Molly's Tales
Copyright© 2023 by INtrinSicliValud
Dare to Shop
Erotica Sex Story: Dare to Shop - This collection of tales follows a young man’s exploration of sexuality and gender-confusion. With hormones raging, Ben yearns to be a girl. After meeting towering, muscled Lee, he becomes Molly and explores a whole new world. Soon, more rips in reality open her mind. When dear mum reveals secrets, together they become a lustful force.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Ma/Ma Mult Consensual TransGender Fiction Incest Mother Son Rough Orgy Anal Sex Oral Sex
“That one’ll do,” I said. “Do you have shoes to match?”
I’d just tossed a dress from the rear of mum’s closet onto the bed. Again, it was Saturday, but it hadn’t been our usual lazy morning. Mum had spent it glancing at the clock and becoming ever more fidgety. At last, I’d dragged her upstairs to prepare.
“Sweetie, that dress is...” Her voice faded into a slow gulp. “I mean, I wore it a while ago. To a holiday party.”
“Did you get lucky?” I raised my eyebrows while digging out a pair of five-inch stilettos. They were the same deep red as the tiny, backless halter dress. Perfect.
“Molly!” She held it against her while gazing at the mirror. “I was still married.”
“So?” I stepped from the closet. “You didn’t answer the question.”
“I plead the fifth.” She giggled while taking the shoes from me.
“That’s an American thing.”
In lieu of a spoken reply, her silence said enough. Oh, and I’d assumed any “luck” had been with dad. But, at a sudden twinkle in her unfocused eyes, clearly, I was mistaken. In any event, she’d never admit it. Instead, I gave her a smile before running a finger along her waistband. They were the tiniest red panties. But cute as heck; silk with a pretty, flowered-lace border.
‘‘Slut,” I said while tugging on her high ponytail. As she met my eyes, no words were needed. She may have been my mother, but I was in charge. At a more forceful pull, the slow parting of her glossy lips brought a grin to my face. “Now, hurry up. We’re expected.”
“Expected?” Despite her arching eyebrows, I remained silent.
Rather than undoing the halter straps, mum dropped the dress over her head and shimmied it into place. Fuck, she looked hot. When I slid my hands over her firm tits to center the thin strips of material, the tiniest whimper escaped her. As I shifted the plunging backless swoop, a finger dipped into the exposed top of her bum crack.
As wound up as she was, that tiny poke sent a second quiet moan echoing through the room. While shooting another quick glance at the clock, I grabbed a purse and straightened my pleated black micro-skirt. After straightening her dark stockings, mother did a rapid check of her lipstick before following me downstairs. Only once she’d slipped into the shoes and we were clacking across the foyer did I answer her.
“Yes, expected. We’re going to an exclusive shop.” I pulled open the door and spotted our ride, a small but plush limousine. “It, uh, caters to, um, girls like me.” I chuckled. “And you, Julie.”
“Julie? Who’s Julie?” She said, while clambering into the rear of the car.
“You. From now on, that’s your ‘nom d’ party.’ Julie the Cock-Hungry Slut.”
At first, she was silent, but soon tittering started and before you knew it, we were both laughing. Only as we slowed did my chest tighten. With the heavier makeup along with the simple but youthful hair “style,” mum could’ve passed as my sister. My much better-endowed sister. The bitch.
“Julie the Cock-Hungry Slut,” she repeated before breaking out into more snorting laughter. “I like it, Molls.” After crossing her legs, she rubbed her thighs. The laughing ended with a smacking of her lips. “Oh, this feels weird.”
“What?” I said while running a finger into my glittery black top’s deep v-neckline to hide a bra strap.
“Being shaved. It’s been such a long time.” Another abrupt giggle shot from her.
“Lee likes a—”
“—bare muff, I know. But I’ve got chills.” Mum rolled her shiny lips. “Is he, uh, gonna be there?”
At the look in her eyes, a mix of trepidation and hunger, I swallowed. It was like looking into a mirror. Also, it wasn’t chills stabbing her thick nipples through that dress. Nor keeping those shapely legs rubbing together. What had I created? Or rather reignited?
“No.” I patted her bare knee. “But don’t you worry, mum. I’ve got plenty of, uh, things for you to do today.”
Although there was a bit more fear in her voice, her hand settled atop mine with a squeeze. When all I did was grin, a tremor rippled through her.
About a half-hour later, and well across the city from our normal haunts, our stylish heels clacked. The sharp sounds echoed along an upscale indoor mall’s shiny broad marble walkway. As we slipped past shop after shop, mum became ever more tense. After sliding my hand onto her bare back, she slid closer with a sigh.
“Where is this place, Molly? I’ve never been here.”
“You’ll see.” A gentle drift of my fingernail into the crease of her bum cheeks pulled a soft whimper from her. It was a cute dress. “Be patient.”
Once I’d guided us into a—I shan’t use the real name, but it’s a well-known upscale department store—mum’s eyebrows narrowed. But when she opened her mouth to query me again, I tapped her waxy red lipstick with a fingernail. Instead, she pursed her lips, while scanning the interior as we click-clacked towards the down escalator.
After noting the sign for Ladies Apparel pointed upstairs, mum stared at me. Although her eyes widened, her mouth stayed sealed. She was quite trainable. I held in a giggle. Another trait I’d acquired from her.
“We are most definitely not ladies, Jules.” Just as I chuckled, the escalator deposited us in the Home Furnishings section.
There were few sounds other than our clicking heels headed for the far wall. In the distance, only a cluster of bored older sales associates occupied the level. After pushing through a door marked “Specialty Wares,” I led her along a narrow, carpeted hall to a second one. When I halted and faced her, her anxious eyes were glancing back at the first door.
“Now, mum.” I said while once more getting those tiny straps to center on her firm tits. Bitch. I bit my tongue. “Behave.” I laughed. “Well, maybe not behave, but follow my lead and do what I tell you, okay? This place is very important to me.” When she nodded and ran a fingernail over my cheek to push a loose tress into place, I grinned. “You’re going to have fun. And don’t worry about the cost. I’ve got more than enough money to buy what we need.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Oh, you’ll owe me, but”—as I swept my nails along her bare ribs, another tiny whimper left her—”you’ll pay me back, sis.”
That got her both giggling and quivering. Yeah, I’d created a monster. After one last sigh, I turned the handle and pushed open the door. My mother’s gasp echoed past me as she followed me into Mecca.
Her eyes widening, she swept her head from side to side. In riotous colors and glittery fabrics, over-the-top designs of any type of clothing imaginable filled the room. On shelves, racks and in displays, anything my little heart desired—no, craved—could be found inside the expansive secret shop.
Along a far wall was every shade and grade of leather goods, from full-body suits to all varieties of implements. One day, Lee would use them all on me. I mean, not in a single twenty-four-hour period. That would hurt something awful. Hmm, then again.
But my favorite, the lace section, occupied almost half the space. It sported more designs than I could ever hope to own. But I’d made it a life goal to try.
At the Italian accent booming from beyond a distant rack of shimmering evening gowns, I grinned. As a tall, thin man with thick, wavy, gray-tinged black hair approached with a massive smile on his face, I leaned to mum.
“This is Xavier.” My eyes remained on the picture of elegance moving closer on glossy, pointed, stylish shoes. Everything about Xavier was stylish. And expensive. “He’s gonna want his payment up front.”
“The store gets the cash. Xavier gets, well, us. Or rather, today, you, sis.”
Before she could do more than gulp, he’d arrived in a cloud of masculine cologne that evoked leather and aged, fragrant wood with a hint of exotic spice. Xavier took my hand in his. As he pressed his full lips to its back, his dark, dreamy eyes never stopped scanning us. Under his inspection, I couldn’t help it, and my non-chest puffed outwards.
“You are stunning, as always, my dearest Molly. And, um, who is this exquisite creature?”
Fuck all if his gaze didn’t lock onto mum’s tits. As he took hold of her hand and raised it to his mouth, she swallowed and met his eyes. When he held the kiss a lot longer, she glanced at me. Okay, that was good.
“My sister, Julie. Jules to her friends.”
“Jules. Of course. Bella figura.” How he managed it I’ve no idea, but his smile widened further as he once more roamed mum’s frame before returning to her reddening face. “A wondrous name. Indeed, your gorgeous eyes sparkle like jewels.”
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