Little Dragon Found - Cover

Little Dragon Found

Copyright© 2023 by Uncle Jim

Chapter 3

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Myles Graham finds Vivian being attacked and rescues her on realizing that she could be a Female Dragon. He convinces her to go with him to learn Magic. They come to the attention of the Dragon Queen of the West.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Magic   Demons   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Revenge   Royalty   Violence  

The following new characters appear in this chapter:

Tony Tuminelli

Gangster Boss, 5’-9’’ tall, 168 pounds, 38 years old, dark brown hair cut rather long, gray eyes, a heavy Chicago - Italian accent to his speech

Lou Cavaliere

Tony’s enforcer, 5’-8’’ tall, 175 pounds, 34 years old, short black hair, hazel eyes

Myles still has the Narrative

We had sex that night. I have to admit that Vivian is the best sex partner I have ever had. Now it was morning, and I would find out what she had decided. I awoke before her and lay there beside her for a time wondering what she would decide.

I could tell when Viv awoke, as she turned to me and kissed me tenderly before saying anything.

“I need you again, Daddy. Can you fuck me again? I am very much in need of you,” she told me in a very quiet voice. I turned to her and kissed her waiting lips.

So,” I thought, “this is it. A final session of sex to keep her for a time, and then she’ll be gone.”

“Yes, we can satisfy each other again,” I told her and continued to kiss her and massage those wonderful breasts of hers. After a time, she spread her legs wide and pulled me over on top of herself. Entering her swiftly and deeply, we pleasured each other for a long, long time. Viv had several minor orgasms along the way, but she had a major orgasm building in her belly, and I could almost feel it through her Talent. As it approached release, I doubled my pace, and I was ready to explode as it reached the release point.

Vivian bucked her hips up one last time just before it seized her and escaped, freezing every muscle in her body, and I released a flood of my Dragon seed into her womb, as I was pressed against her cervix. Viv passed out and her muscles relaxed. We both crashed back into the mattress and lay there for a time breathing hard. After a few seconds, I had recovered enough to roll off of her, but Viv was still breathing with difficulty and was still passed out. Looking around, there was only a minor amount of Magic in the room.

Turning toward her, I watched her to be sure that she was alright. It required several more minutes for her breathing to return to normal and even longer before she opened her eyes and smiled at me. Finally, she recovered enough to turn toward me and cuddled up against me, before going to sleep for a time. I followed her into sleep.

I awoke later to see Viv sitting there next to me and dreaded what she would say.

“It’s time to get up, Daddy. We will need to leave soon. After breakfast, we can leave for your home,” Vivian said much to my shock and surprise, as I thought that she would leave me for another. I kissed her long and hard then.

Following a really long shower, which we both required, I used a cleaning spell on the sheets and blankets before we dressed and packed our other things preparatory to leaving. In the lobby after checking out, we were ready to leave after placing our luggage in the car.

“Where do you want to eat?” I asked following that.

“Let’s find someplace on the way out of the city. I’ve had about as much of Chicago as I can stand,” she told me with a smile. We were soon on our way out of Chicago and didn’t stop until we had passed the city outskirts.

We stopped at a restaurant at a shopping center in the suburbs for a late breakfast. We both had an extra large breakfast as we had expended a lot of energy last night and this morning.

Our travels took us south out of Chicago on I-57 until I-24 split off of it. We traveled through Kentucky to Tennessee, and down through Tennessee past Nashville and down to Chattanooga. We remained on I-24 through Chattanooga until it joined I-75 and then started north on it. It took us nine hours from Chicago to Chattanooga including stops for gas and snacks. We were flying a little low for a part of that doing 80 mph (125 kph) on some of the more open rural stretches of road. Viv had a question about where we were going as we started up I-75.

“I thought you said that you lived in Chattanooga,” she said, somewhat puzzled.

“I live in the Chattanooga area but not in Chattanooga itself. I actually live east of Cleveland, Tennessee, but if I had said that I live in Cleveland, what would you have assumed?” I asked.

“I would have said that you lived in Ohio,” she answered. “There is a Cleveland, Tennessee?” she asked next.

“Yes, there is. It’s in Bradley County. I live in Bradley county east of Cleveland. We’ll take the I-75 exit on to US 74 that will take us around the south side of Cleveland and then take it out to where I live in the country,” I told her just before turning on to the exit ramp that would take us to US 74 going east and away from Cleveland.

“Where are we going?” Viv asked shortly in a strained voice.

“I told you that I live east of Cleveland,” I reminded her as the scenery quickly changed to rural from suburban. We had gone less than two miles before I turned on to a narrow two-lane road. A short distance up it, I turned into my driveway and then up to the house a couple of hundred feet later.

“Here we are,” I told her. She was looking around at where I had stopped.

“It’s beautiful!’ she exclaimed somewhat in shock.

“What were you expecting?”

“Being retired, I thought you lived in the city, or at least in a subdivision with a small house and lot. This is just beautiful. How large is your part of it?” she asked.

“I have twenty acres here,” I told her but went no further for now.

“Twenty acres? That’s huge!” she exclaimed.

“Most of it is in trees and meadows, but there are still three acres of grass to cut all of the time,” I told her before we exited the car. Viv caught sight of something that moved as we left the vehicle.

“What’s that?” she asked in a shocked voice, pointing. I had noticed it also.

“That, my Dear, was a deer, the four legged kind,” I told her with a grin. “I also have opossums, raccoons, coyotes, lynx, and the occasional cougar and bear that live in the forest area around here or are passing through the area,” I added.

“Bear!” she asked. “Like Grizzly Bear?” followed that.

“No, Dear, just the occasional brown or black bear, but that’s mostly in the fall and winter when they are looking for something to eat,” I told her.

“Let’s go into the house. I’ll move the luggage in later,” I added and started toward the house. I needed to take Viv’s hand so she could pass through the ward around the house.

In the entryway, she stopped and looked at the parts of the living room and the dining room which were both visible.

“You have a lot of antique furniture,” she said after a number of seconds.

“Remember, I was in the custom furniture business for many years. What you think are antiques are really some of the samples from my showroom. Customers and a lot of interior decorators would visit the shop and want something made. Often the decorators and some customers would bring us a picture of something they had seen, or a page from a catalog with the item they were interested in. Many times they would need certain changes made to it, like it needed to be longer or shorter. Maybe they wanted it in a different wood or finish. At other times, the factory may no longer be producing the item, or wouldn’t be turning any out for another six months or so.

“Especially on orders for multiple pieces of the same item, we would produce a sample piece of what they wanted that was constructed using the techniques that the old furniture craftsmen or cabinet makers would have used with all of the fine joinery, veneer, and banding or inlays. When finished, we would have them inspect the sample and explain how it was made and what the cost would be. Many times, they would be shocked by the cost of real old time workmanship.

“I would then explain that we could build the same item using modern construction methods and materials at a substantial cost reduction. It would look nearly the same, but wouldn’t be as expensive. It would still be custom furniture, but not of heirloom quality. Most customers went for the less expensive alternative. A few, those interested in quality, would pay for the better quality piece. I kept the best quality pieces in my showroom as examples of our work. When I sold the business, I took most of the best quality pieces with me, and those are what you think are antiques,” I told her with a smile.

“I see. Are all of the rooms filled with this quality of furniture, and how many rooms are there?” she asked.

“No, not all of the rooms have this quality of furniture. A number of rooms only have very good quality commercial furniture, and the kitchen has new cabinets but an old farmhouse style table and chairs.

“As for rooms, there are the living room, dining room, den, kitchen, pantry, laundry room and a half bath on the first floor. The second floor has the master suite which consists of the bedroom, full bath and a small sitting room with its own fireplace. There are four other bedrooms and another full bath. There are two extra rooms in the attic, and a full basement where I have a small shop and other things. It’s quite a large house,” I told her.

“And you have been living here all alone?” she asked.

“Basically, yes. My wife divorced me long before I bought the house and land, and we didn’t have any children. She hasn’t had any children with her second husband either,” I informed her.

“And you still have all of this space,” she said in a puzzled voice.

“Yes, I like my space, and this is the way the house was when I bought it. Of course, I had the interior painted and wallpapered in addition to having trim work done and the exterior repainted after they had made the necessary repairs to the siding,” I told her.

“Come on in, and I’ll show you around,” I told her, as we were still in the entryway, and we moved further into the house. Viv was surprised by the size of the rooms which were large. There were also the real wide board oak flooring and the many large and expensive rugs. She especially liked the several fireplaces and their decorative surrounds and mantles.

“Are these mantles original to the house?” she asked after seeing several of them on the same theme.

“No, I made these in my shop before I sold the business. We had made others for some of our more important and wealthy clients,” I told her.

When we reached the kitchen, Viv was surprised again.

“You only said that you had replaced the cabinets. You didn’t mention this huge refrigerator / freezer or the stove. Is that a gas stove or a house warmer?” she asked looking at the larger than normal stove.

“It’s a five burner stove with a grill and two ovens. There is also a warming drawer under the ovens to keep food warm for serving later,” I told her. “You know that professional chefs prefer gas stoves don’t you?” I added.

“I was never really interested,” Vivian told me. “We had a gas stove at first and then later an electric one when we moved. I was too young to use the gas stove,” she added.

After showing her the kitchen, I took her into the pantry.

“Good grief, your pantry is larger than our bathroom was,” she commented looking at the shelves and cabinets full of various types of foods. It was a number of seconds before she spotted my teapots and kettles plus the containers of several types of tea near them.

“You’re a tea snob!” she said in surprise.

“Yes, I like a good cup of tea with my breakfast and also later in the day when I’m at home,” I admitted.

We didn’t really visit the laundry room, but took the back steps up to the master suite. This definitely surprised her.

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