Janna's Tears - Cover

Janna's Tears

by Craster

Copyright© 2023 by Craster

Horror Sex Story: Janna stops at a gas station in the middle of the night. Probably the worst decision she will ever make.

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Rape   Fiction   MaleDom   Rough   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Water Sports   .

It had been a long night already and rain was not making the drive any easier. And now the coffee was running through Janna. She would have never been able to make the drive this late without the caffeine, but now she had to find a place to stop soon or she would explode. Unfortunately at 1 am there was nothing open and she could not bring herself to just pull over in the rain.

Janna drove another twenty minutes before she saw a pale light coming from a roadside gas station. The sign was broken and flashing but there was someone sitting behind the rain streaked windows. This was not promising but desperate times and all. With her bladder throbbing, Janna pulled her little car to stop under the awning.

The wind wiped at Janna and she was still nearly soaked when she pulled on the handle praying it would open. It took a good heave but it did open on her second pull. A bell jangled above her. She scurried inside and shook her dripping hands. The interior was just as rough as the outside. There was a set of old wooden shelves creating an aisle down the middle of the cramped space. A wall of glass coolers held a pitiful selection of booze and drinks. The counter was shadowed above with a rack of cigarettes. Beyond the counter, a crusty old man sat reading a magazine. He had looked up when she opened the door and had not stopped staring at her.

“Do you have a bathroom?” She asked, smiling and pushing her long red hair back from her face. Her glasses were fogging up in the humid room. She did not like the looks of the old man but could not wait much longer and if she had to she would turn on the charm ro keep from pissing herself. He simply nodded and it was obvious that he was looking at her chest. She looked around but could not see a marked door.

“It’s just past the cooler” he responded. “Don’t take long sweetie.” She turned back to him and was about to respond to his quip, but his leer kept her from speaking. Instead she walked down the narrow aisle toward the back wall. Just past the cooler there was a narrow door with ‘Shitter’ scrawled across the dingy red paint. Beyond that there was another door marked ‘Employees Only’, only slightly cleaner. There was little light getting around the corner from the front and she did not want to know why her shoes were sticking to the floor.

The pain in her abdomen was growing and despite the revulsion she felt, Janna opened the door and stepped in. As she did, she heard the bell on the front door ring again. The smell hit her in a solid wave, stale piss and worse. There were two stalls along the opposite wall from the door, a urinal to the left and a sink to the right. It was barely large enough to turn around. The light came from a bare bulb set in the ceiling above the door. She almost ran back out, but her bladder would not let her retreat. She turned back and was at least relieved to see that there was a lock on the door which she engaged.

The stalls were worse if possible. Stained and stinking. The graffiti on the walls was explicit and there were a list of women’s names scrawled down the inside of the door. Each of the names had a number of x’s after it. The last one was Ashlee. There were two x’s after it. This is creepy as shit. She thought to herself trying not to consider what she would be sitting on in a moment. She unrolled several feet of toilet paper from the roll and spread it across the seat. After accomplishing what she could, she turned and forced her yoga pants down past her knees. She groaned loudly as she let loose a stream into the bowl.

A moment after she started, the door handle shook. “Occupied!” she shouted. It shook again harder and there was a muffled conversation coming from the other side. “Occupied” she said again, quieter this time, her heart starting to race. Then the sound of a key in the lock.

“I’m in here” she squealed, but her protest did not deter whoever was coming through the door. Below the stall door she saw a pair of leather work boots, wet with rain and mud.

“I know you’re in here. That’s why I’m here little bit.” The voice was deep. Much deeper than the old man behind the counter. It struck her at that moment that in her haste to piss, she had left her phone in the car. She sat there terrified as the boots moved toward the other stall. Through the crack in the divider, she saw the shadow of a large man. Then the sound of a zipper being pulled down. “Now be a good little girl and help me out.”

A moment later a huge cock pushed through a hole in the dividing wall that Janna had not noticed before. It was thick and veiny and the purple helmet stared up at her as she sat there. “No” she tried to squeak but only a shallow breath escaped her. The large member jumped up and down. “Take it you little slut. Don’t piss me off. Now get on your knees and open that mouth.”

Janna was shocked into immobility. She had heard of a glory hole before but had never seen one, let alone been asked to suck a cock through one. The thought of putting that thing in her mouth revolted her, especially here. This nasty excuse for an outhouse. “Fuck off pervert” she heard herself finally respond. But her outburst did not have the desired result. Instead of withdrawing, she could tell that the man on the other side was pumping it slowly. Then he started to laugh. A deep rumbling sound that froze her soul.

“I told Frank you’d never go for the easy way. He thought you looked like a slut and would jump when I said boo. But I knew you’d want to do it the hard way.” The pumping slowed then stopped. “One more time. Suck it cunt or I’m going to make you.”

“Please stop. I’ll call the police.” She had to hope he believed her threat. Fear forced itself up her throat and a whine escaped. The organ withdrew and she almost cried in relief. Then a meaty hand grabbed the top of the door to her stall and it was pulled open. She knew she had latched it but the little piece of metal had betrayed her. Before her stood a mountainous man in a grease stained flannel shirt and blue jeans. His head was shaved and a long thick beard covered his chin. A tattoo snaked from behind his right ear down into his collar. His fly was open and his cock flopped there, half hard and threatening. Behind him, Janna saw the old man, his eyes bright with lust.

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