Little Dragon Found - Cover

Little Dragon Found

Copyright© 2023 by Uncle Jim

Chapter 12

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Myles Graham finds Vivian being attacked and rescues her on realizing that she could be a Female Dragon. He convinces her to go with him to learn Magic. They come to the attention of the Dragon Queen of the West.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Magic   Demons   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Revenge   Royalty   Violence  

The following characters return from previous stories in this chapter:


Dragon Security employee, Eve’s husband, 5-11’’ tall, 200 pounds, 47 years old, brown hair, violet eyes, very strong Talent, also now a Dragon


Stewart’s wife, 5’-4’’ tall, still a bit thin, small breasts, 32 years old, short brown hair, no Talent initially, but she now has a medium Talent thanks to the Spirit of Ley Line Magic

Myles still has the Narrative

Arriving at Maddy’s house, she was not happy with her youngest Daughter.

“Deirdre, you should not have gone out without informing me. We will discuss this later,” Maddy told her in an upset voice while looking at us.

“All of my older cousins were there as Bridesmaids. I was the flower girl,” she told her Mother in defense.

“She was very well behaved,” Viv added to assure her.

“We will still need to discuss this but later,” Maddy said before addressing us.

“So, you are married, I presume,” she said.

“Yes, we are married. Dallas and Doreen took their Daughters to get food for the party they insist we need to have,” Viv told her.

“We always have a party when someone gets married. It’s held in the Nest now, as there are so many of us. I’ll alert the others so they are ready. You two should change to something comfortable and that you can dance in. You can dance, can’t you?” she asked.

“Yes, I took dance lessons in high school. I presume that Daddy can dance,” Viv told her and looked over at me.

“Yes, I can dance, but it’s been a while since I have done any dancing,” I told them.

“Good,” Maddy told us. “You’ll also get to see the Nest, and at least some of the things there. It takes considerable time to see everything,” she added.

Deirdre did help us select clothes for the party, and we had a couple of hours to relax before everyone was ready to leave for the Nest. They all transferred in family groups. Viv and I transferred with Maddy, Kennith, and Deirdre. We were met at Stone Mountain Park by several of their friends and their families. Chu and Franklin were there with their children, as was a man named Stewart, who was a Dragon, and his Wife, Eve, who wasn’t a Dragon, and their children. There were a couple of others there whose names I didn’t get. Everyone had brought their Familiars.

After Maddy had opened the Nest, the families began to transfer up to the platform that had appeared. Viv and I went with Maddy, Kennith, and Deirdre. Jorani being the Queen of the East was second with her family.

“You two remain up here and look at everything while the rest of us go down and get things set up,” Maddy told us. She and Jorani left their Daughters with us to explain about everything. The young women seemed to know all about the various rooms, the restored pictures on the walls and the treasure. There were many rooms full of treasure, and they were all very full.

“There are millions and maybe billions of dollars worth of items in the various rooms here. How long has all of this been here?” an amazed Viv asked.

“All of it has been here for at least four thousand years. Some of it for a lot longer,” we were assured by our young guides.

We were eventually called down to the party. There was a huge amount of food and many different types of dishes displayed on a number of tables. Viv and I went around and sampled quite a number of them while filling our plates. There were tables for each family and we stopped at several of them to see what they were eating. Even the Familiars had a special party meal, plus they snapped up anything that made it to the floor. The meal was followed by dances of many different types along with the appropriate music. Everyone appeared to be having a very good time.

It was while the dancing had been going on for a time, that Maddy pulled me aside to talk.

“WE, that is you and I, still need to deal with the minor Demons. Do you have anything planned for tomorrow morning? Most of them should be in their area then,” she told me.

“No, not anything special. Who will be going with us besides Doreen, as she has expressed an interest in going?” I asked.

“I was considering Nicolae, but he may be busy. Another thought was to take along a Major Demon. The minor ones are terrified of them,” she told me.

“That might not be a good idea. We used a glamour of four Major Demons to frighten the gangsters. If they hear about that, they could be pissed about us impersonating them,” I told her.

“How did you know what they looked like? Have you had any dealings with them?” she asked.

“Doreen knew what they looked like and cast the glamours,” I told her.

“Yes, she would know, but that doesn’t get us any closer to who should go with us,” she said before changing the subject.

“Vivian needs to learn to fly also. It would be good if she could start before she sees the doctor,” she told me.

“There is the day after tomorrow, unless there is something else planned,” I told her.

“Not that I am presently aware of,” she told me. “We should go to the Dragon Lands. They are much better than the Demon Lands, and we really don’t need to go there two days in a row,” she continued.

“I’ll need to see who can go with us to deal with the minor Demons,” she said again before going to deal with something else. I remained with my new wife, Vivian, and we watched the remainder of the dancing.

That same evening in Chicago, Schmidt came to see Tony.

“I already paid Bender my third for the drone,” he told Tony, who looked at him suspiciously.

“I thought that you were tougher than that, Schmidt,” Tony said in a sarcastic voice.

“That job was a net loss, but I don’t need any trouble out of it,” Schmidt told him before explaining.

“I talked to Bender’s guy Wenzel and a couple of your guys but just to get the straight scoop. Then I talked to some Magic users I know,” he continued.

“Magic users?” Tony asked in a doubtful voice.

“They mostly live outside of the city. They say that it’s too crazy in here,” Schmidt continued but was interrupted again.

“What the fuck are you doing with Magic users?” Tony demanded indigently.

“They’ve procured some hard to obtain stuff for me. They can get into places no one else can. They don’t leave prints or evidence they have been there. The stuff just disappears. Anyway, I told them what your guys and Bender’s guy had told me.

“These are tough people. The Syndicate don’t fuck with them. They tried it once, and they got their heads handed to them. The cops don’t fuck with them either. But when they heard what I had learned, they all went pale. ‘Don’t fuck with that guy. Don’t tell us his name or where he lives. Don’t tell us anything about him. If he can summon four Major Demons as back up, YOU DO NOT WANT TO FUCK WITH HIM, PERIOD,’ they told me and disappeared.

“Just a friendly warning, Tony – don’t fuck with this guy,” Schmidt finished.

“What’s the matter with you Schmidt? You aren’t a kid anymore. This guy isn’t the boogeyman that you were scared of as a kid,” Tony told him with a laugh at his obvious fear.

“You’re right, this guy ain’t the boogeyman according to the Magic users. He’s the guy you hire to take out the boogeyman. Don’t fuck with him, Tony. Take my advice,” Schmidt told him again before departing.

Tony wasn’t convinced by Schmidt’s words and poured himself another drink. He was still considering how to eliminate the ‘Fixer’.

Viv and I awoke the next morning following a little loving and some sex plus a good night’s sleep. During breakfast, Maddy went over the plan for the operation in the Demon Lands.

“We’ll all transfer to the arrival location in the Demon Lands together. There we’ll transform to our Dragon forms, and I’ll transfer all of us to the area where the minor Demons live. On appearing on the concourse there...,” she was saying when I interrupted her.

“They have a concourse? They have that much open area?” I asked in wonder, as I had never been there. I knew where the arrival location was, as the destination was in the books, but I had never considered it necessary to go there.

“Yes, they have quite a nice area with stores, restaurants and bars on the lowest level and housing on the second and third levels above it,” Maddy told me.

“I had no idea,” I said in wonder.

“Anyway, when we arrive there, I want us facing in all four directions, and we will all cast the Power Word spell using the word ‘Freeze’ and in the Dragon language. That will hold all of them where they are, but they will still be aware of what is going on.

“We will then locate both Bob and this John. After questioning them, we will decide what to do. If necessary, we will use the Truth spell cast in the Dragon language to obtain what we want to know,” she told us before turning to Viv.

“You won’t be going with us, dear. Jorani will be taking you to the shelter to obtain a cat that will be your Familiar. You can also pick out a cat for Myles if he desires a Familiar. It will need to be a male and yours needs to be a female, so they can have kittens for your children’s Familiars,” she told Viv who seemed surprised.

“I can have a Familiar?” she asked.

“Of course, dear. You are going to study the Witchcraft books aren’t you? That will make you a Dragon Wytch, and you will definitely require a Familiar as will your daughters,” Maddy told her.

“Yes, I do want to study the Witchcraft books,” Viv assured her with a smile.

“What time are we leaving, and how large are we going to be when we appear in the minor Demons’ area?” I asked to return to our discussion.

“Everyone should be here by ten this morning, and we will leave shortly after that. As for how large, I think twenty-five-feet-tall should be sufficient. They are around four and a half feet tall,” she finished.

Following breakfast, Viv and I went up to change clothes. She needed to change to go out with Jorani, and I changed to my usual work clothes when I have a job as the ‘Fixer’. As ten o’clock approached, we were both downstairs when Doreen arrived with Nicolae and Sara.

“I see you convinced Nicolae to go with us,” I said to Maddy.

“He had never been there or had much use for Demons. It wasn’t hard to convince him to go with us,” she told me. In the meantime, Viv was over talking to Sara, and I could hear their conversation.

“Did you bring your Daughters?” she was asking her.

“No, the girls are being watched by one of our employees’ wives. All of them and their wives love Alana and Anna, so it isn’t hard to find someone to watch them. Are you going to the Demon Lands?” Sara asked.

“Oh no. Jorani is taking me to select cats to be Daddy’s and my Familiars,” Viv told her.

“I’ll go with you, too. Do you want a matched pair?” Sara asked.

“I hadn’t considered that. Let’s see what is available,” she told Sara. Jorani arrived right after that, and they prepared to leave. Sara would be the one driving.

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