Proper Women (Anthology of Kick-Ass Short Stories) - Cover

Proper Women (Anthology of Kick-Ass Short Stories)

Copyright© 2023 by Eddie Davidson

Cock Jockey

Erotica Sex Story: Cock Jockey - Proper Women (AoK-ASS) is a collection of perverted short stories written and edited by Mike McGifford and myself. He's a genius who can breathe life into a vignette and transport you somewhere in a single chapter. His writing is so good, that I collected the very best ones to share with you. A few of my own thrown in. Mike gave me permission to curate and publish the best ones. Each chapter will be self-contained and not related to the next unless noted.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Fiction   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Incest   BDSM   Humiliation   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   Facial   Fisting   Flatulence   Food   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Petting   Pregnancy   Scatology   Sex Toys   Spitting   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Porn Theatre   Prostitution   Illustrated  

“Sex sells, Taylor. That’s all there is to it.”

“But I don’t want to be known as the guy who’s mom is a hooker!”

“Try to see it from my perspective. I’ve got to look after you and your sisters. I’m your mother and it’s the most important thing to me.”

“I’ve told you, mom-”

“You are not going to skip going to college to get a job. It’s my responsibility. I’m still good enough looking that I think I can make a go of this. Anyway, I’m not thinking of turning tricks, per se. I’m going to open an account on a social media site geared towards sex.”

“It’s the same thing, mom. Just because you won’t be standing on a corner, you shouldn’t have to degrade yourself like that. Just forget about that idea, okay? Something will come up. I don’t care if you get a job down at Willie’s Gas. At least it’s an honest job as a cashier at a gas station. I won’t be embarrassed, I promise. And I’ll get a job too-”

“No you won’t!” Jessica insisted. No son of hers would ever be put in the position of having to support his sisters and mother.

“At least until school starts, mom. Jeez I wish you hadn’t told me, now. I’m probably gonna have nightmares of my mom spreading her legs for money,” Taylor admitted ruefully.

“Nightmares? Am I so ugly that I’d give you nightmares?” Jessica shot back.

She wasn’t mad. She knew what Taylor meant. She was his mom, not a horny stranger. She was sure he often imagined women with their legs spread wantonly. Just not her’s.

“You know what I mean. You’re my mom. I’m not supposed to think of you like that,” Taylor defended his words.

“I told you because you deserve to know, honey. Look at you. You’re a man now. You’re 18 and about to start your own life. You shouldn’t be saddled with responsibilities you don’t need. But because you’re a man now, you need to think like a man. I have the means to do okay. Do well even, with the idea I’ve got. If you could only get past not liking that I’m your mom.”

“Starting a Sexy Girls account is not as easy as you think, mom! They have millions of viewers, sure, but there’s also thousands of models all vying for the same membership fees. You’d have to beat out a list a mile long of other Sexy Girl models that are younger than you and just as pretty, to get just one subscriber. That’s not going to get the bills paid,” Taylor argued, attempting to use logic to convince his mom of the folly of her idea.

“You think I’m pretty?” Jessica asked, smiling at the compliment.

That’s not what Taylor had hoped his mom would take away from his speech.

“Of course you’re pretty, mom. You damn sure know you’re a MILF, but that’s not the point I was trying to make. I’m saying there’s too much competition. You wouldn’t open for business and have subscribers knocking down your e-door. You might get one or two, maybe even ten guys willing to pay ten bucks a month for the opportunity to see your beaver.”

“I would if I advertised right and you’re the real genius when it comes to both tech and marketing.”

“It’s hard to market a mature woman as anything more than that. But you really think I would be okay with helping to sell my mom’s nudes?”

“I’ve seen your browsing history, Taylor. I’m willing to market myself as the very thing you’ve been beating off over, for the last month or two.” Jessica answered with a serious expression.

She wasn’t joking. She’d stumbled across her son’s browsing history while trying to locate a website she’d visited a few months ago.

Taylor’s cheeks colored. Hearing his mom tell him she knew he’d been looking at porn was bad enough, but hearing that she knew he’d been searching for mature Asians was too much. His mom didn’t even look vaguely Asian, though.

That Jessica was only 5’ 1” was about as close as she came to being Asian. She had a decidedly un-Asian roman nose, copper-brown hair with natural ringlets to her shoulders, blue eyes and very Italian curves. Most Asians didn’t have double-D cups or basketball-sized cabooses either.

“Mom! Jeez. I don’t know what you think you saw but-”

“I know, Taylor. You’ve been looking up submissive Asians and I’m not Asian. But the keyword is submissive. I want my site to be billed as catering to the patriarchal viewer.”

“I don’t even know what that is, mom. Subscriber’s just go to the Sexy Girls website to beat off while their wives and girlfriends are sleeping - fantasizing that their wife or girlfriend is as hot as a Sexy Girl content provider.”

Taylor was having a hard time having this conversation with his mom, talking about whores; that’s what the content providers on Sexy Girls were even if some of them didn’t use dildos on screen. But he was sucking his discomfort up. He had to make his mom see what a bad idea this was, how it would ruin her reputation and by extension, his.

“A patriarchal viewer is anyone who thinks women should be seen as inferior to real men, Taylor. Who believe that a woman’s place is to serve men. I want to provide a place where they can go to be themselves, not pretend to be politically correct around women. Where they can fantasize about treating women as objects. Even as a place where women can go to put themselves in my heels - where they can imagine themselves BEING a sex object for men.”

“A slut. You really want to be known as being a slut. Jeez mom!”

“Not just a slut honey. A slut is a girl who enjoys sex with a lot of partners in a short time. In my mind, I’m imagining starring in a documentary-style weekly broadcast. If I’m lucky, I’ll have one man providing the cock.”

“They aren’t called broadcasts, mom. Anyway, why would you do that? That’s crap and you have to know that. Women are equal to men. And no man is ever going to set himself up to generate the kind of scorn he’d get being any such videos as you’re describing.”

“That’s just you parroting what you’ve been taught in school, Taylor. You don’t really think that, or you wouldn’t be searching for videos of Asian whores humiliating themselves in front of any man who agreed to be filmed degrading them.”

“That’s all fake. I don’t-” Taylor started but Jessica interrupted him.

“You do want to believe it’s possible, Taylor. Just admit it. I agree with you! Women were created FOR men. It’s even in the Bible. Treating us as your equals was the stupidest idea ever. To be blunt, we’re cock sleeves, Taylor. We don’t have to be dumb sluts to know what our place is.”

“What your place is? This is not the eighteen hundred’s, mom. Women should be a man’s equal and know it.”

Jessica ignored Taylor’s comment and finished verbalizing her thoughts. “Some guys get off on seeing us ACT like dumb whores and that’s fine. Others like to hear a clearly intelligent woman objectify themselves. I’m smart enough to know I can be paid to be me.”

“Mom, you’re one of the smartest women I know. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you! You don’t need to make guys think you’re shit under their shoe. You could get a job anywhere. Why are you insisting this is what you want to do?”

“Yes I do, Taylor. I want to be one of the emerging few voices that are sick of the way the world’s going. It’s time for us to be heard. And seen. In all my glory as a true woman.”

Taylor looked at his mom in disbelief. He’d never heard her talk with such passion about anything, especially her ideas of what she thought a woman’s role in society should be. He figured she had to be making it up as she went along, but he couldn’t understand why.

He’d always loved his dad but thought of him as being a male chauvinistic pig before he’d been killed by a drunk driver; a female drunk driver at that.

Now his mom was trying to get him to believe that she’d always agreed with his dad’s views and hadn’t been a victim for years. That she actually liked the way he had at times treated her.

Taylor’s world was being turned upside down and he was finding it difficult to absorb all this new information.

“So not only would my friends be able to watch you naked, they’d hear you proclaiming you’re a slut? That’s too much, mom. I wouldn’t be able to show my face to any of them.”

“A cock jockey, Taylor. Ready to take a man in any hole at any time,” Jessica assured her son, blushing a little herself now. “It’s up to you, though. Are you going to be a good little follower of the absurd idea that women were created equal or finally step into your dad’s shoes?”

Jessica had known she’d have to have this conversation with Taylor in order to get him on board with her plan. Her daughters, Sierra and Monique, twin fifteen year olds, didn’t really have to know, but she had high hopes for Taylor.

Jessica needed her son’s expertise and she didn’t mind begging for it or paying for it, but first she had to convince him she was willing and capable of following through with her plans, with or without him.

Hearing her son call her a MILF had been music to her ears. She knew he probably hadn’t consciously meant it how he’d said it, but he’d just told he’d like to fuck her.

“Jeez mom. You’re really going to do this no matter what I say, aren’t you? At least give me some time to think about it.”

“If I do, you’ll know I believe everything I just said. That I’m not full of shit,” Jessica cautioned.

“How’s that, mom? I just don’t want you signing up yet.”

“If I wait for your blessing, it tells you that I think of you as superior to me no matter that you’re my son,” Jessica said.

“No, it just tells me that you respect me enough not to do something that jacks up your future, my future, and Sierra’s and Monique’s futures,” Taylor assured her.

“Take it however you want, Taylor. I’m still doing it but I’ll give you time to decide if you want to control how it’s done,” Jessica replied.

“Doesn’t it bother you that I’d see you naked? Well aside from the rest of the world, that is. And you know your daughters are going to find out sooner or later if you do this,” Taylor asked, still failing to wrap his head around everything.

“I’ll strip right now if you want, Taylor. I’m just a set of boobs, a cunt and an ass. If you want to see them, just say so,” Jessica assured her son.

While she sounded confident, she was actually quite nervous about the idea. If her son was disappointed with what he saw, that would affect the part of her plan she hadn’t yet discussed with him despite the hints she’d dropped.

“You’ll just strip naked, right here in my room?”

“Of course. Unless you’d rather me do it somewhere else? You have to understand, Taylor, that I’m telling you I know I’m just meat. I know my place. I’m not JUST your mother. I’m a horny little bitch who needs cock. Yours is certainly not inferior to any other man’s.”


“What, Taylor? Your father wouldn’t have been surprised. We talked about me throwing myself at you before you went to college. He was all for it. It just never seemed necessary and I was always nervous that you’d get upset. Just like you have done.”

“I’m not upset! I just ... I need to process this. You have no idea how hard it is to think of my mom as a woman.”

“As a cock jockey, Taylor,” Jessica corrected him.

She didn’t want him to think of her as a woman because that had too many negative social connotations in her head.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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