Leanne, Kyle, Mattie and Rod - Cover

Leanne, Kyle, Mattie and Rod

by Curbstonesetter

Copyright© 2023 by Curbstonesetter

Romantic Sex Story: Description: Twin Sister seduced her brother’s girlfriend and his Sister gave him her virginity. She and his girlfriend became lovers as well as sisters in law. She has her Brother’s baby and her Brother’s wife has her husband’s baby.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   .

Author’s Note: This story is a complete work of fiction from the get go and is intended solely for the readers to enjoy. My thanks to EasySpeak for the work of editing this story so that it makes sense and makes it easier to read and understand.

My name is Leanne and my twin brother, Kyle, and I graduated from the university a couple of years ago. Coincidentally, we both found jobs in the same metropolitan city and each of our job locations just happened to be in fairly close proximity to one another. That allowed us to find and lease a very nice two bedroom apartment in which we could live together and share expenses.

We were able to split the rent, utilities and food with one another reducing the overall cost of living for each of us. It sure beat each of us having to find individual apartments. And it beat having to find roommates who we knew little or nothing about to share the costs of our apartments.

As twins, Kyle and I were raised by our parents to be very close to one another and to look out for and protect each other as best that we could. All through elementary school, high school and college we continued to be very close to one another. I wouldn’t have had it any other way, nor would Kyle have had it any other way, either. It worked out very well for the both of us.

I love my twin brother very much and I know that he loves me too. We both enjoyed each other’s company and we still did and still do. We continue to do as many things and go to as many places together as we can.

We are still very close to one another even now after we have been out of college for a couple of years. He has always been good company for me and I have always tried to be good company for him, too. It was almost like we were lovers but, we haven’t made love.

Of course, we naturally had our little squabbles as siblings from time to time but we never let them get out of hand and we always came to some amicable resolution of our differences and everything was “hunky dory” afterwards.

With that kind of a relationship there was no question that we could live together since the situation allowed it and almost demanded that we do so. Living together meant that we each had that much more disposable income to use at our option as we chose.

Our living arrangements worked out very well for the both of us as Kyle had his own bedroom and I had mine in the apartment we leased. We cooperated with one another on keeping our apartment clean and tidy, making meals, grocery shopping and doing laundry and all the Suzi Homemaker things necessary around our home.

I had met a couple of guys at my work and went out with each of them a couple of times. Kyle had met a couple of girls at his work and he went out with each of them as well. Occasionally we even double dated which was a lot of fun for both of us.

The girls that Kyle dated were all very cute, shapely girls and I was able to get along with each of them very well. I was amazed at how much the girls that Kyle dated were very much like me in many respects.

On the other hand the guys that I met and went out with were good looking, good natured guys that Kyle liked and got along with very well, also. I guess that was one of the main criteria for whom we chose as our dates.

If our dates couldn’t get along with our sibling then they really weren’t a suitable choice for us. After I had realized that the girls Kyle dated somewhat resembled me I began to see that the guys I dated somewhat resembled Kyle, also.

Once every so often, Kyle would bring his date home to our apartment. They would have a pizza and some wine and they would watch a movie on TV together. Several times I came back from my date and when I came into the apartment I found Kyle and his date sitting on the love seat drinking wine and watching a movie.

No doubt they had been making out. Whatever else they did was between them and really was none of my business. I guess I really didn’t want to know. Occasionally, the same thing happened to me as well and neither one of us ever said or thought anything of it.

One night I returned home and found him and his date watching a movie. Kyle introduced me to his date: “Leanne, this is Mattie”, and he told her, “Mattie this is my twin sister, Leanne.” Then he told Mattie that we lived in the apartment together.

Mattie very warmly greeted me and invited me to sit down and have a glass of wine with them. They invited me to watch the rest of the movie with them. I sat down with them and found that Mattie was a really warm and gracious young woman as well as being very pretty and she had a gorgeous shape, too.

She apparently did not mind me staying and watching the movie with them. Even though I may have interrupted their make out session, neither Kyle nor Mattie appeared to mind.

However, their make out session did not totally cease with my presence there in the living room with them either. I kind of got the feeling that I may have been cramping their style. But, Kyle could have taken her to his bedroom if he really wanted privacy with her.

Mattie was a really beautiful and shapely girl and it was no wonder that Kyle had chosen to date her and make out with her. When I looked at Mattie, I kind of thought that I was looking at myself in the mirror.

After the movie, Kyle took Mattie home and he quickly returned. On returning home he said, “I hope that you don’t mind if I bring my date home to watch a movie with me do you, Leanne?”

I responded, “No, not at all, Kyle. This is just as much your home as it is mine.” Occasionally, I have even brought my date home to watch a movie with me, too. Besides, I found Mattie to be a very pretty and gracious girl. She was very pleasant to be around and to talk with, too, Kyle.”

A couple of months later, I had been out on a date and came home unexpectedly early. When I came in the door I found Kyle and Mattie on the love seat but this time it was a little different. Kyle had Mattie’s top and her bra off as he was fondling and sucking on Mattie’s beautiful, voluptuous breasts. Mattie’s head was thrown back, her mouth was open and she was breathing very heavily as she was moaning pretty loudly.

As I came through the door, Kyle quickly sat up and Mattie grabbed her blouse and held it up over her gorgeous breasts. I said somewhat apologetically, “Oh, hey guys, I’m really sorry that I walked in on you two. But, I really had no idea that you two were here this evening. Had I known, I would have made sure that I didn’t return until somewhat later to give you two some privacy.”

Kyle glanced at Mattie and then he told me, “Leanne, we are really sorry. We did not think that you would be back home this early. So that you can have the rest of the apartment Mattie and I’ll move into my bedroom.”

I looked directly at Kyle and said, “Don’t let me disturb you but, I think that it would be a great idea if you two do adjourn to your bedroom, Kyle. You two should be much more comfortable and you won’t have to worry about me interrupting you again. I’ll be in my bedroom for a little while.”

I went to my bedroom and changed into some more comfortable clothes and came back to watch a little TV as I lounged on the love seat. I knew that Kyle and Mattie were completing what they had started here on the love seat. That was judging by the sounds coming from his bedroom. Of course, the sounds and the thought of what they were doing in his bedroom really made my panties get very wet.

About an hour later Kyle and Mattie came out of his bedroom talking and laughing as though they had just left a good movie. Or maybe it was like they had just left a bar. Mattie said to me, “Thank you, Leanne, for being so kind, thoughtful and accommodating to us.”

Mattie had a nice pink glow on her face and neck as though she had just gotten out of the sauna or out of the hot tub. It was obvious to even the most casual observer what had just happened in Kyle’s bedroom. I guess I was a little jealous of what they were doing in Kyle’s bedroom. It had been a while since I had made love with my boyfriend and I sure could have had some conjugal love that night.

I responded to Mattie and said, “Hey, that’s Ok, Mattie. As twins, Kyle and I have always been close to one another and, we never pass judgement on what either one of us does. And he has the right to use this apartment as he likes just as I do. That has been our agreement from the start. I may want to use the apartment in a similar manner sometime in the near future.”

I thought that Mattie might have blushed a little bit but, she seemed to be happy that I didn’t pass judgement or load recrimination on either her or on Kyle. Besides, I thought that Mattie was very cute and very sexy.

I have never had any thoughts or longing for a sexual relationship with another woman but, there was something about Mattie that gave me an unusual feeling in my lower tummy for her. Or maybe it was the thought of what they had just done and I would have liked to have been in her place.

It sure seemed like she may have had similar feelings for me by the way she looked into my eyes as I locked my eyes with hers. Damn, I thought that she was so cute and so hot and it almost made my pussy wet enough to soak my panties.

About three months later, late one afternoon Kyle called me at my work. He told me, “Leanne, I am going to have to stay over at work to complete a project that the project team and I have been working on.”

“I don’t know how late I’ll be and it could be rather late this evening. Also, Mattie is coming by the apartment to see me, so please let her know that I’ll not be home until late, will you please, Honey?”

With that I said, “Ok, Kyle, I’ll let her know where you are and I am sure that she will understand what is happening and why you’re not home. I’ll entertain her if she wants to stay here with me and wait for you to return home.”

Kyle then replied and said, “Thanks for your help and I love you, Babe.”

I told him, “I love you, too, Hon, see you later tonight when you get home from work.”

It was about 7 o’clock that evening, there was a knock on the door and it was Mattie. When I saw her, that longing in my lower tummy slowly began intensely burning again. She was dressed in a pull over light blue knit blouse and a pair of tight short shorts. Her blouse really showed off her gorgeous big breasts and her short shorts really showed off her great shape with her beautiful round hips and her shapely muscular legs.

I thought I could even see the hint of a camel toe in the crotch of her shorts. I don’t usually check out another girl’s crotch but in Mattie’s case I made an exception. I knew I shouldn’t have looked at her crotch and her camel toe but, in this case I just couldn’t help myself. At the time I was glad I did check out her crotch otherwise I would have missed seeing her camel toe and her pronounced love mound.

I could almost see the whole cleft of her womanhood in those tight shorts. I had to wonder if she was actually wearing any panties under her shorts. It sure looked to me that she wasn’t wearing any panties and it looked like her shorts were as thin as gossamer. My lower tummy just had to do a couple of flip flops when I saw her.

Good God, Mattie was beautiful and very alluring. I couldn’t resist wanting to hold her in my arms. I hugged her, gave her a very friendly greeting and said with a bright smile on my face, “Oh, Hi, Mattie. Come on in. How are you?”

She stepped in the door and asked, “Hi, Leanne. I’m fine, Is Kyle home this evening?”

“No, Mattie, he called me late this afternoon at work and told me that he had to work late. He asked me to let you know that he was still at work and he had to work late. He said he’ll be here as soon as he can after they complete the project his team is working on and he gets off work this evening.”

Then Mattie asked, “Can I wait here for him with you, Leanne?”

I responded to her, “Why sure you can, Mattie. Come on in. Do you want something to eat or drink?”

She thought for a moment and said, “I’ll have a glass of wine if you have some in the house, please.”

“Sure, I was about to open a bottle of white wine to have some myself before you came to the door.” I opened the bottle and poured both of us a glass of wine. We sat on the love seat, watched a little TV and talked as we siped our wine.

Mattie kept looking into my eyes with that bedroom look and it was really stirring something within me. My lower tummy kept telling me that and making me want to take her into my bedroom.

Maybe it was due to the possible effects of the couple of glasses of the wine we had already drunk. I kind of doubted that I really needed the wine to get stirred up that way over Mattie but, I did anyway. I had also noted that Mattie had been shifting around in her seat like she was having some of the same feelings in her lower tummy I had been having in mine.

She was so pretty and so sexy I know I would have felt the same way about her without the wine. She moved over closer to me and very gently caressed my face with her warm, soft hand. I thought to myself, ‘I think that she is having some of the same feelings for me that I’m having for her. I’d bet that her panties are beginning to get as wet as mine are. It occurred to me she was getting ready to make a pass at me.’

At that time Mattie put her arm around my shoulders and our faces were only inches apart. I leaned in close enough that we just briefly brushed our lips together. With that we both softly, almost inaudibly purred to each other.

Then we pressed our lips together and began to deeply search each other’s mouths with our hot, wet tongues. My panties got really wet then. I suspected that her panties got as wet as mine did or maybe even wetter.

She moved over to sit with her hip pressed tightly next to mine. Then she said to me, “Oh, Leanne, I have wanted to do this since the first time I saw you. You have given me that feeling of want and lust that I can’t explain or even begin to satisfy when I see you and I’m near you.”

It was as though we were two strong magnets that were drawn together by mutual attraction. My pussy began to get very wet and I could see a wet spot beginning to form in the crotch of Mattie’s shorts. That sight turned me on even further and my panties got even wetter.

I reached out with my hand and felt of her soft pretty face. With my other hand I reached behind her head and firmly pulled her lips to mine. She allowed us to kiss very passionately. Her lips were warm and soft and her eyes looked like two pools of hot glowing coals.

She sighed and I told her, “Mattie, I didn’t really know it before but, I, too, have wanted you since the first time I saw you. You are gorgeous and I can see why Kyle has chosen you.” We each took the other’s breast in our hands and gently fondled each of our breasts. We were both purring to each other as we fondled each other’s breasts.

We both slowly got up off of the love seat and I took her into my arms and held her very hungrily and lovingly. Holding her very tightly, we kissed very affectionately. As I was kissing her I reached down and grabbed both of the firm cheeks of her bottom and very gently squeezed them, too.

She grabbed both cheeks of my bottom and squeezed them in return. Then I took her hand to lead her into my bedroom. I softly whispered to her in her ear, “Do you want to come into my bedroom with me, Mattie?”

She simply replied, “Yes, Leanne. You lead the way before we have to use the couch or the floor. I think we would be a lot more comfortable in your bed, Sweetie. I don’t want us to make love either on the couch or on the floor.”

In my bedroom we began to undress each other and Mattie had the most beautiful pair of breasts that I think I have ever seen. Her beautiful breasts accentuated her gorgeous hour glass figure. Her figure was complimented by her very, shapely rounded hips.

Along with her very pretty face Mattie was a really beautiful woman and I said to myself, ‘God, this sweet young girl is so beautiful and she is making my panties get even wetter.’ I really wanted to have her in my arms and hold her soft bare body against mine and have my hand and my fingers on her and inside her sweet, wet pussy.’

Mattie stepped back a half step, held me at arm’s length and scanned me up and down. Then she put her arms around me and whispered to me, “When I look at you, Leanne, I feel like I am looking in the mirror you are so shapely and so beautiful and I know that I really want to make love with you, Honey. Let me nuzzle your magnificent titties and suck on your sweet hard nipples.

Will you let me make love with you, Leanne? You are making my pussy so wet and I’m so hot for you, Sweetie. I want to have my hand on and my fingers in your love flower and I want to kiss and lick your pussy and suck on your clitoris, too. I really want to taste your pussy with my tongue as I slide it up into your vagina.”

I responded, “Your beautiful body makes me want to make love with you too, Mattie. My lower tummy and my pussy aches for you, to have your hand on it and I ache to kiss your pussy, too.” as I slowly laid her down on my bed. Then I crawled up on the bed beside her and began to fervently kiss her forehead, her cheeks, her neck and finally her lips.

Mattie kissed me back and as she had her arms around me pulling me up and over on top of her while holding my soft warm titties pressed tightly on top of hers. I think that she may have had a brief, small orgasm right then, because she trembled briefly and I was not far from having an orgasm myself.

Mattie gasped for her breath as I felt a small shudder and a slight tremble ripple through her beautiful body again. I gasped, too, and a similar tremble propagated through my body that came very close to giving me a tiny orgasm, also. I just hoped that we both could have more and bigger orgasms tonight.

It was like heaven having my titties pressed tightly against her warm, soft breasts. Looking between her thighs I could see her glistening wetness slowly beginning to seep out from between the outer lips of her beautiful pink womanhood.

I pressed my hips against hers. With our two love mounds tightly pressed against each other and my vaginal fluids seeping out of my pussy dripping on and running down the cleft of her pussy.

I was loving every minute of it and I know that Mattie was loving it just as much as I was. I could feel my fluids running down the cleft of my pussy and beginning to drip on her pussy.

Mattie felt my fluids dripping on her pussy and it excited her even further. She purred to me the excitement that my love fluids generated in her. That made me even hornier and made me want to make her cum for me and I wanted her to make me cum for her, too.

I began to kiss each of her beautiful titties and suck briefly on each of her hard, dark pink nipples. She whimpered to me and I went back up to kiss her lips again. Then I kissed her naval and trailed my kisses down to her love mound and her neatly trimmed bush.

All the while I enjoyed the sweet fragrance of her body wash and the perfume she had dabbed strategically on her body. The intoxicating perfume of her pussy invaded my senses also. The color of her bush matched the color of her pretty hair which was nearly identical with my hair color. The intoxicating perfume of her pussy made my pussy drip even more.

I kissed her love mound in several places on top of her neatly trimmed bush and on each side of her love mound next to each of her thighs. As I kissed her there Mattie gasped for her breath and involuntarily raised her hips to meet my lips and my mouth. I gently separated her thighs and slowly inserted my two middle fingers deep into her very warm, very moist pussy.

Mattie quietly moaned while continuing to involuntarily raise her hips in response to my fingers gently slipping deeply in and out of her well lubricated pussy. Mattie softly moaned to me as I was kissing her on and around her bush. She was telling me with her moaning just how much she loved my kissing her bush and the crease of her thighs next to her pussy.

Very slowly and very carefully removing my fingers from her, by now, dripping wet pussy, I slipped my two fingers up to each side of her clitoral hood and began to vigorously and very gently stimulate her little, pink, love bud.

It really wasn’t long before she was squirming raising her hips beneath my hand and moaning very loudly. A huge orgasm was about to wash over her like a tidal wave as she gasped and moaned very loudly to me.

After a few more moments her orgasm had washed over her, she collapsed on the bed continuing to gasp for her breath. I laid down beside her, took her in my arms and kissed her tenderly until her orgasm had subsided and her breathing began to return to normal.

Mattie wrapped her arms around me and breathlessly said, “Oh, Leanne, you have made me fall in love with you with what you have just done for me, Baby.” After she began to recover her breath she went on to tell me, “Now it is my turn to make you fall in love with me, too, Sweetie.”

Mattie rolled me over onto my back and began to kiss me in the same manner that I had just kissed her. She kissed me on my forehead, my cheeks, my throat and my lips. She whispered into my ear, “Sweetie, I’m going to make you cum like you have never cum before. I’m going to make you squeal with your delight just as you are cumming for me, Leanne.

I really want you to cum for me, Sweetie. Will you cum for me, Baby? That would really please me if you will cum really big for me, Sweetie.” Since I could barely speak I just nodded my head and Mattie’s eyes and her face lit up very brightly.

I knew she really wanted to make me cum like I had made her cum just a few minutes ago and I really wanted to cum for her, too. I felt like I could cum for her when she had her mouth on me and her tongue on my clitoris and inside my pussy.

When she told me she was going to make me cum, she had my heart racing, anticipating what she was going to do for me and how she was going to love me. And I felt like she was going to make me cum like she had just cum. With my heart racing I could barely whisper to her, “Yes, Sweetheart, I want you to make me cum and I really want to cum for you, too, Baby. I really want to please you, Sweetheart.”

Then she continued on down to my titties kissing each one in several spots and briefly sucked very lovingly on my hard, engorged dark pink nipples. As she started sucking on my nipples she sent a bolt of lightning through my body that ended inside my pussy. Then I had an orgasm like I have never had before. I thought my heart was racing before that but, now it was above the red line and rising.

Mattie trailed her kisses on down my tummy and to my love mound. She very lovingly kissed it in several places followed by kissing me on each side of my love mound next to my thighs. By this time I was beginning to continuously gasp, breathing heavily and erratically and my head was beginning to spin like a top. My lower tummy was doing flip flops each time she kissed me next to my bush.

Mattie separated my thighs and began to insert her two middle fingers into my pussy but, she stopped abruptly. She looked directly into my eyes and softly said, “Leanne, are you still a virgin?”

I breathlessly replied to her, “Yes, Mattie, I am! How did you know that I’m still a virgin?”

“I felt it just a moment ago with my fingers. I think that we can take care of that in the near future but, I am not going to disturb, injure or break your hymen myself here tonight. I think that would be something that is too personal, too intimate, too precious and too sacred for me to interfere with tonight.

That is best left to your boyfriend and his big hard love member rather than to my fingers. I’d do it with my tongue if I could reach it but, my tongue can’t reach it, so your hymen is safe from me tonight, Leanne.

I believe that is something that is sacred to you and whoever you choose to give your virginity to, Honey.” She just slowly slipped her fingers out of my pussy opening and slipped them up to my clitoral hood. Mattie very gently began to stimulate my hard pink, elongated love center until she brought me to another huge orgasm and I collapsed on the bed really gasping for my breath.

My eyes had rolled back in my head and I was rolling my head from side to side as I nearly passed out from the pleasure that she was giving me. I didn’t remember it but Maddie later told me that I was squealing like a little school girl at Christmas time with the pleasure she was giving me.

Before my orgasm had subsided I started to sit up and Mattie gently held me down and whispered to me, “Not yet, Sweetheart. I’m not finished with you yet. There is more to come for you and I know you are really going to love it.”

I thought, ‘She has done so much for me tonight, how can she do any more for me that will be better than what she has already done for me?’ Mattie proceeded to really make good on her word. I still can’t believe what she did for me then.

Mattie gently laid me back down and lifted my legs high above my head and she began to suck vigorously on my little love center. As she was sucking on my clitoris she reached up with both her hands and was gently squeezing each of my titties as she sucked on my clitoris.

I thought that when she was stimulating me with her fingers I was going to pass out again. But, as she sucked on my clitoris I knew that it was just a matter of time before I had an extremely huge orgasm and I probably was going to pass out then.

Within moments my head started to rapidly spin again, I was desperately gasping for my breath and I had the most intense orgasm of my life. It was so intense, a dark cloud descended over my eyes, my hearing went blank, I went completely limp and collapsed on my bed beneath her.

The next thing I knew Mattie was laying beside me with her arms around me kissing my forehead, my cheeks and my neck. I don’t know how long I was unconscious but, Mattie told me it was maybe a minute or so.

Mattie told me as my orgasm flooded over me and I passed out, she laid down beside me and took me in her arms kissing me until my orgasm had subsided and I was gasping for my breath. Having caught my breath, I whispered to Mattie, “You sure kept your word, Mattie. You gave me the biggest orgasm I have ever had and you have made me fall in love with you, Baby.

I want to do this again and again with you, Honey. It was so good that I think that I must have passed out again.” After having caught my breath, I rolled up on my side, kissed her and held her tightly.

I said, “Mattie, before tonight I never once thought about making love with another woman. But, I have found a new love with you, with what you have done with and for me tonight, Honey. Since you have been making love with Kyle I had no idea that you are a lesbian.”

“I’m not a lesbian Leanne. I’m a bi-sexual and I mostly like guys as much as I like girls. That’s why I was attracted to Kyle and now to you, too, Honey.”

“Well, Mattie, I guess I am a bi-sexual, too, like you are. I really like guys but, tonight I have found I like girls, well at least one, you, Mattie. Did Kyle put you up to this?”

“No, Leanne, he doesn’t know a thing about this. I had never thought about making love with you until after I met you a couple of months ago, either. But, I really could not wait to get my hands on you and make love with you after I first met you, Sweetheart. I just couldn’t wait to get my arms around you, kissing you, hugging you and start our love making with each other.

I wanted to start kissing your soft titties and sucking on your nipples. I wanted to see if I could get you to cum just by sucking on your hard erect nipples. I wanted to feel you shudder and tremble when I got you to cum as I was sucking on your nipples, Baby.

Then I most wanted to slip my hand between your thighs, cup your pussy and slip my finger into your pussy. But, most of all I wanted to start kissing your pussy, licking your pussy from the opening up to the top of your cleft, licking on your little pink love center and sucking on your clitoris. I knew that I could get you to cum by sucking on your clitoris. I wanted you to cum at least once and hopefully multiple times.

I’m just glad that Kyle asked me to meet him here tonight. I think that you are the sweetest thing to respond to my love making like you did. You have made me love you so very much, Leanne.

I want to take you there again many times. I want to kiss and suck on your little pink love bud like that and give you as much pleasure as I just gave you. I want to taste your love fluids and make you cum multiple times in my mouth for me as I slip my tongue as deep as I can inside of your sweet love flower, Honey.”

That made me begin to think of Kyle and I asked her, “Does, Kyle do that for you, Mattie? What and when do we tell Kyle about what we have just done tonight, Baby?”

“Yes he has and he has brought me to the same orgasm you just had, many times. I passed out just like you did and Kyle told me that I was out about as long as you were tonight.

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