Molly's Tales
Copyright© 2023 by INtrinSicliValud
Mum’s Dares
Erotica Sex Story: Mum’s Dares - This collection of tales follows a young man’s exploration of sexuality and gender-confusion. With hormones raging, Ben yearns to be a girl. After meeting towering, muscled Lee, he becomes Molly and explores a whole new world. Soon, more rips in reality open her mind. When dear mum reveals secrets, together they become a lustful force.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Ma/Ma Mult Consensual TransGender Fiction Incest Mother Son Rough Orgy Anal Sex Oral Sex
As we sat at the table sipping tea, I watched mum. When she glanced up from her tablet, she smiled.
“What, Molls?”
Instead of answering, I continued scanning her still flushed face and the fluffy pink robe she wore. As it was Saturday, she was in no rush and had showered later. She’d also, hmm ... Well, for the past fortnight since Lee had slept with her, every morning she’d taken care of herself. Oh sure, she’d tried to keep quiet, but the walls were thin. And she was quite—energetic. Thus, early showers had become part of her routine.
The whole time Lee had been niggling me. But my mother hadn’t said anything about that night. And until things felt right, I wasn’t going to push her. But as the first orange sunbeams appeared on the tile, it was time.
“Mum, did you want to talk about it?”
“It?” Her perfect eyebrows arched as her cheeks darkened.
“Coy doesn’t suit you, mother.”
When she giggled, I jerked. My god, her giggling was mine. Or the other way round. In any event, that helped; it was—comforting. Nonetheless, she kept silent but still gazed at me.
Memories floated into me. They remained so vivid.
On that night, in the darkness, after I’d licked Lee’s majestic beast clean of their juices, mum had run her shaky hands over us. One set of nails slid along my bare back and the other raking his chest. Time had slowed, and I was gazing up into my lover’s glinting, shadowed pools.
“Come on, Lee.”
At mum’s airy voice and her sudden shift beneath me, I’d jolted, releasing the clean velvet tube from my lips. But not without a whimper, since it was again shiny and taut as a steel rod. However, one look at Lee’s narrowed eyes had me rolling away to lie on my back.
When his fist left me hard and dribbling, everything inside me wanted to beg. But as she took him by the hand and slipped from the bed, I didn’t have the heart.
Not long after they’d disappeared behind the bathroom door, her moaning had begun. And as the shower started, they became much louder cries.
“Oh yes. Mmm. Mmm, my God.” My mother’s voice was wavering. Oh, I recognized that tone. Although I was a half-second from leaping up to peek, I halted at a winding moan. “Mmm. Mm-hmm. Fuck me hard, baby!”
At the loud slapping of flesh and the stuttering screech of her nails along the wet tile, my pulse raced. With each spray-muffled hitching breath, my own breathing staggered.
“Oh. Oh. Oh, God Almighty.” Mum moaned again. So much louder. “Mmm, yes. Oh fuck, baby. Oh, mmm. Just like that. Mm-hmm. You ... You beast. Use me.”
At mum’s high-pitched voice I chuckled. That was exactly how I sounded when Lee was drilling me like the machine he was. No more mister gentle. Used to me, he’d known what she’d really craved.
Despite the painful stem wobbling before me, I smiled while wandering to my own bathroom to shower. Alone.
By the time I’d returned, Lee was on his back under the sheet in the middle of the bed. Against his ribs, mum was snuggled, unmoving. Her face was utter bliss. An angelic smile. Rosy cheeks. She was the most relaxed I’d seen her in years.
When his beautiful blue pools found me, he gestured me to his other side. After easing beneath the covers, I slid into him.
“She’s sleeping, Molly.” Lee snorted under his breath. “I think I broke your mum.”
That got a giggle from me that ended in a moan as he pulled me over his muscled leg. At the touch of my aching wand against his stiffening shaft, I gasped. My tongue lashed out to poke at his chin.
At the press of his lips as he used my body to roll our cocks together, I whimpered. Once again, I was his focus. With my heart soaring, I let his powerful tongue plunge deep into my mouth, chasing my own. For the second time that night, the universe wandered away as our bodies slid over each other and we kissed. At last, after pulling from my lips, he sighed.
“What’s the matter, my love?” I whispered.
“Well, for starters, now what?” When I looked at mum he nodded. “Precisely. She’s really something special, Molly. And she ... Well, she asked if she had a, uh, future with us.”
“What?” When I brushed his heating cheek with my nails, his thumping beast twitched against my thin wand.
“Just before she collapsed, she said she wouldn’t mind doing a little more.”
“A little more, Lee?” I gulped. “Hmm, I know the effect you have.”
“Okay, okay.” He tittered. “Your mum said she’d do anything for me. If I kept her. She also...” His voice wavered before faltering.
“It’s alright.” I placed a gentle kiss against his soft lips. “What else did she say, love?”
“If I wanted, and you agreed, she’d be my secret slut.”
As my heart raced, I held in a giggle. Well, of course. Where’d I thought my sluttiness came from? Still, I gulped and inspected her blissful visage. My mum? I mean, she’d been “somewhat of a party girl” when younger. At least some old family friends had mentioned as much at a holiday party several years ago. They hadn’t known I was listening.
“What did you tell her, Lee?”
“I said it was up to you.”
“Do you want her?”
After scanning her peaceful face and drifting his gaze along the shapely silhouette snuggled next to him, he returned to me. Duh, what was not to want? So, when he nodded, all I could do was smile. Well, the charming blue eyes melting my soul weren’t hurting his cause.
“Okay then. She can join us. Us, though.” I nipped his chin. “No running off without me. I’m your number one slut, right?”
While shoving Big Lee into my cocklet, he smiled. He didn’t have to speak. Of course, I was.
By the time she’d awakened, Lee had left for work.
In the following days, she’d not said a word. But I’d catch her humming. And once the discomfort had gone—Lee was a bit of a wrecking machine—her shaky gait had become a dancer-like glide.
So, there I was, two weeks later, sitting across from her, sipping tea. Frankly, I wanted to know. The silence was killing me more than Lee.
“Lee told me what you said, mum.”
After a long silence, she sighed. “Does he really share you, Molly?”
Fine, it was time to discuss a lot of things. As I nodded, I began.
While we drank tea and the sun rose, I recounted my adventures with Lee. From that initial drunken blowjob to our first ‘date.’ That once we’d become comfortable and shared our secret fantasies, the things I’d done with him. How I loved performing for him. Since Lee, my world had changed for the better.
When I fell silent, she trembled but said nothing. Instead, she eased to her feet and left the room. After moving around upstairs, she returned a few minutes later with a small black photo album. Golden bubbles were embossed on its worn cover. After doing that familiar little giggle, both cute and nervous, mum handed it to me and sat.
“My, um, nickname in school was ‘Bubbles.’ At about your age, I earned it. My boyfriend was on the rugby team. They, uh, took a bus to a match one night. I went along. They won. There was, um, a lot of drinking.” She leaned closer to trace the bubbles with a glossy red nail. “He bought this for me. Go on, open it.”
At the first snapshot, my chest hammered. Naked with copious thick strands of pearlescent cum dripping from her shiny face, my mother was smiling up at the camera. Several sets of well-muscled legs surrounded her.
“Back then, we didn’t have digital stuff.” Another nervous giggle left her. God, how her eyes twinkled. “So, um, one of the boys, Dave, quite handsome, and uh, talented. Anyway, he had to develop the pictures in secret using the school photo lab.”
With my jaw dropping, I returned to the image. White and glittering, large bubbles filled her flaring nostrils. Such utter happiness glimmered in her eyes.
“I didn’t sit the whole way home.” One more giggle. “Not on the seats, anyway.”
By the time I’d reviewed the photos, and there were a lot, all I could do was lean back and exhale. The afterimages continued to tumble in my memory. So many happy, smiling faces. Amongst and over the bus seats, in every conceivable position and combination. To be honest, I was a bit jealous. I hadn’t experienced anything like it. Yet.
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