Josh and Raeina Sibling Lovers - Cover

Josh and Raeina Sibling Lovers

by Curbstonesetter

Copyright© 2023 by Curbstonesetter

Incest Sex Story: Brother and older Sister make love as he helps her through college after her divorce and she tells him she wants to have his baby.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Incest   Brother   Sister   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   .

Author’s Note: This story is a complete work of fiction from the get go and is intended solely for the readers to enjoy. My thanks to EasySpeak for the work of editing this story so that it makes sense and makes it easier to read and understand.

Having left school, I was driving home on spring break of my sophomore year at state college. The drive home took me over three hours and I was a little tired and anxious to get home and see my parents whom I had not seen for a few months.

In addition to seeing my parents, I was looking forward to a week of relaxation, going clubbing and having fun at the beach with my football buddies from high school. Several of my buddies had sent me texts and EMAILS saying that they were going to be home as they were scheduled to be on spring break from their college, also.

They had texted me that they wanted us all to get together and go clubbing and then to get together at the beach and to suck down some suds there, too.

It was early toward mid afternoon when I got to the outskirts of my home town and I began to see the familiar sights of my old high school, the football field where I played varsity football and the various places that my friends and I used to hang out when we were in high school.

Once I saw my old high school I knew that my parents’ house was not very far away and I would be home very shortly. It was a great feeling of relief to be nearly home.

As I turned the corner onto our street, I drove the half a block to my parents’ house and pulled my car up in the drive way. As I was about to pull up and park I noticed a car parked there in our driveway in front of the garage that looked like my older sister Raeina’s car.

I parked my car right beside the other car and I was curious as to why my sister was here. She lived and worked in a town about fifty miles away and she did not come home to visit very often. Normally she would be at work this time of the day anyway.

Raeina, Rae, my nickname for her since we were both very little, is more than a year older than I am. Rae got married right after high school to a dork that I had very little to no respect for. Our parents weren’t really happy about that since they had wanted her to go to college after high school.

As kids we, Rae and I, had always been very close to one another. She always looked out for her little brother all through elementary school but, when we got into high school I did most of the looking after her but, she always did what she could to look after me.

The fact that we looked after each other was a consequence of our love for one another which was significantly fostered by our parents. Rae would always do anything she could for me and I would always do the same for her, too. She was such a sweet loving girl and good Sister to me and to others as well.

Rae had disappointed our parents and me as she had top grades in high school and could have gone to almost any college or university that she had chosen to go to. She had always been on the honor roll in high school and would have had no problem at all in going to college.

Instead of going to college, Raeina married this goof ball jerk who thought that he could make a living working in fast food restaurants or other low paying mundane jobs that I knew were probably more suited to his level of intelligence and ambition.

I had thought to myself, ‘Timmy is just another glaring example of a dude who has shit for brains.’ Although, I had never said that to Rae even though I had to bite my tongue many times to keep from saying it to her or in front of her and our parents.

My curiosity getting the best of me, I hurriedly got out of my car, grabbed my bag and climbed the front steps to our house. The front door was locked as I had expected it to be so, I got my key out and opened the door.

Once I got inside the house I dropped my bag down in the foyer and looked around the house. It was quiet and I did not see anyone there inside the house. That did not surprise me since both my Mom and Dad were each still at work at this time of the day.

And they were not expected to get home from work until after 5 o’clock probably between 5:30 and 6 o’clock. However, I did hear some faint, soft music coming from down the hall from the bedrooms.

Quietly walking down the hall I was about to pass the door to my sister’s old bedroom. The door was partially open and the music was coming from her bedroom. I stuck my head around the door frame and inside and I saw my sister, Rae, laying on her bed.

The music was coming from the clock radio on her night stand. I quietly pushed the door open and stepped into her bedroom and could see that she was laying in bed on her back with her eyes closed. Her eyes appeared to be red and puffy as though she had been crying a lot.

I didn’t know if she was asleep or if she was just relaxing but, I really didn’t want to startle her. After I pushed the door open and stepped into her bedroom I tapped softly on the door and said very softly, “What is going on, Rae?” I really didn’t want to startle her and make her jump out of her skin.

When she heard my voice she opened her eyes wide, sat up, then she jumped up off of the bed. She ran over to me and threw her arms around my chest. Rae had put such a bear hug on me that it was hard for me to breathe at first.

Then she laid her head on my chest and she began to cry almost uncontrollably. The tears were running down her cheeks and her tears were completely drenching my shirt. I put my arms around her, kissed her forehead and her cheek and then I could see a red mark on her left cheekbone.

Sister or not, her soft breasts and her warm body pressed tightly against me were enough to make me have carnal thoughts about her. Thoughts that a good brother should really not be having about his own Sister no matter how much they loved one another.

Then I softly said, “Come on Rae, tell me what the problem is, Honey? It’s breaking my heart to see you crying like this and not knowing what is bothering you and what I can do to help you.”

She raised her head and kissed me on the lips, looked me in the eyes and said as she continued to cry. “Oh, Josh, I’m so happy and glad to have you home here with me. I’ve been waiting for you to come home so I could see and talk to you before Mom and Dad got home from work this evening.”

Then she turned her head and laid her head on the other side of my shirt completely drenching that side of it. It felt like someone had thrown a pitcher of warm water on my chest. I had gently laid my hand on her head and lovingly held her head close to my shoulder.

“Rae, I’m really happy to see you too but, come on, Hon, I know that you are really upset about something. Now, tell me what the matter is?”

She lifted her head and said as she began to cry even harder and spoke through her tears and her sobs, “He beat me Josh.” as she sobbed in my arms still holding me very tightly. “The bastard hit me in the face. You can see the red mark on my left cheek, Josh.”

Then I asked her “Who beat you, Hon?”

She continued on to say, “Timmy beat me, Josh.”

To hear her say that pissed me off, royally and I asked her, “That little bastard hit you?” And she shook her head, yes, as she continued to cry.

“Well, I guess that I’m going to have to get into the car, go over there kick his sorry ass up between his ears then, Honey.”

But, she quickly told me, “No, no, no! Josh, you can’t do that, they will have you in jail then and if you do that and then where would we be?”

I said to her angrily, “Rae, I guarangoddamnteeya that if it wasn’t for you stopping me I would go over there right now and kick the dog shit out of him this evening.” I was livid at the news that such a little slime ball jerk like Timmy would dare to beat or even lay a finger on my sweet loving Sister.

I had the both of us sit down on the edge of her bed and she told me the whole story of how she came home from work that afternoon and found him drinking heavily and he was pretty well shit face drunk by the time she got home from work.

Rae said that she asked him what he was doing home from work so early. He said that he got fired that day and he got really belligerent with her calling her all kinds of the nastiest names anyone has ever heard.

She said that he called her every nasty, dirty name he could think of and more as if it was all her fault that he got fired that day. The more she talked to him the madder he got. Then he got up and hit her in the face and on her arms and several times on her back as she showed me her face and arms.

She told me that she put a few things into her bag and went to stay with a friend for the night not knowing what else to do or where else to go. When she got to her friend’s house, her friend called the police for her and reported Timmy’s assault on her to the police.

Two uniformed police officers, one a male and the other a female officer, came to her friend’s house. They talked to her and could see that she had been physically assaulted by the marks on her face and her arms and they took her back to her home and talked to Timmy.

He got belligerent with the cops and the male officer put him in hand cuffs and put him in the squad car. The male officer told him that he was going to jail for the night. The female officer told Rae that in order for them to hold him more than 24 hours she would have to come down to the station and swear out a complaint.

Rae said that no, she did not want to file a complaint at that time but, she just wanted to get away from him and that house so he could not beat her again and she was thinking about going to our parents’ home and try and figure out what to do next.

The female officer talked to her friend who had driven her in Rae’s car over there and asked if she could drive Rae to the station for them to file a report and take pictures of her bruises if she chose to file a complaint later. The female officer asked Rae’s friend if Rae could stay with her for the night and her friend agreed to both of the officer’s requests.

Rae stayed with her friend for a couple of days. She called her boss and told him what had happened and that she was going to have to quit her job since she was going to move back home with her parents. That was when she decided that she was going to come home and talk to our Mom and Dad about what to do.

She said that she was not going to go back to living with Timmy and that probably meant that a separation at least or a divorce was going to be the end result. By this time, she had been able to quit crying and I held her to help her get over the fright and the strain of what had happened to her and get herself pulled together.

Then I asked her, “What are you going to do next, Honey?”

“Josh, will you take me back over there to get my stuff out of that house as I’m really afraid to go back over there alone with him there, Baby?”

I quickly replied, “Sure, Honey. When do you want me to take you over there?”

“I would like to go tomorrow if you’ll take me over there then.”

“I’m ready and let’s tell Mom and Dad tonight when they get home and then we’ll go do it tomorrow.”

“Mom and Dad had told me that you were going to be home on spring break and I waited until you got home to do anything more about this.”

“Ok, Honey. We’ll take care of it tomorrow when we get over there.”

About that time the phone rang, Rae answered the phone and it was Jack, one of my high school football buddies who had just gotten home on spring break, too. He said, “Josh, a couple of the other guys and I are home on spring break and we wanted to know if you wanted to go out this evening to have a couple of cold beers with us?”

I immediately responded, “Yeah, man, but, I want Raeina to come along with us, too, Ok?”

Jack replied, “Do you mean Rae, Josh?”

“Yeah, that’s right, my Big Sister, Rae. I want her to come with us tonight”

And Jack said, “Not only yes but, hell yes, man! Bring her along. We all would like to see her. She will make the evening a real hoot for all of us, man.”

Jack and all of my friends used to come over to our house often and they saw Rae here a lot. They all knew and liked my Mom and Dad and my parents liked them, too, not to mention them having the “hots” for Rae.

All the guys thought that Rae was hot and all of them would love to have her along and besides they knew she was one hell of a good dancer, too. I knew that they all would want to dance with her at the club.

I told Jack, “We’ll pick you, Joe and Ed up at your house about 8 o’clock, Ok, man?” Rae had overheard the conversation and did not say anything immediately until I hung up the phone.

After talking to Jack on the phone I said to her, “You know we ought to fix supper for Mom and Dad, to have it ready for them when they get home and save Mom some work. Would you call Mom and see what she has in mind for us to fix for supper.”

Rae told me, “No, that’s not necessary, Josh, we can fix them an Italian meal that you know they both really like. And you and I like it, too.”

I hugged her again as she winced from her sore arms and back and we both got to work and had it ready for all of us to eat when Mom and Dad got home from work. We had garlic bread and a salad along with the pasta with pasta sauce and some good wine to go with the meal which Mom and Dad have always liked and enjoyed.

They both got home about the same time and when they walked into the house Mom put a bear hug on me you would not believe. It was heaven having her big boobs plastered tightly against my chest. But, most guys including me really don’t like to think about their mothers in that manner even though she has a pair of big boobs pressing into your chest.

Mom greeted me saying, “Hi honey we have really missed you and we’re really happy to have you home again.” as she kissed my cheek. “Did you and Rae fix this supper for us?”

“Yes, Mom, we did but, Rae did the most of it. We wanted to save you some work this evening when you got home. We both know how much you and Dad enjoy a meal like this and we wanted to treat you to one of your favorite meals.”

“Well, thank you and you two can fix supper for us tomorrow night, too.” she said with a big smile on her face as she giggled about it.

“Oh, come on, Mom; let’s not get carried away with our culinary skills. Ray is more capable of doing that but, my skills are mostly confined to helping you or Ray.” Mom just giggled a little and kissed me on the cheek before she released me from her hug and I kissed her cheek, too. “I love you Mom. It’s really good to be home to see you and Dad.’

Dad did pretty much the same thing in welcoming me home except for the cheek kissing and the breast pressing for the obvious reasons. I thought to myself, I like the breast pressing from Mom and also from Rae but, Dad knew that I would pass on that with him.

Before we finished our supper, Rae said to me that, “I can’t go out with you and the guys tonight with this shiner on my cheek, Josh.”

“That’s nonsense, Rae. You need to get out, have a good time with us and get your mind off of this mess with that dork, Timmy.” Mom and Dad both agreed with me and said that she should go with me.

Then Mom told her, “Honey, go take a quick shower, Sweetheart, do your hair and put on some makeup to cover up that shiner as best you can and get dressed to go out.” Then Mom told her, “If you need help with your hair or your makeup, Honey, let me know and I’ll come in there and help you with it.”

Rae, responded, “Ok, Mom. I’ll call you if I need your help.”

After we ate, Rae took her shower, got dressed and she looked like a million bucks. She had on a light blue satin pull over blouse with complimentary color form fitting slacks. Her outfit really showed off her figure and how pretty she was.

And, God did that satin blouse show how perky her titties looked underneath that satin blouse. Rae looked so cute she easily raised a hard-on in my slacks and I was concerned that I’d have a hard-on for her all night.

Her makeup covered her shiner very well and it was hard for me to see that it was there. I marveled at how pretty my Sister looked and how anyone could hit such a good looking, sweet, young woman like Rae? My anger with Timmy grew worse than it was before and if he were here right now I would have kicked nine yards of dog shit out of him.

I looked into her eyes and told her, “Honey, you look gorgeous and the guys are going to be falling all over themselves to buy you drinks and they will be wanting to dance with you all night tonight as gorgeous as you look.”

She just playfully slapped me on the shoulder and said, “Oh, Josh, you are just saying that to make me feel better.”

“Don’t take my word for it. Just wait until we get to the dance club and see what their reactions are. All three of them are going to have trouble keeping themselves under control.” Mentally, I added, “I’m already having the same problem and probably will have it the remainder of the night.”

Raeina is the spitting image of our mother who is still a really beautiful woman for being well over 40 years old. Both of them are 5 Ft.-6 in. tall and about 120 pounds. They have light brown hair that just touches their shoulders and their pretty brown “cow” eyes that pretty much match their hair color.

Our Mom has a pair of 36C breasts and Raeina’s are about 36B. They both have slim waists and nice round hips, an hour glass figure as they say, that would turn most men’s heads. I was damn proud to have such a gorgeous looking Mother and an equally gorgeous looking young chick Sister in Rae to go out with me and the guys that night.

Before we left to go pick up the guys, Mom and Dad asked us, “Where are you two going this evening?”

“We’re going to one of the clubs for some dancing and have a few cold beers with Jack, Joe and Ed, Mom and Dad.”

Dad asked, “Are they the guys that you played football with in high school, Josh?”

“Yeah, Dad, they are.”

Mom joined in, “All three of those guys have been here at the house many times before they all left for college and they are all good respectable boys who have never been in any trouble and they stay out of trouble, too. They are all good responsible and respectable boys.”

They both told us not to drink all that much and I told them, “I won’t be drinking alcohol tonight, Mom and Dad, since I am driving as the designated driver.” They both said that made them feel much better about us going out especially with Rae in the car with us.

Of course, Mom and Dad have always been very protective of Rae and they still were since she was our precious Princess and they knew that I felt the same way about her, too. They both knew that I was not about to let anything happen to her while we were out.

Rae and I got into the car and I drove over to Jack’s house. All three of the guys were waiting outside for us and they quickly piled into my car. I asked the guys, “Do y’all remember Raeina, Guys?” My question was met with a bunch of “Yeah mans” and “GRRRRRRs”.

Then Joe said jokingly, “I thought that you were bringing your Sister, Rae, with us tonight, Josh, but, it looked like you’ve brought Miss America along with you instead.” The other two guys hooted and said that they emphatically agreed with Joe.

Rae just kind of blushed and said, “Thanks guys for all of your very nice compliments and you are all pretty good looking hunks yourselves, too.” They knew that she really meant what she had just told them.

I told the guys, “I told my Mom and Dad that I won’t be drinking any alcohol tonight and I’ll be drinking 7UP or Virgin Mary’s or something nonalcoholic since I’m driving tonight. Also, Rae can’t drink all that much either as we both have to get up early to go over to her house in the morning to get her stuff.

The only other thing I want to say is that Rae and I get the first dance together tonight. How much you each dance with Raeina is up to you and Rae. Just don’t dance her to death tonight, Guys.” When we got to the club I think that Rae turned every guy’s head in the whole place as we walked into the club and we made our way to a table near the dance floor.

Rae and I had the first dance and when we came back to the table they already had a round of drinks waiting for us and then they all wanted to dance with Rae. Jack, Joe and Ed were all eager to buy her drinks and dance with her and that made me feel glad because it took her mind off of the Timmy mess. It also made Rae believe me about what I had said about the guys treating her like a queen, too.

I think that it really flattered Rae to have those three guys hovering over her like she was a movie star. But, she stayed pretty close to me all night almost like she was afraid to be separated from me. Although, she knew that she didn’t have anything to fear from the other guys. She knew that they would protect her just as well as I would.

I knew that they would treat her like a queen since she was so pretty and so shapely. Each one of them has always had the hots for her anyway. Of course, they knew she was my Sister and how close we were so they treated her like a queen as they always have done in the past.

We could see that Rae reveled in all of the attention she was getting from the guys that night. They pretty much huddled around her all night at the club like a football team around the quarterback. If any other guys in the club wanted to dance with Rae they were likely intimidated by her being with the four of us guys – four former football players.

While Rae was dancing with Ed, Jack and Joe asked me what had happened to Rae, Josh? I told them what went down between her and her dork of a husband. They couldn’t believe it when I told them how he had beat her and hit her in the face.

I told them that I was so pissed that I wanted to go over there and kick his ass clear to Timbuktu and back but, that would put me in jail instead of him. They both said that if someone beat up their Sister like that they would want to do the same, especially if she was as hot as Rae is.

We all had a good time at the club and Rae was exhausted from dancing with me and all three of the guys, too. Rae thanked all three of the guys for the good time she had with them tonight and how nice they had treated her.

They all three said that they had really enjoyed dancing with her and complimented her on how pretty she was. We dropped all three of them off at Jack’s house and took Rae home around 12:30 AM.

When we got into the house, Mom and Dad had already gone to bed but, they had not gone to sleep. Rae and I both could hear the bed squeaking in their bedroom when we got into the house. We both smiled and ignored the love making sounds coming from their bedroom.

Rae wrapped her arms around my neck, pressed her soft titties and her warm body against mine. She kissed me sweetly on the lips and quietly said, “Josh, I had a really good time tonight with you guys and thank you for taking me along with you. It has been so good to be out with you tonight, Josh.”

I told her, “You needed to go out with us tonight and that is what brothers are for. It was great to see you having such a good time and to see that great big bright smile on your pretty face and the joy and laughter in your sparkling brown eyes as you were dancing, joking and laughing with me and the other guys tonight, Honey.”

Those soft breasts and her warm body began to raise those carnal thoughts in my loins again as my dick came to full attention. I held her and hugged her and told her, “You made our night a really good time and I know that the other three guys told you that, too, Rae.”

With that we walked down the hall to our bedrooms and as she turned to go into her bedroom, I swatted her on her cute round butt and told her good night as I turned to go into my bedroom.

She just turned around looked at me with a big broad smile on her pretty face, with a cute giggle and softly and quietly said, “I’ll give you 48 hours to quit that, Honey.”

The next morning Rae and I got up with Mom and Dad and had breakfast with them before they went to work. Dad told us both, “Don’t pick any fights with Timmy but, don’t you run away from a fight with him either, Josh.”

I responded to him, “Don’t worry, Dad. There won’t be any problems like that because all we’re going to do over there is to get Rae’s stuff, load it up in my car and come home.”

Rae and I left shortly after breakfast and a little over an hour and a half later we were at the house where she had been living with Timmy. We arrived there a little before mid-morning and Rae used her key to get into the house.

When she stepped inside the house she saw Timmy laying on the couch in his briefs drinking whiskey and watching cartoons on TV. He immediately said “WTF are you doing back here, bitch?”

Then I quickly stepped through the door and told him, “You’re not going to talk to my Sister like that any longer, Chump, understand?”

Timmy is about 5 Ft.-9 in. tall and maybe 175 pounds compared to my 6 Ft.-2 in and 220 pounds and he STFU without any more comments. I don’t think that he wanted to challenge me any further. He did not say another word as long as we were there.

Both Rae and I were very happy that he had decided to keep his mouth shut the rest of the time we were there and he stayed well clear of us. That was the first time I had ever seen him show any signs of using good sense.

Rae began to gather up her stuff with my help and I helped her load it into my car. Before we went out of the door I asked her, “Does the TV here in the living room come with us, Rae?”

“No, that’s his but, mine is back here in the bedroom.” We retrieved her TV, loaded it into the car with all of the rest of her stuff and then I tossed him her house key and Rae and I left for our parents’ home. Rae told me “I’m very happy that we got my stuff out of there without having any trouble from Timmy, Josh.”

“Rae, there would not have been any trouble with him once he found out that I was there to oversee the matter and prevent you from having any problems with him. I think that he knew that I would have loved to kick the dog shit out of him anyway.” Rae just kind of cringed at the thought of that happening.

She wasn’t happy with him but, she has never been mean to me or to anyone else. Rae is just like our mom and they are both the sweetest and kindest women I have ever known. Maybe that is why she makes my dick stand up and salute every time she puts her arms around me, presses those soft titties into my chest, hugs me and kisses me even if she just kisses me on my cheek.

We got all of Rae’s stuff loaded up into my car just before noon and we were on our way back home. We arrived back home in the early afternoon and we stopped and I bought lunch for us before we got back to Mom and Dad’s house.

When we got back home, we unloaded the car and brought all of her stuff into the house. I helped her sort it and she stored it properly where she wanted it. A couple of hours later we finished up and it was time to take a break and relax for a little while.

As we started out the door of her bedroom, Rae grabbed me, put her arms around me and kissed me very sweetly on the lips with her whole warm body pressed tightly against mine. Then she said, “Thank you for all of what you have done for me, Josh. You are the best big brother a girl could ever have and I love you so much for being so good to me, Honey.”

I held her closely with her soft titties pressed tightly against my chest and told her “I love you too, Baby, and I would not have done this for just any old Little Sister you know.” just before I kissed her passionately.

This time my carnal thoughts really began to tell my dick to perk up as it had already taken notice of the soft, beautiful young woman I was holding so tightly and so lovingly in my arms. If it was affecting me that way it had to be making Rae’s panties get very wet and creamy, too.

We walked out of her bedroom to the kitchen and she asked me, “Do you want something to eat or drink, Josh?”

“A beer or some wine would go down really good about now, Honey.”

“I’ll get us both a glass of wine then.” She said. We sat on the couch with her cuddled up close to me as we talked.

I suggested to her, “Rae, you should really think about enrolling in state college with me for this coming fall semester, Honey.”

“Yeah, Josh, I have thought a little about that but, I have not made any hard decisions about it yet. It would be fun to be there with you so we could see each other on a regular basis. It would be very much like when we were kids in high school again.”

“We could get a small apartment and live together and that would cut our total cost of going to school.” I said.

Then I continued to tell her, “With your excellent high school grades you should not have any trouble being admitted to the university and maybe there might be some scholarships, grants or other financial help that you could still get.

I really want to see you get your education so that you can support yourself if you really have to do that.” We both agreed that we would talk with Mom and Dad about it this evening after we have had our supper.

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