The Queen General - Cover

The Queen General

Copyright© 2023 by Xanzibar

Chapter 1 The Treaty of Surrender

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 1 The Treaty of Surrender - Queen Alera, a deadly elf queen whose cunning and military prowess is the best the continent has ever seen leads her army against an invading Orc Horde. She does not give her opponent their proper respect and is quickly outmatched.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   CrossDressing   TransGender   Fiction   High Fantasy   Military   Magic   Demons   Cuckold   Wimp Husband   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Gang Bang   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Fisting   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Squirting   Voyeurism   Body Modification   Leg Fetish   Public Sex   ENF   Politics   Revenge   Royalty   Transformation   Violence  

The Treaty of Surrender.

The Main Gates of Verdan

The orcs blew battle horns as they announced the coming of an orc approaching under a banner of truce. The elvish defenders looked at themselves in wonderment. orcs did not offer truces. They did not negotiate. But here was an offer to do just that and in the proper form to top it off. Queen Alera looked down still gazing down in her haughty manner.

“Let the orcs pass. Let’s hear what he has to say.” Queen Alera announced.

Karg approached flanked by two massive bodyguards. They were the blood splattering of the orcish honor guard that was around Gargon. As for Karg himself the old orc wore no banner, simply a modest brown robe.

The old orc gave the queen a look that did not sit right with her. He had a smug grin when he gazed in her direction. The Queen Alera acted like it never happened.

Queen Alera was clad in her battle armor that was a little worse for wear. The normal shiny pauldrons were caked in mud and soot. Her shield was cracked in several places and her sword was caked in blood. The Queen was showing signs of exhaustion from the effort it took to hold off the besieging orcs.

“So foul beast what is it you come here to say?” Queen Alera said panting slightly as if she was out of breath.

“The Great War Chief of the Horde, wishes to propose terms?” Karg said not flinching from the Queen.

“Terms, of your surrender, we accept. You may leave now and return with your lives.” The Queen said halfheartedly.

“You jest, but I assure you Queen, these terms might be your only chance your people have at survival and to maintain some modicum of freedom. I am under orders to give the terms specifically to your sovereigns well both your sovereigns.

“Very Well, let us adjourn to our court we can discuss the terms formally there. “The Queen said as a contingent of elves escorted them through the city.

Karg the Keen one, was assessing the battle weariness of the elves. He was rethinking the terms he was about to offer, but he quickly stopped as taking the city would deprive his charge of what he desired most. The lovely queen was currently escorting them through the city. Karg could not help but admire her curves and backside as she led them to the Royal Palace. It was exquisite, entirely white with gold and silver inlays through every pillar and wall. Stained glass painted the hallways in various golden and green hues. The elves were always one to be pretty, Karg thought to himself.

The Queen felt vulnerable. The orcs now knew they were down to their last warriors. But then they most likely knew that already. Ever since the massive defeat at the Glenn it had been one retreating defeat after another. She was the last general left, but she was not going to go down with taking as much of those green and black bastards as possible.

The Mage King, Galaeron Ermys and his wife Queen Alera Ermys ruled side by side. The Mage King was the high despot of the elvish kingdom. He was also one of the most powerful mages in all Arcanna, his wife one of the most dangerous warriors. Unfortunately, he was already drained of his powers from the previous battles before the siege. Gargon, was an anomaly to the King. First, he was one of the first orcs ever in history to bring adept magic users with him, not just the simple Shamans but high-level mages. Gargon brought a coven of female witches and sorceresses with him, a first for the orc horde. The orcs proposing terms was also another first. He should have paid more attention to the neighboring human kingdoms when they were attacked; they might have taken this threat more seriously.

Inside the Court Chambers.

Karg stopped in front of the King. The orcs on either side of them looked on menacingly to the King and his guards. The elves had learned to fear the green skinned warriors. Some of the Kings guard looked terrified they might have to fight these two beasts in front of the King.

Karg took a moment to look at the King before him. He had longer hair than most maidens. Long straight blonde hair that went down his back. He was kind of pretty as well. The crown on his head was the only thing shiny about him. His eyes had bags around them. He looked as if he had been ill. Karg knew it was from the number of spells the King was forced to cast to keep the orcs at bay. He looked spent. Perfect Karg thought before offering his terms.

“King, War Chief Gargon, offers term to spare your people.” Karg announced to the King.

“Spare my people, orcs do not spare people, Karg the Keen one. I remember you when you served the old War Chief long ago. I thought you might be war chief yourself one day. Indeed, your intelligence far surpassed your peers” King Galaeron answered back to Karg.

“Ah flattery is wasted on me Elf. Besides, one can be far more influential behind the scenes. Our kind gain their status at the end of blade. My charge Gargon is the most powerful orc that has ever lived. Furthermore, King as you found out is an orc of more than Brawn.” Karg explained with great pride. The King noticed it as well, this older Orc was proud of his Chief, but the pride was more than for a leader, he could tell in Karg’s eyes it was the pride a father has for a son.

King Galaeron looked to his wife and grinned. Queen Alera for her part tilted her head and garnered a newfound respect for the modest orc in brown robes. She sensed it was his hand that forged this adept leader that defeated them. Alas the Queen was fatalistic nowadays, resigned to defeat, the only question what kind of defeat? She already decided she would fight off the orcs so her people might escape. She would die in a glorious fury often mentioned in the warrior tales of old.

“Offer your terms orc. I am curious what an orc will propose.” King Galaeron declared.

“Very well. The terms of War Chief Gargon are as follows:

The Kingdom of Verdansi would immediately and forever disband its army and lay down its arms.

It would allow free passage to the Horde. It will not aid its enemies.

Additionally, for sparing the lives of the Elves and their Capitol. Gargon demands, the entirety of its gold, iron, lumber and half of its food stores. This will make it impossible for the Elves to force a siege again if you decide to renege on our deal.

Additionally, each year the elves will give a tribute to the orcs for their protection of their lands. The amount and type of tribute will be decided by the current Grand War Chief two months before becoming due.

For abiding by these terms Gargon will allow your kind to have free reign over the entire Verdansi forest which is the traditional home of your Kingdom. You can lead yourselves and will be otherwise left alone. However, the farmlands, and all territory outside the forest, now belong to the Horde.

Moreover, if you agree Gargon wants you to know, your citizens will be spared and no more razing of the land or raping of your women will occur, no more of your citizens will be enslaved. Provided you agree to live under Gargon’s protection. The Horde will defend your land and all martial forces will be orc and ONLY orc unless decided by the Grand War Chief.

The King listened as Karg read the terms he was shocked at the reasonable nature of the terms. As far as bargains go, this is about as civilized as the orcs have ever been. In fact, these terms would be reasonable for a human. In the past they have only ever destroyed other races they fought. The King thought it odd, until read the final set of terms aloud. It involved the King and Queen directly.

The King will accompany his wife to the orcish Stronghold of Vargabad. There he will submit to the will of Gargon and formally surrender his Kingdom over to the Horde. In return, provided that certain conditions occur, Galaeron will be allowed back to his Kingdom. If either sovereign attempts suicide it will be considered a reneging on this deal and your kind will be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Queen Alera will submit herself to becoming Gargon’s property. Any attempt to renege once the offer is accepted will result in the razing of your entire kingdom and the deliberate and absolute destruction of the entire Verdansi forest. If the offer is accepted raise a black flag over the gates of your city in two hours’ time.

The Queen listened to the terms read aloud to her husband. She was be the property of one of those hideous “Pig Men” if he accepted. Queen Alera heard the terms read aloud and her heart sank. They would never be a power again. They would be vassals, nothing more she thought. But the citizens and elves would be safe, moreover their sacred forest would be there to do what they pleased. If she made this sacrifice, then the Verdansi will live on, and perhaps rise to take back their lands one day after all their kind live much longer than any other race.

The warrior inside the queen wanted to tell her husband to let them die with honor, but then she realized, that would really be only allowing her to die with honor, her people if the deal was accepted would have their honor intact. The Queen thought on the terms then with a brave face simply told the King, “Do what you must, I as always serve you, my King.” Queen Alera said with tears running down her cheeks. The King slumped in his chair at the hopelessness of his situation.

Queen Alera was his everything, she was beautiful, smart, deadly. The perfect avatar of her people. The King loathed that he had a duty to his people and a duty to his family. In the end his people must come first. He failed them miserably, he thought, and now his love will have to pay the price.

The Queen was not the only one who had demands placed upon them. The King would go over to deliver his wife and formally sign the treaty of Surrender personally.

One Hour Later...

The Banners of Verdansi were taken down all over the city and in their place black cloths were strung all over the city. The Orcs cheered in victory. There were tears in all the elves’ eyes.

After the banners fell the King’s chambers were silent as if a death occurred. The mood was somber in the King’s personal chambers, they had just received the instructions on how to give his wife of over 300 years over to one of their most hated enemies, the orcs.

After the initial acceptance of the surrender occurred. Karg entered the city with the orcs. He presented the Royals with more specific instructions on how to enact their bargain. The Queen was to wear her crown and full ceremonial battle regalia. Karg indicated Alera was to bring all accruements of being a queen. All her outfits, her fineries, all her possessions. Including all formal clothing, ceremonial clothing, and all military uniforms. The King was to ride with her to Vargabad. There he will be informed of the conditions of his return.

The King knew that despite his city being spared additional humiliations and wrongs. The royals were not going to be afforded that same luxury. They were about to be humiliated for the benefit of a warlord and his horde. He would have to endure giving his wife to that monster. But it also meant that his people will be able to live in peace in the forest that they love. The King and Queen held each other tight. They had to be strong for the sake of their people.

“My love, you will always be my only betrothed and true love. He may possess my body, but he will never possess my love, that is and will always be yours.” The Queen said tears in her eye, her flawless golden skin looking radiant as ever.

“I am sorry I have failed you, I have failed my people, and you are about to pay the price for my failure” The King said. The staff was in the process of gathering all the clothing and wardrobe of the King and Queen.

The Queen led the procession of equipment and regalia that signified their reign as the sovereign of Verdansi. The Queen was also ordered by Karg to polish her battle armor and sword. It was to be ceremony ready as the old orc told her. Alera always had pride and she made sure her armor looked immaculate. No one would ever guess that it had just been through months’ worth of constant battle. Gone were the multiple dents, blood stains, burn marks. She made sure the royal blacksmith fixed her gear.

The royal couple set out to go beyond the borders of their Kingdom into the conquered human Kingdom of Carvona, where the orcs now were headquartered. The Horde had pretty much migrated there shortly after conquering it. No one would know that just mere years earlier this territory was strictly human. Karg knowing his history took over and restored, the ancient orc stronghold of Vargabad.

Gargon guided the normal savage orcs against their baser instincts to only want to fight by framing their task as a sacred duty to honor their ancestors. Carvona was formed when a joint alliance of men and elves pushed the orcs out their own Kingdom. The land they vacated became Carvona. Now Gargon had taken it back unbeknownst to the rest of Arcanna, the orcs were amid a crusade.

Border Crossing.

A group of orc Raiders guarded the road into their Kingdom stopped the King and Queen and her procession.

“Aye, look what we have here. A haughty Elf slut and his Queen. “, The orcs broke out intense laughter.

What business do you have here.” The orc asked the King and Queen. It was obvious they knew or were expecting them, but they wanted to make the King tell them.

“We are here at the request of your Chieftain, Gargon. May we proceed to his location?” King Galaeron answered trying to sound as formal and regal as possible.

“Aye this dainty slut has manners, boys!” The captain called out sparking sadistic grunting laughter from the orcish contingent barring their path.

“Well, we were expecting you, off to Vargabad!” The captain growled and a bestial growl of affirmation were heard from the contingent of orcs.

The orcs up close were much more intimidating than they were in battle. Orcs always looked as if they were about to rip you to shreds at any moment. Each had a façade of hatred and anger. Queen Alera took a deep breath as she started to pay attention to how solid each orc is built; she did not see a fat body amongst them. She tried to convince herself that they were not too unpleasant to look at.

The rest of the ride was quite eye opening. The more they went into the conquered territory the more the Queen was sure they were making the right decision. Some of the villages they passed were heaps of rubble where only campfires and tents existed now. Smoke poked the sky in almost every direction, presumably from large Orc camps. There was not a single person who did not have some sort of restraint on their body. Everywhere one looked the countryside was littered with corpses. The sides of the roads and the entrances to villages were strewn with heads on pikes. The carnage the orcs were capable of was staggering to experience. The King and Queen knew at that moment they had to do ANYTHING to prevent that from happening to their citizens. They had to suck up their pride and sign the surrender decree into law.

If only they knew orcs did not have a system of laws, but a system of rituals and rites. The couple finally arrived at the gates of the orcish Keep of Mozru Zod located in the heart of Vargaband. The small caravan of carriages and carts were escorted through the main gate of the stronghold. What was shocking was the actual size of Gargon’s horde, even without the forces that were recently attacking their kingdom.

The royals got a firsthand look at just how many more orcs were at Gargon’s disposal. They had no hope of ever overcoming such numbers. They looked at the massive natural stone fortress. It looks to have been built into the mountain. The clanging of metal was heard in every direction. Queen Alera looked as saw rows of blacksmith’s forging weapons. Queen Alera shivered in fear at how efficient and well organized this operation was. She was witnessing a very well-oiled war machine in action.

“Ah the chief’s your new meat is here. Escort them to the main chamber.” A smaller orc growled at the men escorting the King and Queen. They looked at each other as they were led into the belly of the beast so to speak.

“Chief your boon has arrived!!!” A small man called out harshly to the War Chief. A goblin, Alera thought to herself.

“At last, finally!!!! Bring the Royal Elf Cunts into the main chamber right now! Let me have a look at that haughty bitch!!” Gargon cried out to the crowd. The orcs all cheered. The King and Queen were pushed in front of the chieftain.

Queen Alera looked up at the leader. He was massive being compared to her beloved. Gargon was a whole foot taller than him. His arms were devoid of all fat. Gargon was a Red orc. Alera was slightly shocked. She fought him, but he was covered in armor. Orcs came in two skin tones typically green and black. Although she heard of Red orcs in ancient text almost all thought of them as myths. It was said Red orcs had magics and served the dark gods. His hands had long black nails that looked more like claws than nails. He wore an odd crown made of dragon bone. The orc eyes glowed an emissive yellow, which was not common at all. Emissive eyes usually indicate magic or a connection to the nether realms. The queen had to use every muscle to control the urge to pull out her sword and attack him. Their enemy was much more of a threat than she thought. If she knew this was leading them, she would have formed a grand alliance with any kingdom that would join her. If the Dark Gods gave this orc Patronage, it could cause reverberations throughout the entire Pantheon. The Goddess of Light herself might be in danger. The other Kingdoms have no idea what is coming for them she thought.

“Speak your peace, King” Gargon barked at the King as he noticed the Queen twitching as she fought the urge to grab her sword. A true warrior through and through he thought.

“Chief ... We are here to finalize the terms of our surrender laid out by your man, Karg.” The King said in a shaky voice. They were the only non-orcs in the room and that made them feel even more vulnerable. This was a place no non-orc has ever been.

“Ah” Gargon said as he looked at his people in front of his throne. “So, tell me King ... Do you come here to give me your wife?” Gargon asked grinning at Galaeron. He was purposefully making him feel uncomfortable.

Galaeron was shaking like a leaf when he gazed at Gargon and was figuring out how to answer the War Chief. The orc was strong and terrifying up close.

“I am abiding by the terms offered by Karg.” Galaeron said trying to avoid giving the orc what he wants.

“Those terms require you to hand over your wife. Are you prepared to do that Gally.” Gargon chortled out to his court. The orcs erupted in guffaws as he purposefully feminized and shortened the Kings name.

“Aye. I am here aren’t I, Gargon!” Alera defiantly spat out at Gargon.

A growling roar erupted from the orcish guards as they were getting ready to lunge at her. Karg explained, “Bitch, you are to address His Bloodiness the High Chief Gargon Doomfury, as either High Chief, or Master. Only equals get to use his name.”

Queen Alera shot a hard glare at Karg then to Gargon finally relenting with a sigh, “Fine ... I am here aren’t I, High Chief? You may have me your prisoner beast, but you never will break me!” Alera tried to keep her defiance, but being forced to say it after being corrected with the appropriate respect at the end took all the piss out of her reply. She felt weaker than ever after saying it a second time. Which most likely was Karg’s intention all along.

“And here you will remain if you want your people to live. Remember that, if I must go back to your wretched forest to deal with your fancy haughty cunts, I will not leave anything alive, NOTHING!!” Gargon yelled, causing the orcs to growl in their normal bestial manner.

“Fuck it. You want to death so bad I give it to you ALL OF YOU. I tire of this!” Gargon threatened. Warriors get ready.” Gargon declared suddenly. They all had their weapons out. It was evident to everyone in the room that Gargon was nearing bloodlust. A state where he would kill everything he wanted to until he felt satisfied. If he had it earlier, it would have been impossible to even broker this one-sided deal.

“No High Chief!!!!! Please ... We are sorry!!!! Please take her prisoner we accept your terms!” Galaeron screamed hoping to save his people.

“What was that my little bitch?” Gargon chortled, his voice sounded downright demonic.

“I said please we came, we came as you ordered us too, spare our people!!!” Galaeron babbled out. Queen Alera a warrior to the end still had her hand on her sword and glared daggers at her husband. She no longer wanted this deal, especially seeing the danger to the rest of the kingdoms. She did not say a word, but her face was getting red with fury by the second.

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