Molly's Tales
Copyright© 2023 by INtrinSicliValud
Still Daring
Erotica Sex Story: Still Daring - This collection of tales follows a young man’s exploration of sexuality and gender-confusion. With hormones raging, Ben yearns to be a girl. After meeting towering, muscled Lee, he becomes Molly and explores a whole new world. Soon, more rips in reality open her mind. When dear mum reveals secrets, together they become a lustful force.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Ma/Ma Mult Consensual TransGender Fiction Incest Mother Son Rough Orgy Anal Sex Oral Sex
As loud, thrashing electronica music pounded my tiny chest, I scanned a crowded, dark club. With my sweat-slick spine pressed against Lee’s towering solid frame, I smiled at the dancers flashing in the colored lasers. Far across the city, we were safe from prying eyes, and I loved that he’d found this place only for us.
Every flavor of humanity was present. A mélange of straight and not-so-straight couples and groups moved to the hammering tunes. In all kinds of fashion. From slutty like me, to well-dressed, as if just arrived from a nearby wedding. With the last of the champagne fizzy and warm in my belly, it was true nirvana.
At the gentle squeeze of his widespread long fingers on my bare stomach, I turned to look upwards into Lee’s face. In a sudden flash of laser light, my heart staggered. Those beautiful, wide blue eyes gazing into my soul had my entire little body vibrating. My shaking hand slid to place the empty champagne flute on the bar beside us.
As he drank another pint, his widespread hard fingers wandered beneath my glittery silver crop top. While dangling from the pointy tits of my miracle-making padded bra, the shiny material caught the lights with each heaving breath. And, with his hard cock pushing against my tight bum in nothing but a tiny black micro-skirt, my breathing was becoming ever quicker. My stiff, pulsating cocklet strained against its sleek sheath.
“Baby, I’m gonna need a good fucking tonight if you continue,” I muttered up at him.
“You’re such a little slut, Molly.” Lee laughed as his gaze found my writhing pelvis.
“That’s why you keep me, isn’t it?” I said, while shoving my bum cheeks into his bulging crotch. “Big meaty Lee certainly misses me.”
That got one of those body-tingling moans from him and his fingers dipped into my skirt. At the sudden touch of his fingertips on my trapped knob, it was my turn to moan. But before I could do anything else, his hand was torn free. The world spun. Glass bounced, then shattered. Strong hands shoved me. Loud cursing. Russian.
“Oy! Watch it,” Lee shouted at somebody I couldn’t see through my whirling chestnut locks.
There was a heavy thump. Then a thud. By a steely grip on my thin wrist, I was being yanked into the swirling crowd. After flicking my hair clear, I jolted at an enormous, thick-chested bald man in a dark suit grimacing down at me. When I tried to pull from the towering figure, only a single swift tug had my shiny black pumps skidding after him.
“Struggle and things are bad for you.”
His was the Russian voice I’d heard, and his accent was strong. The music swallowed my cries. Passing faces only smiled, assuming I was but another toy on her way to the rear hallway or private rooms where dreams were shared. Also lots of money, booze and drugs.
Although I searched for Lee, the swaying, bouncing dark silhouettes surrounding us made it impossible. As the man dragged me further, I squinted into the flashing lights but still couldn’t spot Lee. When I clawed at the tight fist, he swatted my hand away as if it were nothing.
“Where are you taking me?” I yelled while attempting another twisting escape.
Instead of replying, the beastly man hauled me towards a narrow, red-carpeted staircase leading upward. Once again, I scrabbled at his massive fist, but I cried out and jolted when his other palm slapped me hard on my bum. While his beady, dark eyes glared, he shoved me to the stairs.
“Upstairs, slutka. Boss. He talk with you.”
“Uh. I’m here with my boyfriend.”
When all he did was laugh, the gruff sound cut deep. With a hitching cry, I spun on my toes, trying once more to find Lee. Between the darkness, the endless swaying crowd, and every laser light blinding me, there was no chance. At another swift yank, I had no choice but to follow the dark mass upwards, one shaky footstep at a time.
Once at the top, the hulking brute didn’t break stride, dragging me towards a red padded door at the end of a narrow, dim corridor. After a shove of his huge hand pushed it wide, I was hurled forward. While staggering across thick crimson carpeting, I squinted under much brighter white lighting. After shading my eyes to scan the blurring room, my heart tumbled.
Beneath a massive window overlooking the dance floor was a long, curved, red leather couch. With a matching bend, a low polished black table stretched the length of the couch. Once the door sealed behind me with a heavy thunk, the music was nothing but muffled beats.
In the middle of the couch, facing me, sat a hard-looking man. Even more massive than the bald brute. Dressed in a dark suit, but with no tie over his open-collared, black silken shirt, he inspected my shaking frame. While he scanned me, his square, gray-stubbled jaw eased from side to side.
On either side of him snuggled two pale-skinned young dolls in heavy evening makeup. One a platinum blonde and the other with raven hair; they wore gold lame mini-shorts and bikini tops. Yes, I was jealous. Their perfect, perky tits were, well, perfect. After only the swiftest glance at me, they whispered to the large man in Russian.
Further out on either side sat a pair of craggy-faced smaller men, but their hard eyes tracked my every motion. In cheaper suits, their hands twitched. Everything about them screamed, “Go ahead, try something. We’re bored.”
“Why am I—”
“Shh-shh, devka,” the heavy-faced man silenced me with his deep, growling voice.
At his squeezing, both dolls yipped, then whimpered before driving their lips against his neck. With muted thuds, the bald bloke stepped away to lean against one wall. As I gulped, the boss continued his languid scan.
“You’ll do.” At his words, I jolted, but just as I opened my mouth to protest, he held up a palm. “Lee owes me a lot of money. He can’t pay.” When his gaze wandered me once more, a chill settled along my spine. “Not with cash.”
“W—what, uh, do you mean?” Even higher than I attained as Molly, my voice was a screech.
As I inhaled, the room’s mix of odors flooded me. Expensive leather and sandalwood cologne, cheap over-flowered perfume, and faint cigar smoke. When he remained silent, my eyes flicked to the doll’s hands, stroking and pressing against an impressive bulge in his black silken trousers. At his laugh, I returned to find a huge smile on his face.
“Ah, you understand. Good. Smart as well as sexy, slutka.”
After he’d nodded to a man on the couch, the bodyguard stood to bring a bottle of champagne and glasses. Without a word, he poured a glass for the boss before filling another and handing it to me. At the touch of his rough fingers, my heartbeat hammered. The boss nodded towards the glossy table before him.
“I’ve been watching you. Dance for me, devka.”
“Uh,” is all I managed before I found the flute’s cold rim at my lips.
As I gulped far too quickly, the chilly vintage did nothing to calm my shaking nerves. But if dancing for this weird guy would help Lee ... At the first click of my pump on the shiny surface, I jerked. It was as if my body was deciding for me. Again.
And as I wandered from his smiling face to the dolls, also watching, more reactions inundated my trembling little frame. My pulse sped and my cocklet, having curled as tight as it could while being hauled to that place, lengthened. Since it hadn’t far to go, as I walked closer, sipping the champagne, it strained once more in its tight sheath.
When the music sharpened, I glanced at the bald man. His thick fingers were on a control panel affixed to the wall beside him. Again, my body did its thing and as it found the beat, my hips started moving. The supple silk flowing along my bare thighs had my tiny nipples hardening. After gulping the champagne and settling the flute before me, it wasn’t long before I drifted away on the sultry melody.
Time wandered and soon, with my arms twisting skywards, my fingers raked upwards through my cascading tresses. While shifting and sliding to the music, I became lost in a world of flashing lights and brightness that only I could see. The room had disappeared. The wicked men were nothing but blurry shadows. With expensive alcohol flowing through my young mind, I did what I loved second-best in life; I danced.
At firm fingertips on my calf, I jolted. The lights faded. Just after my arms, my hair fell, and my heart thundered as reality surrounded me once more. Like a laser, my gaze locked onto the massive pole standing free in the dolls’ sliding fists. The boss’s smile was much wider as he leaned back, gesturing me closer with his fingers.
“Come more. Over here, slutka. Oh, I can tell by your face. You want it inside you, don’t you?”
As he spoke, I flicked between the first glistening trail drooling from that enormous pulsating purple knob, the dolls’ glossy, red-lipped grins as they watched me shudder, and the champagne bottle. With a chuckle, he motioned for the blonde to refill my glass. After she’d handed it to me, I chewed my lower lip, mesmerized by the pulsing rod, before downing the fizzy vintage in a single gulp.
“It’s okay. One ride. Nobody’ll know. And your pretty Lee will be free. Ha. Made rhyme.”
With my eyes fixed on a glittery dribble slipping over the dolls’ slow-twisting fists, I didn’t laugh at his joke. Instead, I let the blonde refill my glass again. After taking another lengthy sip of the bubbly elixir, I smacked my lips as my heels click-clacked closer to him. My gaze remained on that majestic tower. So solid, its taut, vein-wrapped skin gleamed. Pulsating with life. Pleading to be embedded within me. From that oozing slit, I could hear its little voice. Its soft cries.
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