Pathways to Submission: Sally - Cover

Pathways to Submission: Sally

Copyright© 2023 by Rachael Jane

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Sally is a young woman looking for a new job. A chance meeting on a crowded bus introduces her to Penelope, a professional dominatrix. Penelope needs an assistant, and although Sally is naturally submissive and not ideal what Penelope wants, she asks Sally to call her. Sally is soon in Penelope's thrall.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Interracial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

“Hmm. Four minutes twenty-two seconds,” says Mistress as she removes her sopping wet hand from my panties. “Not a bad effort, but you need to strive to hold back an orgasm for at least six minutes in that situation.”

I did my best. Being bound tight in the bondage swing didn’t help my control. But I suspect Mistress knew the effect the bondage was having on me before she even started teasing my clit.

“We had better get ready for our client,” says Mistress, releasing me from my restraints. “Go put on the same outfit as last Sunday.”

The session plays out almost exactly the same as last week. To my mind, the lack of variety only adds to the imperfect scenario. But it’s what the client wants. Mistress warned me that some client sessions may be tedious and unexciting, although I must never show it.

After the client leaves us, we resume our tour of the dungeon equipment and the back rooms. Mistress runs through a list of my duties, which I jot down on a piece of paper. Our tour ends up in the back room where the rack of costumes is stored. Most will fit me since Mistress and I are the same height and build.

“Which outfit do you find the sexiest?” asks Mistress.

I could fudge the answer and say ‘all of them’. Which is partially true, since I’d never be comfortable wearing any of them in public. But there is one that I noticed last week which I think is particularly sexy.

“This one, Mistress,” I say, lifting a black vinyl minidress off the rack.

“And what about it makes you call it the sexiest?”

“The way it laces up at the front right down to below my belly button, Mistress.”

“Hmm. So you find flashing your cleavage and belly button sexy,” observes Mistress. “And don’t you dare blush at my remark. I need to understand your sexual preferences if we are to work well together. Put the dress on.”

I’m surprised rather than embarrassed by Mistress’s comment. She has quickly identified one of my perversions and it makes me more confident that she will really understand my needs. We aren’t at the stage where I can openly talk about my sexual fantasies, but each time we meet, I think we are a step closer.

There’s no changing room other than this room, and Mistress clearly has no intention of leaving me to change in private. After our passionate interlude last week, I’ve no inhibitions about stripping myself naked in her presence. Indeed, I secretly hope that she will resume where we left off last Sunday. Mistress admires my naked body but makes no move to touch me despite my deliberate delay in putting on the vinyl minidress. I tighten the laces to make the dress hug to my body. Even so, there’s a noticeable gap exposing my cleavage right down to my belly button.

“Yes, that suits you nicely, Sally,” says Mistress. “I can arrange for one to be made with the laces all the way down the front. How do you feel about wearing a dress like that?”

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