began removing each chunk of armor. Like a signal, the rest of the girls did, too.
David watched, unable to tear his eyes away, as the eight ... nine demons got up, and got naked. They groaned, stretched, shook out their tails, legs, wings, and threw their armor to the side with zero consideration for scratches or dents. Meera metal always looked like it’d been ripped off a car from a junkyard and spray-painted black. This was probably why. If they took care of it, maybe it’d shine more, but then again, who wants their metal armor to shine in a fight?
He looked up at Moriah. She watched from her perch above, and everyone gave her her space. Even the Las had figured out the angel was not to be disturbed.
“Soft!” Lasca said, and she squirmed on the blankets. Already naked, and she rubbed the silk on her nipples. “Nice! Soft!”
“Soft!” the remaining Las said, stripped, threw their armor pieces away — clang — and threw themselves onto the mound. “Soft!” Squealing, they giggled and rolled, whined because they hurt their wings rolling, buried their faces and naked bodies in the silks, and giggled some more.
“Soft. Silk from the Scar always it,” Laoko said. With an almost sexual groan, she got up, undid the armor of her breasts and set the armor aside with a more delicate touch than the others. And unlike the others, she didn’t just do some mindless, quick little stretches. She hardcore stretched, four arms behind her, chest jutted out, and she stuck out each leg and hoof in turn. Then forward, four arms in front of her, until she’d folded in half like a pretzel and two palms touched the floor while two other arms wrapped around her calves. Full-on Yoga.
David gulped. She had Daoka’s curves, soft but slim, with some muscle hidden underneath the feminine curves of her physique. But she also had Acelina’s breasts, utterly ridiculously massive, even on her larger ten-foot body.
“Crazy, isn’t she?” Caera said.
“What? I ... what?”
“You don’t usually see tetrads with tits like that.” Shrugging, Caera leaned down, kissed his ear, and got back on all fours. After many cat stretches — big stretch — she crawled up onto the pile of blankets and lay on her stomach facing the inside, head turned enough to look back at him and Laoko.
“I mean, um...” He gulped.
Laoko laughed and leaned against the wall below the angel. “Yes, well, tetrads are not zotiva, like our dear pampered Acelina here.”
“What she means,” Acelina said, “is that tetrads, including bolstara like her, must fight every moment of every day. Large breasts impede physical combat.” Nodding, the spire mother set the last of her armor aside, cupped both her breasts and gently bounced them on her palms and claws. Even firm, skin dark red and unaroused, they jiggled. David gawked. “But they have their uses. I have the perfect body, do I not? No angel is as slim as I am, with as curves as large as mine.” She ran her claws down her tiny stomach, tight waist, wide hips, and large ass and thick thighs. “All wish to do as I demand, for but a single touch of my body, or a taste of my milk.”
Laoko watched, and a subtle smile grew. “I admit, I would not mind tasting that.”
Acelina shot her featureless glare at the tetrad. “I would.”
“Oh?” With a gentle chuckle, maybe even flirtatious, Laoko walked up to the woman and came in close. Acelina stood her ground. The bolstara tetrad got even closer, until their breasts pressed together, and Laoko aimed her ‘I know more than you think I do and I enjoy letting you know that’ little smile down at her.
Acelina didn’t push her away, but she did snarl a little, exposing some of her shark teeth with a sneer. Her wings were hooked around her shoulders, and it’d have been easy for her to use them to cover her body. She didn’t.
David stared. Laoko’s breasts were higher than Acelina’s because of her extra foot of height, meaning their weight squashed down onto Acelina’s from above. The way their shapes molded to each other was hypnotic, like globs of lava lamp wax softly colliding as some went up, some fell down.
Caera laughed and whacked his thigh with her giant tail. He meeped. It was very unmanly.
Daoko threw herself onto the pile of blankets, landed beside Caera, chirped and clicked, rolled onto her back, and gestured at the two boob-squishing giant demonesses.
“I hate the bitch,” Jes said, “but Dao’s right. Succubi wish they had Acelina’s body.”
“Not every guy is obsessed with huge boobs,” David said. The girls looked at him, eyebrows raised. Even Moriah snorted from her perch. “Hey, I said not every.”
Dao chirped some more and held out her arms to him. No need for translation. He rolled his eyes, but slid over to her, lay on top of her, and let his worries and stress melt away as his chest pressed to her huge breasts. Moriah was watching, but right now, he didn’t care. It was the first time in a long time they didn’t have to stand watch, afraid some angel or demon or invisible monster would kill them the moment they let down their guard.
He slipped off her, lay on his back between her and Caera, and pushed up on his elbows so he could watch the girls. The Las were sneaking around under the blankets now, like ferrets, and Jes was stretching out her wings some more.
He couldn’t not smile. All the shit that’d happened, and somehow here he was, surrounded by amazing, ridiculously hot, ridiculously awesome ladies. Naked ladies. And if he played his cards right, he’d find a companion in Moriah, maybe even an ally, and instead of Heaven being an enemy, they could help. Everything would be infinitely better if the angels were allies.
That was the gamble. That was the hope.
Daoka rolled over, got cozy on her belly on the blankets, and chirped.
“Coming,” Jes said. The lean creature crawled onto the blankets, stretched out her wings and tail, and snuggled up to Daoka’s side, also on her stomach. “Bet the angel bitch didn’t think we’d all just get cozy and hang out, did she?”
Moriah grunted and looked away.
“Don’t poke the bear, Jes,” David said. “She...” She’d lost a lot in just a few weeks, more than they had. “Just, leave her be.”
“Fine.” Rolling her eyes, she hooked her wings snug to her back and snuggled in close with lover.
“Acelina!” Latia, tiniest of the Las, dainty little gremla with hooves and no tail, crawled out from the blankets and walked up to the woman over twice her height. “Come sleep.”
“Acelina!” Laria, also gremla, and busty shortstack of the group of piranha, joined Latia, and the two demons pulled on Acelina’s hands. “Come, sleep. Snuggle.”
Acelina kept her featureless face pointed at Laoko, but after a few more tugs from the tiny ladies, she groaned, eyelessly rolled her eyes, and joined them on the blankets beside Caera. Cranky, sure, but no one could stay cranky when lying on silk for the first time in ages, and she sighed relief as she lay on her side. After a few adjustments, including digging a space for her breasts in the silk, she rolled onto her stomach, breasts filling the blanket hole, and she almost moaned as she got cozy.
The Las giggled and surrounded her, half snuggling into Caera as they swarmed the spire mother. Personal space didn’t exist for them. They hugged her thick thighs, her wings, her ass, and rubbed their cheeks on her shoulders.
Latia got a little too snug between Caera and Acelina, accidentally kicked Caera’s ass, and the tiger growled. Latia froze, and squealed as Caera sat up, grabbed her, and pinned the skinny little creature to the blankets.
Poor Latia. Caera lowered herself, buried the tiny creature under her large breasts, and wrapped her big tiger mouth around Latia’s throat. Latia went from frozen to petrified stone, and stared up at David as the giant tiger lady growled around her neck. Caera was twice as tall as Latia, with plenty of muscle to go with her large breasts. The little lady she’d captured was completely hidden underneath her torso except for her wings.
“David! Help Latia!”
David gulped. “I think she’s going to eat you, Latia.”
Caera chuckled around the girl’s throat. Her head was literally twice as big as Latia’s. If she’d wanted to, she could have opened her mouth and subtle snout wide enough to eat half the gremla’s head in a single bite. But she didn’t. She lifted her head, smiled down at her prey, and licked her cheek.
Latia erupted into giggles and smiled up at the tiger and David.
“It’s nice here. Stay here?”
“Can’t,” Caera said. “We gotta leave tomorrow and go on a quest to save the world, remember?”
“Oh. Fine.” She pouted. Pouting turned to giggles again as Caera licked the Las cheek.
David turned onto his side, reached out, and ran a hand down Caera’s back. Instant rumbling purrs from her, and she smiled at him with her single eye. She leaned toward him, breasts rubbing across Latia’s body, and kissed him. He kissed her back, nose nudging against hers and her subtle snout, and muscles he’d been clenching for days finally relaxed.
Caera lowered her head and set it on the blankets beside Latia’s. “Sleep.”
“Sleep, right.” David nodded and looked around some more. Twilight was here. All they had to do was close their eyes and they could sleep.
None of them closed their eyes.
Laoko smiled at him and sat on the blankets as well, Jes between her and Dao. She lay on her side, facing him, her two left arms to the blankets, two right arms on her side and hip. Maybe she was a telepath, trying to read his mind? She could be, with the way she kept her red and black eyes on him. And even unaroused, her enormous breasts pulled down into teardrop shapes.
Caera poked him in the chest. “Sleep.”
He looked back to the tregeera. She still had Latia trapped underneath her, and the way her huge breasts squashed against Latia’s tiny frame, spreading around the little gremla’s body and the blankets, was mesmerizing.
He didn’t want to sleep. Every night for a while now, they went to sleep, and that was it. He didn’t want to do that tonight.
He got on his knees beside Caera, and ran his hand down her naked back again. More growls and purrs from the tiger, and she looked back at him, Latia still trapped underneath her.
“David?” she asked.
He ran his hands up through her tendril hair, and she melted into his touch. He ran both his hands down her back, pushed hard on places he knew were stiff on her muscular body, and she went limp and squashed Latia again. He wrapped her thick tail with his arms, hugged it to the side of his body, and tugged on the black spikes lining its top. She wagged it, pulling his weight from side to side, but he fought against it, like a man wrestling a giant fish.
And god damn, that thick tail was attached to the most amazing ass. Caera had more muscle than the other girls, still feminine and curvy, but she had a firmness to everything, ass included. A round, hard, hypnotizing ass. He slapped it. It rippled.
“David,” she said, wiggling her butt, all the while keeping Latia trapped under her chest. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Full belly.” Not that he could ever truly be full, apparently, but he wasn’t hungry anymore. “I feel ... I feel ... like I want to touch you.”
She laughed. “That’s all it takes?”
“Hey, it takes a lot to settle my hunger. I’m feeling ... good. My fingers don’t ache.” She knew he meant the inner ones. “And I really ... really want to touch you.”
The aura inside him woke up.
Caera squirmed. “Moriah’s watching.”
He cast a glance up at the angel. Not watching. If anything, she was doing her best to pretend everything and everyone didn’t exist.
Fuck her. He’d been nothing but nice to her. And he wasn’t going to let the horrible woman get in the way of him spending quality sex time with the best things that’d ever happened to him.
“She can close her eyes and cover her ears for all I care.”
Daoka nodded, chirped, turned her head and set her eyeless gaze on him, small smile growing. He smiled back, and shifted around the blankets to get behind Caera. Without prompting from her, she spread her knees, and her legs half splayed out. Her giant tail was in the way, but it was fun to wrestle with it, and he grinned as he put it on his shoulder.
David kept the aura low, exercising some self control, but he made sure the hidden vibrations pulsed out through the room, warm and tingling. It wouldn’t be very nice to put anything on Moriah, so he concentrated and made sure the aura was light and didn’t go far; he was getting better at controlling it. And maybe it was just an inflated sense of ego, but he kinda felt like he wouldn’t really need to use it. The girls wanted to fuck him. He wanted to fuck them.
But the aura did help speed things up a bit, and with so many ladies, that was probably a good thing.
Latia peeked her head up over Caera’s shoulder, big eyes sparkling with growing hunger, but Caera pinned her down. Her wings fluttered, and Caera pushed her up further on the blankets and hooked her little legs over Caera’s shoulders. She lowered her head, and Latia sat up with another squeak and an outright moan as the tiger pressed her head down against the gremla’s pussy. David couldn’t see the details with Caera’s head blocking everything, but from how Latia’s eyes were staring down, and her mouth, full of shark teeth, was literally hanging open, Caera had shoved her entire tongue into the gremla.
Much as David wanted to watch that, he looked down at Caera’s spread legs. With her on her stomach, her pussy faced out toward him, her clitoris on the blankets. Everything grew redder by the second, and David groaned, eyes locked on the softening lips of Caera’s pussy.
He slipped out of his toga, and it poofed out of existence. Neat. He rubbed his hands up and down the sides of Caera’s tail, slipped a hand lower, and teased his fingertips along her red, almost pink slit. She rumbled, almost growled onto Latia’s pussy, and the little lady whimpered again. And because hooking the gremla’s legs over her shoulders wasn’t enough, Caera grabbed Latia’s wrists and pinned them to the blankets. Poor girl was utterly trapped, unable to escape Caera’s tongue, while David took his sweet time teasing the tiger’s lips.
He slipped a finger lower, between her clit and the blankets, and gently massaged. Caera stirred. He stroked her smooth pussy’s lips with his other fingers, and she stirred a little more. He grabbed her ass, squeezed the meat of it, sank his fingers into the firm curves of it, and shivered. Laughing, Caera lifted her head, let little Latia suck in some much needed air, and she grinned over her shoulder at him and shook her ass. It jiggled, but with how much of it was muscle, it was a short-lived, hard jiggle.
He lowered his fingers back to her lips and slipped them into her. Wetness awaited them, earning some growling purrs from Caera, and she aimed the sounds down at her gremla prey and again devoured the tiny creature’s pussy. Mewls and whimpers filled the room as poor Latia came quickly, only for Caera to give her no break. And the more Latia squeaked, the more Caera’s tight, warm insides squeezed on David’s fingers. He barely had to do anything, and her juices leaked down, joining his thumb along her clit.
He kept up the pace on her clitoris, spreading her juices around and around to soak the nub and her lips. Caera set the exhausted Latia aside, grabbed Lasca — the Las had gotten in line — and threw her on her back, as well. Squeaks and mewls followed. Growls joined them, David pushing down against Caera’s g-spot with two fingers, and squashing it down against the blankets rapid fire. Soaking wet already, her juices leaked out of her, drowned his hand, trickled down her lips and mons, and wet the blankets. He didn’t slow down, and pounded his fingers down against her insides as hard as he could for a solid minute straight, making the pile of silk shake with him.
She clenched hard, lifted her head, and wrapped her tail around his torso, blocking him.
“You ... that was ... rough.” She smiled at him, purring and rumbling, and wiggled her ass as her body quivered. “You’re feisty lately.”
“Am I?”
“Yeah, you are. I like that.” Nodding, she licked her fangs. “I loved it when you yelled at Moriah earlier.”
“You did?”
“Yes. You should do that more often. You’re good at yelling.”
The angel snorted from her perch. “You’re all animals.”
David smiled up at the mostly-out-of-view angel. Maybe she was right. Right now, he didn’t care.
Daoka slipped in closer, got side by side with Caera on her stomach, and held out her hands. Laara giggled and got on her butt in front of the satyr, and adopted the same position as Lasca and Caera. And without so much as a word or noise, Acelina, already on her stomach beside Caera, grabbed Laria, lay the busty little gremla out, and devoured her pussy, too.
David gulped. A girl in front of him, eating another girl out. A girl on his left, doing the same. A girl on his right, doing the same. The three little ladies all mewled and moaned, going up and down through orgasm highs as the demonesses buried long tongues inside their tiny pussies.
He couldn’t take anymore. With Caera distracted with hear new meal, her tail relaxed, and he was free to shift, grab his cock, and aim the growing appendage at the tiger’s soaked slit. Unable to stop moving, she rubbed her clit against the blankets, humping it as she waited for him, soaking the silk.
“By Lilith,” Laoko said, and she crawled over to David. Crawled, literally, using her knees and four hands, and her enormous breasts swayed underneath her. Coming at him like some sort of sexy centipede, she parked by Acelina’s legs but faced him, sat on her knees, and stared down at his growing cock. Her two higher hands grabbed her own breasts, and her two lower ran claws along her inner thighs, while her eyes drifted around his body.
“Yeah,” Jes said, and she straddled Dao’s legs beside David’s other side. “His body has a lot of weird quirks, and we don’t know why. Creating a giant sex aura no one can resist? That’s just the tip of the iceberg.”
“He’s not human.”
“Hey!” David glared up at Laoko, but she smiled and gestured down to his growing cock. It was growing, getting larger and larger by the moment.
“How big can it grow?”
He squirmed. “I ... don’t know. Seems to just listen to me when I tell it to grow, that I want to fit someone, or fill them, and—”
Laoko licked her fangs and leaned in close, eyes roaming his body. “That aura is ... it’s ... tingling through me.” She squeezed her breasts, softness spilled over her hands, and her swollen nipples jutted out between her fingers. Her two lower hands snuck between her thighs and caressed the tetrad’s pussy, but all details were hidden behind finger and claw.
He almost apologized for the aura, but Caera growled back at him.
“Hurry up!” The way she looked at him, single eye wide, mouth half open, was gasoline on a fire.
His aura exploded. He buried the room in heat, far more heat than he planned, but seeing Caera beg, hearing the way her normally solid voice melted, sent heat through his body. He set his glans on her pussy, inched his knees closer, grabbed her hips, and slammed into her.
Jes and Laoko moaned. Caera sucked in a breath, and trembling, set her mouth back on her little Las pussy. The other girls probably would have focused on enjoying themselves if they’d been fucking David, but Caera seemed determined to pleasure Lasca while getting fucked. Maybe she liked the challenge.
David’s cock continued to grow, and he stayed buried balls deep inside the tiger as it did. He grabbed her ass, squeezed, sank his fingers into the meat of her cheeks again, and pushed them around side to side, all so he could enjoy the way their firmness jiggled against him. Her huge tail rested on his shoulder, and it twitched every so often as he filled the tiger up, stretching her pussy deeper into her body.
Jes sighed, watching him penetrate Caera, same as Laoko. She slapped her girlfriend’s ass, too, and Dao lifted her head and chirped back at her, smiling.
“David’s been focusing on Caera a lot lately,” Jes said. “Poor Dao’s being neglected.”
David froze. “I ... um...”
Laughing, the gargoyle slipped a wing around him and half hugged his back.
“You can make it up to her after. For now, look at this.” She slapped Caera’s closer ass cheek, a lot harder than David would have. Much as Dao had huge curves and a touch of softness to her, Caera was firm. It took a hard slap to get a large, proper jiggle, and David sucked in a breath as Caera squeezed on him hard. Juices trickled out of her and wet his testicles where they nudged against the blankets and her clit.
Caera growled into Lasca, and the La mewled and melted back on the blankets, body limp and legs on the tiger’s shoulders.
“I’m ... looking,” David said between winces, eyes locked on Caera’s clenching lips.
“Can you ... grow bigger?” Laoko asked.
“I think so? I uh ... this is ... pretty big.”
“She’s a tregeera. She could fuck a child of the Old Ones and be fine. I’m sure.” Licking her lips, Laoko leaned in toward him, guided Caera’s tail off his shoulder onto her lap instead, and set two of her hands on his back. So close, her left breast pressed to his shoulder, and the enormous pillow buried it. “I’ve never seen such a ... curious wonder. Can you ... indulge me? I want to see how ... how much you can fill her.”
“Yeah,” Jes said, kneading Dao’s ass with one hand, and holding his leg with the other. “Just ... fucking wreck her.”
Even if he’d said no, his body did what it wanted, and it filled Caera. His cock grew thicker, longer, and Lao and Jes both groaned as his girth spread Caera’s clenching slit apart. They couldn’t see, but he could feel it stretch her inward, press against her abs and the blankets she lay on, until the tiger couldn’t stretch anymore.
Caera lifted her head and looked back at him, mouth open, panting, long tongue almost hanging out. She set Lasca aside — she was done, too — and let her head go limp on the blankets. Limp, shivering, and clenching hard, more of Caera’s juices drenched him.
He grabbed her hips and slammed into her. Tight friction buried every inch of his cock, soaked heat letting his thick girth push past her clenching muscles, until he buried every inch inside her. His testicles slapped the soft blankets between her thighs, and her ass jiggled with each impact. Caera was so much heavier than him, but she had her legs spread, with some of her weight on her knees, making it easy for him to pull her toward him, and more easy for him to drive his body forward into her.
Everyone watched. Dao set her little La aside, so did Acelina, and they both turned and watched the tiger between them moan into the blankets. The Las lay in a dog pile on top of the mountain, quivering and hugging each other, content with their quick orgasms. But Caera would take longer to be satisfied.
She pushed her weight up on her elbows, arched her back, and half hugged him with her tail again as she clamped down. Her head fell forward, dangled between her shoulders, and again she went limp on the blankets. Her insides bathed him in random clenches, muscles spasms that worked up and down his length, and a new coating of hot juices drenched him.
The squeezing and squirming was too much, and he slowed his thrusts as the tingling bliss of orgasm shocks ran from tip to testicles. The first gush of cum of the night, and it filled Caera instantly, squirted out from between her taut, pink pussy lips and his cock, and soaked his pelvis and her thighs.
He stayed there for a while, gently shifting his hips and letting her milk the last of his orgasm, while the tiger’s tail rested against his side and over his right arm. With it mostly up and out of the way, he was free to play with her ass more, knead it, mold its firmness against his fingers, and slap it. Jes joined in, quietly laughing into his ear as she slapped Caera with a good degree more force than he did. Instant clenches, and David shivered again.
Laoko stood up. David blinked up at her, and half coughed when she grabbed his arms and lifted up him and away. His cock slid free, and Caera relaxed on the blankets again, legs still half spread, empty pussy gushing cum onto where he’d been kneeling.
His cock wasn’t hard enough to stick out straight; way too big and heavy. It arced down and forward, and Laoko stared at the absurd length before looking him in the eye.
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