SWMS: the Report - Cover

SWMS: the Report

by Arquillius

Copyright© 2023 by Arquillius

Fiction Story: And the report says...

Caution: This Fiction Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   .

I sat at the dining room table, reading from a laptop as my younger step-sister stood in front of me pensively. Finals were fast approaching, and what I was reading was her final debate topic for her Sociology class. Well, the accompanying research paper anyways. After finishing it up, I closed the laptop and looked up at her. My step-sister stood about 5’8”, and had an athletic body. She was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a loose athletic t-shirt. Her hair was long, black but tied back into a bun, and her big glasses tended to hide her beautiful emerald eyes. She just stood there, ready to bounce about and looking into my eyes hoping for approval.

“Well.” I said before sighing. “I’d say it’s an interesting topic you chose.”

She continued to stare.

“It’s well written, but I’m a bit worried about your subject matter.” I added.

“What’s wrong with it?” She asked.

I set the laptop on the table and sighed again. This was a bit uncomfortable for me to even talk about, and here she was hanging on my every word. Why’d it have to be this subject?

“Honestly, I think you’re setting the bar a bit high for yourself in this debate.” I said. “You’re talking about romantic relationships and how we should accept some of them, if even considered taboo in some countries, and you’ve never been in a romantic relationship yourself as far as I know.” I explained.

She blushed, proving that I was right. My step-sister never did chase around guys, as her school work always seemed to come first, then her extra circulars.

“Yeah, I know, it’s kind of an uphill battle.” She said as she turned and walked around the table.

She sat down in the seat across from me and leaned down on her elbows, letting me see down her shirt and realize how loose it actually was. I could easily make out her small, pert, teen breasts in all their glory. I could easily make out the shape of her body in the light. For a moment, I forgot that she was my step-sister, and instead saw her as a man should see a woman. I quickly put that thought out of my head. I adjusted my seat and attempted to keep my eyes off what every teen boy would love to see, and on her eyes.

“So, you’re a bit inexperienced to talk on the matter. So if not experienced, then I’m guessing you’re interested?” I asked. “And that would be why you chose to work on this topic?”

She blushed.

“Yeah, there’s a guy I like.” She admitted with a sigh. “And that’s why I chose to do this. To understand how society may see that relationship, whether seen by an individual or a group of people.” She added. “I had hoped it would help me understand a lot of this and let me tell him how I feel.” She sighed.

“Well, now that I understand why, your work is a bit lacking.” I pointed out.

“It’s just ... I used all the information you gave me about your dates with Carlie, Jennifer, and Debbie.” She said, pointing out who I had dated. “I thought it would be better.”

The young ladies she was pointing out were all of different ethnic backgrounds. I had given her stories regarding my dating habits, in the hopes it would help with her project when she asked about my love life. The stories, and information were definitely what she needed to see what society would think regarding our relationships.

“I even went out and interviewed them.” She said. “It gave me some good insight.”

“If you’re just going on teens dating teens, yeah. You had some good examples of mixed race dating becoming normal and you had some good examples of adult relationships that have broken norms, like Mr. Tapir and Mr. Joseph across the road, but the problem is the other taboos.” I pointed out. “Then you’re talking about age gating and familial gating.” I added.

“Right, what the age of consent should be and if hooking up with a relative is fine.” She repeated back.

“Did you do any research on it?” I asked. “Because what you have is very short and bland, and if you’re discussing this, and debating that you’re for it and others should be as well, then you need more than a simple yes or no.” I added with a sigh. “Who are you up against on this?” I asked.

“Suzy.” She said with a blush.

“Have you talked with her?” I asked.

She just stared at me for a moment, seemingly contemplating what I had just asked her.

“Well?” I asked.

She snapped out of what ever thought she had and shook her head.

“I ... didn’t really ... get a chance...” She said.

“What? Why not?” I asked. “How hard is it to talk with a project partner?” I asked.

She sighed.

“In this situation, very.” She said.

“Wanna tell me about it?” I asked.

She shook her head.

“I do, but I promised I wouldn’t.” She explained. “Let’s just say that the project is harder for her than it is for me.”

That raised some eyebrows. I quickly connected that if her partner was having issues, and it was seemingly hitting home, her partner must be in one of those relationships that she’s having to talk out against. I sat back, thinking for a minute.

“That poor girl. It must be rough to have to talk against a relationship type you’re in like that.” I said.

“I didn’t say...” She said, looking a bit panicked

“You didn’t have to say it outright. You gave me enough to understand.” I said. “And don’t worry, I won’t say anything, because frankly, it’s none of my business.”

My sister sighed in relief.

“And I’m guessing you’re not willing to switch sides because of your stance.” I said.

My sister reluctantly nodded.

“Have you tried talking to the guy that you like, and explain what you’re doing and getting his insight on the opposition?” I asked.

She blushed.

“Sort of. He doesn’t know how I feel, but he has helped along the way. That’s why I’m reaching out to you now. I need your thoughts.” She said.

“Okay.” I said. “So shoot your questions at me.”

“Alright.” She said before taking a deep breath. “I need you in the right frame of mind for this though.” She added before standing up.

She came around the table to face me as I turned my chair. She climbed onto my lap facing me and wrapped her arms loosely around my neck.

“First, kiss me like I was your girlfriend.” She instructed.

“What?” I asked.

“I mean it, I need you in the proper state of mind.” She said.

She let out a sigh.

“How am I supposed to get some real insight on this topic if you won’t play along.” She asked.

“I’m just not comfortable playing boyfriend to a girl...” I started.

“Young lady.” She quickly corrected.

“Fine, young lady, who’s never had a boyfriend, I don’t feel comfortable playing house with you.” I sighed. “Even if I look past the taboos of you being younger, and my sister, you don’t know the first thing about being in a relationship.” I pointed out.

She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into a passionate kiss, melting her body against mine. If she wanted me in the right mind to answer questions about her, she was getting it. After she was ready, she pulled back, breaking the kiss.

“Now, I’m your step-sister, but surely you see me as someone that if you could, you’d like to be with in a romantic relationship.” She said.

“Sure...” I said. “But I...” I started but stopped as she leaned in and started nibbling on my earlobe.

Hearing her sharp breaths as she nibbled on me, then felling her rocking against me a little while pressing her body to mine was very arousing. She was pushing buttons that I didn’t know I had. I felt my cock starting to wake up and I knew in another moment or two, I’d want to fuck her six ways from Sunday. Thankfully she stopped and pulled back.

“Now, tell me how you feel, your thoughts. I need it for the research.” She said.

I helped her off me. I could feel how red my face had turned.

“Excuse me.” I said as I got up and left the room.

I rushed to the bathroom and locked the door. I turned on the sink, and splashed water on my face. I couldn’t believe that happened. I was aroused beyond anything I had felt with a woman before. My erection had grown to its max by the time I had locked the door. I had never gotten this hard from anyone I had been with and my step-sister had done it in seconds. I stared in the mirror trying to figure out what the hell had happened, with my cock throbbing to the point that it was starting to hurt, when there came a knock at the bathroom door.

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