Little Dragon Found - Cover

Little Dragon Found

Copyright© 2023 by Uncle Jim

Chapter 6

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Myles Graham finds Vivian being attacked and rescues her on realizing that she could be a Female Dragon. He convinces her to go with him to learn Magic. They come to the attention of the Dragon Queen of the West.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Magic   Demons   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Revenge   Royalty   Violence  

The following characters appears from previous stories in this chapter and the next:

Dallas Kavanagh

Maddy and Ken’s first daughter, Doreen’s twin, Dragon, 5’-7’’ tall, 32 years of age, 134 pounds, 36D-24-36, alabaster skin, long, lustrous black hair, violet eyes, some freckles, beautiful, Magic user

Doreen Kavanagh

Maddy and Ken’s second daughter, Dallas’s twin, Dragon, 5’-7’’ tall, 32 years of age, 133 pounds, 36D-24-36, alabaster skin, long, lustrous black hair, violet eyes, some freckles, beautiful, Magic user


Doreen’s husband, Dragon, 5’-11’’ tall, 170 pounds, 36 years old, light brown hair, blue eyes, rather handsome


Female Dragon, Craig’s wife, Queen of the East, 5’-2’’ tall, 107 pounds, 34C-22-34, 29 years old, long black hair, brown eyes, still very good looking, she is a Turquoise Dragon

Chu Hua

Dragon offspring, now a Dragon, Frank’s Wife, 5’-0’’ tall, a very sweet but plain looking woman, still somewhat thin at 30 years of age with medium length black hair

Franklin (Frank)

Dragon Security employee, Chu Hua’s husband, 5’-9’’ tall, 170 pounds, 39 years old, black hair, brown eyes, a very strong Talent, now a Dragon

Myles has the Narrative Initially

It was just over two weeks before we got any results from the investigation by the minor Demons. Vivian was doing very well on book 6 which is rather long. I had reviewed book 3 again paying special attention to the parts that I had skipped over previously. Viv had been correct, there was quite a bit of important and useful information in those pages. It was things that could be important now, but that hadn’t seemed so initially. John the Demon appeared in my backyard on the evening of the sixteenth day.

“You really are one lucky Dragon,” he told us as we emerged from the house after he appeared.

“Lucky?” I asked.

“Yes, those I sent to Chicago intercepted that Gremlin who recommended you to the client that you did the job for. Gremlins are real blabbermouths. They caught him before he could take credit for you killing those nine cops.

“Of course, they weren’t the reason you were there. It was the one blackmailing your client who you were there to take out. How did the cops become involved in that?” John demanded.

“I found six of them attacking Vivian for their leader. They were going to kill her and nearly had before I intervened. The other two worked for the leader also,” I told him.

“Where did they get the theory that a Dragon was involved?” I asked, as that was what I was worried about.

“Initially, the cops didn’t have a clue of who had removed them or how. They weren’t even sure that the remains were those of the missing cops. When they finally went to the FBI, the new Chief Agent there had been in Charleston when a Dragon was attacked by people hired by the CIA. The Chief Agent is the one who told them that the evidence pointed to a Dragon being involved. That information was not well received by the leaders of the police. Someone leaked the rumor and got people upset. The Mayor and the Chief of Police had to go on television and deny the rumor.

“The Chief Agent’s story was true. One of my workers went to Charleston to check on the story. It was old news by now, and the local Magic users were easily persuaded to talk about it, That Dragon and his mate are now running the new office of Dragon Security in Charleston,” he told us.

“I read something about that at the time but didn’t think much of it, as it seemed too unlikely to be true,” I told him.

“Those in Chicago still don’t have any real evidence to support the Dragon Theory, and they are ignoring the Chief Agent. Even though the Mayor and Chief of Police went on TV to downplay the idea, just the rumor had a lot of citizens upset. However, the people didn’t believe them and are still upset,” he added before continuing.

“There is one other problem to be dealt with. The blackmailer who you eliminated had a brother on the police force. That brother was one of those you also eliminated. There is a third brother, the oldest, and he is really steamed about losing two of his siblings. He could be a problem, as he is also a minor crime boss but with considerable resources,” John finished.

“A very concise report. Thank you. What else is due?” I asked.

“The same amount as the deposit will clear the bill,” he told us, and I handed him another ounce of gold before he disappeared.

“That was expensive,” Viv said after he had been gone for a minute or so.

“Yes, it was, but it’s a cost of doing business, and I didn’t need to expose myself to those in Chicago again. It could have been something that the cops were counting on me doing. Plus, it would have probably taken me a good deal longer to learn what the Demons did. Besides, I made a good deal more on that job, as I don’t work cheap. Plus, knowing that there is no real evidence that I was there, and as a Dragon, takes a load off my mind,” I told her.

That night, we made love and had sex again. Viv seemed to be more passionate and in need than she had been lately, and I was definitely ready for her. I wasn’t sure why we were both so turned on tonight. Perhaps it was the news that those in Chicago had no real evidence of our Dragons being there. The kissing, hugging and breast massaging went on for a considerable time as we rolled around in the bed.

“Daddy, love me,” Viv said after a time, and I entered her in one long stroke.

“Yes, Daddy, fuck me for a long, long time. Make me scream,” she pleaded. We enjoyed each other for a long, long time then before our needs overcame our desire to be together. Viv had been slamming herself into me on each stroke for a time and finally screamed, “Yes, yes!” and kept on screaming until she passed out in orgasmic bliss while I deposited a huge load of my Dragon seed in her body.

We both collapsed after that and lay there recovering for a number of minutes. When I had recovered enough to look around, I noticed the huge amount of Magic that had gathered while we were having sex. It was very thick and rotating around us in the bedroom and through the walls in some places. There were gold flecks throughout the Magic. I turned toward Viv, but she was still recovering, Her body continued to shake and her breathing was still labored.

After a time, she too recovered and looked around at all of the Magic that was still very thick and rotating around us.

“Where did all of that Magic come from? Did you call it?” she asked.

“No, I didn’t call it. It was here when I recovered. It hasn’t gone down much. We’ll need to wait until it thins out to take a shower. It’s too thick to move through,” I told her.

“Since we need to wait anyway, are you able to do me again?” she asked with a large smile. We hugged and kissed again for a time, and I massaged her lovely breasts also. Viv was getting hotter and hotter from this.

“Now, Daddy, now,” she begged and I entered her again. The long and slow only lasted a short time before Viv started screaming again as she thrust herself against me faster and faster before screaming even louder and finally collapsing, passing out again as I filled her with my Dragon seed for the second time that night.

It required longer to recover this second time, but the Magic was even thicker and rotating even faster when I could check on it, and the gold flecks were even more prominent. This wasn’t good, but what was done was done. Viv was still passed out against me. I closed my eyes for just a minute, but when I opened them again it was morning. Viv was still pressed up against me, and there was no Magic in the room. It was all gone. We would need to have a talk ... soon. Viv awoke shortly after that and looked around the room.

“The Magic is all gone,” she said with a disappointed voice, but I didn’t say anything to that.

“Yes, it’s morning. We need to be up, shower, and have breakfast,” I told her. The shower was reasonably short, and I cleaned the sheets with a spell, while Viv started breakfast.

Shortly after John reported the above in Cleveland, Bob the Demon appeared in the Queen’s front yard setting off the spell that she had cast to detect his arrival. Maddy appeared a few seconds later.

“There really was a Dragon in Chicago,” Bob told her to start. “He is known as the ‘Fixer’ and is usually just a strong Magic user. He did a job for a client and removed a certain low-life crook who was blackmailing the client. It was after finishing the job that things got complicated. He came upon six cops beating the crap out of a young woman for their boss, another cop. He removed all seven of them and later two others who worked for the same boss.

“The rumor, however, came from the new Chief Agent of the FBI’s Chicago office. He had been an assistant at the Charleston office when Nicolae was attacked. The police really don’t have any evidence or proof that a Dragon was there, only the Chief Agent’s word and nine piles of unidentifiable ash,” Bob told them and paused.

“For a little extra, I can give you his name and address,” he continued.

“Is this an Old Dragon?” Maddy asked.

“No, he just recently became a Dragon, but he is an older Human,” Bob told them. Maddy didn’t appear to be all that interested in learning his name until Bob played his trump card.

“The young female that he rescued is a Dragon also,” he told Maddy to a shocked look from her.

“You should have told me that at the beginning. Everything else is of no consequence or importance. The fact that there is another Female Dragon is more important than anything else. Give me their names and address. I’ll decide what the information is worth,” she told him in a strained voice.

“His name is Myles Graham, and he lives east of Cleveland, Tennessee. Her name is Vivian,” he told her and then gave her the address of the house. Maddy paid him what he asked for, as another Female Dragon was worth any expense.

A short time later, five Female Dragons met in the large parlor at the house of the Queen of the West. They included Maddy, her two older Daughters, Dallas and Doreen, Jorani the Queen of the East, and Chu Hua. The younger Daughters of both of the Queens were not included. Neither were the Daughters of Dallas and Doreen. Nor was Sara who was in Charleston.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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